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Sedgewick Co


Sedgewick Co

     Sedgwick County is located in south central Kansas.  Wichita, the largest city and county seat of Sedgwick County, was named for the Wichita Indians who originally inhabited this area. The county was named after General John Sedgwick.  Sedgwick County was created on February 26, 1867, and organized in 1870 from Hunter, Otoe and Peketon Counties.

     The county has a strong agricultural economy and is home to numerous aircraft industries, earning the title for Wichita of "the airplane capital of the world." The Big and Little Arkansas rivers meet in downtown Wichita, the largest city in the county.

     Counties that lie adjacent to Sedgwick are: Harvey County (north); Butler County (east); Cowley County (southeast);  Sumner County (south);  Kingman County (west); and  Reno County (northwest).

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Tool Kit (pink)


Gen Tool-Kit

gen tool-kit

Tool Kit (pink)2

     Our “Gen-Tool Kit” has been primarily designed for those researchers who may be traveling to this location to perform on-site studies of their family history, or to just visit some of the interesting historical sites located in the area.  It can be very satisfying to mix research with sightseeing at historical and scenic spots.  Such activity not only gives you an understanding of the land but a needed break from intense research sessions.  When visiting an ancestral county for genealogical research we’ve found that the three most important places to visit are the county courthouse; the county library; and the county historical and/or genealogical societies.  It is also good to plan ahead by contacting any site you intend visiting in order to ascertain where it is and when it will be open.  This is especially true with regard to historical and genealogical societies.  We hope that the following information will provide you with a better idea of what resources are available, within this county, to the family historian.

County Court Records 

·         All Departments below can be contacted by clicking the link, by contacting the Phone number below for each department or contacting the County Courthouse at 525 N Main, Room 320, Wichita, KS 67203-3731; Phone: (316) 660-9300. NOTE: The record dates below are from the earliest date to present time.


Libraries, Museums & Archives

Derby Historical Museum 
Family History Library Holdings     

Frank Lloyd Wright's Allen-Lambe House 

Kansas Reference & Local History Collection
Great Plains Transportation Museum 

The Hopalong Cassidy Cowboy Museum 

Indian Center Museum 

Kansas Aviation Museum 
Kansas Firefighters Museum 

Kansas State Library 
KSGenWeb Digital Library

MHGS Research Library 
Mulvane Historical Museum 
Mulvane Museum     

Museum of the Kansas National Guard     

Old Cowtown Museum 
PERiodical Source Index Search 

Sedgwick County Libraries     

Souder Historical Museum 
Special Collections  Wichita State University
Special Collections  Friends University, Wichita
USGenWeb Archives

Historical & Genealogical Societies

South Kansas Camp #2064, Wichita     (Source: Sons of Confederate Veterans)
Clearwater Historical Society 
Eunice Sterling Chapter  Wichita     (Source: National Society Daughters of the American Revolution)
Flores del Sol Chapter  Wichita     (Source: National Society Daughters of the American Revolution)
Golden Wheat Chapter  American Historical Society of Germans From Russia
Haysville Historic District Committee 
Little Arkansas Chapter  Valley Center     (Source: National Society Daughters of the American Revolution)
Martha Loving Chapter  Wichita     (Source: National Society Daughters of the American Revolution)
Midwest Historical and Genealogical Society 
Randolph Loving Chapter  Wichita     (Source: National Society Daughters of the American Revolution)
Topeka Genealogical Society 
Valley Center Historical and Cultural Society 
Wichita Chapter      (Source: National Society Daughters of the American Revolution)
Wichita Genealogical Society      (Source: Blue Skyways - Kansas State Library)


Historical Places

Your LINK to the Historical Places and Districts in SEDGWICK County

U.S. National Register of Historic Places

National Park Service

National Historic Landmarks

National Battlefields

National Historic Sites

National Historical Parks

National Memorials

National Monuments

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Rootsweb (mytree2)


by Surname

Rootsweb (mytree2)

The following are names of persons, found within our databases,

as having been either born, married or died in this location.

To find out more about each surname listed above click on the corresponding Link.

McVicker; Moreland; Pinnell; Scruggs and allied families

Baker;   Elliott;   Johnson;   Kohler;   McVicker;   Riley;   Ross;   Tiffin;   Valentine

Bozarth; Peiffer; Quigley; Rhubart and allied families


Dellinger; Knecht; Pfeffer; Silar and allied families

Additional information regarding these and other surnames may also be found at:

Surname Locator Resources

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 Search From Google

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that will likely improve your results. The different searches will give you many different ways of using Google and the Internet to find ancestry information about  this  or  any  other  Surname. 

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ancestral gen-sites

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Map of the County

Family History Notes

Gen-Site Profiles

Map of the county

Map of the County

The Red Starin the map designates the location of the seat of government for this county.  Yellow Stars designate seats of government in adjacent counties.   A Purple Dotshows the location of identified ancestral Gen-Site(s).

