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Ancestral Gen-Sites

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     Edgar County is a county located in the U.S. state of Illinois. As of 2000, the population was 19,704. Its county seat is Paris.

     Edgar County was formed in 1823 out of Clark County. It was named for John Edgar, an Irish officer in the Royal Navy who shifted his allegiance during the Revolutionary War. Edgar moved to Kaskaskia, Illinois in 1784, becoming a miller and merchant in that town.

     Edgar County is located in the southeastern section of the state of Illinois. It is bounded by: Vermillion county to the North; Clark County to the South; Coles County to the South West; and Douglas County to the North West; with Vermillion and Vigo Counties in the state of Indiana to the East.

Researching by surname

The following are names of persons, found within our databases as having been either born, married or died in this location. Names in dark red denote direct ancestral lines. To find out more about each surname listed click on the corresponding Link.

McVicker; Moreland; Pinnell; Scruggs and allied families

Bradshaw;   Brown;   Meade

Bozarth; Peiffer; Quigley; Rhubart and allied families


Dellinger; Knecht; Pfeffer; Silar and allied families

Click on this link to find out more about each surname listed above as well as other surnames found within our three family databases.

This link will also lead you to surname resources at Rootsweb, and information about the world-wide distribution of a surname.

Use this free genealogy site to help you get the best genealogy searches from Google™ by using your family tree, for your research. It will create a series of different searches  using tips or "tricks"

that will likely improve your results. The different searches will give you many different ways of using Google and the Internet to find ancestry information about  this  or  any  other  Surname. 

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including billions of names, dates and places worldwide. seeks to index and make searchable all of the world’s free genealogy information.

Click on the LINK to the right to see more information about the World distribution of any surname.  You can get greater

detail for any of the maps by clicking on the area, i.e state, county that you are interested in.

ancestral gen-sites

Family History Notes

Map of the County

Gen-Site Profiles

Family history notes

About 1825-26 Robert Brown moved his family from Kentucky to Edgar County, Illinois where he is recognized as one of the original settlers of Paris Township.  Robert probably lived in this location up until the early part of 1851.

Map of the county

The in the map designates the location of the seat of government for this county.   designate seats of government in adjacent counties.   A shows the location of identified ancestral Gen-Site(s). 

from the keyboard you can increase or decrease the zoom value in 10% ncrements.

To zoom , press  and the   button. To zoom , press  and the   button.  To restore the zoom to 100%, press  and the  button.

Gen-site profiles

Paris;   Paris Township


LOCATION:   Country: United States;     State: Illinois;     County: Edgar;      Local:

Coordinates/Map: 39°37′50″N 87°42′34″W;   Driving Directions: N/A

Click on Thumbnail

NAME / DESCRIPTION:   Paris is a city in Paris Township, Edgar County, Illinois, USA, 165 miles south of Chicago, and 90 miles west of Indianapolis. Paris was founded in 1853.  In 1900, 6,105 people lived in Paris, Illinois; in 1910, 7,664; and in 1940, 9,281. The population was 8,837 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Edgar County. The County Clerk’s Office is located at 115 W. Court Street – Room J Paris, Illinois 61944.


INTERNET WEB LINK(S):   Paris, Illinois - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Paris Township

LOCATION:   Country: United States;     State: Illinois;     County: Edgar;      Local:

Coordinates/Map: 39°37′50″N 87°42′34″W;   Driving Directions: N/A

Click on Thumbnail

NAME / DESCRIPTION: In April 1823 the Edgar County Commissioners approved the seat of justice for the County was to be located on twenty-six acres of land, the property of Samuel Vance, and to be known by the name of Paris.  In 1856 Paris Township was formed along with the other 14 municipalities.     Paris Township covers 45.4 square miles.  In 2000 its population was 10, 692.


INTERNET WEB LINK(S):   Paris Township

populated places

Gazetteer of Places

 in This County

Changes of County Boundaries

Link to State-Wide Resources

Where in the World

are My Ancestors?


The list below will assist in your research regarding the matching of your ancestor’s birth, marriage, death dates and the place(s) within this locality at which these events may have occurred.


