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Surnames Found In Our
The LINKS below will take you to an updated listing of all
surnames as posted in our three
databases at the Rootsweb WorldConnect
Project. |
Tom’s Paternal Ancestors: Bozarth, Peiffer, Quigley, Rhubart and allied families |
No Surname < A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z > |
Our Maternal Ancestors: McVicker, Moreland, Pinnell,
Scruggs and
allied families |
No Surname < A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z > |
Paternal Ancestors: Dellinger,
Knecht, Pfeffer, Silar and allied families |
No Surname < A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z > |
Surnames at RootsWeb
Select A Letter: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
List Finder
Trying to
find a surname list? Don't know which of 8,000 possible variant spellings it
might be listed under? This tool finds sound-alike matches for a given
surname from among RootsWeb's thousands of surname
lists. Please give it a try! RootsWeb Surname List Finder
RootsWeb's Soundex
Use this link to find the soundex code for
a surname, plus other surnames/spellings sharing the same soundex
code. |
Surname Message Boards
The world's largest online genealogy community with over 17 Million
posts on more than 161,000 boards. Message
Boards - Surname Search |
Surname Mailing Lists
below will take you to an updated listing of all surnames having mailing
lists at RootsWeb. | A
| B | C
| D | E
| F | G
| H | I
| J | K
| L | M
| N | O
| P | Q
| R | S
| T | U
| V | W
| X | Y
| Z |
surname variations
The genealogy
research tools listed below can give you a head start in thinking beyond
the modern conventional spelling as to how a name might have
been spelled in the past.
· Top 10
Tips for Finding Alternate Surname Spellings & Variations - Thinking 'out of the box' is often required when it comes to finding
your ancestors in genealogical indexes and records. Many genealogists, both
beginner and advanced, fail in the quest for their ancestors because they
don't take the time to search for anything other than the obvious spelling
variants. Don't let that happen to you! Get inspired when searching for
alternative surname spellings with these ten tips.
WeRelate:Variant names project
- The purpose
of this project is to create a comprehensive database of name variants that
should be searched whenever a particular name is searched.
Changes & Variations - Your family's surname has most likely not always been
the same one you have now. Learn how and why our ancestors' surnames have
changed through the centuries and get tips for searching for these alternate
surname spellings and variations.
The Name Thesaurus - A ground-breaking technology for finding Surname
and Forename variants. This useful
genealogy research tool has identified 385 million variants for 5,929,000
Surnames and 26 million variants for 1,246,000 Forenames, as well as gender
identification for more than 220,000 Forenames. |
family historians are interested in finding the “family crest” or
“coat-of-arms” for the family they are researching. As such they tend to associate a particular
image to their ancestral lineage and consider it as their heritage. Although this is not entirely accurate the
search for a particular coat-of-arms does provide and interesting feature of
a family history presentation. Before exploring and citing a particular “coat-of-arms” one must understand two fundamental facts: (1) the coat-of-arms was not awarded to a family or a name, but to an individual. This is why there is often more than one coat of arms associated with a given surname. Unless you can trace your family history to one individual, as verified by reliable sources, then the best that you can hope for is to find a coat of arms that is the oldest for a given name from a given region or the one most frequently used; and (2) beginning in the 19th century, the crest which appears on the helmet was mistakenly dubbed a "family crest" by some, and has become an inaccurate synonym for a full coat of arms. A coat of arms is defined as a group of emblems and figures (heraldic bearings) usually arranged on and around a shield and serving as the special insignia of some person, or institution. |
The following websites have images of a wide
variety of crests, coat-of-arms, and badges. They may also feature additional heraldry
