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Here's some marriages that we have found in various scrapbooks & newspapers:
Burk - Wentworth -At the residence of Mr. Edward Wentworth in Lee, July 12, 1881, by Rev. E. H. Waugh, Mr. Robert C.Burk of Rome and Lillie M. Wentworth of Lee.
Golly - Baker - At the residence of the brides father at Lee, March 13, 1883 by Rev. J. W. Simpson, Albert H. Golly of Rome and Nellie M. Baker of Lee.
Evans - Dewey - At the residence of Eli J. Dewey, West Branch, October 7, 1886, by Rev. J. W. Simpson, Frank G. Evans of Stokes and Cora B. Dewey of West Branch.
Bergman - Wyman - At the home of the bride's parents, in West Branch, March 22nd. 1881, by Rev. S. W. Brown, Charles H. Bergman to Flora M. Wyman.
Golly - Fraser - At the home of the bride, May 1, 1879, by Rev. W. H. Reese, Frank B. Golly,M. D., of Lee Centre, and Carrie M. Fraser of Rome.
Williams - Morse - At the resdence of Mrs. S. W. Morse at Lee Corners, May 3, 1882, by Rev. E. H. Waugh, Mr. John E. Williams and Miss Mary A. Morse, both of Lee Corners.
Sheader - Palmer At Central Hotel, Lee center, July 4, 1876, by Rev. J. Stanton, Mr. Frank Sheader of Lee Center and Miss Ellie Palmer of Annsville.
Cornish - Mason - At the residence of Mr. Russel Mason in Delta, December 27, 1882, by Rev. E. H. Waugh, Frank Cornish and Alvaetta D. Mason of Delta.
Sheldon - Hyde - At the home of the bride's parents in Lee, June 4, 1884, by Rev. S. Dewey, George J. Sheldon to Miss Lizzie M. Hyde, both of Lee.
Hitchcock - Cornish - At the residence of George Cornish, the bride's father, January 28, 1885, by Rev. J. W. Simpson, Arthur Hitchcock and Lizzie Cornish, all of Lee Centre.
Kirkland - Paddock - In Delta June 7, 1876, by Rev. Zimmerman, Mr. Joseph Kirkland of Rome and Hellen Paddock of Delta.
Rudd - McIntosh - At Delta May 12, 1896 by Rev. R. H. Peabody, D.D., Mr. Howard Prosper Rudd of Syracuse and Miss Minnie McIntosh of Delta.
Sly - Walsworth - In Delta January 17, 1884, by Rev. E. H. Waugh, Mr. Frank J. Sly and Miss Fannie H. Walsworth, all of that place.
Stedman - Dingman - At the home of the bride, by Rev. S. Dewey, May 11, 1886, Mr. George A. Stedman of Clockville and Miss Elizabeth J. Dingman of Lee.
Mattie - Colman - At the M. E. Parsonage, Lee Centre, December 23, 1895, by Rev. J. R. Decker, Gottlieb Mattie of Utica and Mrs. Carrie Colman of West Branch.
Colagan - Prosser - In Lee Center July 4, 1876, by Rev. J. Stanton, Mr. Giles Colagan and Miss Annie Prosser, all of Annsville
Marsh - Golly - At the residence of the bride's parents in Lee, December 25, 1883, by Rev. J. W. Simpson, Thomas Marsh and Miss Carrie D. Golly.
Smith - Yarwood - At West Branch October 30, 1876, by Rev. H. Graves, Dewitt C. Smith of Lee and Miss Lillie A. Yarwood of West Branch.
Evans - Williams - At the home of the bride's parents, December 25, 1888, by Rev. H. A. Harris, Clinton L. Evans and Anna P. Williams, all of Stokes.
Robbins - Stevens - At the residence of the brides mother, Mrs. Mary Stevens, November 27, 1876, by Rev. S. M. Crofoot, Mr. J. C. Robbins to Miss Augusta Stevens, all of Delta.
Mabb - Watson - Lee Center Notes - March 23, 1877, Mr. George Mabb of Lee and Miss Almeda Watson of Western were united in marriage Sabbath evening at the M. E. Society at Lee Center.
Cornish - Colman - At the home of the bride's father, Edwin I. Colman in Lee, April 29, 1891, by Rev. M. G. Wadsworth, Mr. Frank Cornish of Western and Miss Edna I. Colman.
Snyder - Evans - At the residence of W. M. Evans of Stokes, March 4, 1886, by Rev. J. W. Simpson, Nathan H. Snyder and Miss Jennie F. Evans, all of Stokes.
Luther - McDaniels - At the residence of the bride Sunday, October 15, 1876, by Rev. Mr. Stanton, Mr. J. Luther and Miss H. McDaniels, all of Lee.
Rasha - Forgeon - At Lee Center by Rev. J. R. Downer on December 21, 1892, Edward J. Rasha and Maggie Forgeon, both of Lee.
Lee Center Items, December 29, 1876 - Mr. George Ellis of West Lee and Mrs. Bristol, widow of the late proprietor of the Lee Center House, were married last Thursday at Camden.
Hayes - Rigler - at the residence of the grooms parents in Lee, May 28, 1877, by Rev. J. Stanton, Mr. John E. Hayes of Lee and Magdalene Rigler, of Annsville.