Profiles for  32 cities, towns and other populated places in Edgar County, Illinois

Map of Edgar County Illinois

Edgar County Physical, Cultural & Historic Features | Schools

Edgar County ZIP Codes | Area Codes

Edgar County Land - Property, Farms & Ranches


Edgar County, Illinois,

United States

Details | Resources | Townships | Cities | Cemeteries | Surveys |

Links To Populated Places Within This County


·         Chrisman

·         Paris



·         Brocton

·         Hume

·         Kansas

·         Metcalf

·         Redmon

·         Vermilion

Edgar County is divided into fifteen townships:

Find Physical Features* Within This County

* includes but not limited to Cemeteries, Churches, Locales, Schools,

Military Installations;  Populated Places, Post Offices, Streams, and Trails

County boundary changes

     Conducting genealogical research in the United States requires an understanding of county boundaries.  As the population grew more counties were created to meet the public’s need for localized governments.  This phenomena was common in all states during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries.  As such you must be sure that you are not looking for records in the wrong county or state. 

     The web-site for the Atlas of Historical County Boundary Project provides interactive maps for all states. This Atlas is meant to be a resource for people seeking records of past events, and people trying to analyze, interpret and display county-based historical data like Land Records, Probate Records, Court Records, Tax Records, and Vital Records that document birth, death, and marriage.   Listed below are the boundary changes for this county, the dates they occurred, as well as the government statute that decreed the change.  To see actual changes in a mapping format follow this LINK to the Atlas of Historical County Boundary Project .

EDGAR COUNTY: Map(s) and descriptions of Historical Boundary Changes

Click on thumbnails for Map images

1/3/1823 to 12/24/1830

03 Jan 1823 - EDGAR created from CLARK. Non-County Area 4 attached to EDGAR for administrative and judicial purposes.


13 Jan 1825 – EDGAR lost part of attached Non-County Area 4 to creation of PUTNAM.


18 Jan 1826 – Part of Non-County Area 4 attached to EDGAR lost to creation of VERMILION; remainder of Non-County  Area 4 was detached from EDGAR, attached to VERMILION.


25 Dec 1830  -  EDGAR lost to creation of COLES.

12/24/1830 to


Use this link to find more resources regarding the historical

changes of county boundaries in all 50 U.S. States.

State-Wide Resources

For more information about the U.S. State in which this county is located  click  on  these  LINKS:


Where in the world

Resources which enhance our knowledge of the places inhabited by our ancestors are almost as important as their names. This

LINK will take you to Maps, Gazetteers,   and other helpful  resources  that will assist you in discovering Ancestral Locations. 


gen tool-kit

Our “Gen-Tool Kit” has been primarily designed for those researchers who may be traveling to this location to perform on-site studies of their family history, or to just visit some of the interesting historical sites located in the area.  It can be very satisfying to mix research with sightseeing at historical and scenic spots.  Such activity not only gives you an understanding of the land but a needed break from intense research sessions.  When visiting an ancestral county for genealogical research we’ve found that the three most important places to visit are the county courthouse; the county library; and the county historical and/or genealogical societies.  It is also good to plan ahead by contacting any site you intend visiting in order to ascertain where it is and when it will be open.  This is especially true with regard to historical and genealogical societies.  We hope that the following information will provide you with a better idea of what resources are available, within this county, to the family historian.


County History

Libraries, Museums

& Archives

Maps and Gazetteers

 County Records


(History & Genealogical)


·     Edgar County, Tombstone Transcription Project

·     Cemetery List,  Find A Grave

·     Cemetery Location Project

·     Edgar County Cemetery Records

·     Augustus Cemetery Grandview Township

·     Barr-Johnson Cemetery Grandview Township

·     Beatty Cemetery Grandview Township

·     Camerer Cemetery Brouilletts Creek Township

·     Cemeteries of Edgar County

·         Cemetery Internee Record, Page 316 Paris Township

·         Confederate Soldiers Buried in Edgar County

·         Edgar County Illinois Cemetery Transcription & Photo Project

·         Edgar County Cemeteries

·         Illinois Gravestone Photo Project Edgar County

·         Littlefield Cemetery Brouilletts Creek Township

·         Paris Township Surnames Ross-Sheets

·         Swango Cemetery

·         Topographic Maps in Edgar Co. - Identifies cemeteries



National Register of Historic Places listings in Edgar County, Illinois

·      Edgar County Bibliography

·      Edgar County Fact Sheet

·      Edgar County Historical Markers

·      Edgar County History From the 1876 Warner & Beers Atlas

·      Every Name Index to History of Edgar Co., Illinois (1879)

