
Highland County

Ohio, USA



Gen Tool-Kit

Researching by Surname

Ancestral Gen-Sites

Researching by Location

Website Resources

Image Gallery

Contact Information





     Highland County is located in the state of Ohio, United States.  Its county seat is Hillsboro.  Higland County is named for the topography which is hilly and divides the watersheds of the Little Miami and Scioto Rivers.

     Highland County was created on February 18, 1805 and was formed from Adams, Clermont and Ross Counties. Founded in 1807, Hillsboro was constructed to be the county seat.  Before this community's establishment, New Market served as the Highland County seat of government.

     Counties adjacent to Highland County are Fayette County (north), Ross County (northeast), Pike County (east), Adams County (southeast), Brown County (southwest),  and Clinton County (northwest).



Gen Tool-Kit

gen tool-kit

     Our “Gen-Tool Kit” has been primarily designed for those researchers who may be traveling to this location to perform on-site studies of their family history, or to just visit some of the interesting historical sites located in the area.  It can be very satisfying to mix research with sightseeing at historical and scenic spots.  Such activity not only gives you an understanding of the land but a needed break from intense research sessions.  When visiting an ancestral county for genealogical research we’ve found that the three most important places to visit are the county courthouse; the county library; and the county historical and/or genealogical societies.  It is also good to plan ahead by contacting any site you intend visiting in order to ascertain where it is and when it will be open.  This is especially true with regard to historical and genealogical societies.  We hope that the following information will provide you with a better idea of what resources are available, within this county, to the family historian.

County Court Records 

·         All Departments below are in the Highland County Courthouse 105 North High Street, Hillsboro, OH 45133; Phone: +1-937-393-9957, unless otherwise noted below. The Official County website is located at .

  • Highland County Clerk of Probate Court has Marriage Records from 1805, Birth / Death Records from 1867-1908 and Probate Records from 1809. Phone Number: 937-393-9981
  • Highland County Recorder has Land Records from 1804 and is located at 119 Gov Foraker Place, PO Box 804, Hillsboro, OH 45133; 937-393-9954, Fax: 937-393-5855, [EMAIL]
  • Highland County Clerk of Court of Common Pleas has Court Records from 1805 and is located at P.O. Box 825, Hillsboro, OH 45133-0825; (937) 393-1941


Libraries, Museums & Archives


Historical & Genealogical Societies


Historical Places

Your LINK to the Historical Places and Districts in HIGHLAND County

U.S. National Register of Historic Places

National Park Service

National Historic Landmarks

National Battlefields

National Historic Sites

National Historical Parks

National Memorials

National Monuments


by Surname

The following are names of persons, found within our databases,

as having been either born, married or died in this location.

To find out more about each surname listed above click on the corresponding Link.

McVicker; Moreland; Pinnell; Scruggs and allied families

Eubanks;   Ross

Bozarth; Peiffer; Quigley; Rhubart and allied families


Dellinger; Knecht; Pfeffer; Silar and allied families

Additional information regarding these and other surnames may also be found at:

Surname Locator Resources

Free Genealogy Surname
 Search From Google

Use this free genealogy site to help you get the best genealogy searches from Google™ by using your family tree, for your research. It will create a series of different searches  using tips or "tricks"

that will likely improve your results. The different searches will give you many different ways of using Google and the Internet to find ancestry information about  this  or  any  other  Surname. 

Where in the World do These
 Surnames Come From?

Click on the LINK to the right to see more information about the World distribution of any surname.  You can

get greater detail for any of the maps by clicking on the area, i.e state, county that you are interested in.


ancestral gen-sites

Map of the County

Family History Notes

Gen-Site Profiles


Map of the county

Map of the County

The Red Starin the map designates the location of the seat of government for this county.  Yellow Stars designate seats of government in adjacent counties.   A Purple Dotshows the location of identified ancestral Gen-Site(s).

NOTE: for a better view of this map use the following ZOOM feature -

from the keyboard you can increase or decrease the zoom value in 10% increments.

To zoom IN, press Ctrl and the  + (plus) button. To zoom OUT, press Ctrl and the - (minus)  button.  To restore the zoom to 100%, press Ctrl and the 0 (zero) button.

Family history notes

Family History Notes

     When Richard Eubanks died at Mason County, Kentucky around 1813 he left his wife Alice (Peachee) Eubanks with five children the eldest only ten years old.  As such his Alice became dependent upon her Peachee and Eubanks relatives who lived in Mason County.   Alice’s brother James Peachee had removed to Daviess County Ohio by 1821.  Her father-in-law John Eubanks and some of his sons had moved to the area of Ross and Pike counties prior to 1810.  A William Eubanks, probably Alice’s brother-in-law, and a David Ross, possibly a relative of Joseph Ross, are listed in the 1807 census of Highland County as living in Liberty Township*.  Thus it is surmised that Alice and her children were living in Highland County with William Eubanks when her daughter Anna Eubanks married Joseph Ross in 1821.  Also it is known that Anna’s brother Absalom Eubanks eventually settled in Brush Creek Township, Highland County and in shown in the 1840 census as living there. 

     The following gen-sites have been identified as places located within this county where our direct ancestors are known to have been, born, married, died or resided.


