Mine Proprietor
John Haigh of Middleton in the county of Lancaster Yeoman revoke
my former wills and make this my last will. I give unto my dear
wife Betty the household goods and furniture which shall be in my
dwelling at my decease And I give unto her an annuity of one hundred
pounds a year for her life for her sole and separate use to be paid
to her by my executors in even portions quarterly the first quarterly
payment thereof to be made at the end of a quarter of a year next
after my decease and the said annuity shall be charged upon and
payable out of my Foul Clough Collieries situate in Walsden and
my Collieries in Cliviger and in case of non-payment thereof at
the times hereby appointed my said wife shall have the like remedies
by duties on the said collieries and the chattels and fixtures thereon
and by sale of the same for recovering the arrears of the said annuity
and the expenses attending the non-payment and recovery thereof
as Landlords have a may have for recovering Rent on common demise.
I give unto my eldest son John for his life and after his decease
unto his wife Tabitha for her life an annuity of Seventy pounds
a year to be paid by my Executors in even portions quarterly the
first quarterly payment thereof to be made at the end of a quarter
of a year next after my decease And from and after the decease of
the Survivor of them my said son John and Tabitha his wife. I give
the sum of Five hundred pounds unto his three children Mary Ann,
Joseph and William equally to be divided among them.
I give my estate at Pasture Side in Inchfield unto my son Reuben
then unto the first son of the said Reuben and his heirs or if such
said son should die in his father's lifetime without leaving issue
living at the decease of him the said Reuben then unto the second
son of the said Reuben and his heirs and so successively in order
of their birth unto every other son of the said Reuben and his heirs
leaving issue living at the decease of him the said Reuben in case
of the decease of his next elder Brother in the lifetime of the
said Reuben without leaving issue as aforesaid And for default of
any such son, or in case of his death in the lifetime of the said
Reuben without leaving issue as aforesaid, I give the said Estate
unto my Grandson Joseph (Child of my son John) and his heirs charged
with the payment of Five hundred pounds unto William Haigh, Brother
of the said Joseph .
give unto my son William for his life the Interest at the rate of
Four pounds ten shillings per Centum per Annum of the principal
sum of Four hundred pounds to be paid in even portions half yearly
and also the Clear rents of the cottages built by me on the Pexwood
Estate in Todmorden and lying on the East side of the way leading
from Gauxholme Stones And from and after his decease I give the
said sum of Four hundred pounds and the said Cottages with the appurtenances
(except the mines and minerals) unto my said son William's children
now born or hereafter to be born equally to be divided among them
And I direct that the interest and Rents given to my said son William
shall during his life be applied for the benefit of him and his
family by my Executors in such manner as they may think best, and
if his Interest therein or any part thereof shall by his act or
default or by operation of Law be aliend
charged or incumbered such interest shall immediately cease and
my Executors shall thenceforth during his life apply the same for
the benefit of his Wife and children only
I give my Interest in the Estate in Walsden called Top of All and
Deacon Pasture except the mines of Coal and Cannel therein unto
my Son James and his heirs.
give the sum of Five hundred pounds unto my daughter Mary Wife of
Richard Battersby of Oldham Butcher.
I give the sum of Four hundred pounds unto my Daughter Betsy Wife
of George Mills .
I give my three leasehold messuages with the appurtenances in Rochdale
Road Middleton unto my Grandchildren Betsy Scholes and Hannah Scholes
equally to be divided between them.
give the sum of Five hundred pounds unto my Grandchildren Elizabeth
Harrop and John Harrop equally to be divided between them the principal
to be paid when the younger of them attains the age of Twenty one
years and interest thereon at the rate of Four pounds ten shillings
per Centum per Annum to be in the meantime applied for their benefit.
give the sum of Five hundred pounds unto my Daughter Sarah Wife
of Thomas Hilton of Middleton Tradesman.
give the sum of Fifty pounds apiece to my Grandchildren Charlotte
Scholes and Samuel Scholes and Interest thereon respectively at
the rate of Four pounds ten shillings per Centum per Annum shall
be applied for their benefit during their respective Minorities.
I give an annuity of Fifteen pounds unto my Grandson John Scholes
for his life.
I give all the residue of my Estate and Effects unto my said sons
Reuben and James as Tenants in common, and their respective heirs
executors and administrators according to the quality thereof. Provided
always that if my personal Estate not specifically bequeathed shall
be insufficient for the payment of my debts and the legacies and
annuities hereby given and not specifically charged on real Estate
or if the property hereby charged with my Wife's annuity shall be
insufficient for the payment thereof my said sons Reuben and James
shall out of the property hereby given to them and in equal portions
pay the deficiency which my Executors may raise accordingly out
of the same property and the receipt of my Executors for any money
so raised shall effectually discharge any purchaser or other person
paying the same sum all responsibility in respect of the application
I declare that my Executors may out of any moneys which shall come
to their hands by virtue of this my Will reimburse themselves and
allow to each other all expenses attending the execution of the
trusts hereof and that each of them shall be chargeable for his
own acts receipts and defaults only and not the one for the other
of them or for involuntary loss
I appoint my said sons Reuben and James and James Collinge of Habergham
Eaves near Burnley Farmer to be my Executors. Dated the Thirty first
day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and forty eight
by the Testator in the presence of us being ??? present at the same
time who in the presence of him and of each other subscribe our
names as Witnesses
Woods Soltr. Rochdale
Joseph Butterworth Clerk to Messrs Woods and Jackson. Rochdale
Moore Clerk to Messrs. Woods and Jackson Rochdale
dated 9/5/1855
Sworn under seven thousand pounds