·      Early Schools and Churches of Edgar County, Illinois

·      Paris, Illinois Weather History

·      Historical Markers Edgar County

·      Name Index to Illinois Local Governments Edgar County

·      The History of Edgar County, Illinois 1879

·      Paris and Edgar County, 1823-1973

·      History of First Baptist Church, Paris Illinois

·      St. Aloysius Church North Arm

·      Historical Sketch of Brouillet Creek Township, Illinois

·      Historical Sketch of Buck Township, Illinois

·      Historical Sketch of Edgar Township, Illinois

·      Historical Sketch of Elbridge Township, Illinois

·      Our 1st 150 years: Hunter, Stratton, Elbridge, 1818-1968

·      Historical Sketch of Embarras Township, Illinois

·      Historical Sketch of Goodview Township, Illinois

·      Horace

·      Historical Sketch of Hunter Township, Illinois

·      Historical Sketch of Kansas Township, Illinois

·      Kansas centennial, July 16 thru 19, 1953

·      Kansas History

·      Kansas: Our First Hundred Years

·      Historical Sketch of Paris Township, Illinois

·      Paris, Illinois

·      Paris, Illinois Historical Markers

·      Paris: History

·      Historical Sketch of Prairie Township, Illinois

·      Redmon on the edge of the prairie

·      Historical Sketch of Ross Township, Illinois

·      Historical Sketch of Shiloh Township, Illinois

·      Historical Sketch of Sims Township, Illinois

·      Historical Sketch of Stratton Township, Illinois

·      Historical Sketch of Young America Township, Illinois

·      Early Schools and Churches of Edgar County, Illinois

·      History of Brocton High School

·      History of Brocton-Redmon High School

·      History of Hume High School

·      History of Metcalf High School

·      History of Redmon High School

·      History of Scottland High School

·      A History of the Schools of Edgar County, Illinois

·      History of Young America High School of Metcalf

Libaries, Museums, Archives

·      Kansas Community Memorial Library

·      Paris Carnegie Public Library History

·      Edgar County Genealogy Library & Society

·      Edgar County Libraries

·      Edgar County, Illinois Genealogy Library

·      Family History Library Holdings

·      Genealogy & Local History Paris Carnegie Public Library

·      Libraries in Edgar County

·      Local Governmental Records Holdings

·      PERiodical Source Index Search Edgar County

Maps and Gazetteers

·      1875 Edgar County Map

·      Topographic Maps in Edgar Co. - Identifies cemeteries

·       City/Town Directory

·      Douglas, Edgar, Coles, Cumberland, Clark counties 1870

·      Edgar County - 1895 U.S. Atlas

·      Edgar County Gazetteer

·      Edgar County Post Offices

·      Edgar County Post Offices 1846

·      Edgar County Topo Maps and Aerial Photos

·      Historical Land Ownership Edgar County, Illinois

·      Map of Edgar County 1876, Warner & Beers Atlas

·      Map of Edgar County 1876

·      Map of Paris 1876, Warner & Beers Atlas

·      Tiger Map Server Browser

·      Township Map of Edgar County, Illinois

·      Watseka, Paris, Mt. Sterling, Beardstown and Arcola 1876

County Records

·      Livingston's Law Register, 1851 Edgar County Lawyers

·      Edgar County Wills and Estate Records

·      Edgar County Public Domain Land Records

·      Land Patent Search

·      1883 military pensioners

·      Pensioners for Military Services, 1841 Edgar Co.

