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Hearts of Oak



Charles Lewis


Coastguard Training and Service


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Written 1944


I was Paid Off, and after nearly seven weeks leave, returned to the Torpedo school, re-qualified in torpedo work, then joined the Coastguard. Went to Portsmouth for a four month course in Signalling. While in the Signal school, I had an amusing experience; a party of us were sent down to “dress and man” ship on board Nelson’s old Flagship VICTORY; she was laying out in the Stream at the time; it was in honour of the King of Greece, who with the late King Edward were visiting Portsmouth. My station was to stand up on the top gallant yard, and a party of about 30 boys were stationed along the hammock netting; a ridge rope was stretched from the fore-rigging to the main for the boys to catch hold to; Just as the Royal Yacht got abreast of the VICTORY, everyone standing smartly to attention, bugles sounding, Marines presenting arms, Just at that auspicious occasion, one of the boys in the centre of the party, out of devilment, leaned back too far, with the result that instead of the Royal Party seeing 30 boys standing smartly to attention, they saw 30 boys hanging in mid-air struggling and kicking in vain attempts to get their feet back in the hammock netting. I am sure that Prince Arthur of Connaught, who was on board at that time, would have had an apoplectic fit through laughing, and the Officer in Charge of the Ceremony would have had one for another reason.


Charles Lewis – Coastguard Service

[from his own Notes; checked with his C.68 Certificates of Service]

Joined the Service 1 Jan 1906 at Tol Pedn, Penwith, Cornwall

Passed for Commissioned Boatman 17 Jun 1907

Examined by Commander Cartwright

Passed for Station Signalman 5 Nov 1908

Examined by Flag Lieutenant and Signal Boatswain HMS HIBERNIA

   Channel Fleet Portland.

Left Tol Pedn 16 Oct 1911; for Lundy Island, commenced 17 Oct 1911

History Sheet TS.93 (Total 387/440)

Passed for Leading Telegraphist at Felixstowe 21 Nov 1912

Left Lundy Island 24 Apr 1913

Joined Polhawn Cove for Rame Head W/T 25 Apr 1913

Promoted Leading Boatman 1 Aug 1913

Passed for PO at Rame 5 April 1915

Left Rame Head 3 Dec 1915

Joined Admiralty W/T London 4 Dec 1915 to 30 Sep 1916

Passed for Acting PO Tel 15 Dec 1916 at Whitehall

President IV Whitehall 1 Oct 1916 to 19 Oct 1917

Sent out to Cullercoats from Whitehall 20 Oct 1917 to 17 Jun 1919

Left Admiralty Whitehall 29 Aug 1920

Arrived Sheerness 30 Aug 1920

Left 28 Feb 1921

Arrived Tramore South (Ireland) 1 Mar 1921

Arrived Dunmore 13 Aug 1921

Left and arrived Roches Point 4 Dec 1921

Left 30 Dec 1921

Arrived Renmore 31 Dec 1921

Left 15 May 1922

Arrived St Mawes (Falmouth) 16 May 1922

Promoted PO(NF) 1 Mar 1921

Passed for CO 10 Jan 1922 at Castletown Bere

Left St Mawes and Joined Coastguard station Croyde 3 Apr 1923

     for Duty under Board of Trade.





Raymond Forward