* A history of the early settlement of Highland County, Ohio, by Daniel Scott, published 1890, page, 144


Gen-site profiles

Gen-Site Profiles

Hillsboro;   Liberty Township   


LOCATION:  Country: United States;   State: Ohio;   County: Highland;  

Place: Hillsboro; Coordinates/Map: 39° 12′ 21″ N, 83° 36′ 50″ W

Highland County Courthouse,

Hillsboro, Ohio


Click on thumbnail

 for larger image

DESCRIPTION:   Hillsboro is the county seat of Highland County, Ohio. Founded in 1807.  Hillsboro grew relatively quickly, having 868 inhabitants in 1840. By 1846, the community contained three churches, two newspaper offices, fourteen stores, and an academy for men and another school for women. The town continued to grow over the next four decades. In 1880, 3,234 people resided in Hillsboro, with approximately one-third of the townspeople being school-aged children. One of the principal reasons for this growth was Hillsboro's location of two separate railroad lines. The town became a center of agricultural trade. In 1886, most of Hillsboro's manufacturing businesses produced items, including flour, carriages, and lumber, for farmers living in the surrounding countryside. Hillsboro's largest employer was J.M. Boyd & Company, with twenty-one employees. This firm processed flour. The town also contained three newspaper offices, eight churches, and three banks in 1886.


INTERNET WEB LINK(s): City of Hillsboro;  Hillsboro, Ohio - Ohio History Central

Liberty Township

LOCATION:  Country: United States;   State: Ohio;   County: Highland;   Place: Liberty Township; Coordinates/Map: 39° 12′ 23″ N, 83° 36′ 25″ W

Map showing the location of Liberty Township


Click on thumbnail

 for larger image

DESCRIPTION:  One of the original four townships of Highland County, Liberty had 232 adult males enumerated when the county was established in 1807, by 1870 the township, including the County seat of Hillsboro, had a population of 5,189.  At that time there were 13 churches, 5 mills, 7 factories, and 4 hotels in Liberty Township.

ANCESTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS GEN-SITE:   It is believed that Joseph Ross married Anna Eubanks at Liberty Township, Highland County in 1821.

INTERNET WEB LINK(s):  Liberty Township (Histopolis);


LOCATION:  Country: United States;   State: Ohio;   County: Highland;   Place:; Coordinates/Map:





Click on thumbnail

 for larger image




populated places

by Location

Gazetteer of Places in This County

Link to State-Wide Resources

Where in the World

are My Ancestors?


Gazetteer of Places

The list below will assist in your research regarding the matching of your ancestor’s birth, marriage, death dates and the place(s) within this locality at which these events may have occurred.


Map of Highland County Ohio

Highland County Physical, Cultural & Historic Features

Highland County ZIP Codes | Area Codes

Highland County Land - Property, Farms & Ranches

Profiles for 55 cities, towns and other populated places in Highland County Ohio


Links To Populated Places Within This County









Sinking Spring












New Market








Unincorporated communities





Find Physical Features* Within This County

* includes but not limited to Cemeteries, Churches, Locales,

Military Installations;  Populated Places, Post Offices, Schools, Streams, and Trails

Links to More Locations in This U.S. State

State-Wide Resources

For more information about the U.S. State in which this county is located  click  on  these  LINKS:


Where in the world

Where in the World
are My Ancestors?

Resources which enhance our knowledge of the places inhabited by our ancestors are almost as important as their names. The LINK



to the right will take you to Maps, Gazetteers,   and other helpful  resources  that will assist you in discovering Ancestral Locations. 

resources Website


This search engine may

provide you with additional

information to assist with

your research about this topic.

General Resources

·         Our Genealogy Reference Library (USA Locations)

·         Genealogy Forum: U.S. States

·         Family Search, IGI Batches, Localities

· Resources by county

· – U.S. Message Boards

·         Cyndi's List - General U.S. Sites

·         Access Genealogy


Locality Specific Resources

·         Highland County, Genealogy Forum

·         Highland County, at Rootsweb

·         Cyndi's List - U.S. – Ohio - Localities

·         Linkpendium > Genealogy> Highland County


Our Genealogy 
Reference Library

The following Link will take you to our library of genealogy reference books.   Here you may find books about the history and records of this county and other places such as towns and churches.  The collection also contains research works about military units and personnel during America’s wars, in addition too resource texts about the ethnic and religious groups who may have settled in this locality.


Research Library – Table of Contents


Image Gallery

During our research we have collected images and photographs that are of general interest to a variety of localities.  Some of them are presented on this website because we believe they tend to provide the reader with additional information which may aid in the understanding of our ancestors past lives.


A Former Tavern and stagecoach stop now houses the Highland County Historical Society, located at 151 East Main Street, Hillsboro, OH 45133


If you have any photographs or other images relating to this 
 county, we would greatly appreciate hearing from you.


Use the following LINK to ascertain whether we have any images that pertain to this location.



Free Image Search
help from Google

Use the power of Google™ to find more interesting images about this topic. A Click on this button will link you to the Google Images Search  page.   Enter  the

topic you are searching in the box and click “Search Images”. At the “Images” display page you will see the image, as well  as the  website to  which it is linked.


Contact Information 

Contact information


Snail mail:

889 Dante Ct.
Mantua, NJ 08051



Pony Express:

6484 Riverstone Dr

Sooke, BC V9Z 0Y7
