Tolley Genealogy--Bio of the author

Trish Tolley, BA

I graduated from Brigham Young University in April 2004 with a Bachelor's Degree in Family History - Genealogy. While earning my undergraduate degree, I taught hundreds of students each semester the basics of genealogy research through the Center for Family History and Genealogy. Also as a genealogist at the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation, I focus my research skills on accurately reporting bioliogical relationships. I am accepting new clients and would love to assist with family research in any way that I can. Please email me for more information on research services, rates and experience.

I currently focus my research efforts in the Eastern United States--New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland. I have also done significant research in most every other state in the U.S. and several European countries, including Germany and Denmark. I specialize in using DNA for genealogy, brick wall research and creative methodologies.

Professional Experience:


Academic Honors:


Conferences Attended:

See my resume.
Contact me.

©2004-2005, Trish Tolley