Sedgwick Co,, KS (gen-sites map)

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Family history notes

Family History Notes


       Around 1871-72, the widowed, Elizabeth (Ross) McVicker and her family moved to Union Township.  In June of 1873 she married Smith Riley an early settler of the area.    In 1877 John R. McVicker married Ms. Ella Johnson and their first child Minnie was born April 1878 most likely at the McVicker Homestead then in Union Township, now in Park Township.    John and Mary produced a total of eight children of which least five of these children were born in here between 1878 and 1889.  The 1880 census shows the McVicker family residing in Union Township, in that area around the town of Maize that eventually fell into Park Township.  An 1882 plat map of the county shows the farm of John McVicker located in Township 26, South Range, 1 West, Section 28, NW 1/4.  Today this property owned by the local government and is located near the Maize Airport at the southeast corner of W 45th St. N and Tyler Road (W 87th St), see maps at our McVicker Image Gallery. 

Military Pension records show that John was still living here on June 26, 1890.  Subsequently he and his family removed to California.   Clyde E. McVicker son of John Robert and Mary Ella (Johnson) McVicker is buried here at Maize Park Cemetery.  

      David McVicker, son of James and Elizabeth (Ross) McVicker, and his young family, were living at town of Maize in Park Township by the late 1890's.   The 1900 Federal census shows the David and his family living in Park Township, Sedgwick County, Kansas with their five children: Theodosia (b. 1886), Lizzie (b. 1891), Edwin (b. 1894), Eugene (b. 1896), and Grant (b. 1899).  David who made his living as a farmer was still living in this location as of the 1910 census.  Soon thereafter the family removed to Oregon. 

     In 1900, John and Rebecca (McVicker) Tiffin, five of their children and two grandchildren were residing in Wichita, Ward 2.   Rebecca (McVicker) Tiffin her son Timothy R. Tiffin and daughter Ella Tiffin are buried at Highland Cemetery, located in Wichita Township.  Catherine (McVicker) Baker is buried in Maple Grove Cemetery as well as her son William B. Baker, also located here. 

     The following gen-sites have been identified as places located within this county where our direct ancestors are known to have been, born, married, died or resided.


Gen-site profiles

Gen-Site Profiles

Highland Cemetery;     Maize;     Maize Park Cemetery;

Maple Grove Cemetery;     McVicker Homestead

Highland Cemetery

LOCATION: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png Country: United States;   State: Kansas;   County: Sedgwick;  Township: Wichita (city);

 Place: Highland Cemetery; Coordinates/Map: 37.7027915, -97.3011555


Grave of William Eugene Stanley, 15th Governor

of Kansas

Click on thumbnail

for larger image

DESCRIPTION:  Highland Cemetery is located on Hillside at 9th Street across Hillside from Maple Grove  Cemetery.  See NE 1/4 Section 15, TWP 27S, R1E, on a Wichita Township plat map.


INTERNET WEB LINK(s):  Highland Cemetery-Histopolis;  Highland Cemetery;  Photo Gallery (Highland Cemetery);  City of Wichita - Highland Cemetery;  Highland Cemetery, Wichita, KS

Arrow (red up)


LOCATION: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png Country: United States;   State: Kansas;   County: Sedgwick;  Township: Park 

Place: Maize; Coordinates/Map: 37° 46′ 23″ N, 97° 28′ 0″ W

See full size image


Maize_KS TN


Click on thumbnail

 for larger image

DESCRIPTION:        Maize is the major population center of Park Township.   It is located in south-central Kansas, near Wichita. Maize was founded by Henry Loudenslager in 1886, and incorporated May 17, 1915. The name maize was suggested by the Wichita & Colorado Railroad, as the town was founded along the railroad through the corn belt. Park was the first township in Sedgwick County to be settled. It was in Park Township that the first farm settler, John Ross, built his cabin and where he met his tragic death      Park was not organized as a township until May 2nd, 1871.  Park is watered by both the Big and the Little Arkansas rivers. It is thoroughly irrigated by the undertow of both rivers, hence at its beginning was a highly productive agricultural economy.  In 1883 the population of Park Township was 418, today it is around 2,000. 


INTERNET WEB LINK(s):  Maize, KS (Detailed Profile);    Maize, Kansas - Wikipedia 

Park Twp., Sedgwick Co., KS (Detailed Profile);   Maize City Website;  

Arrow (red up)

Maize Park Cemetery

LOCATION: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png Country: United States;   State: Kansas;   County: Sedgwick; Township: Union

Place: Maize Park Cemetery; Coordinates/Map: 37° 46' 45" N,  97° 29' 24" W

See full size image


Click on thumbnail

 for larger image

DESCRIPTION:   Maize Park Cemetery is located in Union Township, in the northeastern Ľ of section 24, township 26 south, range 2 west of Sedgwick county. It is in Union township on 53rd Street North one half mile west of 119th Street West, see map at Image Gallery. 