·      Edgar County Military Records

·      Civil War Units – Edgar County

·      Edgar County Civil War Records

·      Edgar County Illinois in the Civil War 1861-1865

·      1835 Revolutionary War Pensioners

·      Veteran Burials

·      Draft Registration Cards

·      Army Casualties

·      Edgar County, Illinois World War II Casualties

·      Chronicling America Edgar County

·      Edgar County -  Newspaper Abstracts

·      Edgar County Newspaper Articles

·      Newspapers Published in Edgar County

·      Egar County Photographs

·      Edgar County Tax Rolls

·      Penny Postcards from Illinois

·      Edgar County Death Records

·      Edgar County Marriage Records

·      Edgar County Vital Records

·      Edgar County Vital Records Office

·      United States Census (Mortality Schedule), 1850

·      1830/ U.S. Census Images, Edgar County

·      1840/ U.S. Census Images, Edgar County

·      1880/ U.S. Census Images, Edgar County

·      1900/ U.S. Census Images, Edgar County

·      1910/ U.S. Census Images, Edgar County

·      1920/ U.S. Census Images, Edgar County

·      Edgar County, Illinois City, County, and Rural Directories

·      Paris, Illinois, city directory 1908

·      Prairie farmer's directory of Edgar County Illinois c1917

Use this link to find specific information about the historical and

genealogical public records maintained by the government of this county.


·         Edgar County Genealogical Society

·         Edgar County Genealogy Library & Society

·         Edgar County Historical Society

·         Wabash Valley Genealogy Society



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provide you with additional

information to assist with

your research about this topic.

General Resources

Locality Specific Resources

FREE Records

and Databases

Our Genealogy Reference Library

General Resources


·         The USGenWeb Project

·         United States Research Wiki – Family Search

·         Kindred

·         U.S. County Resources at Rootsweb

·         Genealogy Trails History Group

· Resources by county

·         Family Search,  USA IGI Batches, Localities

·         Birth & Marriage Records Indexes for USA

·         Record Search - Family


·         Genealogy Forum: U.S. States

· – U.S. Message Boards

·         Cyndi's List – United States Index

·         USGenWeb Archives

·         Data Base Collections at$


·         Access Genealogy

· – Collaborative Genealogy and History

· - archive of genealogy records

·         Searchable Death Indexes & Records

·         Census Finder –Free Census and other Records

·          Locality Specific Resources

·         Genealogy Links - Edgar County

·         USGenWeb - Edgar County

·         Research Wiki - Edgar County

·         Kindred – Edgar County

·         RootsWeb Resources - Edgar County

·         Genealogy Trails History Group – Edgar County

·         Genealogy Forum - Edgar County

·         Rootsweb Message Board – Edgar County

·         Cyndi's List – Edgar County

·         USGenWeb Archives – Edgar County

· Collections  - Edgar County $

· – Edgar County

Free Records & Databases

All of the records and databases we’ve collected are FREE and can be accessed and searched online without having to pay for a subscription.   We have divided our collected into 14 record types as follows: Biographical; Birth; Cemetery; Census & City Directories; Church; Court; Death; Immigration & Naturalization; Land; Marriage; Military; Newspapers; Occupational; and Tax Records.    We try not to list any sites that have only a few records for the purpose of getting you to a website that will charge a fee to actually see the record beyond just a name.  

This Link will take you to our

collections of FREE Records.   

Genealogy Reference Library

The following Link will take you to our library of genealogy reference books.   Here you may find books about the history and records of this county and other places such as towns and churches.  The collection also contains research works about military units and personnel during America’s wars, in addition too resource texts about the ethnic and religious groups who may have settled in this locality.

This Link will take you to our

collections of reference books.  


Image Gallery

During our research we have collected images and photographs that are of general interest to a variety of localities.  Some of them are presented on this website because we believe they tend to provide the reader with additional information which may aid in the understanding of our ancestors past lives.


Use this LINK to see the picture

gallery  that pertains to this location.

Use the power of Google™ to find more interesting images about this topic. A Click on this button will link you to the Google Images Search page.   Enter  the

topic you are searching in the box and click “Search Images”. At the “Images” display page you will see the image, as well as the website to which it is linked.

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-- This webpage was last updated on --

01 July 2012