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contributed by Karen Marsh
Lee Center Oct. 14 (1916) - Thursday evening, Oct. 12, at 7 o�clock, at the home of the brides parents, Mr. & Mrs. John H. Evans, took place the marriage of Miss Grace Evans and Clyde B. Felshaw. Miss Ruth E. Evans was maid of honor, W. Leslie Faulds of Rome was best man, and Miss Florence May Evans of Washington DC, the two year-old niece of the bride, was flower girl. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. J. Felshaw, uncle of the groom.
Lee Center, April 6, 1931 - The wedding of Miss Helen Thorpe, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Thorpe of this village, and Elton Mortise, son of David Mortise of Rome, took place Saturday at the home of the officiating clergyman, Rev. Philip H. Cole, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Rome. They were attended by Miss Ethel Slorah of Utica and Harold Warcup of Rome, friends of the bride and groom.
June 8, 1933
A marriage license has been issued to Erwin H. Brown of Lee Center and Agnes Ward of Rome RFD 5.
Frank Hale, son of Mrs. Susan Hale, Westernville, and Miss Agatha M. Wolfe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wolfe, 651 W. Thomas Street, were married in Albany this afternoon. They were unattended. The couple will take a short wedding trip, visiting in New York City, returning from which they will be at home at the residence of the bridegroom on his farm in Westernville.
The bride was born in the vicinity of Delta, her parents having operated a farm there, removing to their present address six years ago. Mr. Hale has always been engaged in farming and at present conducts a large farm in Westernville.
Lee Center Wedding
Rome - Jan. 8 (1915) - Miss Iva M. DeForest, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Seth DeForest, of Lee Center, and George L. Conover, also of Lee Center, were married Wednesday noon at the home of the groom�s sister, Miss Lydia Conover, 206 West Willett street. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Otto S. Baker, pastor of the Free Methodist Church in the presence of about 30 relatives and friends of the contracting parties. The attendants were Miss Myrtle DeForest, sister of the bride, and Clarence Gleason, both of Boonville
At No. 417 West Liberty street, April 10, 1892, by Rev. H. A. Harris, Jason A. Farr of Delta and Miss Alice M. Gray of Westernville.
At West Lee Aug. 25, 1895, by R. W. Stedman, justice of the peace, John R. Williams of Stokes to Edith Adams of Delta.
On Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Walter Shankenbery, 411 Elm street, Rev. Charles G. Sewall, pastor the Presbyterian Church, united in marriage Charles J. Door, brother of Mrs. Shankenbery, and Miss May Hall, both of Westernville. The bride is a daughter of Merritt Hall of that place. They were unattended. Mr. & Mrs. Door will at once take up their residence on a farm at Lee Center.
On Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Abner Johnson in the town of Rome, Rev. J. W. Davis, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Taberg, united in marriage their daughter, Lettie Johnson and Clarence W. Tuthill of Lee, They were unattended. Mr. and Mrs. Tuthill will at once take up their residence in Lee.
Married at Lee Center
Lee Center, Aug. 5 (1916) - At the home of the bride�s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Corr, on Wednesday occurred the wedding of their daughter, Blanche Corr and Gordon Sawyer. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. Lloyd in the presence of only the immediate relatives, with the exception of Grandma Jones of Lee Center.
July 29, 1914
A very charming home wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eben F. Ely, 501 Turin street, yesterday evening when their daughter, Jessie Pearle Ely, was united in marriage to Edward Langley Marriott.
The bride was born in Delta and has made her home in this city for the past four years. She attended the Rome Free Academy and graduated with the class of 1908. She later attended the Cortland Normal School and graduated with the class of 1912. During the past year she taught in the Liberty Street School
The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Marriott, 912 N. Madison street. He was born in this city and has always resided here. He attended the Rome Free Academy and later the Union University and the Albany College of Pharmacy. He is in the employ of the Broughton Drug Company. Mr. and Mrs. Marriott are well known here and their many friends will wish them well.
Married Fifty Years
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Titus Stratton of Stittville, formerly of Delta, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Saturday at the home of their son, Charles D. Stratton, in Clinton, in the presence of their children and grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Stratton were married at Constantia, Oswego county July 27, 1862. Mr. Stratton was born in Coeyman�s Hollow, Albany county, NY in 1836. Mrs. Stratton, whose maiden name was Lydia Lince, was born in Lee in 1838. The worthy couple are held in deep esteem by many.
Newey-Cavanaugh Wedding Celebration on Mullin Hill
West Branch - Feb. 2 (1911) - At the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Cavanaugh on Mullin Hill on Wednesday evening at 8 o�clock occurred the marriage of their daughter, Ada W. Cavanaugh and Jardin W. Newey of Quaker Hill. Promptly at the hour, in the presence of the immediate families, entered the parlor to the strains of the Wedding Bells march, played by Mrs. Albert Martin, cousin of the bride. There they were met under an arch of evergreens and white carnations by Rev. E. O. Webster, pastor of the Westernville M. E. Church, who made them husband and wife, the ring ceremony being used.
Miss Freda Siegfried Bride of Arthur Odell
Nov. 29, 1930
Lee Center - Dec. 3 - Miss Freda Siegfried, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Siegfried, was united in marriage with Arthur Odell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Odell, Rte. 2, Rome, Saturday evening. Miss Helen Marggi, Stokes, cousin of the bride, and Lyle Odell, brother of the bridegroom were the attendants.
Lillian Kappler and Theodore S. Lawton United
Lee Center, Jan. 16 - A quiet but pretty wedding was celebrated at the home of the bride�s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kappler, in this place at 11 am today, when their oldest daughter, Lillian J. Kappler, became the wife of Theodore S. Lawton of Portsmouth, RI. The ceremony was performed by Rev. George Dermott, who used the service of the Methodist Episcopal Church with the ring presented by the groom to the bride. Only the immediate family of the bride and a few invited guests were present.
Wedding of Clayton Johnson and Miss Lillian Westcott
Coonrod, Jan. 5 (1911) - Clayton Johnson and Miss Lillian Westcott, both of Lee, were married Jan. 4, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. DeForest Hyde, by Rev. A. Berg, pastor of the Evangelical Church of this place. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. DeForest Hyde.