Lancaster Co.


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   Lancaster County is a county located on the Northern Neck in the Commonwealth of Virginia, a state in the United States. As of 2000, the population was 11,567. Its county seat is Lancaster. It is located near the mouth of the Rappahannock River.

Lancaster County was established in 1651 from Northumberland and York counties. Historic attractions open to the public include the Mary Ball Washington Museum and Library, Belle Isle State Park and the eighteenth-century Christ Church .

Source: Wikipedia



 Lancaster County Clerk of the Circuit Court has Marriage Records from 1701 , Land Records from 1652 , Probate Records from 1651 and Court Records from 1652 and is located at the County Courthouse on P. O. Box 99, Lancaster, VA 22503; 804/462-5611, Fax: 804/462-9978 .


There are a few online databases for Court, Land and Probate Records which include: Virginia Land, Marriage, and Probate Records, 1639-1850, Virginia County Records, Volume VI, Volume VII and Volume IX.

Source: Family History 101 States


Lancaster Co. Historical Society, White Stone, VA

Local Historical Societies in Virginia

Northern Neck Historical Libraries

Virginia Genealogical Society

Virginia Genealogy Societies

Virginia Historical Society Web Site


LANCASTER LIBRARY - Address: 235 School Street, Kilmarnock, VA 22482-0850, United States;   County: Lancaster;   Phone:804-435-1729;  Lancaster Library is a Public library. This library is the central facility associated with the the library system that serves Lancaster County, VA. The collection of the library contains 33010 volumes. The library circulates 103787 items per year. The library serves a population of 11500 residents.

Source: lib-web-cats: Search for Libraries


U.S. National Register of Historic Places

National Park Service 

 National Historic Landmarks 

 National Battlefields

National Historic Sites 

 National Historical Parks 

 National Memorials 

 National Monuments


The following are names of persons, found within our databases,

as having been either born, married or died in this location.

To find out more about each surname listed above click on the corresponding LINK.

McVicker; Moreland; Pinnell; Scruggs and allied families


Bozarth; Peiffer; Quigley; Rhubart and allied families


Dellinger; Knecht; Pfeffer; Silar and allied families


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Christ Church Parish

Christ Church Parish, Lancaster County

LOCATION:  DIRECTIONS: County of Lancaster, 3 miles south of Kilmarnock on Virginia 3, Irvington, Virginia

ADDRESS: 420 Christ Church Road, Weems, VA 22576; 37.68057908N - -76.42304397W

 Christ Church, State Historic Marker J-86, Rte. 646, .66 mile w. of Rte. 3

FAMILY HISTORY NOTES(s): Peter Brumwell was probably born in that part of Lancaster County, Virginia that now lies in Middlesex County which was formed in 1669.  Sarah Brumwell born or christened in 1679 Christ Church Parish. William Bennett, Sr. born or christened c. 1659 at Christ Church Parish, Lancaster Co., Virginia

INTERNET WEB LINK(s): National Historic Landmarks Program (NHL);  Historic Christ Church; 

Historic Christ Church - Virginia;  Christ Church-Lancaster;  


     Created in 1651 out of Northumberland and York counties, Lancaster County originally included lands on both the north and south sides of the Rappahannock River. From 1651-1654, it is likely that the whole county formed one parish. In 1654, an order of the county court divided Lancaster County into two parishes, the Upper Parish and the Lower Parish. In December of 1656, the Assembly used the boundaries of this Upper Parish to create the new county of Rappahannock, which, like Lancaster, included lands on both the north and south sides of the river.

     In April of 1657, the Lancaster County court again divided the county into two parishes, this time creating one parish on the north side and one on the south side of the Rappahannock River. By 1661, each of these parishes had divided, so there were now two parishes on the north side and two parishes on the south side of the river. The upper parish on the north side eventually became known as St. Mary’s White Chapel. The lower parish took the name Christ Church Parish. On the south side of the river, the upper parish became known as Lancaster Parish, while the lower was called Piankatank Parish. In 1666, Lancaster and Piankatank parishes reunited as one parish called Christ Church Parish. When in 1669 Middlesex County formed from that part of Lancaster County on the south side of the Rappahannock, this parish was now referred to as Christ Church Parish, Middlesex County. This left Lancaster County, now only encompassing lands on the north side of the Rappahannock, with two parishes—Christ Church and St. Mary's White Chapel.

     Though Christ Church and St. Mary’s White Chapel shared the same minister and a glebe, they considered themselves separate parishes. Each had its own vestry and churchwardens, but they met as a general vestry to consider issues related to both parishes, such as the minister, the glebe, and the glebe house.

     In 1752, residents of Lancaster County petitioned the Assembly to unite as one parish. Though it came to its conclusion through an erroneous reading of the records, the Assembly decided that no act of the legislature or order from the county court had ever created St. Mary’s White Chapel or legally divided Christ Church Parish and thus the whole of Lancaster County was included in one parish--Christ Church Parish. A general vestry held on November 17, 1752 accepted the Assembly’s report and formally united the two parishes as Christ Church Parish. St. Mary’s became the upper precinct of the parish, and Christ Church served as the lower precinct. Although Christ Church and St. Mary’s White Chapel were now united as Christ Church Parish, the 12 vestrymen of each church (or precinct) continued to meet independently, giving the parish a total of 24 vestrymen. In February of 1759, residents from both the upper and lower precincts petitioned the Assembly over this arrangement, arguing that the vestry of “each Precinct of the said Parish, though but one, has hitherto acted separate from the other...which frequently occasions Disputes and Controversies.” Moreover, some of the vestrymen had dissented from the Church of England. The Assembly subsequently dissolved the vestry because it had 24 members, called for a new election of 12 vestrymen for the whole parish, and forbade dissenters from serving on vestries throughout the colony. From this point forward, Christ Church Parish had one vestry, and it governed the affairs of both churches.





The list below will assist in your research regarding the matching of your ancestors birth, marriage, death dates and in what locality of this county these events may have occurred.

 Source:  Wikipedia


The red star in the map at the left designates the location of the seat of government for this county.


Incorporated towns:   Irvington ;   Kilmarnock;   White Stone;  

Unincorporated communities: Lancaster;   Morattico


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Contact Information


Snail mail:

889 Dante Ct.
Mantua, NJ 08051



Pony Express:

27 Christopher Dr.
Burton, NB E2V3H4