
Muskingum Co.

Ohio, USA



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Ancestral Gen-Sites

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     Muskingum County is located in the state of Ohio, United States.  Its county seat is Zanesville. Nearly bisected by the Muskingum River, it is based on a Delaware American Indian word translated as "town by the river" or "elk's eye".

Muskingum County was created on January 7, 1804 and was formed from Fairfield and Washington Counties. Muskingum County is located about 50 miles east of Columbus. Muskingum is an old Delaware Indian word meaning "a town by the river".

Zanesville was the state capital of Ohio from 1810-12 and is now the Muskingum county seat. In 1814, the first Y-bridges in the world was constructed across the Licking and Muskingum Rivers. It is possible to cross the Y-bridge and stay on the same side of the river. Probate Court has birth & death records from 1867 to 1909, marriage & probate records from 1851; Health Department has birth & death records form 1909; Clerk of Common Pleas Courts has divorce & civil court records from 1804, Supreme Court records 1805 to 1852; County Recorder has land records form 1804.

The following counties lie adjacent to Muskingum: Coshocton County (north);  Guernsey County (east);  Noble County (southeast);  Morgan County (south);  Perry County (southwest); and Licking County (west).

Researching by surname

by Surname

The following are names of persons, found within our databases,

as having been either born, married or died in this location.

To find out more about each surname listed above click on the corresponding Link.

McVicker; Moreland; Pinnell; Scruggs and allied families

Blizzard;   Lane;   McKee;   McVicker

Bozarth; Peiffer; Quigley; Rhubart and allied families


Dellinger; Knecht; Pfeffer; Silar and allied families

Click on this link to find out more about each surname listed above as well as other surnames found within our three family databases.

This link will also lead you to surname resources at Rootsweb, and information about the world-wide distribution of a surname.

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 Search From Google

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that will likely improve your results. The different searches will give you many different ways of using Google and the Internet to find ancestry information about  this  or  any  other  Surname. 

Where in the World do These
 Surnames Come From?

Click on the LINK to the right to see more information about the World distribution of any surname.  You can get greater

detail for any of the maps by clicking on the area, i.e state, county that you are interested in.


ancestral gen-sites

Map of the County

Family History Notes

Gen-Site Profiles

Map of the county

Map of the County

The Red Starin the map designates the location of the seat of government for this county.  Yellow Stars designate seats of government in adjacent counties.   A Purple Dotshows the location of identified ancestral Gen-Site(s). 

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Family history notes

Family History Notes

Dennis McVicker was born in Pennsylvania about 1775.  Like many of his contemporaries he migrated west into Ohio which was originally partitioned from the Northwest Territory, and the first admitted to the Union under the Northwest Ordinance) on March 1, 1803.  This move from Pennsylvania probably occurred around 1817-18.  The Dennis McVicker family is shown as living in Muskingum County, Ohio in the both the 1820 and 1830 United States Federal Censuses.       The 1820 census shows Dennis residing in Salem Township, Muskingum County, Ohio, with four sons and three daughters.  In the 1830 US Federal Census, the family is shown as residing in Monroe Twp, Muskingum County, Ohio with their three sons and three youngest daughters, plus an 80-90 year old female.  The History of Muskingum County, Ohio cites the following regarding Dennis' son and wife, "David and Elizabeth McVicker, withdrew from the Adamsville Church in Salem Twp and joined the Otsego, Monroe Township Church".  David's father and mother, (Dennis and Catharine),probably did the same thing when they moved from Salem to Monroe Township.       Dennis McVicker died in 1831, and Docket A, p. 267, Case #1052, Probate Court, Muskingum County OH shows that Letters of Administration were filed for the small estate on 14 Nov 1831. No deed for land was reported for Dennis and his wife in that county, and no other records have been found there.  Four of Dennis’s seven adult children married in Monroe Township.  James Blizzard and Maria McVicker married here in 1833.  Lurannah McVicker married Samuel Lane here in 1827. David McVicker married Betsy McKee her in 1831.  Agnes McVicker married Tillman Wolverton her in 1834.  The marriage records are located in Muskingum County at the county courthouse at Zanesville. The family moved on to Hocking County, by 1840. 

Gen-site profiles

Gen-Site Profiles

Monroe Township;   Salem Township;   Zanesville

Monroe Township

LOCATION:  Country: United States;   State: Ohio;   County: Muskingum;  Coordinates/Map:40.115, -81.768056; 

Places: Marquand Mills;   Maysville;   Otsego

NAME / DESCRIPTION:  Monroe Township is one of the twenty-five townships of Muskingum County, Ohio, United States. The 2000 census found 439 people in the township.

