Oscar & Ruth Troldahl's Scrapbook

Oscar & Ruth Troldahl's Scrapbook

Navigational Help

Internet browsers are quite simple to use, once you get the hang of it. Each browser supports various keys for viewing web pages. Some of the most useful are:
Home (sometimes Ctrl-Home)Go to the top of the page
End (sometimes Ctrl-End)Go to the bottom of the page
Page UpScroll up one screen
Page DownScroll down one screen

Also, if the screen is longer than one screen, there will be a "Scrolling Bar" on the right side of the screen, which you can use by clicking on it with the mouse pointer and rolling the mouse towards the top or bottom of the screen. On any screens where the picture is too wide for your screen, there will also be a scrolling bar at the bottom of the page, which you can move right to left with the mouse.

Please feel free to contact me with any comments, questions, or requests. I will see what I can do.

Eric O. Troldahl
[email protected]
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