resources as noted in the accompanying descriptions. |
All Coats of Arms - An alphabetical
list of over 8,500 images. ·
All Family – Contains thousands of images
plus meanings of symbols used in the charges. ·
Family – over 10,000 popular surnames
that can be searched by nationality. ·
Ancestor - A-K, L-Z
list, of surnames with corresponding free online
sites to help locate coats of arms. ·
Coat of Arms Store Surname Index /
Crest Index – The
largest index found of arms from around the world. · The Tree Maker – alphabetical surname listings of family crests and coats-of-arms ·
Historical – for
each surname this site provides information about its Origins; a brief family
history; the motto; and description of the coat-of-arms and crest. ·
Coats of Arms from Ireland & around the
– This FREE site is a gallery of coats of arms or
heraldic graphics. · Genealogical Journeys in Time - alphabetical surname listings of family crests and coats-of-arms |
- High Quality 300 dpi JPG files to use
freely to print for your own personal use. ·
Coat of Arms / Family Crest
Gallery- alphabetical
surname listings on the following pages:
A-B; B-C; D; E-F; G-H; H-I; J-L; M; M-O; P-R; S; S-U; V-Z ·
World of Heraldry – Site has images of clan badges and heraldic
seals. Coats-of-arms are displayed by nationality. ·
Surnames With Coats of Arms on the Internet
– links to family sites
containing arms for a single surname. ·
5 dollar
– 24 sample
coats-of-arms are displayed for each letter of the alphabet. ·
Blazons at -Search for a name in the largest armorial
collection in the world containing nearly 120,000
European heraldry arms. (Website
in French) ·
at Virtuous Planet –
High quality images that include Irish Septs and
Scottish Clan Badges as well as Coast-of-Arms from most European countries
and America. ·
Family Crest
- the world's
leading online catalogue of family crests. |
The following websites have images of a wide
variety of arms, crests, and badges and are listed by nationality. They may also feature additional heraldry
resources as noted in the accompanying descriptions. |
IRISH SURNAMES · Coat of Arms Store – Origin of the 40 most common surnames; sept coats-of-arms; Irish Names and Origins; Crest and coast-of-arms. SCOTTISH
Family Crests - hundreds
of high
quality images A-Z for coats-of-arms. ·
Crest Scottish Badges -
high quality images A-Y ·
Scottish Clan Badge Gallery
– many badges are
displayed on official tartan. FRENCH SURNAMES ·
French Family
Crests - hundreds
of high
quality images A-Z of family crests and coats-of-arms. |
Coat of Arms Store – Has a list of most common German surnames as well
as samples of coats-of-arms. ·
of Arms for Kunz/Kuntz, Kern, Fischer and related Families – assorted German and some English
German Family
Crests – hundreds
of high
quality images A-Z. OTHER SURNAMES ·
Coats-of-Arms - high
quality images A-W, also includes some bookplates. ·
Family Crests - high quality images A-Z. ·
Family Crests -
high quality images A-S. ·
Russian Family
Crests -
high quality images A-Z. ·
Coat-of-Arms –
a varied collection of arms and shields. |
Heraldry on the Internet
- This site is designed
to help conduct heraldry research on the Internet. ·
Armorial Gold's
Heraldry Dictionary - This Free heraldry dictionary is based on
the works of Elvin (edited by Marvin Beatty) from his original manuscript of
1879. Corrections have been made, and additions from the Armorial Gold
Library have been added. ·
Symbolism of Heraldic Colors, Lines
& Ordinaries
- This
site gives the most commonly accepted meanings and descriptions that have
been gleaned from a variety of sources. |
& Genealogy – topics
include origins
of heraldry & coats of arms; heraldic devices; sources for heraldic
material; heraldic clip art collections,
etc. ·
A Glossary of
Terms Used in Heraldry – This
excellent tool has been adapted for online use from the book written by James
Parker in 1894. ·
Roger the Herald's Notes on Blazonry for
Beginners – This page
should be printed out and utilized for persons who are new to reading
descriptions of coats-of-arms. |
map a s
The maps, tables and information
presented about names on this website are derived from the analysis of large
databases of name records across the world.
The database holds approximately 300 million people in 26 countries of
the world, representing a total population of 1 billion people in those countries.
