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Hearts of Oak
A Petition to the Suez Canal Company
Petroleum Tank Steamers
The Times 28th December 1891
Bulk Petroleum on the Suez
The following Petition was presented
to the president and directors
of the Suez Canal Company.
We, the undersigned, shipowners, who are largely
interested in the navigation of the Suez Canal, and the traffic through the
same, and the safe conduct thereof, having been informed that the Suez Canal
Company are negotiating with a syndicate who desire to obtain permission for
the carriage of petroleum in bulk on the Suez Canal in tank steamers, intended
to be constructed by the syndicate for the purpose, and so fitted as to carry
abnormally large quantities of oil to the shell of the steamer, in what are regarded
as excessively large tanks, respectfully submit to the directors of the company
the following considerations, to which we beg their careful attention:-
1 That, in view of
the high temperature of the Canal, the exceptional traffic on the Canal,
and its extraordinary value, no such permission as that sought should be
granted, unless the ordinary traffic can be secured against all risks attendant
upon the carriage of petroleum under such exceptional conditions.
2 That any accident in the Canal to a steamer carrying
bulk petroleum in such large quantities, whether caused by fire or otherwise,
would, from the confined space of the waters of the Canal, necessarily involve
disastrous consequences; and danger appears to be recognized by the directors
by the proposed regulation that every such tank steamer shall be accompanied by
a tender capable of receiving a portion of her cargo under emergency.
3 That the rules which your memorialists understand are
proposed to obviate the admitted danger involve principles of serious
importance to the general navigation of the Canal, and are beyond the powers
recognized and contemplated in the original concession granted to the Canal and
recognized by the Great Powers.
4 That any regulation arbitrarily denying a right of
passage to steamers built before a certain year is highly objectionable, and
involves a right on the part of a company to interfere with the trade through
the Canal in a manner inconsistent witth the privilege of the navigation, which
has hitherto been impartially secured to all shipowners.
5 That any
regulation limiting the draught of a particular class of steamer solely with
regard to the cargoes which they carry is likewise in opposition to the
principles and rules on which the navigation has been regulated and introduces
a principle of distinction between vessels, which, once admitted, would put an
end to the wise policy which has hitherto placed the vessels and owners of all
nations on a common footing of equality.
6 That any regulation which asserts on the part of the
Canal Company the right to fix tests and to distinguish between different
classes of petroleum when carried in bulk, and to prohibit one class of
petroleum and to exclude others, would be a direct interference with the free
navigation of the Canal, and to open up serious issues in recognizing a power
on the part of the company to to interfere with the carriage of cargoes
generally, and goes beyond the powers granted by the original concession to the
company, and would require submission to the Powers for ratification before it
can become valid.
7 That the proposal for lightening such tank steamers by
the use of a tender would not remove the dangers to the general traffic caused
by collision, fire, or otherwise, and that no measure of precaution will be
satisfactory to the ordinary traffic unless the tanks of the proposed steamers
shall be completely and separately oil-tight, and so constructed and arranged
that in the event of damage by collision, grounding, or otherwise, the bulk of
oil could not escape into the waters of the Canal, and that the quantity of oil
to be carried in any one tank shall be strictly limited.
8 That provision shall in any case be made whereby the
owners of vessels or cargoes sustaining damage or loss by reason of any
accident to such oil steamers shall be fully indemnified by them against such
loss and damage.
For The English & American Shipping Company (Ltd), C
T Bowring & Co
C Howard & Son
Pinkneys, Clare & Nye
A Edward Tyler, Dillon, Harrowing & Co
J Temperley & Co
E and E Arbie
Arthur Holland & Co
Fred Woods
H W Dillon
Tylor & Bright
Farrar, Groves & Co
Angier Bros
R Gordon & Co
Turnbull, Scott & Co
for Avis Steamships (Ltd), Gilbert Porteous, Manager
Turnbull, Martin & Co
The Eastern Steamship Company
J B Westray & Co
Thomas Skinner & Co
For the Temperley Steam Shipping Company (Ltd),
J Temperley & Co Managers
Gellatly, Hankey, Sewell & Co
For The China Shippers' Mutual Steam Navigation Company
John Potter, Managing Director.