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Tulare  County

California, USA

Tulare Co. - Map of CA

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     Tulare County is located in the Central Valley of the U.S. state of California, south of Fresno. Sequoia National Park is located in the county, as are part of Kings Canyon National Park, in its northeast corner (shared with Fresno County), and part of Mount Whitney, on its eastern border (shared with Inyo County). As of the 2010 census, the population was 442,179, up from 368,021 at the 2000 census. Its county seat is Visalia.

     The county is named for Tulare Lake, once the largest freshwater lake west of the Great Lakes.  Drained for agricultural development, the site is now in Kings County, which was created in 1893 from the western portion of the formerly larger Tulare County.  Americans formed Tulare County from parts of Mariposa County in 1852. Parts of the county's territory were given to Fresno County in 1856, to Kern County and to Inyo County in 1866 and to Kings County in 1893.

     The following counties lie adjacent to Tulare: Fresno County – north; Inyo County – east; Kern County – south; and Kings County – west.

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The following are names of persons, found within our databases as having been either born, married or died in this location. Names in dark red denote direct ancestral lines. To find out more about each surname listed click on the corresponding Link.

McVicker; Moreland; Pinnell; Scruggs and allied families  (MMPS)

Arnold;   Bailey;   Cotton;   Della;   Dovel;   Fay;   Fly;   Gilligan;   Gross;   Halbert;   Harper;   Hildebrand;   Hoskins;   Huhtala;   Johnson;   McNutt;   McVicker;   Montgomery;   Moreland;   Parsons;   Peyton;   Pinnell;   Rhodes;   Saak;   Schockley;   Scruggs;   Simpson;   Tipton

Bozarth; Peiffer; Quigley; Rhubart and allied families (BPQR)


Dellinger; Knecht; Pfeffer; Silar and allied families  (DKPS)

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ancestral gen-sites

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Family History Notes

Map of the County

Gen-Site Profiles

Family History Notes

It was in Tulare County where the various branches of our maternal family line finally settled after almost 200 years of migration from the east coast of the American Continent.

     Our Rhodes ancestors William C. and Sarah (Douglass) Rhodes were the first to make their home here.  By 1860 they were living  near the present site of Farmersville. William purchased 40 acres of land in Tulare county on June 25, 1860 and another 40 acres on August 11th of that year.  Although William listed his occupation as a carpenter in the 1860 census it is known that he was also engaged in farming.     He later continued to work as a stockman raising cattle and sheep.  In August of 1865 William and his son William Robert Rhodes were attacked and severely injured by a grizzly bear while herding sheep in the Yokoli Valley located about 30 miles north of Porterville. 

     Soon after the Civil War Albea Scruggs left Virginia and eventually settled in Tulare County California.  There he married Julia Rhodes Turner in 1875.  Albea fathered a total of nine children (7 boys and 2 girls).  The next year, 1876, he purchased his ranch located about 6 1/2 miles west of Porterville, California,   from a railroad company and began to make improvements; while at the same time followed grain farming as well as the raising of stock. 

     William B. Pinnell and his family moved on to California and settled in Tule River Township in Tulare County sometime between 1892 and 1895.   It is most probable that  his nephews Guy Moreland and his brother John Earl left Oklahoma and moved on to that part of California sometime between 1907 and 1909.  John Earl aged 20 years old is found in the Tulare County, California census of 1910.  By 1920 Mary Etta (Pinnell) Moreland, mother of the aforementioned Guy and John Earl, and son Jeremiah Floyd Moreland were living in California near her brother William B. Pinnell and his family who were living in the Tule River Township area of Tulare County.  John Earl is known to have been residing in Tulare County as early as 1917 as he was then living a home he had purchased at 442 S. G Street in Porterville. 

The Yellow Staron the map designates the location of the seat of government for this county.

A Purple Dotshows the location of identified ancestral Gen-Site(s).

Tulare County (Gen-Sites)

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Gen-site profiles

Gen-Site Profiles

Deep Creek Cemetery;   Farmersville;   Hillcrest Cemetery;   Home of Peace Cemetery;   Plano;   Poplar;   Porterville;   Porterville Cemetery;      Terra Bella;   Tipton;

Vandalia Cemetery;   Woodville;   Woodville Cemetery

Deep Creek Cemetery

LOCATION:  Country: United States;  State: California;  County: Tulare;  Coordinates/Map:  36.317381,-119.197025

Directions: Located north of Farmersville and south of Mitchell's Corner.  28962-28994 Road 168, Exeter, CA 93221 (559-592-3067)


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ANCESTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS GEN-SITE: John and Elizabeth (Turner) Fly the parents of Sarah (Fly) Rhodes are buried at Deep Creek Cemetery.  

