Town Of Lee, Oneida County, New York | Odds and Ends |
Site Index | Delta | Lee | Lee Center | Point Rock | Stokes | West Branch |
Census | Cemeteries | Military | Obituaries | Odds and Ends | Schools | Vital Statistics |
- Baker, Martin, Blacksmith
- Barnard, Alpheus, Harnessmaker
- Barnard, Job, Saw Mill
- Conradt, Henry, Constable
- Crips, Samuel, Cheesemaker
- Dunton, Rhoderick P., Carpenter/Joiner. Mason
- Farmer, Henry M., Postmaster, Gen'l Merchant
- Foster, George B., Mason
- Matteson, Benjamin C., Gen'l Merchant
- Spinning, Alpheus A., Justice of the Peace
- Adams, Sprague D., Carpenter/Joiner
- Adams, William, Cabinet Maker
- Allen, John B., Blacksmith
- Awdos, Thomas G., Carpenter/Joiner
- Bloomfield, Ogden, Postmaster, Physician
- Chapman, Abner, Wheelwright
- Cornish, Hosea, Notary Public
- Curtis, Elhanan A., Prop. Empire Hotel
- Elmer, Charles, Cheese Maker
- Elmer, William, Cheese Factory
- Felton, Elam, Carpenter/Joiner
- France, David D., Painter/Glazier
- Fraser, Charles E., Physician
- Fuller, Charles, Blacksmith
- Fuller, Jay H., Butcher
- Fuller, Robert, Teamster
- Graham, Horatio S., Boot/Shoemaker
- Griswold, Nathaniel P., Gen'l Merchant
- Harrington, Nancy, Seamstress
- Hawkins, Marenus, Hotel Keeper
- Hollis, Lyman, Produce Dealer
- MacIntosh, John Carriage/Sleigh Maker
- MacIntosh, Richard, Carriage/Sleigh Maker
- Nutt, Cyrus, Basketmaker
- Olcutt, Benjamin, Butcher
- O'Neill, David, Shoemaker
- Paddock, Alexander, Patent Right Dealer
- Phillips, Philo, Tailoress
- Robbins, Ebenezer, Justice of the Peace
- Simon, Hartman, Carding Mill
- Squires, Thomas S., Cheese Maker
- Stevens, George, Steam Saw Mill
- Sweatman, Timothy A., Harness Maker
- Taft, Alanson, Patent Right Dealer
- Taylor, Willard, Miller
- Thayer, Nathan, Teamster
- Thomas, Henry l., Miller
- Walsworth, Grist Mill
- Whipple, Benjamin E., M. E. Minister
- Wrigel, Amos, Carpenter/Joiner
- Allen, Andrew, Carpenter/Joiner
- Allen, William, Carpenter/Joiner
- Austin, Jacob C., Carpenter/Joiner
- Badger, Harvey, Harnessmaker/Trimmer
- Bears, Eli, Justice of the Peace, Lawyer
- Beck, William, Prop. Lee Center Hotel
- Bork, Andrw J., Prop. Boarding House
- Bork, Henry, Prop. Saw Mill
- Bork, Jacob, Saw Mill
- Brown, Charles, Boatman
- Burrows, Elon G., Tinsmith
- Byam, Seth E., Mason
- Clark, Charles D., Gen'l Merchant
- Clark, Dwight P., Gen't Merchant
- Comstock, Henry R., Blacksmith
- Cook, Allen P., Carpenter
- Cooper, Alden G., Boatman
- Cornish, Albert A., Constable & Collector
- Cornish, Charles N., Carpenter/Joiner
- Cornish, Nathan, Carpenter/Joiner
- Cornish, William, Carpenter/Joiner, Tinker
- Crocker, Augustus A., Butcher
- Curley, James, Boatman & Teamster
- Cushman, John P., Carpenter
- Downing, Andrew, Wagon Maker
- Durst, Alpheus, Saloon Keeper (w/Herrick)
- Eames, Daniel, Saw Mill
- Eames, George, Carriage Maker
- Eames & Warren, Tannery
- Ferguson, Andrew D., Saw Mill
- Ferguson, George H., Blacksmith
- Field, John L., Boot/Shoemaker
- Greenleaf, George D., Pastor ME Church
