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the story of the Jackson family of Walsden
Linda Crossley
50 years ago I met and grew to enjoy the company of a lady I knew
as Anna Mary. She was an old lady, my grandma's best and very close
friend since childhood. I can still see her now, always smiling,
and very pretty. She would visit my grandma every Christmas and
at other times too. Grandma lived in Blackpool then, having left
Walsden some 30 years previously, and Anna Mary was her link to
her days in Walsden. |
I dug out the Crossley family bible and found, glued to an
inside page, an original hymn sheet especially printed for
a wedding. This was the wedding of Anna Mary Jackson, 2nd.
July 1913. Could this be grandma's best friend? I imagined
it was, and that maybe grandma had been her bridesmaid and
had kept the hymn sheet for posterity. |
decided to try and trace Anna Mary's family as a sort of tribute,
even though I had been told she was unrelated. My
first major clue was an entry in the Annals of Todmorden for 2nd.
July 1913.
of Miss Anna Mary Jackson, only daughter of His Worship the Mayor
of Todmorden, to Revd. Albert Bayfield,
Primitive Methodist Minister
of Ashby, Lincolnshire,"
Anna Mary was well connected, and through this piece of information
I was able to piece together her life and trace her ancestors in
Walsden. This is what I found:
3rd. great grandfather, SAMUEL JACKSON, arrived in Walsden in the
mid 1700's and married Mary Woodhead. They settled and had many
children. All their sons followed in their father's footsteps and
became small farmers on the Inchfield Moors above Walsden. The old
man was fondly remembered by his grandchildren as "deaf old
youngest son was Robert, later known as Old Schemer. Probably as
soon as he married in 1786 he took the farm known as THORNSGREESE on Inchfield. He was certainly there by 1790 and was still there
when he died in 1855. |
apparently means "a long stepped, steep pathway bordered by
thorn trees". It is barely accessible these days, so in Old
Schemer's time a visitor would be a rare thing. The picture
is of the long, stepped, steep pathway leading up to the farm
from Ragby Clough and beyond, with the thorn trees in full
blossom. |
farm is on a plateau on the edge of Inchfield Moor. By 1800 the
Haigh family had started to operate the coal mine at FOULCLOUGH, a mile or so away from the farm, and with the mine came a road -
Foulclough Road - which extended the existing lane up from Inchfield
Bottom. Other than that, there were just foot paths and a pack horse
trail. The road itself was little more than a track. |
1825, a chapel and Sunday school was built at Thornsgreese by the
United Free Methodists, instigated by a break away group of teachers
from Frieldhurst in Cornholme. The building is still there, although
the chapel had closed its doors to worshippers by 1891 and the faithful
moved down the hill to Inchfield Bottom. |
were 4 cottages at Thornsgreece in addition to the chapel.
Old Schemer and his wife had one from where he farmed his
land. Three of his sons and their families occupied the remaining
3 cottages and worked as labourers and carters. Between the
brothers there were at least 25 children, so plenty of scholars
for the Sunday school. The chapel was sited at the far left
of the block of cottages. |
is now one large house |
farm nestles between BROWNROADS and POT OVENS farms, the latter
being a little further along the road. In 1841 all 3 farms and attached
cottages were occupied by the Jackson family - 7 properties in all
and even more children for the Sunday school.
several years after Old Schemer married there were no children,
which he admitted made him very unhappy, but after 4 years the children
came along...one after the other, after the other, 10 in all. Robert
then complained he couldn't afford all these children! They were
all born at Thornsgreese. Robert supplemented his income from his
farm by working in the coal mines nearby at Foulclough and in time
he was able to buy the farm and land. His beloved wife died in 1823
and he then married a twice-wed widow, Mally, the daughter of John
Fielden of BOTTOMLEY. She brought a further 9 of her own children
and 8 step-children in to the family, although most were adults
by this time. Mally died in 1837 and Robert, who enjoyed the company
of a good woman, married for a third time at the tender age of 75.
time he chose badly. She was called Betty and it is reported that
they did not get on at all well. There were frequent arguments.