     Union Township was first settled by Henry Pate and his four sons, in 1869.  The influx of settlers was so rapid that in 1872 all the land in the township had been pre-empted. The township was organized in 1872, by E. A. Dorsey.  It is primarily and agricultural community with excellent crop producing qualities, as was abundantly testified by the magnificent farms of the Germans, who settled in the eastern portion of the township. Union Township is the largest in area of any township in the county. It is watered by the Arkansas River, the "Big Slough" and the Cowskin.   In 1883 the township maintained post offices in Eldridge and Ferris and had a population, of 1,015.      Colwich is the major population center in Union Township.  The population of this community was 1,229 at the 2000 census.  


INTERNET WEB LINK(s): Colwich, Kansas - Wikipedia;   1880 Census (Union Twp.); 

 Sedgwick Co., KS-Cemetery Registration;    Union Twp., Sedgwick Co., KS (Detailed Profile);

 Maize Park Cemetery - Histopolis

Arrow (red up)

Maple Grove Cemetery

LOCATION: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png Country: United States;   State: Kansas;   County: Sedgwick;   Township: Wichita (city);  Place: Maple Grove Cemetery; Coordinates/Map: 37.7036248, -97.2953221

Maple Grove Cemetery


Click on thumbnail

 for larger image

DESCRIPTION:  Maple Grove Cemetery was established in 1888. It is located on Hillside at 9th Street across Hillside from Highland Cemetery. See NW 1/4 Section 14, TWP 27S, R1E, on a Wichita Township plat map.


INTERNET WEB LINK(s):  Maple Grove Cemetery - Wichita, Kansas; 

Maple Grove Cemetery (Civil War Veterans);    Maple Grove Cemetery - Histopolis

Arrow (red up)

McVicker Homestead

LOCATION: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png Country: United States;   State: Kansas;   County: Sedgwick;   Place: McVicker Homestead;  Coordinates/Map: 37-45.934N / 097-26.152W


John R


Maps of McVicker homestead showing locations of house, barn, and orchard


Click on thumbnail

 for larger image

DESCRIPTION:  An 1882 plat map of the county shows the farm of John McVicker located in Township 26, South Range, 1 West, Section 28, NW 1/4.  Today this property owned by the local government and is located near the Maize Airport at the southeast corner of W 45th St. N and Tyler Road (W 87th St).



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populated places

by Location

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Gazetteer of Places

in This County

Link to State-Wide Resources

Where in the World

are My Ancestors?


Gazetteer of Places

The list below will assist in your research regarding the matching of your ancestor’s birth, marriage, death dates and the place(s) within this locality at which these events may have occurred.


Map of Sedgwick County Kansas

Sedgwick County Physical, Cultural & Historic Features

Sedgwick County ZIP Codes | Area Codes

Sedgwick County Land - Property, Farms & Ranches

Profiles for 158 cities, towns and other populated places in Sedgwick County Kansas


Links To Populated Places Within This County

Incorporated cities

Wichita;   Derby;   Haysville;   Park City;   Bel Aire;   Mulvane;   Valley Center;   Goddard;    Clearwater;   Maize;   Cheney;   Sedgwick;   Colwich;   Kechi;   Mount Hope;   Garden Plain;   Eastborough;  Andale;   Bentley;   Viola


Unincorporated places

·         Anness

·         Bayneville

·         Berwet

·         Clonmel

·         Furley

·         Greenwich

·         Greenwich Heights

·         Murray Gill

·         Oaklawn-Sunview, a census-designated place

·         Peck

·         Prospect

·         St. Marks

·         St. Mary Aleppo

·         St. Paul

·         Schulte

·         Sunnydale

·         Trails View (formerly Spasticville)

·         Waco

·         Wego


Afton - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°36′10″N 97°37′54″W / 37.60278°N 97.63167°W / 37.60278; -97.63167

Attica - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°40′44″N 97°32′16″W / 37.67889°N 97.53778°W / 37.67889; -97.53778

Delano - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°43′2″N 97°25′13″W / 37.71722°N 97.42028°W / 37.71722; -97.42028

Eagle - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°51′48″N 97°32′26″W / 37.86333°N 97.54056°W / 37.86333; -97.54056

Erie - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°31′24″N 97°44′51″W / 37.52333°N 97.7475°W / 37.52333; -97.7475

Garden Plain - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°40′25″N 97°39′47″W / 37.67361°N 97.66306°W / 37.67361; -97.66306