     Monroe township was named in honor of James Monroe, the fifth president of the United States. It is located in the northeastern corner of Muskingum County, Ohio.  Madison and Adams townships, on the south by Highland township, on the east by Guernsey County and on the north by Coshocton Co, bound it on the west.

     The Muskingum County Commissioners set the township aside on July 2, 1819. Though some settlers had come before this date, the area was not formerly recognized as Monroe township before that date. Like it's neighboring townships, it was created from the larger Highland township that existed prior to 1819. The largest population center was Otsego, which was built on the site of an Indian village. Wills creek runs through the northern part of the township and was traversable by canoe to the Muskingum River in Adams Mills, up-river from Dresden. Many settlers followed the creek to Monroe and the area was well known among the early pioneers for it's game.

     Many of the early settlers had to carve their own trails to the township. Some came by canoe up the Wills Creek to White Eyes Creek. This being the end of their journey, the beginning starting in Marietta, up the Muskingum past Dresden to Wills Creek. Others would later disembark at Marquand Mills and follow what roads had by then been cut to whatever tract of land they had managed to obtain. Some came by covered wagon led by horses or oxen from Cambridge or via the Wheeling road through Union and Highland townships. It should be mentioned that these early settlers found the area heavily forested and had to clear their land before they could begin to farm it. The first few winters were tough as some crops failed and if it weren’t for the abundant game and their skills as hunters, they would have starved. At the same time they were clearing their land, hunting and starting their farms, they also had to deal with some Indians that remained hostile as well as some white men who saw an opportunity to prey on the poorly defended settlers. It was a hard life and through it all, many of these early settlers lived very long lives. A few early pioneers such as Charles Marquand and James Sprague lived into their nineties. These were sturdy men well deserving of the name pioneer.

     Otsego, the largest populated area of Monroe township, was built on the sight of an old Indian village. It has never been incorporated but has served as the only trading center in Monroe since 1838. James Sprague first owned the land the village was built on. He had later sold parts of the land to Francis Wires and Moses Abbott. James Boyle laid out the town when he was a surveyor for Muskingum County. The eastern half of the village was from the Moses Abbot's land and the eastern portion was taken from the tract of Francis Wires. The name Otsego was taken from a town by the same name in New York by Dr. Alonzo Delameter who had built a store there in 1837 with his brother Ralph. David Richardson built the first hotel in the township in Otsego in 1837. 

     Otsego saw much traffic as it stood on the crossroads of two of the widely used roads of the day. Route 93 and Route 83 converge in the village and also White Eyes Creek flows past it and was used for transportation in the early years before the roads were built. James Sprague and his sons built the first road in 1811-1812 to travel to Dresden. The first road to be surveyed, by Charles Roberts, was cut in 1815 from James Lindley's mill on Crooked Creek in Union township to the mouth of Wills Creek. The next road was cut in 1817 from Col. John Reynolds’s store on the Wheeling road in Union township to James Sprague's land in Otsego. The surveyor for that road was Joseph K. McCune. A road was later cut to Adamsville and would later become route 93.

ANCESTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS GEN-SITE:  Blizzard;   Lane;   McKee;   McVicker;   Wolverton. 

INTERNET WEB LINK(S):   Monroe Twp., Muskingum Co., Ohio;  Monroe Twp. Detailed Profile;

Monroe Twp., Muskingum Co., OH (Histopolis)

Salem Township

LOCATION:  Country: United States;   State: Ohio;   County: Muskingum; Coordinates/Map: 40.06, -81.875833; 

Places: Adamsville;   Spencer (u.p.)

NAME / DESCRIPTION:  Salem Township is one of the twenty-five townships of Muskingum County, Ohio, United States. The 2000 census found 830 people in the township, 703 of whom lived in the unincorporated portions of the township.

     The Muskingum County Commissioners created Salem Township from Highland Township in July 1819.  It is found in the north eastern part of Muskingum County between Highland Twp. to the east, Madison and Washington Twps. to the west, Adams Twp. to the north and Perry Twp. to the south. It is found in Range 6W in an area known as "The Military District" which was originally laid out following the Revolutionary War. The name "Salem" was taken from Salem, Massachusetts where some of it's early inhabitants had come from. The major town is Adamsville which once was a prospering community but has of late fallen the way of many towns bypassed by major highways.


