
SALEM County

New Jersey, USA




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     Salem County is a county located in the U.S. state of New Jersey. Its county seat is Salem.  This county is part of the Delaware Valley area.

     The Old Salem County Courthouse, situated on the same block as the Salem County Courthouse, serves as the court for Salem City. It is the oldest active courthouse in New Jersey and is the second oldest courthouse in continuous use in the United States, the oldest being King William County Courthouse (1725) in Virginia.  The courthouse was built in 1735 during the reign of King George II using locally manufactured bricks.  The building was enlarged in 1817 and additionally enlarged and remodeled in 1908. Its distinctive bell tower is essentially unchanged and the original bell sits in the courtroom.  The counties that lie adjacent to Salem are:  Gloucester County, New Jersey – northeast; Cumberland County, New Jersey – southeast; Kent County, Delaware- southwest; and New Castle County, Delaware – west.



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County Records 

 Salem County Clerk has Land Records & Marriage Records from 1766/1786 and is located at the address above. Phone Number: 856-935-7510 Ext. 8206, FAX 856-935-8882 . [ County clerks were required by law to file copies of deeds beginning in 1785 and mortgages beginning in 1766.]


Salem County Surrogate Court / Orphan's Court has Probate Records from 1785/1804 and is located at the courthouse. Phone Number: (856) 935-7510 Ext. 8323 - E-Mail: [email protected]. [ Recording of wills and estate inventories at the county level began in 1804. Orphans Courts were established in 1785.]



Historical & Genealogical Societies


Libraries, Museums & Archives


Historical Places

Your LINK to the Historical Places and Districts in SALEM County

U.S. National Register of Historic Places

National Park Service

National Historic Landmarks

National Battlefields

National Historic Sites

National Historical Parks

National Memorials

National Monuments


by Surname

The following are names of persons, found within our databases,

as having been either born, married or died in this location.

To find out more about each surname listed above click on the corresponding Link.

McVicker; Moreland; Pinnell; Scruggs and allied families

Abbott;   Atkinson;   Blew;   Bran;   Burroughs;   Garrison;   Peachee;   Shute

Bozarth; Peiffer; Quigley; Rhubart and allied families


Dellinger; Knecht; Pfeffer; Silar and allied families


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ancestral gen-sites

Family History Notes

The Abbott, Blew, and Peachee families all came to Salem County prior to the American Revolutionary War.  Abdon Abbott, Sr. migrated to Salem County from Suffolk County, New York prior to 1747. John and Elizabeth Blew most likely also came to this location from Suffolk County, New York.  Benjamin F. Peachee was born here in 1756 as was his wife Anna Abbott daughter of the aforementioned Abdon Abbott.  Several of their children were also born here between 1784 and when he removed to Kentucky some time between 1794-99.   Abdon Abbott (Abit) died here in 1790.  It is most probable that most if not all of his seven known off-spring were also born in the area of Salem county that is Pittsgrove Township.  On 16 October 1745 Abdon Abbott married Elizabeth Blew at the Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church.  As such it is most probable that their seven known children were also baptized here. Abdon Abbott, Jr. married Margaret Bran at Penn’s Neck September, 1779.

Gen-Site Profiles

Penn’s Neck;   Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church;   Pittsgrove Township

Penn’s Neck

LOCATION:  Country: United States;   State: New Jersey;   County: Salem;   Place: Penn’s Neck; Coordinates/Map: 394019N  0753036W

Penn’s Neck Township 1701-1721


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 for larger image

DESCRIPTION:  Penn's Neck was a township that existed in Salem County, New Jersey from 1701 until 1721. Penn's Neck Township was first mentioned on May 12, 1701. It had originally existed as West Fenwick Township, which was first mentioned in a deed on August 30, 1676, though the details of its incorporation are unknown.  Penn’s Neck encompassed an area that lay between Salem Creek and Oldmans Creek.  Because this locale was too large to govern properly the township was subdivided and dissolved as of July 10, 1721, with the formation of Upper Penns Neck Township (now Carneys Point Township) and Lower Penns Neck Township (now Pennsville Township).

ANCESTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS GEN-SITE:  Abdon Abbott, Jr. married Margaret Bran at Penns Neck September, 1779.

INTERNET WEB LINK(s):  The New Jersey Historical Society; 

Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church

LOCATION:  Country: United States;   State: New Jersey;   County: Salem;  

Place: Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church  Located at 312 Daretown Rd., Elmer NJ 08318
856-358-1104, in Pittsgrove Twp., Salem Co., NJ
.; Coordinates/Map: 39° 36′ 4″ N, 75° 15′ 38″ W



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Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church


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for larger image

DESCRIPTION:  The Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church of Salem County, New Jersey was The Presbyterian church was the first established in the township. It was organized in 1741 and the first pastor was the Rev. David Evans, a native of Wales.      The original church was built in 1767, this is a beautiful Georgian building, inside and out. It has the two entrances favored by 18th century Protestant churches and meetinghouses, and the balanced façade characteristic of Georgian architecture. The masonry is set in Flemish  bond.       A newer Gothic Revival church was erected by the congregation within sight of this one a hundred years later. It was restored in 1941 and is listed on the National Register.

ANCESTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS GEN-SITE:   On 16 October 1745 Abdon Abbott married Elizabeth Blew at this church. 

INTERNET WEB LINK(s): Pittsgrove Presbyterian Cemetery;   Salem churches;

History of Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church, Salem Co., NJ

Pittsgrove Township

LOCATION:  Country: United States;   State: New Jersey;   County: Salem;  

Place: Pittsgrove Township;   Coordinates/Map: 39° 32′ 18″ N, 75° 7′ 48″ W

Pitsgrove Township


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for larger image

DESCRIPTION:  Pittsgrove township was formed from Pilesgrove, and named after Sir William Pitt.  It is 12 miles long, 6˝ broad; and is bounded N. by Franklin and Woolwich, (Gloucester co.,) S. by Deerfield, (Cumberland co.,) and U. Alloway's creek, E. by Millville, (Cumberland co..) and N. by Pilesgrove. It is centrally distant from Salem 16 miles.  During the 18th and 19th centuries Pittstown, Centreville, and Daretown were the primary villages in this township. 

ANCESTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS GEN-SITE:   Benjamin F. Peachee was born here in 1756 as was his wife Anna Abbott.  Abdon Abbott (Abit) died here in 1790.

INTERNET WEB LINK(s):  Pittsgrove Township website;   History of Salem County, NJ;  

populated places

by Location

Map of

This County

Gazetteer of Places in This County

Link to State-Wide Resources

Where in the World

are My Ancestors?


Map of County

The Red Star in the map designates the location of the seat of government for this county.  Yellow Stars designates county seats in adjacent counties.   A Purple Dot shows the location of identified ancestral Gen-Site(s).

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Gazetteer of Places

The list below will assist in your research regarding the matching of your ancestor’s birth, marriage, death dates and the place(s) within this locality at which these events may have occurred.

Profiles for 109 cities, towns and other populated places in Salem County New Jersey

Map of Salem County New Jersey

Salem County Physical, Cultural & Historic Features

Salem County ZIP Codes | Area Codes

Salem County Land - Property, Farms & Ranches

Links To Populated Places Within This County

Alloway Township;   Carneys Point Township;   Elmer (borough);   Elsinboro Township;  

Lower Alloways Creek Township;   Mannington Township;   Oldmans Township; 

 Penns Grove (borough);   Pennsville Township;   Pittsgrove Township;   Olivet; 

 Quinton Township;   Salem (city)

Find Physical Features* Within This County

* includes but not limited to Cemeteries, Churches, Locales,

Military Installations;  Populated Places, Post Offices, Schools, Streams, and Trails

Links to More Locations in This U.S. State

State-Wide Resources

For more information about the U.S. State in which this county is located  click  on  these  LINKS:


Where in the world

Where in the World
are My Ancestors?

Resources which enhance our knowledge of the places inhabited by our ancestors are almost as important as their names. The LINK



to the right will take you to Maps, Gazetteers,   and other helpful  resources  that will assist you in discovering Ancestral Locations. 

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General Resources

·        Our Genealogy Reference Library (USA Locations)

·        Genealogy Forum: U.S. States

·        Family Search, IGI Batches, Localities

· Resources by county

· – U.S. Message Boards

·        Cyndi's List - General U.S. Sites

Locality Specific Resources

·         Salem County (Family History

·         Salem County USGenWeb

·        Salem County, Genealogy Forum

·        Salem County, at Rootsweb

·        Cyndi's List - U.S. – New Jersey - Localities

·        Linkpendium > Genealogy> Salem County


Our Genealogy 
Reference Library

The following Link will take you to our library of genealogy reference books.   Here you may find books about the history and records of this county and other places such as towns and churches.  The collection also contains research works about military units and personnel during America’s wars, in addition too resource texts about the ethnic and religious groups who may have settled in this locality.


U.S.A. Locations Library - States, Counties, & Localities


Image Gallery

During our research we have collected images and photographs that are of general interest to a variety of localities.  Some of them are presented on this website because we believe they tend to provide the reader with additional information which may aid in the understanding of our ancestors past lives.


The Famous 400 year old Salem Oak, at the First

Presbyterian Church Cemetery in Salem, NJ


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location, we would greatly appreciate hearing from you.


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-- This webpage was last updated on --

01 January 2012