
Lewis County
Missouri, USA


Gen Tool-Kit


Ancestral Gen-Sites

Populated Places

Website Resources

Image Gallery

Contact Information






Lewis County is a county located in the U.S. state of Missouri. As of 2000, the population was 10,494. Its county seat is Monticello. The county was organized in 1833 and named for explorer and governor of the Louisiana Territory, Meriwether Lewis.  Counties that are located adjacent to Lewis are: Clark County (north); Hancock County, Illinois (northeast); Adams County, Illinois (southeast); Marion County (south); Shelby County (southwest); Knox County (west).

Source: Wikipedia


Gen Tool-Kit

gen tool-kit


All Departments below are in the Lewis County Courthouse located at P.O. Box 97, Monticello, MO 63457; Telephone: (573) 767-5440 , unless otherwise noted below.

Lewis County has records of genealogical interest available: Recorder of Deeds: Index to deeds, 1833-1889; Deed records, 1833-1895; Quitclaim deeds, 1842-1891; Mortgage deeds, 1872-1907; Deeds of trust, 1872-1887; Patent records, 1920-1969; Index to marriage records, 1833-1848; Marriage records, 1833-1919. Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas and Chancery Court: Chancery records, 1834-1856. Clerk of the County Court: Permanent record of births, 1883-1887; Register of births and stillbirths, 1883-1887; Permanent record of deaths, 1883-1887; Register of deaths, 1883-1887. Clerk of the Circuit Court: Circuit court records, 1833-1888. Clerk of the Probate Court: Index to probate records, 1833-1971;Probate records, 1833-1887; Administrator’s/executor’s letters, bonds and records, 1833-1914; Inventories, appraisements and sale bills, 1855-1893; Settlement records, 1857-1887; Index to will records, 1833-1976; Will records, 1833-1917. The Health Department has Birth & Death Records from 1910-Present.


There are a few online databases for Court, Land and Probate Records which include:Missouri

 Marriages, 1766-1983, Missouri Marriages to 1850, Missouri Marriages, 1851-1900. You may also search the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) or Land Patents: 1831 - 1969. Many pioneers and settlers bought land from the government instead of individuals.

Source: Family History 101 States


·         Missouri State Genealogical Association, P.O. Box 833, Columbia, MO 65205-0833

·         State Historical Society of Missouri, 1020 Lowry Str., Columbia, MO 65201-7298; (573) 882-7083, [EMAIL]

·         Missouri Alliance for Historic Preservation, P.O. Box 1715, Columbia, MO 65205-1715; (573) 443-5946

·          Lewis County Historical Society, 112 North Fourth Street, Canton, MO 63435-1313, (573) 288-5713

·          Center for Living History Preservation, Route 2, Box 226-A, Canton, MO 63435, (573) 288-3995

·          Northeast Missouri Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 1574, Hannibal, MO 63401-1574, (573) 288-5713,



Canton Public Library, 409 Lewis Street, Canton, MO 63435

Labelle Branch Library, 425 State, Labelle, MO 63447

Lagrange Branch Library, 114 S. Main, Lagrange, MO 63448

Source: Linkpendium > Genealogy > USA


Your LINK to the Historical Places and Districts in Lewis County

Source: National Register of Historical Places

LINKS to additional historic locations within or near this locality.

U.S. National Register of Historic Places

National Park Service

National Historic Landmarks

National Battlefields

National Historic Sites

National Historical Parks

National Memorials

National Monuments




The following are names of persons, found within our databases,

as having been either born, married or died in this location.

To find out more about each surname listed above click on the corresponding LINK.

