John Haigh of Inchfield pasture side in Hundersfield in the parish
of Rochdale in the county of Lancaster ?????? do make publish and
devise this to be my last will and testament whereby I give and
dispose of all my estate and effects as follows
I will and direct that that all my just debts and funeral expenses
with the probate of this my will be paid and discharged out of my
personal estate as soon as conveniently may be after my decease.
I give and devise unto my oldest son John Haigh these my several
messuages farms or tenements called or known by the several names
of the Inchfield pasture side and the Dean farm situate in Inchfield
in the parish of Rochdale aforesaid and now in the several occupation
of me the testator and John Hamer or our respective undertenants
and all the cottages barns stables buildings closes lanes woods
and woody ground and other rights on Inchfield pasture or elsewhere
hereditaments and appurtenances thereto respectively belonging or
?????to hold the same unto my said son John Haigh and his heirs
and assigns for ever.
nevertheless as to the said estate called the Dean farm subject
to and charged with the payment of the sum of one hundred and eighty
pounds unto the children of my late brother Reuben Haigh deceased
on the death of their mother his widow and in the meantime with
the payment of the interest thereof unto her during her life as
and in full of her dower or thirds and which said sum of one hundred
and eighty pounds I ??? in
my hands on purchasing the said estate.
I also give and devise unto my younger son Reuben Haigh all these
my two several messuages farms or tenements called the Wall Nook
or Higher ???? and Dickcoat situate in Hundersfield aforesaid and
now or late in the several ??? or occupations of James Haworth and
Samuel Jackson or their respective undertenants and all the cottages
barns stables buildings closes lanes grounds woody hereditaments
and appurtenances thereto respectively belonging or appertaining
together with all the cattle gates common and other rights ????
and ?????? belonging to the said two last mentioned estates or other
of than upon Inchfield pasture and the High pasture in Inchfield
aforesaid or elsewhere and which I purchased of Mr. Towneley and
Mr Parker to hold the same unto my said son Reuben Haigh his sons
and assigns for over three years
and bequeath unto my daughter Mary the wife of John Crowther the
sum of two hundred and forty pounds and my daughter Sally Highley
the sum of three hundred pounds unto my daughter Jenny Hamer the
sum of three hundred pounds and to my grandson John Highley the
sum of one hundred pounds of which said several legacies or sums
of money I will shall be paid to the respective legatees at the
end of twelve months after my death out of my personal estate and
in case the same be insufficient for that purpose I subject and
charge the estates hereinafter devised to my two sons John and Reuben
with the payment of such deficiency.
also give and bequeath my said daughter Jenny Hamer the sum of three
hundred pounds which I have or am beneficially entitled to on mortgage
of an estate belonging to Mr. Joseph Smith of Walsden county of
York to hold to her her executors administrators and assigns for
I remit and forgive unto my several daughters all such sums of money
as they respectively or their respective husbands shall stand indebted
to me at the time of my decease and I direct that any notes or other
???? which I may hold from them shall be balanced up and cancelled.
I give and devise unto my sons John Haigh and Reuben Haigh and my
friend John Sutcliffe of Machpelah near Hebden Bridge in the county
of York whom I appoint trustees on his behalf all that my messuage
farm or tenement stables Pecks Farm situate in Hundersfield aforesaid
with the barn and all and singular the cottages buildings closes
lanes grounds hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging
and now or late in the occupation of John Hilton and others as hold
the same unto the said John Haigh Reuben Haigh and John Sutcliffe
and their heirs during the natural life of my daughter Ann Haigh
upon trust that they my said trustees and the survivors and survivor
of them and his heirs do and shall pay and apply the rents and profits
thereof unto the said Ann Haigh or otherwise permit her the same
during her life whose receipt alone whether ??? or sole and notwithstanding
her???? shall be a sufficient discharge for the same, I
the testator hereby declaring that the same or any part thereof
shall not be subject or liable to the debts engagements or ????
of any husband which she may have and that it shall not be lawful
for her my said daughter to fell or cut down any of the timber trees
or wood upon the said estate during her life other than for the
necessary repairs of the premises
And from and after the death of my sons and daughter Ann Haigh I
give and devise the said estate messuages cottages and lanes called
Pecks Farm unto my said sons John Haigh and Reuben Haigh their heirs
and assigns for ever as tenants in common but nonetheless subject
to and chargeable with the payment of the sum of five hundred pounds
unto the child or children of my said daughter Ann Haigh lawfully
to be equally to be divided amongst them if more than one share
and share alike and issue of such of them as shall be dead and have
left issue such issue taking only their fathers or mothers share
and to be paid and payable to them on attaining their respective
ages of twenty one years and the interest thereof in the mean time
applied towards their respective maintenance and education but in
case my said daughter Ann Haigh should die without lawful issue
or leaving issue all such issue die under the age of twenty one
years then and in such case only I give and bequeath the same sum
of five hundred pounds unto my three daughters Mary Crowther Jenny
Hamer and Sally Highley to be divided amongst them share and share
alike at the end of six months next after the death of my said daughter
Ann Haigh or such failure of issue as aforesaid and in case any
of my said three daughters shall be then dead without issue I will
that her share shall go to the survivors but if any of my said daughters
being so dead and have left issue I direct that such issue shall
take the part or share which their mother would have taken if living
and I subject and charge the said estate called Pecks Farm with
the due payment thereof accordingly I give and bequeath my share
in the state of Sharp? Unto my said son Reuben Haigh for his own
use and benefit absolutely.
I give devise and bequeath unto my said two sons John Haigh and
Reuben Haigh all these my three several messuages farms and tenements
called or commonly known by the several names of Top of All Coolam
and Vickrage situate in the parish of Rochdale aforesaid and now
or late in the several occupations of me the testator my said sons
John and Reuben and Thomas Highley and heirs one all and singular
the houses cottages barns buildings lanes grounds woods woody grounds
woods woody ground mines minerals hereditaments appurtenances thereto
respectively belonging or appertaining and also all those my two
cottages or dwelling houses situate at or called Nicklety in Inchfield
aforesaid and now or late occupation by John Crowther and Charles
Woodcock and also all the rest residue and remainder of my real
and personal estate and effects whatsoever and whereon and not hereinbefore
by me disposed of to hold the same unto my said sons John Haigh
and Reuben Haigh and their several and respective heirs executors
administrators and assigns according to the respective nature and
???? thereof as tenants in common and not as joint names yet subject
nonetheless to and charged with the payment of my debts funeral
and testamentary expenses and the legacies above mentioned
I name and appoint the said John Haigh and Reuben Haigh and my friend
the said John Sutcliffe exors of this my will and I declare that
they shall not be answerable for each other or each of them for
himself his own acts and receipts only nor with or for any loss
or damage which may happen to my estate without their respective
wilful defaults and that it shall be lawful for them out of the
monies which shall come in their hands by virtue of this my will
to??? return to and reimburse themselves costs and expenses attaining
the execution hereof and hereby revoking all former wills by me
made I declare this only to be my last will and testament in witness
thereof I the said testator John Haigh have to this my said last
will written of four sheets of paper set my hand and seal the twenty
seventh day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and twenty eight
sealed published and outlined by the testator John Haigh as and
for his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his
presence at his request and in the presence of each other have here
subscribed our names as witnesses
Geo Eccles
dated 14 July 1832
seven under six hundred pounds.