INTERNET WEB LINK(S):   Salem Twp., Muskingum Co., Ohio;  Salem Twp., Muskingum Co., OH (Histopolis);   Salem Twp., Muskingum Co., Ohio - Wikipedia


LOCATION:  Country: United States;   State: Ohio;   County: Muskingum;

Coordinates/Map: 39.946111, -82.012222; 

NAME / DESCRIPTION:  Zanesville is a city in and the county seat of Muskingum County. The population was 25,586 at the 2000 census.  Zanesville was named after Ebenezer Zane, who had constructed Zane's Trace, a pioneer road through present-day Ohio. He settled in the area in 1797 with his son-in-law, John McIntire, at the point where Zane's Trace met the Muskingum River. From 1810-1812, the city was the second state capital of Ohio. The National Road runs through Zanesville as U.S. Route 40.


INTERNET WEB LINK(S):   City of Zanesville's official website;   Zanesville and Muskingum County, Ohio;   Zanesville Ohio Community Directory;   Zanesville Tourism site;   John McIntire Library website;

South Branch Library website


populated places

by Location

Gazetteer of Places

 in This County

Changes of County Boundaries

Link to State-Wide Resources

Where in the World

are My Ancestors?


Gazetteer of Places

The list below will assist in your research regarding the matching of your ancestor’s birth, marriage, death dates and the place(s) within this locality at which these events may have occurred.


Profiles for 43 cities, towns and other populated places in Muskingum County Ohio

Map of Muskingum County Ohio

Muskingum County Physical, Cultural & Historic Features


Muskingum County ZIP Codes | Area Codes

Muskingum County Land - Property, Farms & Ranches


Muskingum County, Ohio, United States

Details | Resources | Townships and Cities |

 Cities | Cemeteries |

Links To Populated Places Within This County




·   Adamsville

·   Dresden

·   Frazeysburg

·   Fultonham

·   Gratiot

·   New Concord

·   Norwich

·   Philo

·   Roseville

·   South Zanesville




Other communities and Census-designated places


Find Physical Features* Within This County

* includes but not limited to Cemeteries, Churches, Locales, Schools,

Military Installations;  Populated Places, Post Offices, Streams, and Trails

County boundary changes

Historical Changes in the Boundaries of this County

     Conducting genealogical research in the United States requires an understanding of county boundaries.  As the population grew more counties were created to meet the public’s need for localized governments.  This phenomena was common in all states during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries.  As such you must be sure that you are not looking for records in the wrong county or state. 

     The web-site for the Atlas of Historical County Boundary Project provides interactive maps for all states. This Atlas is meant to be a resource for people seeking records of past events, and people trying to analyze, interpret and display county-based historical data like Land Records, Probate Records, Court Records, Tax Records, and Vital Records that document birth, death, and marriage.   Listed below are the boundary changes for this county, the dates they occurred, as well as the government statute that decreed the change.  To see actual changes in a mapping format follow this link to the Atlas of Historical County Boundary Project .

Map of 1804 County Boundaries (in black)

01 Mar 1804 - MUSKINGUM created from FAIRFIELD, WASHINGTON, and a small piece of COLUMBIANA.

15 Mar 1808 - MUSKINGUM lost to creation of TUSCARAWAS.

01 Mar 1810 - MUSKINGUM lost to creation of COSHOCTON and GUERNSEY; COSHOCTON not fully organized,

                          attached to MUSKINGUM for administrative and judicial purposes.

01 Apr 1811 - COSHOCTON fully organized, detached from MUSKINGUM.

29 Dec 1817 - MUSKINGUM lost to creation of MORGAN; MORGAN not fully organized, part attached to

                          MUSKINGUM for administrative and judicial purposes.

01 Mar 1818 - MUSKINGUM lost to creation of PERRY.

01 Mar 1819 - MORGAN fully organized, detached from MUSKINGUM.

Links to More About This U.S. State

State-Wide Resources

For more information about the U.S. State in which this county is located  click  on  these  LINKS:


Where in the world

Where in the World
are My Ancestors?

Resources which enhance our knowledge of the places inhabited by our ancestors are almost as important as their names. The LINK



to the right will take you to Maps, Gazetteers,   and other helpful  resources  that will assist you in discovering Ancestral Locations. 


Gen Tool-Kit

gen tool-kit

Our “Gen-Tool Kit” has been primarily designed for those researchers who may be traveling to this location to perform on-site studies of their family history, or to just visit some of the interesting historical sites located in the area.  It can be very satisfying to mix research with sightseeing at historical and scenic spots.  Such activity not only gives you an understanding of the land but a needed break from intense research sessions.  When visiting an ancestral county for genealogical research we’ve found that the three most important places to visit are the county courthouse; the county library; and the county historical and/or genealogical societies.  It is also good to plan ahead by contacting any site you intend visiting in order to ascertain where it is and when it will be open.  This is especially true with regard to historical and genealogical societies.  We hope that the following information will provide you with a better idea of what resources are available, within this county, to the family historian.