Grand River - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°40′6″N 97°45′14″W / 37.66833°N 97.75389°W / 37.66833; -97.75389

Grant - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°50′55″N 97°20′23″W / 37.84861°N 97.33972°W / 37.84861; -97.33972

Greeley - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°52′21″N 97°39′17″W / 37.8725°N 97.65472°W / 37.8725; -97.65472

Gypsum - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°36′26″N 97°12′34″W / 37.60722°N 97.20944°W / 37.60722; -97.20944

Illinois - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°35′54″N 97°31′53″W / 37.59833°N 97.53139°W / 37.59833; -97.53139

Kechi - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°47′35″N 97°19′14″W / 37.79306°N 97.32056°W / 37.79306; -97.32056

Lincoln - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°52′35″N 97°11′53″W / 37.87639°N 97.19806°W / 37.87639; -97.19806

Minneha - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°41′11″N 97°11′25″W / 37.68639°N 97.19028°W / 37.68639; -97.19028

Morton - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°37′24″N 97°46′33″W / 37.62333°N 97.77583°W / 37.62333; -97.77583

Ninnescah - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°30′51″N 97°31′28″W / 37.51417°N 97.52444°W / 37.51417; -97.52444

Ohio - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°31′56″N 97°25′21″W / 37.53222°N 97.4225°W / 37.53222; -97.4225

Park - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°46′26″N 97°26′13″W / 37.77389°N 97.43694°W / 37.77389; -97.43694

Payne - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°46′58″N 97°12′22″W / 37.78278°N 97.20611°W / 37.78278; -97.20611

Riverside - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°34′56″N 97°18′22″W / 37.58222°N 97.30611°W / 37.58222; -97.30611

Rockford - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°31′55″N 97°14′47″W / 37.53194°N 97.24639°W / 37.53194; -97.24639

Salem - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°32′23″N 97°20′11″W / 37.53972°N 97.33639°W / 37.53972; -97.33639

Sherman - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°47′23″N 97°38′4″W / 37.78972°N 97.63444°W / 37.78972; -97.63444

Union - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°46′55″N 97°32′8″W / 37.78194°N 97.53556°W / 37.78194; -97.53556

Valley Center - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°51′22″N 97°24′10″W / 37.85611°N 97.40278°W / 37.85611; -97.40278

Viola - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°30′41″N 97°39′3″W / 37.51139°N 97.65083°W / 37.51139; -97.65083

Waco - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Erioll_world.svg/18px-Erioll_world.svg.png37°36′35″N 97°24′57″W


Find Physical Features* Within This County

USGS (link)

* includes but not limited to Cemeteries, Churches, Locales,

Military Installations;  Populated Places, Post Offices, Schools, Streams, and Trails


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General Resources

Locality Specific Resources

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and Databases

Our Genealogy Reference Library

General Resources

General Resources

·         Our Genealogy Reference Library (USA Locations)

·         Genealogy Forum: U.S. States

·         Family Search, IGI Batches, Localities

·         Genealogy.com: Resources by county

·         Rootsweb.com – U.S. Message Boards

·         Cyndi's List - General U.S. Sites

·         Access Genealogy

·         DistantCousin.com - archive of genealogy records

Locality SpecificResources

Locality Specific Resources

·         Sedgwick County, Genealogy Forum

·         Sedgwick County, at Rootsweb

·         Cyndi's List - U.S. – Kansas - Localities

·         Linkpendium > Genealogy> Sedgwick County

·         Sedgwick County – Access Genealogy

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Free Records and Databases

FREE Records
 & Databases

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All of the records and databases we’ve collected are FREE and can be accessed and searched online without having to pay for a subscription.   We have divided our collected into 14 record types as follows: Biographical; Birth; Cemetery; Census & City Directories; Church; Court; Death; Immigration & Naturalization; Land; Marriage; Military; Newspapers; Occupational; and Tax Records.    We try not to list any sites that have only a few records for the purpose of getting you to a website that will charge a fee to actually see the record beyond just a name.  

This Link will take you to our

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collections of FREE Records.  


Genealogy Reference Library

Our Genealogy 
Reference Library

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The following Link will take you to our library of genealogy reference books.   Here you may find books about the history and records of this county and other places such as towns and churches.  The collection also contains research works about military units and personnel during America’s wars, in addition too resource texts about the ethnic and religious groups who may have settled in this locality.


Research Library – Table of Contents

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Image Gallery

During our research we have collected images and photographs that are of general interest to a variety of localities.  Some of them are presented on this website because we believe they tend to provide the reader with additional information which may aid in the understanding of our ancestors past lives.


Sedgwick Co

First Pizza Hut opened 1958 in Wichita, Kansas


If you have any photographs or other images relating to this 
 county, we would greatly appreciate hearing from you.


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-- This webpage was last updated on --

27 Oct 2016

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