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Guilford County is a county located
in the U.S.
state of North
Carolina. Its county
seat is Greensboro. It is located in the north central section of the State and is
bounded by Alamance, Randolph, Davidson, Forsyth and Rockingham counties. The county
was formed in 1771 from parts of Rowan County and Orange County. It was named for Francis
North, 1st Earl of Guildford,
father of Frederick North, Lord North,
British Prime Minister
from 1770 to 1782. The Quaker
church played a major role in the European settlement of the county, and
numerous Quakers still live in the county. The
first court was ordered held at the home of Robert Lindsay and provided for
the commissioners to buy the land of John Campbell for the courthouse site.
In 1785 Martinsville was laid out as the courthouse. It was named in honor of
Alexander Martin, governor of North Carolina, 1782-1785 and 1789-1792. The
courthouse had been called Guilford Court House until the passage of this
act. Commissioners were named by the act of 1807 to select a place at the
center of the county for the erection of a new courthouse, as the old one was
badly in need of repair and not conveniently located. Commissioners were also
named to purchase 30 acres of land and have the new courthouse erected. They
were to sell the old courthouse. In 1808 the new county seat was named
Greensborough in honor of Nathaniel Greene. The County Courthouse was destroyed by fire in 1781 and in 1872. In 1781 the Battle of Guilford Court House
was fought in present-day Greensboro between Generals Charles Cornwallis
and Nathanael Greene
during the American Revolution. This battle marked a key turning point in
the Revolutionary War in the South.
In 1779 the
southern third of Guilford County became Randolph County. In 1785 the northern half of its remaining territory became Rockingham County. Guilford
County is bordered by
( north), Alamance
(east), Randolph
(west), Davidson
(southwest), and Forsyth
(west) . |
Our “Gen-Tool Kit” has been primarily designed for those researchers who may be traveling to this location to perform on-site studies of their family history, or to just visit some of the interesting historical sites located in the area. It can be very satisfying to mix research with sightseeing at historical and scenic spots. Such activity not only gives you an understanding of the land but a needed break from intense research sessions. When visiting an ancestral county for genealogical research we’ve found that the three most important places to visit are the county courthouse; the county library; and the county historical and/or genealogical societies. It is also good to plan ahead by contacting any site you intend visiting in order to ascertain where it is and when it will be open. This is especially true with regard to historical and genealogical societies. We hope that the following information will provide you with a better idea of what resources are available, within this county, to the family historian. |
Guilford County Clerk of Superior Court has Court Records from 1774 and Probate Records from 1771 and is
located at Courthouse, PO Box 3008, Greensboro, NC 27402-3008; (336)
574-4302, Fax (336) 334-5020. ·
Guilford County
Register of Deeds has Land Records from 1771 and Marriage Records from 1770 and is
located at PO Box 3427, 201 S. Eugene Street, Greensboro NC 27402;
336-373-3239, Fax: 336-373-4570, [EMAIL]. |
Archives & Special Collections F. D. Bluford Library, North Carolina A&T State University |
Guilford County Genealogical Society ·
Greensboro Incorporated ·
Rachel Caldwell Chapter
Greensboro (Source: National Society D.A.R.) |
to the Historical Places and Districts in GUILFORD County |
following are names of persons, found within our databases, as having been either born, married or died in this
location. To find out more about each surname listed above click on the corresponding Link. |
Albright; Bennett; Christman; Coble;
Euliss; Greason; Foster;
Hart; Huffines; Hunter;
Kerr; Kraemer; Lineberger; Lineberry; Lockabill; McNairy;
Sutts; Tickle; Wagoner |
Additional information regarding these and other surnames may also be
found at: |
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about this or
any other Surname. |
Click on the LINK to the right to see more information about the World
distribution of any surname. You can |
greater detail for any of the maps by clicking on the area, i.e state, county
that you are interested in. |
ancestral gen-sites
Map of the county
The |
from the keyboard
you can increase or decrease the zoom value in 10% increments. To zoom |
Family history notes
The Bennett Family Our
5th great-grandfather Elisha Bennett migrated to Guilford County
around 1786. Here he settled on land
located just east of the confluence of the Little and Big Almance
Creeks. Between 1786 and 1803 he and
our 5th great-grandmother Elizabeth Coble produced at least eight
children at this location. One of
theseoff-spring was our 4th great-grandfather John Bennett born
around 1786. In 1791 Elisha Bennett
and Thomas Law were appointed overseers of the "Old Trading Road"
from the Orange County line to the Randolph County Line. Also during that year Elisha added to his
property by purchasing 88 acres of land from George May. Elisha and Elizabeth Bennett lived the
remainder of their lives in Guilford County. He passed away c. 1835, and she
circa 1831. The
aforementioned son John Bennett married Roseanna Lineberry, daughter of Jacob
Lineberry, also of Guilford County.