INTERNET WEB LINK(S):  Tulare County Cemetery Index;  Tulare County Cemetery Records;

Tombstone Transcription Project: Tulare County

Arrow (red up)


LOCATION:  Country: United States;  State: California;  County: Tulare;  Coordinates/Map: 36.301111, -119.2075

Directions:  Farmersville: From Visalia, Total Est. Time:  11 minutes, Total Est. Distance: 7.40 miles

DESCRIPTION OF GEN-SITE:.  Farmersville is a suburb of Visalia, in Tulare County. The population was 10,588 at the 2010 census.  The first history of the Farmersville area was in the 1850s. There was a community developed called Deep Creek. It is located near the present Deep Creek Cemetery and there are headstones that date back to the 1850s. There was a school built there to accommodate the farm children in the area. The Fly family history, which is preserved in a book written about their travels to California, there is talk about attending the Deep Creek School in the 1860s.

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ANCESTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS GEN-SITE:    William and Sarah (Douglass) Rhodes settled here upon coming to Tulare county in 1860.  It is most probable that Tennesse, Martha, Samuel, Nancy, Hugh and Ora were all born here between 1862 and 1873.  Two children of their eldest son Thomas, Richard, and Clara, were born here prior to Thomas and Sarah (Fly) Rhodes departure for Bakersfield around 1876. The Yokohl Valley where the family pastured their sheep lies due west of here, see map at Image Gallery.


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Hillcrest Cemetery

LOCATION:  Country: United States;  State: California;  County: Tulare;  Coordinates/Map: 36.0650195, -118.9907311

Directions: Located at 1013 East Olive Street, near Porterville Cemetery and Home of Peace Cemetery.

DESCRIPTION OF GEN-SITE: Hillcrest Cemetery, was established in 1930 and is known for its park like effect as the lawns are smooth and unbroken, all of the headstones are sunken.

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ANCESTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS GEN-SITE: Ben R. Della;  Harold E. McVicker;  Harry C. Scruggs;  Nellie E. Wilson;  Nona B. McCutcheon;  Ralph E. Pinnell;  William E. McVicker

INTERNET WEB LINK(S): Tombstone Transcription Project: Tulare County   Hillcrest Cemetery (A-G);   Hillcrest Cemetery (H-O);   Hillcrest Cemetery (P-Z);   Tulare County Cemetery Index;   

Tulare County Cemetery Records; 

Arrow (red up)

Home of Peace Cemetery

LOCATION:  Country: United States;  State: California;  County: Tulare;  Coordinates/Map: 36.06543, -118.99566

Directions: Located on East Olive Street, near Porterville Cemetery and Hillcrest Cemetery

DESCRIPTION OF GEN-SITE:  The Home of Peace Cemetery, was established in 1908 and is known for the number of ornate monuments it contains.


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ANCESTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS GEN-SITE: Edith L. Dovel (Edith L. Roberts);  Edward D. Halbert;  John H. McVicker;  Lillie A. Doyle;  Lunsford S. Pinnell;  Martha E. Rhodes;  Mary E. Pinnell;  Maude M. McMahan;  Moses B. McVicker;  Richard H. McVicker;  Roy D. Halbert;  Samuel R. Scruggs

INTERNET WEB LINK(S): Interments at Home of Peace Cemetery;  Home of Peace Cemetery;   

Tulare County Cemetery Index;  Tulare Co. Cemetery Records;  Tombstone Transcription Project: Tulare Co.

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LOCATION:  Country: United States;  State: California;  County: Tulare;  Coordinates/Map: 36.044, -119.008

Directions:  From Visalia;  Total Est. Time:  43 minutes; Total Est. Distance: 32.87 miles. Plano is located south of Porterville, see driving map at Image Gallery.

DESCRIPTION OF GEN-SITE: Plano lies just southeast of Porterville.  It is noted as a township in early 20th century census documents.  Today it may be a part of the East Porterville census district.  Our ancestors for appear here in the last decade of the 19th century. 

