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is a state
in the United States of America, in
the northwest of the North American continent. As
of 2007, the population was 683,478 with approximately 50% residing along the
metropolitan areas. Statehood was
approved in 1958. Alaska was officially proclaimed a state on January 3,
1959. The U.S. Senate approved the purchase
of Alaska from the Russian
Empire on March 30, 1867, for $7.2 million at 2 cents per
acre, about 5 cents per hectare. When adjusted for inflation,
the total sum paid equates to approximately $360 million in 2008 dollars.The land went through several administrative
changes before becoming an organized territory on May
11, 1912 and the 49th state of the U.S. on January 3, 1959. The name
"Alaska" was already introduced in the Russian colonial time, when
it was only used for the peninsula and is derived from the Aleut
alaxsxaq, meaning "the mainland",
or more literally, "the object towards which the action of the sea is
It is also known as Alyeska, the
"great land", an Aleut word derived from the same root. The first
European contact with Alaska occurred in the year 1741, when Vitus Bering led an expedition for the Russian
Navy aboard the St. Peter. After his crew returned to Russia bearing
sea otter pelts judged to be the finest fur in the
world, small associations of fur traders began to sail from the shores of
Siberia towards the Aleutian islands. The first permanent European settlement
was founded in 1784, and the Russian-American Company
carried out an expanded colonization program during the early to mid-1800s.
New Archangel on Kodiak Island was Alaska's first capital, but for a century
under both Russia and the U.S. Sitka was the capital. The Russians never
fully colonized Alaska, and the colony was never very profitable. William H. Seward, the U.S. Secretary of State,
negotiated the Alaskan purchase in 1867 for
$7.2 million. Alaska was loosely governed by the military for years, and
was unoffically a territory of the United States
from 1884 on. In the
1890s, gold
rushes in Alaska and the nearby Yukon
Territory brought thousands of miners and settlers to Alaska.
Alaska was granted official territorial status in 1912. At this time the
capital was moved to Juneau. During World
War II, the Aleutian Islands Campaign
focused on the three outer Aleutian
Islands — Attu, Agattu and Kiska[19]
- that were invaded by Japanese troops and occupied between June 1942 and
August 1943. Unalaska/Dutch Harbor became a significant base for the U.S.
Army Air Corps and Navy submariners. |
The following are
surnames of persons, found within our databases, as having been either born, married or died in this
U.S. State. Names in dark red denote direct ancestral lines. |
Click on this link to find out more about each surname listed
above as well as other surnames found within our three family databases. |
This link
will also lead you to surname resources at Rootsweb,
and information about the world-wide distribution of a
surname. |
Use this free genealogy site to help you get the best genealogy searches from Google™ by using your family tree, for your research. It will create a series of different
searches using tips or
"tricks" |
that will
likely improve your results.
The different searches will give you many different ways of using Google and
the Internet to find ancestry information about this or any other Surname. |
The world’s largest free genealogy search engine,, provides
genealogists access to the best free genealogy content on the web |
including billions of
names, dates and places worldwide. seeks to index and make
searchable all of the world’s free genealogy information. |
on the LINK to the right to see more
information about the World distribution of any surname. You can get greater |
for any of the maps by clicking on the area, i.e
state, county that you are interested in. |
research location
Our Ancestral Counties
The following named counties are associated with the history of our DIRECT ancestors. To select a
specific ancestral county, go to our Ancestral
Locations home page. Here you will
find additional links to our county pages where you can obtain information
about our family gen-sites, images of localities, and surnames of persons, in
our database, who have lived in the selected county. |
Click on this thumbnail map for a full-sized version. |
Gazetteer of Places
The following Links will take you to
gazetteers that identify places within this U.S. State. These resources feature profiles of cities,
towns, neighborhoods and subdivisions.
