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Ancestral Photographs of Upstate New York

by Roxy Triebel

Partial letter sent home from Gordon Van Kleeck
WWI - 1918 - pages 5,6,7,8
at the end of the war
probably somewhere in Germany stay there next summer.  You sure ought to have a good season.  And I may be able to do something around the place.  Have had some experience working in the kitchen and that may be useful.  Can dish out chow the way we do it in the army but don't know if that would do at the boarding house.  Some of the boarders might kick if they had to take their dishes and line up for their meals.  One thing I am glad to hear about this country is that they have very little cold weather here.  It is rainy and damp most of the time during the winter months and we may be here for part of the winter.

We hear all kinds of stories about when the soldiers are going home but I will believe I am going when the conductor on the train yells "Next stop is Coldbrook".  I don't know if any have been sent home yet or not.  We have not been able to get any papers up here for a couple of weeks.

One good thing if we ever do get to Coblenz the Y.M.C.A., the K.of C., Red Cross and the Salvation Army have gone up ahead of us.  We were hiking a few days ago and were just getting pretty tired and hungry when a Salvation Army car came along and gave us doughnuts.  They sure were fine.

We strike a lot of different places to sleep along the route up here.  One place in the Duchy of Luxembourg we arrived at a town after dark and seven of us were billeted together in one place.  Our kitchen was quite aways behind us that night so one of the fellows who could speak German asked the woman if she could fix up a supper for us that night.  Well she did and it was the best meal I have had since coming over here.  It cost us five francs or about one dollar each and was worth it.

At the next stop Ray Adams and I were billeted together with a German family.  That was in Conz (?) the first day we came in to German territory and we did not know just what treatment we would get.  It was alright however.  The......

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