Nine known children of this union were born in Guilford County between
circa 1810 and circa 1823. During the
1830’s this family left Guilford County and moved west into Tennessee. The Christman Family Around
1763 the Jacob Christman family had joined the significant movement of
Scots-Irish and German immigrants on the "Great Wagon Road" south
from Pennsylvania into the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and beyond. Upon Jacob’s arrival in North Carolina
he settled in Orange County and stayed for a short period of time near
Hillsborough. By 1764 he had purchased
land on the western edge of Orange County that would become a part of
Guilford County in 1771. This property
was located just south of the Reedy Fork on the north branch of Travis Creek,
and about 3miles north of present day Gibsonville, North Carolina. Here Jacob eventually obtained grants for
400 acres of land. Between
1764 and 1778 eight more children were born to Jacob and his wife Barbara
Kraemer. One of these children, a
daughter named Rebecca born in1766 is our 5th great
grandmother. Jacob was 58 years old
when his last child was born and as such many of his off spring were underage
when he died in 1785. Jacob Christman
is buried in the Freiden's Lutheran Church Cemetery, located about a mile
distance from his home. About
1786 Rebecca Christman married Jacob Lineberry of Guilford County. Five known children resulted of this
union. All were probably born in
Guilford County between 1787 and 1800. |
See instructions above for enlarging this
map |
The Lineberry Family Jacob
Lineberry, Sr. (Linebarger,
Leyenberger), born 1724 in France, is believed to be the
immigrant ancestor of the Lineberry family of Orange, Guilford, Randolph and
Chatham counties in North Carolina (and subsequently in many states). Jacob,
Sr. arrived in Orange County, North Carolina in 1763. Orange County was
formed from Bladen, Johnston, and Granville Counties in 1752, Chatham and
Guilford were formed from Orange in 1771, and Randolph formed in 1779. On June 9, 1763 he received a grant of 242
acres from Henry Eustace McCulloh.
This land on the North Prong of the Stinking Quarter Creek near the
“Old Trading Road” (now route 62) in the southeastern corner of present day
Guilford County. It is believed that this is the location of Jacob’s original
home. |
In 1773,
Jacob, son of Jacob Sr. and his wife Catherine Lineberry deeded Francis and
George Linebarger 121 acres each. This was part of the McCulloh land, and is
probably the land noted on the map at the left as belonging to Nicholas and
George Linebarger. In 1780
Jacob Lineberry, Sr. received a state grant for 240 acres, in Chatham Co., S.