In addition this site contains maps, data and directions for a wide
variety of physical, cultural and historic features. |
Alaska Cities -
profiles of 800 Alaska cities,
towns & neighborhoods Alaska Schools search by city, borough, or address Alaska Physical Features such as lakes, islands & steams Alaska
Cultural Features such as parks, hospitals & airports Alaska
Civil Features
such as Native Areas and
Political Subdivisions Search by Name, Borough, ZIP
Code or Area Code |
* includes but not limited to Cemeteries, Churches, Locales, Military Installations; Populated
Places, Post Offices, Schools, Streams, and Trails |
United States
Details | Resources | Boroughs, Census Areas,
Cities and Boroughs and Municipalities | Cities | Cemeteries | |
Boundary changes
Conducting genealogical research in the United States
requires an understanding of State and County boundaries. As the population grew more counties were
created to meet the public’s need for localized governments. This phenomena was
common in all states during the 17th, 18th and 19th
centuries. As such you may be looking
for records in the wrong county or state. The web site
for the Atlas of Historical County
Boundary Project provides interactive maps for all
states. The Atlas of Historical County Boundaries is meant to be a resource
for people seeking records of past events, as well as people trying to
analyze, interpret and display county-based historical data like Land Records, Probate Records, Court Records, Tax Records,
and Vital
Records that document birth, death, and marriage. The following link will take
you to a list of all the boundary changes to this State and each
county or equivalent within this U.S. State, as well as the date these
changes occurred. Each entry is
followed by a citation to the primary source(s) used to determine the change. |
Consolidated Chronology of State and County
Research (Genealogical)
on a Link
(below) will take you to the County’s website. Here you will find additional links to more
information specific to that location.
The USGenWeb Project also sponsors important Special Projects, at the national level, that
were created to collect and disseminate data that goes beyond county and
state lines. |
Aleutian Islands East Borough ·
Bethel-Wade Hampton Census Area ·
Bristol Bay - Dillingham Borough ·
Fairbanks North Star Borough and |
Skagway Borough & Hoonah-Angoon Census Areas |
County Research (General)
Wikipedia is a multilingual,
project based mostly on anonymous contributions. Clicking on a Link (below) will take you to
the Wikipedia article about the county. Here you will find additional links to guide the user to related pages with additional information. |
Alaska is not divided into counties, as most of the other U.S.
states, but it is divided into boroughs. Many of
the more densely populated parts of the state are part of |
Cities of 100,000 or more people: Anchorage ·
Towns of 10,000-100,000 people: College; Fairbanks;
Juneau (State Capital) ·
Towns of 1,000-10,000 people: Ketchikan;
Sitka; Wasilla; Kenai; Kodiak; Palmer; Bethel; Barrow; Unalaska; Valdez; Soldotna; Homer; Nome; Petersburg;
Seward; Dillingham;
Cordova; Haines; North Pole;
Hooper Bay;
Craig; Houston; Metlakatla |
Where in the
World are My Ancestors?
Resources which enhance
our knowledge of the places inhabited by our ancestors are almost as
important as their
names. The LINK |
to the right will take you
to Maps, Gazetteers,
and other helpful
resources that will assist you
in discovering Ancestral Locations. |
Our “Gen-Tool Kit” has been primarily designed for those researchers who may be traveling to this location to perform on-site studies of their family history, or to just visit some of the interesting historical sites located therein. It can be very satisfying to mix research with sightseeing at historical and scenic spots. Such activity not only gives you an understanding of the land but a needed break from intense research sessions. When visiting an ancestral state for genealogical research we’ve found that the three most important places to visit are the State Archives; the State Library; and the State historical and/or genealogical societies. It is also good to plan ahead by contacting any site you intend visiting in order to ascertain where it is and when it will be open. This is especially true with regard to historical and genealogical societies. We hope that the following information will provide you with a better idea of what resources are available, within this county, to the family historian. |
Alaska - The Tombstone Transcription Project |
AK-INDIAN-CEMETERIES-L Mailing List Homepage ·
Browseable Mailing List Archives ·
Searchable Mailing List Archives |
