Town Of Lee, Oneida County, New York | Odds and Ends |
Site Index | Delta | Lee | Lee Center | Point Rock | Stokes | West Branch |
Census | Cemeteries | Military | Obituaries | Odds and Ends | Schools | Vital Statistics |
Here are some things we have that might be of interest to you.
- 1869 Business Directory Town of Lee
- Business notes from the Town of Lee
- Marriage Notices from the Rome Sentinel
- Town of Lee Weddings taken from Minnie Marsh's Scrapbooks
- Tax Assessment Rolls 1812 thru 1816
- Tax Assessment Rolls, 1852 thru 1858
- Tax Assessment Rolls - 1880 thru 1888
- List of Town Residents 1874 - taken from Oneida County Map
- 1907 Farms in Lee
- Jury Lists of Freeholders
- Baron Steuben Lodge
- History of Olney and Floyd Canning Factories
- Researching in Oneida County