McVicker; Moreland; Pinnell; Scruggs and allied families

Gardner;   Johnson;   McChesney

Bozarth; Peiffer; Quigley; Rhubart and allied families


Dellinger; Knecht; Pfeffer; Silar and allied families


Additional information regarding these and other surnames may also be found at:

Surname Locator Resources

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that will likely improve your results. The different searches will give you many different ways of using Google and the Internet to find ancestry information about this or any other Surname. 


ancestral gen-sites




Highland Township;   Union Township

Highland  Township

LOCATION:   Country: United States;  State: Missouri; County: Lewis;   Coordinates: 40° 0′ 24.53″ N, 91° 42′ 57.5″ W;  Map Link


DESCRIPTION: Highland township was organized in March, 1838.  At the March term of the county court, in 1866, the county court organized Lewis county into eight municipal townships, named Canton, Lyon, Reddish, La Belle, Dickerson, Union, Highland and Salem, and these townships have continued as then fixed.   


ANCESTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS GEN-SITE: Disbury Johnson and his family is listed in the 1860 Federal Census as living at this location. 


INTERNET WEB LINK(s): Highland township, Lewis County, MO Detailed Profile


Union Township

LOCATION:   Country: United States;  State: Missouri; County: Lewis;   Coordinates: 40° 0′ 26″ N, 91° 31′ 22″ W;  Map Link

DESCRIPTION: In July, 1831, the Marion county court created Union township, which was bounded as follows: Commencing at the mouth of the Wyaconda river, thence up the main channel to the north side of the tract of land owned by Stephen Cooper; thence west to the dividing ridge between Wyaconda and Durgans creek; thence west to the ridge to range line between ranges 9 and 10; thence south to the township line between townships 59 and 60; thence east to the Mississippi river.  The first election in Union township was held at the home of John Bozarth, below the town of La Grange, which had been designated as the temporary seat of justice. Court was convened on Wednesday, June 5, 1838. 

ANCESTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS GEN-SITE:  Gardner, Nancy Lucynthia (Gardner) Johnson died here on 09 Jan 1883.  Her husband Disbury Johnson soon followed her in death on 25 Feb 1883.

INTERNET WEB LINK(s): Union township, Lewis County, MO Detailed Profile

populated places




The Red Star in the map designates the location of the seat of government for this county.  Yellow Stars designates county seats in adjacent counties.   A Purple Dot shows the location of identified ancestral Gen-Site(s).

For  a better view of this map set your windows  ZOOM  feature  (lower right corner of screen) to 150%


The links below will assist in your research regarding the matching of your ancestor’s birth, marriage, death dates and the place within this locality at which these events may have occurred. 

Canton;   Durham;   Ewing;   La Belle;   La Grange;   Lewistown;   Maywood;   Monticello;   Steffenville; Williamstown

A Directory of Places, Lewis County, Missouri

For more information about the U.S. State in which this county is located click on the following LINK:




Website resources

This search engine may

provide you with additional

information to assist with

your research about this topic.


·         Our Genealogy Reference Library (USA Locations)

·         Genealogy Forum: U.S. States

·         Family Search, IGI Batches, Localities

· Resources by county

· - Localities

·         Cyndi's List - General U.S. Sites



·         University of Missouri Extension - Lewis County

·         A Directory of Places, Lewis County, Missouri




The following Link will take you to our library of genealogy reference books.   Here you may find books about the history and records of this county and other places such as towns and churches.  The collection also contains research works about military units and personnel during America’s wars, in addition too resource texts about the ethnic and religious groups who may have settled in this locality.


U.S.A. Locations Library - States, Counties, & Localities

Image Gallery

Image gallery

During our research we have collected images and photographs that are of general interest to a variety of localities.  Some of them are presented on this website because we believe they tend to provide the reader with additional information which may aid in the understanding of our ancestors past lives.

Lewis County court house, Monticello, Missouri


If you have any photographs or other images relating to this ancestral

location, we would greatly appreciate hearing from you.


Use the following LINK to ascertain whether we have any images that pertain to this location.



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Use the power of Google™ to find more interesting images about this topic. A Click on this button will link you to the Google Images Search  page.   Enter  the

topic you are searching in the box and click “Search Images”. At the “Images” display page you will see the image, as well as the website to which it is linked.


Contact Information 

Contact information


Snail mail:

889 Dante Ct.
Mantua, NJ 08051



Pony Express:

27 Christopher Dr.
Burton, NB E2V3H4