In total there are 8 million unique surnames and 5 million unique forenames
from 26 countries in Europe, America, Asia and Oceania. The roots of the names are derived using
the OnoMap classification of names ( which classifies names into groups
of common cultural ethnic and linguistic origin using surnames and
forenames. This website displays
chosen a series of administrative geographic boundaries for mapping the names
data. These are broadly divided into three levels of geography: (1) Country
level, as shown in the initial World Map; (2) Region level, which
divides countries in coarse administrative regions; and (3)- Locality
level, which subdivides the above regions into finer administrative localities. A detailed list of the different
geographical areas shown for each country can be found here. |
Click on this LINK to see more information about the distribution of a
surname. You can get greater detail for any of the following maps by clicking on
the area, i.e state, county that you are interested
in. |
Web resources
search engine may provide
you with additional |
to assist with your research about this
topic. |
General Surname Resources |
Your genealogy research of a surname can be facilitated by use
of Surname
Web. This
website links to the majority of the surname data on the web, as well as to
individual family trees, origin and surname meaning if known, and many other
related genealogy resources. |
Finder provides
easy access to free and commercial resources for 1,731,359 surnames. On each
surname specific "finder" page, you can search a variety of online
databases all pre-programmed with your surname. |
the following link to get access to millions of genealogy and surname records
with a FREE surname search at The Genealogy
Register. |
Linkpendium Surnames - Web sites,
obituaries, biographies, and other material specific to a surname. ·
Cyndi's List - Surnames,
Family Associations & Family Newsletters Index - Sites or resources
dedicated to specific, individual family surnames. · - Family
History and Genealogy Records - The largest
collection of free family history, family tree and genealogy records in the
world. ·
Top Genealogical Websites - These mighty roots resources
compiled by “Family Tree Magazine”, will give you the power to bust through
research brick walls and find answers about your ancestors—all from your home
computer. ·
KindredTrails (Surname Websites &
Resources) – the surname resources area of the Kindred
Trails webpage contins hundred of links to surname
information and resources. In addition
it maintains links to family surname sites submitted by other researchers. |
Origins, Meanings & Variations |
SurnameDB Free database of surname meanings - This site SurnameDB.Com contains a large FREE to access
database (almost 50,000 surnames) on the history and meaning of family last
names. ·
What's In A Name - a
survey of Forenames and their origins and relationships to other names. ·
All Surnames Genealogy
Resource - Find online genealogy resources for a surname. Connect with
others researching the same family name. Search online data to find the
surname genealogy including free genealogy databases, queries, free searches of large databases. ·
Surname Sites Directory, Name
Meanings - The Surname Sites Directory is sorted by traffic popularity. The
sites that receive the most daily traffic will be listed as the top directory
results. ·
English Surname Dictionary
Provides histories of
surnames. Alphabetical sorting of a
thousands of surnames which allows one to survey the entire list for similar
spelling variations. ·
Behind the Name - Etymology & History of First
Names – This website looks at the etymology and history or all
types of given names.
Use this website to peruse Browse names and their meanings and Browse other topics in the glossary. In
addition find worthwhile information regarding: Etymological elements in given names; List of languages;
Articles and
current events about names; Frequently asked questions about names. |
our genealogy reference library
following Link
will take you to our library of genealogy reference volumes. Here you will find a special section of
books about NAMES that may assist you with your research In addition, there are texts pertaining to ethnic
and religion groups, family histories, and general
genealogy reference. |
Surname Search
from Google
this free genealogy site to help you get the best genealogy searches from
Google™ by using your family tree, for your research. It will create a series
of different searches using tips or "tricks" that |
will likely improve your results. The different searches
will give you many different ways of using Google and the Internet to find
ancestry information about this or any other Surname. |
We do
like to hear from others who are researching the same people and surnames. We
need your help to keep growing! So
please Email
photos, stories, and other appropriate
information about this topic. RULES OF USE We only ask that if you have a personal website
please create a link to our Home Page. -- This webpage was
last updated on -- 01 January 2013 |