- Gregorie, Charles, Prop. Hotel
- Griffith, Russell, Carpenter/Joiner
- Haas, Frederick, Tailor
- Hall, Henry, Cooper
- Harris, John H., Blacksmith
- Herrick, Syrous, Saloon Keeper (w/Durst)
- Hitchcock, Curtis B., Blacksmith/Wagon Maker
- Hitchcock, Henry J., Gen'l Merchant
- Colman, John H., Civil Engr. & Surveyor
- Cornish, Allen W., Prop. Washington Hotel
- Evans, William M., Wagon Maker
- Flinn, Hugh, Cooper
- Hadden, John E., Blacksmith
- King, Charles P., Gen'l Merchant
- Kingsbury, John P., Wagon Maker
- Marsh, George W., Teamster
- McDougall, Isaac, Patent Rights Dealer
- Nisbet, Edward, Carpenter/Joiner
- Orendorf, Gaylord, Blacksmith
- Saulsbury, Stephen, Hotel in Deerfield
- Sheldon, George, Saw Mill
- Wentworth, Charles, Carpenter/Joiner
- Wilkinson, George D., Carpenter/Joiner
- Hobbs, Benjamin S., Univ. Minister
- Hubbard, Joseph W., Stage Proprietor
- Hunt, Samuel, Lumber Dealer
- Jodry, Frederick, Carpenter/Joiner
- Kingsbury, Oliver, Post Master, Physician/Drugist
- Kittrick, David, Peddler, School Teacher
- Mallory, George B., Carpenter/Joiner
- Mayhew, William M., School Teacher
- McDougall, Isaac, Patent Right Dealer
- Miles, Oliver C., Gen'l Merchant, Broker/Jobber
- Mott, Sylvanus, Shoemaker
- Newey, Josiah S., Cabinet Maker
- Pearl, Oakley, Tanner
- Perry, Bacchus, Blacksmith
- Powers, Earl D., Carpenter/Joiner
- Powers, Isaiah, Carpenter/Joiner
- Reynolds, James, Carpenter/Joiner
- Robinson, Reuben H., Physician & Surgeon
- Sayles, Joseph I., Attorney
- Scothon, Phineas, Grist/Saw Mill
- Shaver, John, Gen'l Merchant
- Sheer, Eunice A., Weaver
- Sheldon, George F., Saw Mill
- Spencer, Elias, Harness Maker
- Striffer, John, Cheese Maker
- Tiffany, Erastus, Stock Dealer
- Trenham, William T., Carpenter/Joiner
- Ufford, Charles, Saw Mill
- Ufford, John, Saw Mill
- Wagar, Daniel L., Carpenter/Joiner
- Waite, Alonzo, Boatman
- Walker, AgustusA., Miller & Painter
- Webster, John G., Assesor
- Wentworth, Albert J., Saw Mill
- Wentworth, Melvin J., Saw Mill
- Wilber, Harris, Tinware, Stoves, etc.
- Willson, Fowler W. Jr., Gen't Merchant
- Wood, Nathaniel, Surveyor
- Wood, Stephen, Cheese Maker
- Young, David S., Carpenter/Joiner
- Young, Jay W., Cooper
- Crofoot, Isaac, Prop. West Br. Hotel
- Enearl, James H., Carpenter/Joiner
- Francisco, Henry, Wagon Maker
- Gamble, Joseph, Shoemaker
- Gillette, Albert, Justice of the Peace
- Gfeller, John, Blacksmith
- Golden, John C., Mason
- Hartson, Albert, Constable, Prop. Hotel
- Houser, Jerry, Cooper
- Luckel, Henry A., Cabinet Maker
- Simon, Gustavus A., Gen't Merchant, Carding Mill, Woolen Factory
- Sinclair, Andrew, Carpenter/Joiner
- Sinclair, William A., Carpenter/Joiner
- Williams, Daniel T., Saw Mill
- Williams, Francis L., Tanner/Currier, Shoemaker
- Williams, Stephen N., Post Master, Tailor
- Williams, William H., Gen'l Merchant
- Wyman, Daniel, Oar Maker
- Wyman, Henry C., Miller
- Wyman, John B., Saw Mill
- Wyman, Samuel, Carpenter, Millwright
- Yarwood, James C., Cheese Maker