Current version: 1.08, 27 February 2007
Most genealogy software programs are capable of reading in and navigating through GEDCOM files. But I hate using them for that, because these programs are usually huge and take forever to fire up and read the file.
So I wrote one that just views GEDCOM files and nothing else. It works on all versions of Windows since Windows 95. You are welcome to the program for free, if you would find it useful. I’ve copyrighted it, which means no one else can (legally) steal it and charge money for it; but it’s free for the downloading. (About Intron Varia Consultants)
Download it now (as a ZIP file)
Your browser will probably ask you where you want to save the ZIP file. Unless you have other ideas, I’d suggest creating a directory named “C:\Program Files\GedView”; you can then unzip the GedView.exe file into that same directory. If you don’t know how to handle ZIP files, write me and we’ll figure something out.
To run GedView: Just start it up by double-clicking on its icon in “My Computer” or Windows Explorer, and do File/Open to open any GEDCOM file on your computer. It starts by showing the first person in the GEDCOM file.
If you get an error message about MFC42.DLL, you have an ancient Windows system file that needs updating. Contact me and we’ll get it working.
You navigate through the GEDCOM file by clicking on anything in blue. You can also navigate like this:
Note that this program only reads GEDCOM files. It does not edit them or create new ones, even though at times it might look like it does.
Printing works OK, but is not very flexible (yet).
There are probably some bugs too — use at your own risk! (Since it doesn’t actually write anything to disk, it should be safe enough.) The program has been tested and works fine with GEDCOM files produced by Family Tree Maker, PAF, Reunion, and Genes, and those downloaded from RootsWeb and Please let me know if you have trouble with GEDCOM files from other sources.
New versions: If you would like to be informed whenever a new version of GedView is released, click here and press “Send”.
Are you a Macintosh user looking for a GEDCOM viewer program? Try GEDitCOM, a program written by John Nairn.
Please send me any feedback or suggestions that you might have about GedView.
The following legal notice appears on the Help/About screen of the GedView program:
Copyright © 2000-2007 T. Mark James, Intron Varia Consultants.
All rights reserved.
Permission is granted to make and distribute copies
of the GedView program, provided that:
(1) no charge of any kind may be made for such copies;
(2) the copyright notice must be preserved on all copies;
(3) this Permission Notice must be preserved on all copies.
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