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This website has come about in an effort to share with you the research accomplished by us during our many years of seeking out our ancestors, the places they lived, as well as how they got there. We are half-brothers who share a common maternal lineage. We credit our great interest in researching our family histories to our Mother and Uncle who maintained the few photographs and written information possessed regarding our maternal family roots. It was a difficult task for them to expand upon their knowledge base in those days before computers and the internet. But they were always seeking information from any appropriate source such as elder family members. Fortunately for us, they both were able to instill their interest in genealogy to the next generation by exposing us to the oral, written, and visual records they had collected.
As we have both “retired” from the human rat race also known as the “normal work week” we have dedicated our days “working” on the intricacies of researching and maintaining the records of three distinct families. Over time we have developed an impressive amount of information about their paternal ancestors as well.
This website will always be UNDER CONSTRUCTION as we are now realizing what an awesomely large task we’ve undertaken. It is our foremost desire to make it interesting as well as educational. |
About Using this Website
This website is comprised of the following three distinct sub-sites, one each for our separate paternal lines and the other for our common maternal ancestral lineage: Bozarth, Peiffer, Quigley, Rhubart, and allied families McVicker, Moreland, Pinnell, Scruggs, and allied families Dellinger, Knecht, Pfeffer, Silar and allied families These sub-sites are made up of a collection of surname pages for each direct ancestral line. These pages contain a brief family history and links to our database for more specifics regarding every direct grandfather and grandmother in that line. In addition, each page contains information regarding the origins and variations of the particular surname. Links are also provided therein to source documents, photographs, as well as websites useful for further research on the surname.
The Ancestral Locations link will take you to pages that are designed to provide you with information and additional links that you will find useful for researching the countries, states, and counties in which our direct ancestors was born, married, or died. On this page you will also find a link to the table of contents of our Ancestral Location Photos & Images galleries that contain images from many counties and localities. Links to appropriate locations are also found on the web pages dedicated to each of our direct ancestral surnames.
We have
set up this website on the assumption that you are researching a particular
family surname. As such we suggest that you begin your research by
using the link to our Surname Locator &
Resources webpage. The
alphabetical links on that page will take you to an updated listing of all
surnames as posted at our three databases on the Rootsweb
WorldConnect Project. This page also features
five surname resource links found at as well as many
other resources found at a wide variety of other websites.
Researching our War Veterans, has been designed to provide researchers with information we feel is a must when looking for ancestors who were veterans of America’s wars. At this web page you will find the following: links to pages containing information about some of the veterans in this database and the military units they were a part of; a listing of important wars, conflicts, and military events linked to information that will provide the researcher with additional insight regarding the key aspects of each conflict; general military information links to additional U. S. military websites of a broad nature can be found in a dedicated section near the end of this page; a guide to U.S. military records that is linked to the research outline on the Family Search website; and military gravestone inscription abbreviations that contains a wide variety of inscriptions that can give a researcher much valuable information about that person’s service to their country.
Immigrant Ancestors: Research & Resources has been designed to assist you with the tracking of your immigrant ancestors. On this web page you will find: links to current listings our ancestors identified as immigrants from the Old World to America; information on search strategies for tracing your immigrant origins; and lists of informative websites where one can find facts on immigration and naturalization, records, as well as ship, passenger & crew lists.
Our 2006 Coast-to-Coast Genealogy Trip provides the reader with information regarding how they might approach “onsite research.” Over the course of our 30-day journey we visited with friends, relatives, and gen-cousins while traveling over 8,200 miles through twenty-seven of the lower forty-eight states. Along the way we sought out countless ancestral locations and what we refer to as “gen-sites”. By the end of our journey we had visited six libraries, four historical societies, two museums, six county courthouses, and many cemeteries. In the prologue section we discuss our conclusions about what worked and what didn’t work during this unique research experience.
Our Library of Genealogy Reference Books is dedicated to the compilation of hundreds of books that have shown to be of value in the furtherance of research into the families names identified within the three sub-sites of this website. The collection is primarily derived from Google Book Search, and the Family Search Book Collection and several other FREE access websites. In addition we’ve added books from the subscription site.
The link to Our Genealogy Research Tool-Kit will take you to the pages dedicated to the purpose of providing you with the some of the important tools needed for organizing and evaluating your research. This ever expanding webpage currently contains information and links in the following topic areas: Genealogical Vocabulary Dictionary; a guide to acronyms; free translation help from google; census research tools; source / citation formats; letter formats; general research forms; general record forms; and glossaries of old occupations.
Our Collection of FREE Genealogy Records are all from sources that are FREE of charge. Here are 14 separate web pages where you will find links to the following records and databases: Biographies; Birth; Cemetery; Census & Directories; Church; Court, Death; Immigration & Emigration; Land, Gazetteer & Maps, Marriage; Military; Newspaper; Occupational; as well as Tax & Voter records.
Historic American Roads and Migration Routes has been created in an effort to enhance the family historian’s knowledge base of the network of trails, and routes pioneers traveled as they migrated from the eastern coast to the interior of the American continent. We believe that this will assist in the tracing of your own family’s paths back into American history which in turn can prove crucial in identifying previous generations and eventually, figuring out where and how they arrived in the New World.
All family historians are faced with ever-growing expectations for genealogical accuracy and reliability. As such we believe it appropriate to add a link to the National Genealogical Society (NGS) Standards and Guidelines. We highly recommend that our visitors read the standards concerning the sharing of information with others, use of technology in genealogical research, maintaining sound research practices, and the guidelines for genealogical self-improvement and growth.
The complete family trees for each of our three databases have been posted at “WORLDCONNECT on ROOTSWEB” the following three links have been provided to take you to that location outside of this particular website: Bozarth; Peiffer; Quigley; Rhubart and allied families McVicker; Moreland; Pinnell; Scruggs and allied families Dellinger; Knecht; Pfeffer; Silar and allied families You may use these links to review the index of each tree, view citations of our data, and develop descendant and pedigree charts, as well as post notes regarding any possible flaws found in our research. These databases are updated about every three months. |
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Email us with your comments or questions. We do like to hear from others who are researching the same people and surnames. We need your help to keep growing! So please Email us your photos, stories, and other appropriate information about this topic.
RULES OF USE We only ask that if you have a personal website please create a link to our Home Page. |
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