Copperas House
Map ref. SD 930228
Copperas House works in 2005
Known occupiers
CROSSLEY Abraham & Thomas
WHITAKER Edmund cotton & sizers
CROSSLEY Hamer & Abraham
To let
HAIGH Reuben & Co.
LORD William & HORSFALL John
UTTLEY Samuel Fielden sizer
STUTTARD M & Bros. Sizers
STARKIE Bros. Reed makers
Size works demolished
BENTLEY E. H. Laundry
site still in use for chemical bagging
Copperas House works from the Rochdale Canal
Notes, mainly from John Travis
COPPERAS (Fr. couperose; Lat. cupri rosa. the flower of copper), green vitriol, or ferrous sulphate, having a bluish-green color and an astringent, inky and somewhat sweetish taste. It is used in dyeing and tanning, and in the manufacture of ink and of Nordhausen sulphuric acid or fuming oil of vitriol.
Abraham and Thomas Crossley (owner-occupiers 1843-1865) were father and son. Abraham was a copperas manufacturer, a son of Abraham of KNOWLWOOD BOTTOM MILL. Thomas was a manufacturing chemist.
Hamer and Abraham Crossley (occupiers 1860-1865) were brothers and nephews of Abraham the copperas manufacturer. They used part of the buildings at Copperas House for carpet weaving and printing. They were both dealers in dye wares.
William Lord and John Horsfall (occupiers 1867-1870) purchased the machinery from Edmund Whittaker when Edmund’s lease expired at Copperas House. William Lord was the only son of Thomas Lord of LORD BROS. machine makers. John Horsfall had long been a practical manager in cotton spinning at the Bottomley’s mill at RAMSDEN WOOD.
"John Horsfall, who was choirmaster for fifty years, and to whom more than anyone else may be attributed the hearty singing of today." (Sketch about KNOWLWOOD CHAPEL written in 1904 by William Dickinson)
About the time work should have commenced at Copperas House, something unexpected occurred and the partnership dissolved. Mr. Horsfall remained in charge until the auction. The mill afterwards stood empty for some time.
Samuel Fielden Uttley (occupier 1871-1873) took over the lease after Lord and Horsfall. He was the eldest son of Thomas Uttley, manager for the Fieldens at Waterside Mill.). He used it as a warp sizing place. He engaged a practical man to manage and worked for 2 or 3 years with varying results. Eventually, M. Stuttard and Bros. took the place.
Stuttard and Bros. (owners and occupiers 1879-1890) later bought the newer part of KNOWLWOOD BOTTOM MILL and moved their sizing machinery and plant to there.
Additional information
researched, recorded and referenced by Mrs Sheila Wade
Hebden Bridge WEA
Local History Group
Walsden Rates Book 1860
Owner and occupier Abraham Crossley, copperas works, Copperas House, Rateable Value £17.1s.8d.
Walsden Rates Book 1860-65
Occupiers Crossley brothers, owner Abraham Crossley, loom shop, 3hp steam, Copperas House, £20.15s.4d.
Walsden Rates Book 1861-62
Occupier Young Jackson, owner Abraham Crossley, copperas works, Copperas House, RV £17.1s.8d.
Walsden Rates Book 1863-66
Occupier Thomas Crossley, owner Abraham Crossley, copperas works, Copperas House, RV £17.1s.8d.
Halifax Guardian 8th June 1865
To be sold or let, freehold mill called Copperas House Mill, Todmorden. Apply John Crossley of Gauxholme, John Lacy of Underbank, or Thomas Helliwell of Greenhurst Hey near Todmorden.
White’s Directory 1866
Reuben Haigh & Co. cotton spinners & manufacturers
Walsden Rates Book 1866
Occupier Thomas Crossley, owners R. Haigh & Co., copperas works and loom shed, Copperas House, RV £28.12s.0d.
Occupiers and owners Reuben Haigh & Co. cotton mill and power, Copperas House, RV £139.15s.0d
Walsden Rates Book 1867
Occupiers and owners Reuben Haigh & Co. cotton mill with power, Copperas House, RV £139.15s.0d. part empty.
Occupiers Wrigley and Horsfall, owners Reuben Haigh & Co. copperas works and loom shed, Copperas House, RV £28.12s.0d.
Walsden Rates Book 1868
Occupiers Lord, Wrigley and Horsfall, owners Reuben Haigh & Co. cotton mill and power, Copperas House, RV £139.15s.0d.
Part empty.
Walsden Rates Book 1869
Occupiers Lord and Horsfall, owners A. and T. Crossley, cotton mill and power, Copperas House, RV £139.15s.0d.
Part empty.
Walsden Rates Book 1870
Copperas works empty
Occupiers Lord and Horsfall, owners Haigh & Co. mill and power, Copperas House, RV £139.15s.0d.
Halifax Guardian 22nd October 1870
Sale by private contract, ex Copperas House Mill, Walsden. Whole of cotton machinery: 6000 spindles for mule spinning and 1400 for throstle spinning, with necessary preparing; about 50 looms principally made by Lord Brothers of Todmorden. (above were auctioned on 23rd November 1870)
Kelly’s Directory 1871
Samuel Fielden Uttley, warp sizer.
Halifax Guardian 11th Feb 1871
Chimney blown down in gale, Copperas Bridge – 35 yards high. It has long been shaky.
Walsden Rates Book 1871-73
Occupier Samuel F. Uttley, owners Haigh & Co. size house and power, Copperas House, RV £168.7s.0d.
Halifax Guardian 27th December 1873
Meeting of creditors of Samuel Fielden Uttley, warp sizer of Walsden. Liabilities £4,371.18s.5d. Assets £1,659.11s.5d.
Walsden Rates Book 1874
Occupier Thomas Crossley, owners Haigh & Co. size house and power, Copperas House, RV £168.7s.0d.
Walsden Rates Book 1875-76
Occupiers Copperas House Sizing Co. owners Haigh & Co. size house and power, Copperas House, RV £168.7s.0d.
Kelly’s Directory 1877
Gibson & Dewhirst, warp sizers
Halifax Courier 29th December 1877
Bankrupt; William Gibson, cotton warp sizer, Copperas House. Liabilities £578.
Walsden Rates Book 1879
Occupiers Stuttard Bros., owners Haigh & Co., size house and power, Copperas House, RV £168.7s.0d.
Walsden Rates Book 1880-81
Occupiers Starkie Bros. Owners Haigh & Co. workshop, Copperas House, RV £31.15s.0d.
Occupiers Stuttard Bros. Owners Haigh & Co. size and chemical works, Copperas House, RV £129.10s.0d.
Walsden Rates Book 1883
Owners and occupiers Stuttard Bros. New chemical works, Copperas House, RV £8.10s.0d.
Walsden Rates Book 1888
Owners Stuttard Bros. Demolished, size works and chemicals.
Walsden Rates Book 1890
Owner Stuttard Bros. Occupier George Ashworth, workshop, Copperas House, RV £18.5s.0d.
Owners and occupiers Stuttard Bros. Chemical works, Copperas House, RV £8.10s.0d.
Walsden Rates Book 1891
Occupier E. H. Bentley, owners Stuttard Bros. Laundry, Copperas House, RV £18.5s.0d.
1891 Mills Directory
Matthew Stuttard and Bros. Ltd. Cotton Warp Sizers, Copperas House Mill and at Rochdale and Whitworth, pay day third Wednesday 2-4pm. Manchester Office: 5a Marsden Street, Telegrams "Stuttard, Walsden"