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BARON STEUBEN LODGE NO. 264, LEE CENTER - Originally designated as " Westernville Lodge, Westernville." In 1856 had permission to change to "Baron Steuben Lodge." Subsequently removed to Delta, and again in 1911 to Lee Center. Charter issued June 18, 1852, named John Swan as Worshipful Master; Ebenezer Robbins, Senior Warden; Moses T. White, Junior Warden. The present officers are C. E. Clark, W. M.; J. H. Cook, S. W.; I. D. Coleman, J. W.; Harmon VanArnam, Sec.
(from Cookingham's History of Oneida County)
Utica Herald Dispatch
December 16, 1910
Rome - At Lee Center last evening Baron Steuben Lodge F. & A. M., held its first meeting in its new temple. The treasurer reported that the debt was between $500 and $600 and he expected the amount to be raised by subscription. About 70 members and visitors were present, lodges being represented from New London, Camden, Westmoreland and the two lodges from Rome. The district deputy J. Soley Cole of Utica, addressed the lodge in a pleasing way and congratulated the members on their good work in acquiring a new home. A. T. Wilkinson of Camden, on behalf of the widow of Seth Cornish, who for a number of years was treasruer of this lodge, presented the lodge the chairs for the different stations, which she purchased from the M. E. Church at Delta. The presentation was made in memory of her husband and the gift is highly appreciated. Remarks were made by Albert H. Golley, Tyler Griffin, A. S. White, Albert Krebs of Rome, Frank Barden of Taberg and Master Lauther of the New London Lodge.
Utica Herald Dispatch
June 17, 1911
Masonic Temple at Lee CenterBaron Steuben Lodge, F & AM of Lee Center dedicated the new temple last evening with appropriate excercises, participated in by members of the Utica and Rome Lodges. District Deputy J. Soley Cole of Utica was in charge of the dedicatory services and he was assisted by several past masters including O. P. Backus, S. E. Spinning, and James A Owens of this city, A. J. Bromley and H. M. Love of Utica and A. M. Scripture of New Hartford. Preceding the ritualistic exercises there was a fine banquet to which all the members of the lodge and their families together with the invited guests sat down. Mr. Van Arnam was the toastmaster. O. P. Backus of this city responded to the toast. "Baron Steuben Lodge and the Old Lodge". H. M. Love of New Hartford spoke on Masonry and J. J. Castle gave Reminiscences of Baron Steuben Lodge. Mrs. Carrie H. Cogswell of this city, district deputy grand matron for this district of the Order of the Eastern Star, responded to the toast "Eastern Star"
The dedication ceremonies, which were particularly impressive, were in charge of Past District Deputy Cole, representing the grand master and the other chairs were filled as follows: Grand Senior Warden, P. D. D. Henry M. Love; D. D. G. M. Henry F. Zimmerman; grand junior warden, P. D. D. Seymour E. Spinning; grand marshal, P. D. D. Tom W. Johnson; grand chaplain, P. D. D. A. J. Bromley; grand tyler, Frederick H. Platt; grand pursuivant, Fred Relyea; grand historian, R. W. Brother Burke; grand standard bearer, Albert Krebs; grand sword bearer, Frank Bardon; grand secretary, Carl Simons; grand treasurer, Theodore Crestien; grand senior deacon, R. R. Davis; grand junior deacon, F. F. Lorin.
Following the ceremonies, the acting grand master, Mr. Cole, made a short address which was heard with interest and profit, and the secretary of the lodge, F. Van Arnum, called on several for responses. H. M. Love spoke of Masonry, J. J. Castle, Reminiscences, Mrs. Carrie Cogswell, Order of the Eastern Star, A. J. Bromley, The Welfare of Mankind, and A. L. Golley, Good Things in Masonry.
The affaIr was a most successful one and there were many expressions of satisfaction over the successful outcome of the efforts for a new temple. The lodge for years met at Delta, but it was obliged to leave that village on account of the use of the site by the State for the big storage reservoir. At a meeting of the lodge February 2 last there were 77 members present and they voted to have the temple in Lee Center, and then the committee proposed to build a temple. Later it secured an option on the church property. After much difficulty in locating the heirs of the donors of the property and securing their releases, a purchase was effected and the building was remodeled into its present commodious quarters.
A debt of $600 on the building was cleared before the dedication and this was a source of gratification to all.
The officers of the lodge are Master C. E. Clark; Senior Warden J. H. Cook; Junior Warden, I. D. Coleman; Secretary, V. Van Arnum; Treasurer F. J. Sly; Senior Deacon G. V.Evans; Junior Deacon S. T. Wolfe; Senior Master of Ceremonies F. Shirley; Junior Master of Ceremonies, J. F. Anken; Marshal, J. J. Castle; Tyler, Giles Johnson. This committee has charge of the arrangements for the occasion: Master C. E. Clark, Senior Warden George Clark, Junior Warden L. D. Coleman, Secretary H. Van Arnum, County Clerk Charles A. Scothon, Frank J. Sly and George V. Evans.
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The Masonic Lodge, Main Street, Lee Center, as it looks today
This page created April 2, 2012
Kathleen L. Last and Virginia Ackerman
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