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ANCESTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS GEN-SITE: In the 1900 census Plano is named as the location of the farms of Martha Ellen (Rhodes) and her husband  Edwin D. Halbert, and that of her sister Tennessee B. (Rhodes) and her husband Spencer Fay.  Also found here in 1900 is the John R. and Mary Ella (Johnson) McVicker Family.  Their daughter Nevada “Neva” was born here in 1897.  John’s brother Moses also lived in Plano until his death in 1919.

It appears that John Earl Moreland resided here in 1910. This may have been the location to which he came after leaving coming to California from Woodward County, Oklahoma. He is listed as Earl in a single man working as a hired man in the household of Jacob Garver. 

In the 1900 census John E. and Minnie (McVicker) Scruggs are listed on the same page with Minnie's parents John and Mary McVicker in the Poplar/Plano area of Tulare County.  John and Minnie may have been living on the McVicker farm at this time or they may have been living on the next farm.  John and his family are also listed in the 1910 census as living in Plano Township.


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LOCATION:  Country: United States;  State: California;  County: Tulare;  Coordinates/Map:  36.053889, -119.144722

Directions: From Visalia;  Total Est. Time: 38 minutes; Total Est. Distance: 28.10 miles, see driving map at Image Gallery.

DESCRIPTION OF GEN-SITE: Poplar-Cotton Center is a census-designated place (CDP) in Tulare County, California, United States. The population was 1,496 at the 2000 census.

Pleasantville School (1951)

Poplar Market

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ANCESTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS GEN-SITE:   The Albea E. Scruggs homestead, as noted on the 1892 map at the right,  was located about 9 miles west of Porterville, California, near the town of Poplar.    In 1876, he purchased his ranch from a railroad company and began to make improvements; while at the same time followed grain farming as well as the raising of stock.       In 1892 he began setting out an orchard of prunes, pears, and peaches being one of the first in the area to devote land to this purpose.  By 1905 Albea owned 400 acres of land on section 28 and 33, township 21, range 26.  Of this land 150 acres was devoted to the cultivation of alfalfa, and 25 acres in an orchard.  He also maintained a dairy that was noted locally for the excellence of its products.      The entire property was under irrigation by the Woods Central Irrigation  Company   of   which  he  was  a director.   At another location, on the plains, he  farmed 480 acres in grain.

Ross McVicker, Pearl and Harry Scruggs attended the Pleasantview elementary school in Poplar.  Ora Rhodes, the youngest child born to William and Sarah Douglass Rhodes, was born, 13 January 1873, on a farm about five miles west of Porterville near the area now known as Cotton Center.


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LOCATION:  Country: United States;  State: California;  County: Tulare;  Coordinates/Map: 36.068611, -119.0275

Directions: From Visalia; Total Est. Time: 42 minutes; Total Est. Distance: 30.77 miles, see driving map at Image Gallery.

DESCRIPTION OF GEN-SITE:      Porterville is a city in Tulare County, California, United States.    The City has grown from a community of 5,000 persons in 1920 to 51,467 at the 2007 census. The city's population grew dramatically as the city annexed many properties and unincorporated areas in and around Porterville.

Porterville Union High School (1920)


Mountains and foothills east of Porterville

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ANCESTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS GEN-SITE:   After Albea E. Scruggs died in 1906 his widow Julia moved to 504 Mill Street, Porterville where she passed away in 1922. Minnie (McVicker) Scruggs passed away here in 1920.  Around 1917 Jerre’ F. and his mother Mary Etta (Pinnell) Moreland moved to Porterville and lived in rented house on 212 G Street.  Jerre’ and his future wife Ella Pearl Scruggs graduation from Proterville High School in 1920.  In 1929 Mary was living at 926 North 3rd St. in Porterville.  Mary passed away in Porterville, California on April 28, 1940.   In 1930 Earl and his family were living at 442 S. G Street in Porterville, California.  Ora later became a teacher in Porterville where she taught third and fourth grades in the two-room Mill Street School.  She and her husband George Robbins lived in house at Second and Harrison streets.  George owned and operated the Robbins Drug Store located in the Davis Block on the corner of Main and Mill streets.  By 1910 Tennie and Spencer Fay had moved off their farm and were living in a house at 703 N. Hockett Street in Porterville. 