Fork of Rocky River, part of which (24 acres) they deeded to Jacob Linberger,
Jr. on Feb. 14, 1780. This land adjoined Jacob Lineberry's land and James
Youngblood, Another tract of 100 acres in Chatham county, a state
grant of March 3, 1779, adjoined David Fox, Matthew Jones, and vacant
land." |
Gen-site profiles
following gen-sites have been identified as places located within this county
where our direct ancestors are known to have been, born, married, died or
resided. |
Friedens Evangelical Lutheran Church
Church; Coordinates/Map: 36.130N 79.566W; DIRECTIONS
(MapQuest): From
Gibsonville take NC route 61. See
driving map at Guilford County Image Gallery. |
Entrance to Friedens Cemetery Click on thumbnail for larger image Friedens Church Site Map Click on thumbnail for larger image Friedens Evangelical Lutheran Church
Click on thumbnail for larger image |
Church is located about four miles from the confluence of the Reedy Fork
stream with Haw River, two miles west of the present town of Gibsonville. Its
original name was Friedens-kirche, which means Church of Peace. The word
"Friedens" is the genitive of "der Friede", which means
peace. (The word is frequent in compounds, such as "Friedensfurst"
which means Prince of Peace.) The second part of Friedens-kirche --
"kirche" which means church. This was eventually dropped, and the
name took an its English (and present) form "Friedens Church". This entire region for miles around was
settled by the Lutherans, and the church was in the center of a large early
Lutheran community. While the earliest records are lost, it is believed that
the first crude building was erected as early as 1744, but the date is not
clear. Because a re-organization took place in 1771 and a second house was
built at that time, the later 1771 date has often been used as the first date
for Friedens; however, if any Lutheran churches in the state are to be dated
from 1745, then Friedens should be given the earlier date. The second house stood until 1869 when
the present handsome brick building was erected to which an annex of eight
rooms was added in 1928. Both the first and the second buildings stood in
what is now the older part of the cemetery (marked by a monument made of the
original church steps). The second house of 1771 was two stories, 45 x 60
feet, with galleries on three sides, and an old-fashioned high pulpit with
sounding board behind the speaker. It was a fine structure for its day. In
1790 an outdoor pavilion was 'built for holding camp-meetings". The
present church was built on additional land purchased in 1854 for this
purpose, and the original church location was included in the cemetery
grounds. |
Christman are buried here, as well as several other later Christman family
members. |
INTERNET WEB LINK(s): Friedens Lutheran Church Family History
and Genealogy Research; Friedens Lutheran Church, Gibsonville,
NC; |
Elisha Bennett Homesite
LOCATION: Place: Rock Creek Township ; Coordinates/Map: 36° 4′ 47″ N,
79° 34′ 0″ W |
Click on thumbnail for larger image |
In 1786 Elisha Bennett settled on land located just east of the
confluence of the Little and Big Alamance Creeks, both are tributaries of the
Great Alamance Creek. Located in Rock Creek Township about 2
miles south-southeast of the town of Whitsett. |
County Land Owners prior to 1800 located near Friedens |
Jacob Christman Homesite
Click on thumbnail for larger image |
property was located just south of the Reedy Fork on the north branch of
Travis Creek, and about 3 miles north of present day Gibsonville,
North Carolina. Here Jacob eventually
obtained grants for 400 acres of land.
This place is in
Washington Township which is situated in the northeastern corner of Guilford
County. |
Jacob Christman |
WEB LINK(s): Friedens Lutheran Church Family History
and Genealogy Research; Guilford
County Land Owners prior to 1800 located near Friedens |
Jacob Lineberry
LOCATION: Place: Greene Township; Coordinates/Map: 35.9643028,
Longitude -79.595302 |
Click on thumbnail for larger image |
DESCRIPTION: In 1763 Jacob Lineberry received a grant of 242 acres
from Henry Eustace McCulloh. This land
on the North Prong of the Stinking Quarter Creek near the “Old Trading Road”
(now route 62) in the southeastern corner of present day Guilford County. It
is believed that this is the location of Jacob’s original home. This place is in Greene Township which is situated in the
southeastern corner of Guilford County. |
Jacob Lineberry, Sr.,
Jacob Lineberry, Jr, George Lineberry, and Francis (Nicholas) Lineberry. |
WEB LINK(s): Guilford
County Land Owners prior to 1800 located near Friedens |
populated places
Where in the World are My Ancestors? |
The list
below will assist in your research regarding the matching of your ancestor’s
birth, marriage, death dates and the place(s) within this locality at which
these events may have occurred. |