She had 3 previous husbands and one of these was her favourite to
the extent she kept mentioning his name all the time. One day, in
pure frustration, Robert agreed with her and said " yes,
he was a good man alright and he has surely gone to heaven if there
is such a place, and it would be a welcome place of rest, but he
made one mistake." When she asked what this mistake was,
he replied: "He didn't take you with him."
this, Robert and Betty paddled on at Thornsgreese for a considerable
number of years, both living to a great age. Robert died aged 91
and is buried at St. Mary's with his first wife and mother of all
his children. Betty's grave is nowhere to be found - she is presumably
with that favourite husband who failed to take her with him when
he went.
resteth the body of Mary the wife of Robert Jackson of Thornsgreece
who departed this life 6th January 1823 aged 56 years
Also of Thomas their son who departed this life July 18th 1849 aged
59 years
Also of the above named Robert Jackson who departed this life Feb.18th
Schemer lived to such a great age that he outlived most of his own
children. One of his sons was John who married Nancy Roberts. John
died before his father at the age of 56, having lived at Thornsgreese
all his life. After his death, Nancy moved away from the farm, but
only down the road to Height Houses. She eventually moved over to
Ramsden Wood to spend her final years in retirement with her son
Zachariah and his family. She died in 1869 and is buried at St.
Peters in Walsden with her husband and two of their children. |
loving memory of John Jackson of Thorns Greese
who died June
21st 1848 aged 56yrs
and was interred in St. Mary's Church,
Also of Nancy his wife
who died August 24th 1869 aged 75 yrs.
Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.
Also of Ann the beloved wife of Jeremiah Jackson
of Chapel
Street, Walsden
who died May 15th 1896 aged 79yrs.
Also of the above named Jeremiah Jackson
died August 20th 1897 aged 85 yrs.
Also of Ann the beloved wife of Robert Earnshaw
of 48, Peel
St., Littleborough
who died April 18th 1910 aged 69 yrs. |
son, Zachariah, had married Mary Crossley who was born and brought
up at NORTH RAMSDEN FARM, and after their marriage they lived first
with his cousin at Middle Ramsden farm and later in one of the cottages
at Ramsden Wood. |
The cottages belonged to Mary's uncles, the Law brothers,
who owned RAMSDEN WOOD MILL. Mary's widowed mother and sisters
also had cottages there. Zach worked at Ramsden Wood Mill
for over 20 years as a power loom weaver. |
The cottages at Ramsden Wood |
and Mary had 8 children, all of who were born at Ramsden Wood. His
youngest two girls were twins, Ann, who was blind, and Elizabeth.
Their second son Robert was born in 1855 a few months after the
death of his great grandfather, Old Schemer of Thornsgreese. Maybe
this is why he was named Robert, after the venerable old man.
has to be said at this point that also living at Ramsden Wood at
this time was my grandma's mother, Emma Law. She was born there
in the same year as Robert Jackson, and they were brought up in
the tiny hamlet at the same time. They were, in fact, second cousins.
Their parents were first cousins, and it is almost a certainty that
the two families were very close. Indeed, both sets of parents moved
down the hill to Bottoms to spend their retirements at much the
same time.
and Mary brought their children up as United Free Methodists and
they would have attended Sunday School either at their ancestral
home at Thornsgreese, or at Inchfield Bottom, and were almost certainly
baptised at one of these chapels. Such was their faith, both Zachariah
and Mary were buried at Lumbutts United Methodist burial ground
with two of their children. |
daughter of Zechariah and Mary Jackson,
of Bottoms, Walsden.
Born November 20th 1846 Died
Sep. 8th 1884
Also of the above named Mary Jackson
Born Nov. 9th 1816 Died July 12th 1889.
Also of Sally, their daughter,
who died December 19th 1895
aged 45yrs.
Also of the above named Zechariah
Mar. 27th 1816 Died Aug.4th 1897. |
Jackson was as well educated as was possible in his circumstances
and became a prominent figure in local politics, representing the
working classes through the Liberal party and the Co-operative movement.
He was an active temperance worker and life long United Methodist.
started work as an assistant in a grocery and drapery shop,
possibly at Hollins in Walsden, which was later the headquarters
of the Walsden Co-operative Society, with branches throughout
the Walsden area.
Hollins Co-op in the 1890's.
by kind permission of Roger Birch |
The store was opposite the Hollins Inn.
It had grocery and drapery departments and on the upper floor
there was a large assembly room for meetings and social functions. |
eventually rose the ladder from shop boy to become the Secretary
of the Walsden Co-operative Society and President of the Todmorden
Co-op. This was a far cry from the life style known by his parents
and grandparents. His cousins were still living in the cottages
at Thornsgreece, Brown Roads and Pot Ovens, combining farm work
with coal mining at Foulclough. Robert married Mary Stansfield in
1878, setting up home at number 41, Square, then 29, Alma Street
and later on at Henshaw Road. |
Road where Robert and Mary
had their first home |
still living at SQUARE, their first daughter was born. This was
Anna-Mary, 3 years younger than my grandma. Anna-Mary's sister Amy
was born on 22nd. December 1885, but sadly she didn't survive to
her second birthday. She is buried with her Stansfield grandparents
at St. Peter's in Walsden. Robert and Mary had no further children.