HISTORIC PLACES (select a county) Aleutian Islands Anchorage Bethel Bristol Bay Dillingham Fairbanks North Star Haines Juneau Kenai Peninsula Ketchikan Gateway Kodiak Island Lake and Peninsula Matanuska-Susitna Nome North Slope Northwest Arctic Prince of Wales-Outer K. Sitka Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Southeast Fairbanks Valdez-Cordova Wrangell-Peterburg Yukon-Koyukuk |
Alaska Its History,
Climate and Natural Resources ·
Alaska Its History,
Resources, Gold Fields, Routes & Scenery ·
Alaska Lynchings 1898 and 1899 ·
History of Alaska 1730-1885 |
· Our northern domain Alaska, picturesque, historic &
commercial |
Libraries, museums, arcxhives
· Historic
House Museums in Alaska · Historical Museum Guide for Alaska · Mining Museums and Miners' Memorials for Alaska ·
USGenWeb Archives Project Alaska |
Maps and gazetteers
Alaska 1906 ·
Alaska 1879
Alaska 1892 Gold and Coal Fields Map ·
Alaska Historical County Boundaries ·
Alaska Historical Maps and Atlases ·
Alaska Maps Broer Map Library |
Guide to the Ghost Towns of Alaska ·
Historic USGS maps of Alaska ·
Map Of Alaska 1897 ·
McKenney's Pacific Coast Directory for 1883-4 ·
North western America showing the territory ceded by
Russia to the United States 1873 ·
North western America showing the territory ceded by
Russia to the United States 1872 ·
Northwestern America Showing The Territory Ceded By Russia
To The United States 1867 ·
The Pacific Coast Business Directory, 1867 ·
Rand-McNally Official 24x36 Map of Alaska
1897 ·
Sleem's Map Of Central Alaska 1910 ·
Territory of Alaska 1936 |
Alaska - 1900 U.S. Federal Census ·
1930 United States Census Alaska ·
Alaska Lynchings
Legal Correspondents of Wilber Mercantile Agency in
Alaska, 1917 ·
Alaska City, Town, and Rural Directories ·
McKenney's Pacific
Coast Directory for 1883-4 ·
The Pacific Coast Business Directory, 1867 ·
Alaska Immigration & Naturalization Project ·
Alaska Naturalization & Citizenship Records and
Substitutes |
Conflict Casualty List Alaska ·
Alaska Territory
World War II Casualties ·
World War II
Casualty and POW Lists ·
WW2 Draft Registration for
1942 ·
That Touched Our Ancestors' Lives Alaska ·
Polite Newspaper Extracts ·
Directory of Alaska Funeral Homes ·
Hall of Records Repository for Online
Obituaries ·
Online Alaska Death Records & Indexes |
Frontier Chapter #405 United States Daughters of 1812 ·
Northwest Chapter Slovenian Genealogy Society |
Internet resources
The Google search
engine button
and following web sites may
provide you |
with additional information to assist with your research about
this U. S. State.
· – Collaborative Genealogy and History · -
States and Capitals ·
United States Research Wiki – Family
Search ·
Genealogy Trails History Group ·
Family Search, USA IGI Batches, Localities ·
Birth & Marriage
Records Indexes for USA ·
Search - Family ·
Resources by county |
Genealogy Forum: U.S.
States · – U.S. Message Boards ·
Cyndi's List – United States Index ·
Data Base Collections
at$ · - archive of genealogy records ·
Searchable Death Indexes & Records ·
Census Finder –Free Census
and other Records |
Specific Resources
Rootsweb Message Board – Alaska |
Free Records
& Databases
All of
the records and databases we’ve collected are FREE
and can be accessed and searched online without having to pay for a
subscription. We have divided our
collected into 14 record types as follows: Biographical; Birth; Cemetery; Census
& City Directories; Church; Court; Death; Immigration &
Naturalization; Land; Marriage; Military; Newspapers; Occupational; and Tax
Records. We try not to list any sites that have only
a few records for the purpose of getting you to a website that will charge a
fee to actually see the record beyond just a name.
This Link will take you to our |
collections of FREE
Records. |
Reference Library
The following Link will take you to our library of genealogy reference books that pertain to this U.S. State. Here you will find books about the history and records of this State, as well as its counties and other localities such as towns and churches. The collection also contains research works about State military units and personnel during America’s wars. In addition, there are resource texts about the ethnic and religious groups who settled in this State. |
This Link
will take you to our |
collections of reference books.
About thiswebpage
do like to hear from others who are researching the same people and surnames. We
need your help to keep growing! So
please Email
stories, and other appropriate information about this topic. RULES OF USE We only ask that if you have a personal website
please create a link to our Home Page. -- This webpage
was last updated on
-- 01 October 2011 |