Meeting Schedule & Handouts

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Meeting Schedule & Handouts

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The Tucson TMG User's Group meets the second Saturday of the month from October thru May. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings will be held in Room 3117 of the University Medical Center. A pre-session consisting of Q&A from beginners will be held from 1:00 to 1:30 with the main presentation being given from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. (Members are asked to email their questions to one of the coordinators at least five days before the meeting.) Click on the "Directions" button at the bottom of this page to get maps to UMC and to Room 3117.

Below is the agenda for October 2004 thru May 2005 feature presentations. As always, please contact one of the coordinators with your ideas for presentations.

This page was last modified on Tuesday, May 24, 2005 .

October 9-10, 2004
Field trip to Mesa to hear Bob Velke speak at the Third Annual Arizona TMG Workshop. See the Sun Country TMG Users Group web site for details.

October 30, 2004
Workshop Review and Community Forum by Carol Andrews and Sherri Hessick. Carol and Sherri will lead a discussion of the TMG workshop; we will explore the new Wholly Genes Community Forum and TMG Guided Tour; and we will discuss the plans for the coming year. Everyone that attended the workshop is asked to share at least one thing learned. Feel free to bring your laptop, if desired. This special meeting of the Tucson TMG Users Group will be held in the Community Room at Bookman's, 1930 E. Grant Road (SE corner of Campbell and Grant).  Contact Sherri or Carol for directions.

November 13, 2004:
No meeting due to ASGS Fall Seminar.

December 11, 2004:
Master Lists by Chuck Hendricks. TMG provides several master lists to minimize duplicating data entry and to help the user save time by selecting data that has already been entered. These lists include: sources, repositories, places, events, tag types, and styles. Chuck will show you how to access and use these lists to their maximum potential.

January 8, 2005:
Research Log by Betty Malesky. TMG's research log is an extremely useful, yet underutilized, research tool. Betty Malesky, President of the Green Valley Genealogical Society and long time user of TMG, will introduce the benefits of using the Research Log and give us some tips on how to use it efficiently.

February 12, 2005:
GenSmarts by Carol Andrews. GenSmarts is a utility that uses artificial intelligence to analyze your existing genealogy file and produce research recommendations. works directly with your TMG dataset. Carol will demonstrate the program at our February meeting.

March 12, 2005:
Sentence Structures by Sherri Hessick. TMG offers a very sophisticated sentence structure which enables users to compose elaborate narrative reports. The sophistication of the sentence structure looks complicated and confusing when they are first encountered. Sherri will take the confusion out of the sentences and help you construct wonderful sentences in your narrative reports. Follow this link to print the handout for this presentation (in pdf format).

April 9, 2005:
Charts by Rondie Yancey. One of the best features TMG offers is Visual Chartform. VCF creates an Ancestor Box Chart, Descendant Box Chart, Hourglass Box Chart or Fan Chart. Once created, VCF allows you to customize and manipulate every box, line, and other chart objects. When the chart is ready for printing, you can either print it on your own printer with cut marks for taping together; or you can utilize WhollyGenes' chart printing service to get a beautiful, full color wall chart up to 3 feet tall and 30 feet long. Rondie will display her wall chart and demonstrate how to use Visual Chartform.

May 14, 2005:
Narrative Reports by Carol Andrews. Now that you have learned how to construct sentences, Carol will show you how to control the content and format of narrative reports. She will demonstrate how to define who will be included in the report, which tags to include, and the layout of the report.

(Note: you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view some of these files. If you don't have it, click here to download).

Sherri demonstrated Diane Begeman's method of inputting census data, with a few modifications. Diane's census system is online at Everyone should print it out and try her system. Go here for a pdf file to print out the variations that Sherri used (caution: this is a large file and may take a while to download). Sherri's variations are also provided in a rtf file here, with all graphics removed, so you can copy-paste the tag sentence structures, source outputs, and text macros so as not to miss any punctuations, spaces, etc.

Rondie demonstrated Cheri Casper's system of using TMG instead of Clooz, Custodian, ByGones, or Access to record all of her research and extracts. Cheri's system allows her to print out a page for each source to take to the library. Cheri wrote up the steps and procedures that she uses and posted it on Lee Hoffman's website.

Rondie demonstrated some source citations in greater detail. Click here for her handout. Instructions for creating a source citation are located here (in pdf format).

Sherri demonstrated how to create roles and demonstrated some uses for them (with a lot of help from Terry Reigel's TMG Tips). The handout from that meeting is here.

Rondie did a demonstration of creating an hourglass chart with VCF. The handout for that meeting is here

The instructions for creating six valuable reports is good to keep handy. Click here to view and/or print the instructions.