Mary died 15th November 1902. The almanac of the time recorded her
death as follows:
Robert Jackson of Henshaw Road, Walsden, died in a most sudden manner
at the age of 50 years. |
busied himself with his work and politics and in 1904 he was
nominated by the local Liberals to represent Walsden ward
on the Town Council. As there was no opposing candidate, Robert
enjoyed the privilege of a walk over. By 1907 he had been
elected as an Alderman on the Council and in 1910 he was made
President of the Todmorden Educational Guild. On 9th. November
1911 Alderman Robert Jackson was elected Mayor of Todmorden
by a unanimous vote of the Town Council. |
Jackson J.P. O.B.E. |
United Free Methodist Chapel |
next major event in the life of the Jacksons was the famous
marriage of Anna Mary to the Reverend Albert Bayfield on Wednesday
July 2nd. 1913 at the TRINITY METHODIST CHURCH, Inchfield Bottom . It would have been a splendid occasion, with Anna
Mary being the only child of the Mayor. I like to think of
my grandma and her family being there, with her parents, brothers
and sisters. |
married a second wife, Edith Pilling, who was 17 years his
junior. She became his Lady Mayoress. She was the daughter
of Abraham and Jane Pilling of Langfield. Edith outlived Robert,
went on to marry Alfred Nuttall, retiring to live in St. Annes-on-Sea.
She died in 1957 aged 85, and is buried at Cross Stone with
her parents. |
held his position as Mayor for eight years, serving the community
throughout the First World War. In the ordinary course of events,
he would have stepped down from his third term as Mayor on 9th November
1914. However, the First World War had started and in view of this
the Council invited him to accept office for another year, the general
expectation being that the war would be over by then. As the war
continued, the same process was repeated year after year in response
to the wishes of the entire Council.
recognition of their services as Mayor and Mayoress for an unprecedented
period of 8 years and for their untiring efforts during the war,
the Council presented them with the Freedom of the Borough. The
ceremony took place on 24th February 1919. The scroll conferring
the Freedom was contained in a magnificent silver casket, and in
addition, Robert and Edith were presented with a mahogany bureau
and a silver tea and coffee service, purchased from publicly subscribed
funds. Their war time services were summarised in a resolution adopted
by the Town Council, extracts of which are below:
their Mayoralty, sums amounting to over £20,000 were raised
for various war charities by public appeals made by Alderman Jackson.........By
their unostentatious generosity, their inspiring optimism, their
unfailing courtesy, and their exemplary sacrifices, Ald. and Mrs.
Jackson have endeared themselves to the people. During a Mayoralty
unprecedented in its strain and length of service they have at all
times maintained the dignity of the office and possessed the entire
confidence of the inhabitants."
finally retired from the office on 9th. November 1919 and
he was
awarded the O.B.E. for his war time services. He died in 1922 aged
68 years. He was living at Stones Villas in Walsden when he died.
True to form, he is buried at LUMBUTTS CHAPEL with his first wife
Mary and his blind sister, Ann. It is also noted that buried with
her parents and aunty is Anna-Mary. |
to the memory of Mary, for 24yrs the devoted wife of Robert
Jackson of Henshaw, Walsden,
born 18th July 1852 died 15th Nov 1902.
of Robert Jackson,
of Todmorden 1911 to 1920.
28th Nov 1922 aged 68 yrs
Mary daughter of Robert and Mary Jackson
beloved wife of the
Rev. A Bayfield,
over 12th Dec 1935 aged 52yrs
We shall meet again" .
their daughter
22 Dec 1885 died 18th Sept 1887,
at St Peter's Walsden.
of Ann, sister of Robert Jackson ,
Sept 2nd 1931 aged 71yrs |
was astounded when I found this grave. Anna Mary, the object of
my efforts, had died in 1935, a long time before I was born. I could
never have met this Anna Mary, so who on earth was she, and why
was her wedding hymn sheet stuck inside my family bible? There is
a simple and easy answer to this, and one which hadn't previously
occurred to me. It was my grandma's MOTHER who had stuck the sheet
inside the bible, not my grandma. SHE was Robert's guest at the
wedding of his daughter ...... Emma Law, cousin of the bride's father,
and friend from their childhood days at Ramsden Wood.
where and who is grandma's close friend, the other Anna Mary? I
have absolutely no idea!