County History

Libraries, Museums

& Archives

Maps and Gazetteers

 County Records


(History & Genealogical)



·        Cemeteries of Muskingum County

·        Muskingum County  Transcription & Photo Project

·        Muskingum County Cemeteries

·        Muskingum County Cemeteries

·        Muskingum County Cemetery Index

·        Muskingum County Cemetery List

·        Muskingum County Cemetery Project

·        Muskingum County Cemetery Registration

·        Muskingum County Headstones

·        Muskingum County Index

·        Photographs from Muskingum County Cemeteries

·          The Political Graveyard



Your LINK to the Historical Places and Districts in MUSKINGUM County

·        History of Muskingum County

·        History of Muskingum County, Ohio  1882

·        Muskingum County  1888

·        Muskingum County  1854

·        Muskingum County Bibliography

·        Muskingum County Historical Markers

·        Muskingum County History

·        Muskingum County History

·        Muskingum County History

·        First Mass in Zanesville

·        Primitive Baptist Churches

·        A Brief History of Bloomfield

·        New Concordd

·        Roseville, Ohio

·        Zanesville, Ohio

·        Zanesville

·        Zanesville Historical Sites


Libaries, Museums, Archives

Libraries, Museums & Archives

·        Dr. Increase Mathers House

·        Family History Library Holdings

·        Genealogy Library  Muskingum County Library System

·        The John and Annie Glenn Historic Site

·        Lorena Sternwheeler

·        Muskingum County Libraries

·        Muskingum County Libraries

·        National Ceramic Museum & Heritage Center

·        National Road/Zane Grey Museum

·        PERiodical Source Index Search  Muskingum Co., OH

·        Putnam Underground Railroad Education Center

·        Roseville Historical Society Museum

·        Stone Academy Museum

Maps and Gazetteers

Maps and Gazetteers

·        Muskingum County, Ohio 1872

·        Muskingum County.1895

·        Muskingum County 1866

·        Muskingum County 1875

·        Muskingum County 1916

·        Muskingum County Gazetteer

·        Muskingum County Land Ownership Atlas  1866

·        Muskingum County Land Ownership Atlas  1916

·        Muskingum County Post Offices

·        Muskingum County Topo Maps and Aerial Photos

·        Muskingum County, 1875 

·        Tiger Map Server Browser Muskingum Co, OH

·        View of the Country round Zanesville  1812

·        Quad List of Bloomfield, Ohio

·        Quad List of Bluerock, Ohio

·        Quad List of Brush Creek, Ohio

·        Quad List of Dresden, Ohio

·        Quad List of Elizabeth, Ohio

·        Quad List of Frazeysburg, Ohio

·        Quad List of Hopewell, Ohio

·        Quad List of Lewis, Ohio

·        Quad List of McDonald, Ohio

·        Quad List of Newton, Ohio

·        Quad List of Norwich, Ohio

·        Quad List of Smith, Ohio

·        Quad List of Zanesville, Ohio

County Records


·        All Departments below are in the Muskingum County Courthouse 401 Main Street, Zanesville, OH 43701; Phone: +1-614-455-7107, unless otherwise noted below. The Official County website is located at .

·        Muskingum County Clerk of Probate Court has Marriage Records from 1804, Birth / Death Records from 1867-1908 and Probate Records from 1804 and is located at the courthouse. Phone Number: 740-455-7113

·        Muskingum County Recorder has Land Records from 1800 and is located at the courthouse. Phone Number: (740) 455-7107

·        Muskingum County Clerk of Court of Common Pleas has Court Records from 1804 and is located at the courthouse. Phone Number:


·        Muskingum County Bibles

·        Muskingum Co. Census Records

·        Muskingum County Census Records

·        Muskingum County Federal Census Index

·        Census Search  Muskingum Co. 1880

·        Muskingum County on Reel 1858 – 1930 U.S. Census

·        Muskingum County on Reel 1859 – 1930 U.S. Census

·        Livingston's Law Register, 1851  Muskingum Co. Lawyers

·        Muskingum County Wills

·        Muskingum County, Ohio Will Testators Index 

     1804-1891, A-D

·        Muskingum County, Ohio Will Testators Index 

     1804-1891, E-K

·        Muskingum County, Ohio Will Testators Index 

     1804-1891, L-R

·        Muskingum County, Ohio Will Testators Index

     1804-1891, S-Z

·        Land Patent Search

·        Muskingum County Deeds

·        Muskingum County Land Records

·        List of Pensioners on the Roll January 1, 1883 

·        Muskingum County Military Records

·        Camp Goddard- Civil War

·        Civil War Data for Muskingum County

·        Company F, 122d Ohio Volunteer Infantry – Civil War

·        Zanesville Guards – Civil War

·          Muskingum County, Ohio  World War II Casualties

·          Migrations through Muskingum County

·        Muskingum County Miscellaneous Records

·        Muskingum County Public Records Links

·        Muskingum County Records

·        Chronicling America  Muskingum County

·        Muskingum County – Newspaper Abstracts

·        Muskingum County Newspaper Articles

·        Bolin-Dierkes Funeral Home 

·        Burrell Funeral Services

·        DeLong-Baker & Lanning Funeral Home

·        Muskingum County Obituaries

·        Obituary Index  Individuals born in Muskingum County

·        Zanesville Times Recorder 

·        Old Muskingum County, Ohio Schools

·        Muskingum County Taxes 

·        Early Marriage Bonds  1835-1848, some C and K

·        Early Marriage Bonds  1804-1818, N-R

·        Muskingum County Vital Records

·        Muskingum County Vital Records

·        Ohio Marriages

·        Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900

·        Partial Records of Death - Muskingum Co., OH

·        Probate Records (Births)

·        U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850-1880


Societies (Historical & Genealogical)

·        Catholic Record Society  of the Diocese of Columbus

·        Muskingum County Chapter  Ohio Genealogical Society

·        Ohio National Road Association 

·        Roseville Historical Society 

·        Roseville Historical Society     

·        Zanesville Historical Society 

resources Website


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General Resources

Locality Specific Resources

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and Databases

Our Genealogy Reference Library

General Resources

General Resources


·        Family History 101

·        The USGenWeb Project

·        United States Research Wiki – Family Search

·        Kindred

·        Genealogy Trails History Group

·        Family Search,  USA IGI Batches, Localities

·        Birth & Marriage Records Indexes for USA

·        Record Search - Family

· Resources by county

·        Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

·        Genealogy Forum: U.S. States

· – U.S. Message Boards

·        Cyndi's List – United States Index

·        USGenWeb Archives

·        Data Base Collections at$


·        Access Genealogy

· – Collaborative Genealogy and History

· - archive of genealogy records

·        Searchable Death Indexes & Records

·        Census Finder –Free Census and other Records

·           Locality Specific Resources

·        Locality Specific Resources

·        Muskingum County Genealogy Links

·        Muskingum County (Family History

·        Muskingum County USGenWeb

·        Muskingum County Research Wiki

·        Kindred – Muskingum County

·        Genealogy Trails History Group – Muskingum County

·        Muskingum County, Genealogy Forum

·        Rootsweb Message Board – Muskingum County

·        Cyndi's List - U.S. – Ohio - Localities

·        USGenWeb Archives – Muskingum County

·        Ohio Data Collection - $

· – Muskingum County

Free Records & Databases

FREE Records
 & Databases

All of the records and databases we’ve collected are FREE and can be accessed and searched online without having to pay for a subscription.   We have divided our collected into 14 record types as follows: Biographical; Birth; Cemetery; Census & City Directories; Church; Court; Death; Immigration & Naturalization; Land; Marriage; Military; Newspapers; Occupational; and Tax Records.    We try not to list any sites that have only a few records for the purpose of getting you to a website that will charge a fee to actually see the record beyond just a name.  

This Link will take you to our

collections of FREE Records.  

Genealogy Reference Library

Our Genealogy 
Reference Library

The following Link will take you to our library of genealogy reference books.   Here you may find books about the history and records of this county and other places such as towns and churches.  The collection also contains research works about military units and personnel during America’s wars, in addition too resource texts about the ethnic and religious groups who may have settled in this locality.

This Link will take you to

our collections of reference books.  

Click on these links to visit some of the websites we really like!!


Image Gallery

During our research we have collected images and photographs that are of general interest to a variety of localities.  Some of them are presented on this website because we believe they tend to provide the reader with additional information which may aid in the understanding of our ancestors past lives.

The Y bridge at Zanesville

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gallery  that pertains to this location.

If you have any photographs or other images relating to this 
 county, we would greatly appreciate hearing from you.

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Contact Information 

Contact information


Snail mail:

889 Dante Ct.
Mantua, NJ 08051



Pony Express:

6484 Riverstone Dr

Sooke, BC V9Z 0Y7