Nisbet - Ferguson - In Rome, March 20, 1878, by Rev. F. Widmer, Wheeler Nisbit and Miss Helen C. Ferguson, all of Lee.
Megerell - Cornish - At Lee Center by Rev. J. R. Downer, December 21, 1892, James Megerell of Lee and Hattie Cornish of Rome.
Rome Sentinel, June 5, 1913 - DOUBLE WEDDING AT TABERG
Walter J. Seifert and Miss Mary A Taft --- Grover C. Flint and Miss Grace M. Taft Taberg, June 5 -- At the home of Mr. and Mrs. John N. Taft in this village last evening at 8 o'clock took place a double wedding when their daughters, Miss Mary A. Taft, became the bride of Walter J. Seifert of Blossvale and Miss Grace M. Taft became to the bride of Grover C. Flint of Lee Center. Only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties were present. The bridal party entered the parlor to the melody of the wedding march from Lohengrin, played by Mrs. Fred Bourne of Rome and took their places beneath arches of evergreen and wedding bells. They were married by Rev. G. M. Whittemore, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Spencer, and an uncle of the brides. He was assisted by Rev. Stanley Reynolds, pastor of the Taberg Baptist Church. The impressive ring service being used. The brides were prettily attired in white satin and carried shower bouquets of bridal roses. The maids of honor were Misses Mary L. Dunwick of Pulaski, Ella M. Shaw and Mildred Fox of Taberg. The ring bearer was Miss Thelma Mae Taft, sister of the brides. The rooms were tastefully decorated with ferns and potted plants. Following the ceremony, a nine course dinner was served by Cateress Mrs. W. A. Boyd. The brides are graduates of the Camden Teacher's Training Class of 1910 and have been successful teachers for several years. Grover C. Flint is a graduate of Rome Free Academy and was principal of Lee Center High School for five years. He now holds a position with the Lee Canning Co., at Hamilton. Walter J. Seifert is a graduate of Eastman's Business College, Poughkeepsie and at present has the position of engineer at the Oneida County Home, Rome. The parties left on a wedding trip which will include Niagara Falls and Thousand Islands. Guest from out of town included, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Doubleday of North Dana, Mass.; Rev. G. M. Whittemore and wife of Spencer.
above announcement contributed by Bea LastowickaWelch - Wyman - In Rome, December 12, 1877, by Rev. J. Zimmerman, Mr. Daniel Welch and Miss Phebe Wyman, both of Lee.
Lyman - Hitchcock - In the M. E. Church, Lee Centre, December 19, 1888, by Rev. H. A. Harris, Albert O. Lyman of Lee and Kittie A. Hitchcock of Lee Centre.
Lee Center Items, March 21, 1877 - Mr. Charles Houghton and Miss Sarah Golly were united in marriage at the resdience of William Golly last evening by Rev. J. Stanton.
Wolfe - Tuller - At the M. E. parsonage in Delta, December 25, 1877, by Rev. J. W. Roberts, Mr. Charles Wolfe of Western and Miss Mary E. Tuller of Delta.
Delta, February 12, 1890 - This evening occurs the marriage of Miss Cora Bacon to Henry E. Walsworth.
Lee Center, August 22, 1877 - Mr. Lucius Garber and Miss Mary E. Haas were united in marriage on Tuesday, the 14th. inst., at 9 pm in Delta. Thus reads a note informing me of the happy event, but the Sentinel's local seems better informed in the matter than your correspondent. He says it occurred in the M. E. Church at Delta, and that Rev. Mr. Roberts of that village officiated, to consumate their wishes and tie the silken knot. We wish the happy pair much joy.
Lee Center, December 14, 1888 - Last evening the residence of Micah Kenyon presented a gay and festive scene. The occasion was the marriage of his daughter, Miss Lottie M. Kenyon, to Seymour F. Ward, of Taberg. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. A. Harris in the presence of thirty-five guests, mostly immediate relatives of the bride and groom.
Lee Center, November 17, 1876 - Mr. Harter of Herkimer, and Miss Caroline Knowles of our place, were married yesterday afternoon, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. J. Stanton.
Lee Center, April 6, 1877 - Mr. George W. Park, of Prophetstown, Ill., and Miss Elestine Felshaw of Lee, were united in matrimony this morning at the resdience of the brides father, by Rev. James Stanton, and this evening will leave Rome for their home in Illinois.
Bushnell - Fuller - At the residence of the brides father in Lee Center, September 27, by Rev. James Stanton, Mr. Daniel Bushnell to Miss Sarah Fuller, all of Lee.
Lee Center, November 6, 1876 - Mr. John Willis, formerly of Florence, where his parents reside, but now of Philadelphia, and Miss Lillian Eames, of Lee Center, were united by marriage last Wednesday, at the house of the bridesgroom's parents, and on Thursday they returned to Lee Center, and after dinner they started for the Centennial and their home in Pennsylvania.
Pratt - Coon - At the 1st. ME Church in this city (Rome), October 17, 1876, by Rev. F. Widmer, Mr. Charles R. Pratt and Miss Louisa A. Coon, both of Lee center.
More Town of Lee marriages can be found in Minnie's Marsh's Scrapbook