INTERNET WEB LINK(S): City of Porterville, California;     

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Porterville Cemetery

LOCATION:  Country: United States;  State: California;  County: Tulare;  Coordinates/Map: 36.065ºN,   118.994ºW

Directions: Located on East Olive Street, next to Home of Peace Cemetery and Hillcrest Cemetery.

DESCRIPTION OF GEN-SITE: Porterville Cemetery, sometimes called Old Porterville Cemetery, had the first burial in 1878.

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ANCESTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS GEN-SITE:   Albea E. Scruggs;  Benjamin H.". Fay;  Daniel R. Scruggs;  Doris Scruggs;  Edith L. Tipton;  Edward C. Scruggs;  Elvin C. Pinnell;  Hugh E. Scruggs;  Ira C. Moreland;  John E. Scruggs;  John E. Scruggs Jr;  Julia O. Scruggs;  Julia Rhodes;  Lester W. Pinnell;  Louella F. Scruggs;  Margaretta Frechette;  Minnie V. McVicker;  Pearle P. Scruggs

INTERNET WEB LINK(S): Porterville Cemetery; Tulare County Cemetery Index; 

Tulare County Cemetery Records;  Tombstone Transcription Project: Tulare County

Arrow (red up)

Terra Bella

LOCATION:  Country: United States;  State: California;  County: Tulare;  Coordinates/Map: 35.961389, -119.040833

Directions: From Visalia; Total Est. Time: 48 minutes Total Est. Distance: 37.31 miles, see driving map at Image Gallery.

DESCRIPTION OF GEN-SITE: Terra Bella is a census-designated place (CDP) in Tulare County, California, United States. The population was 3,466 at the 2000 census.

Zion Lutheran Church

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ANCESTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS GEN-SITE:   Ora (Rhodes) Robbins taught in a school at Salem located south of Terra Bella.  Martha Ellen (Rhodes) Halbert died at Terra Bella on 28 February 1941.

INTERNET WEB LINK(S): Terra Bella, California - Wikipedia;  Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church and School ~ Terra Bella, CA

Arrow (red up)


LOCATION:  Country: United States;  State: California;  County: Tulare;  Coordinates/Map: 36°3′33″N,    119°18′37″W

Directions: From Visalia; Total Est. Time: 29 minutes Total Est. Distance: 27.63 miles, see driving map at Image Gallery.

DESCRIPTION OF GEN-SITE: Tipton is a census-designated place (CDP) in Tulare County, California, United States. The population was 1,790 at the 2000 census.

Tipton Water Tower

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ANCESTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS GEN-SITE:   Albea E. Scruggs is listed in the 1900 census as living in Tipton Township.  In the 1900 census Charles Harper his wife Ann (Rhodes) and family are listed as living in Tipton.  His occupation is listed as being a stock rancher.

INTERNET WEB LINK(S): Tipton, California - Wikipedia; 

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Vandalia Cemetery

LOCATION:  Country: United States;  State: California;  County: Tulare;  Coordinates/Map: 36.038ºN,   119.004ºW

Directions: From Porterville take Plano Street south through Plano turn left on Avenue 136.  Cemetery is on the left.


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Mary E. Johnson;

INTERNET WEB LINK(S): Tulare County Cemetery Index;  Tulare County Cemetery Records;

Tombstone Transcription Project: Tulare County

Arrow (red up)


LOCATION:  Country: United States;  State: California;  County: Tulare;  Coordinates/Map: 360537N  1191156W

Directions: From Visalia, Total Est. Time: 31 minutes, Total Est. Distance: 21.87 miles, see driving map at Image Gallery.

DESCRIPTION OF GEN-SITE: Woodville is a census-designated place (CDP) in Tulare County, California, United States. The population was 1,678 at the 2000 census.

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ANCESTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS GEN-SITE:   Albea E. Scruggs listed in the 1890 Great Register as a resident of Woodville Precinct.   


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Woodville Cemetery

LOCATION:  Country: United States;  State: California;  County: Tulare;  Coordinates/Map: 36.094132, -119.187267

Directions: 17203 Avenue 168, Woodville, CA 93527 (559-688-9165)


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ANCESTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS GEN-SITE:   Anna H. (Rhodes) Harper is buried at the Woodville Cemetery.

INTERNET WEB LINK(S): Woodville Cemetery (Find A Grave);  Woodville Cemetery (USGENWEB Archives);   Tulare County Cemetery Index;  Tulare County Cemetery Records;