Map of Guilford County North Carolina Guilford County Physical, Cultural &
Historic Features Guilford County ZIP Codes | Area Codes Guilford County Land - Property, Farms
& Ranches Profiles
for 142 cities,
towns and other populated places in Guilford County North Carolina |
Links To Populated Places Within This County |
Cities and Towns: Greensboro; High Point; Jamestown; Oak Ridge; Pleasant Garden; Sedalia; Stokesdale; Summerfield; Whitsett; Colfax; Browns Summit; Gibsonville; Part of Archdale is in Guilford
County Census-designated places: Forest Oaks; McLeansville Townships
The county is divided into eighteen townships: Bruce, Center Grove, Clay, Deep River,
Fentress, Friendship, Gilmer, Greene, High Point, Jamestown, Jefferson,
Madison, Monroe, Morehead, Oak Ridge, Rock Creek, Sumner, and Washington. |
Find Physical Features* Within This County |
* includes but not limited to Cemeteries, Churches, Locales, Military Installations;
Populated Places, Post Offices, Schools, Streams, and Trails |
in county boundaries
Conducting genealogical
research in the United States requires an understanding of county
boundaries. As the population grew
more counties were created to meet the public’s need for localized
governments. This phenomena
was common in all states during the 17th,
18th and 19th centuries. As such you must be sure that you are not
looking for records in the wrong county or state. The
web-site for the Atlas of Historical
County Boundary Project provides interactive maps for all states. This
Atlas is meant to be a resource for people seeking records of past events,
and people trying to analyze, interpret and display county-based historical
data like Land Records, Probate Records, Court Records, Tax Records, and Vital Records that document birth, death,
and marriage. Listed below are the
boundary changes for this county, the dates they occurred, as well as the
government statute that decreed the change.
To see actual changes in a mapping format follow this LINK to the Atlas of Historical
County Boundary Project . |
GUILFORD COUNTY: Map(s) and descriptions
of Historical Boundary Changes Click on thumbnail buttons for Map images |
26 Jan 1771 GUILFORD created from ORANGE and
ROWAN. (N.C. Recs., ch. 24, secs. 1-2/23:823-826)
12 Feb 1779 GUILFORD lost to creation of
RANDOLPH. (N.C. Recs., ch. 22, secs. 1-2/24:234-236)
29 Dec 1785 GUILFORD lost to creation of
ROCKINGHAM. (N.C. Recs., ch. 23, secs. 1-2/24:745-746)
State-Wide Resources
For more information about the U.S. State in which this
county is located click on
these LINKS: |
Where in the world
which enhance our knowledge of the places inhabited by our ancestors are
almost as important as their names.
The LINK |
to the right will take you to Maps, Gazetteers, and
other helpful resources that will assist you in discovering
Ancestral Locations. |
search engine may provide
you with additional |
to assist with your
research about this topic. |
Our Genealogy Reference Library (USA Locations) ·
Genealogy Forum: U.S. States ·
Family Search, IGI Batches, Localities · Resources by county · – U.S. Message Boards |
Genealogy Links – Guilford County ·
Research Wiki - Guilford County ·
Kindred – Guilford County ·
RootsWeb Resources - Guilford County |
Genealogy Forum - Guilford County ·
Rootsweb Message Board – Guilford County ·
Cyndi's List – Guilford County ·
USGenWeb Archives – Guilford County · Collections - Guilford County $ |
following Link
will take you to our library of genealogy reference books. Here you may find books about the history
and records of this county and other places such as towns
and churches. The collection also
contains research works about military units and personnel during America’s
wars, in addition too resource texts about the ethnic and religious groups
who may have settled in this locality. |
our research we have collected images and photographs that are of general
interest to a variety of localities.
Some of them are presented on this website because we believe they
tend to provide the reader with additional information which may aid in the
understanding of our ancestors past lives. |
Statue of General Nathanael Greene at the Guilford Courthouse National Military Park |
Use the following LINK to ascertain whether we have any
images that pertain to this location. ANCESTRAL
Use the power of Google™ to find more interesting images about this topic. A Click on this button will link you to the Google Images Search page. Enter the |
you are searching in the box and click “Search Images”. At the “Images”
display page you will see the image, as well as the
website to which it is linked. |
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and other appropriate information about this topic. RULES OF USE We only ask that if you have a personal
website please create a link to our Home Page. -- This webpage was last updated on
-- 01 July 2012 |