Turcotte Family Celebration


In this book, we mix the official texts and the sayings of the story. We hope that this unorthodox method offset by its ease of reading what he has lost in scientific rigor. In fact we care methods, the important thing is that our objective has been achieved: either to give to all the descendants of Abel Turcault an idea of the history of our family, a taste for genealogy and Respect for our ancestors.

Alain Turcotte


If it had not been to my cousin Jean-Rock Turcotte, this book would perhaps never emerged. He, who one evening of September 78, we invited my brother Richard and me, in a preparatory meeting for organizing the celebration of Family Turcotte. At this meeting, I met, among others, with Mr. George Turcotte, her sister Madeleine Ms. Diane Turcotte-Gosselin and Mr. Lucien Blouin which were to me valuable employees.

After this meeting, I undertook my first research in the Archives Nationales du Quebec. It was here that officials gave me the address of a clerk of St. Viateur, Eugene M. Turcotte, who apparently he was interested in genealogy family Turcotte. Without knowing, I asked him to offer his collaboration to the drafting of a brochure on the Turcotte family. It was his efforts that must be part of this book on our ancestor Abel.

And the work continues to grow. Mr. Georges Turcotte calls me one night and tells me that Ms. Fernande Turcotte assembled for us a series of texts and photographs chronicling the lives of some Turcotte. Today's texts are, for the most part of this work. But that does not stop the intake of Georges Turcotte our work, however during the months that followed, he sent me relentlessly, genealogies on different families Turcotte, and that considerable work done Mr. Julien Turcotte.

Gradually, the information accumulated, but the illustrations were rare. So I decided on a Sunday, to photograph some of the heritage of our family. First step Island of Orleans. The day would end when my brother Richard, who accompanied me, informed me that one of her friends of the Seminary, had worked on the story of one of his ancestors, Louis Philippe Turcotte. Without further ado, I made way to St-Jean where lived Miss Julie Trottier. This was our first meeting. Subsequently, Julie, my brother Richard and I had to work several days in recent weeks to tackle the finalization of our work. During this period, Ms. Diane Turcotte Gosselin, Madeleine Turcotte and Mr. Gerard Turcotte (descendant of John Turcot) handed me the latest texts, necessary for writing. Subsequently, thanks to the talents of photographers MJ Chamard Louis we have work to illustrate this book.

You now hands the result of our work. It now remains to be hoped that this work is part of a much larger work, which is known, may be issued at the next gathering of the Turcotte family.

Let me conclude by saying a big thank you to the staff of the Archives Nationales du Quebec and the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, and all those near and far have helped make this book what it is.

Alain Turcotte

Word of the President

Photo of Rodrigue Turcotte

In 1662 Abel Turcault left his native land to come and settle in New France, more precisely in l�Ange-Gardien on the Côte de Beaupré. Two years later he crossed over to Île d�Orléans where he settled definitively in Ste-Famille.

Today, we are together to commemorate the arrival of our ancestor and to honour all the other members of his family from whom are issued the Turcots and Turcottes. On this memorable day, I am glad to welcome all the descendants of this huge family coming from all parts of the country to celebrate this event, and to thank them for their participation.

I take the opportunity to point out the excellent work the Comité de la fête des familles Turcotte did to make a success of this celebration. The special subscribers, the persons who contributed directly or indirectly to the organization deserve heartfelt thanks.

I hope everyone will take advantage of this event to renew friendship and to meet new cousins in order to tighten the bonds of our great family. All the interest and the respect we have for our ancestors constitute a lively testimony for the present and a strength for the future.

Rodrigue Turcotte

Message du Président

Dès 1662, l�ancêtre Abel Turcault quittait son pays natal pour venir s�établir dans la Nouvelle-France, plus précisément à l�Ange-Gardien. Deux ans plus tard, devant l�attrait de l�Île d�Orléans, il décida de s�installer d�une façon définitive dans la paroisse de Ste-Famille.

Aujourd�hui, nous sommes rassemblés pour commémorer notre patriarche Abel Turcault et les autres membres de sa famille dont sont issus les familles Turcot et Turcotte. En ce jour, à jamais mémorable, je suis très heureux de saluer tous les descendants de cette grande famille qui sont venus de différentes parties du pays pour célébrer ce joyeux événement et je vous remercie très cordialement d�avoir si bien répondu à notre appel.

Permettez-moi de souligner l�excellent travail accompli, de même que tous les efforts fournis par les membres du Comité de la Fête des Familles Turcotte pour faire de ce rassemblement une grande réussite. Les souscripteurs spéciaux, les personnes qui ont contribué directement ou indirectement à cette organisation et les participants à cette rencontre familiale méritent certes nos plus sincères remerciements.

Je souhaite qu�en cette journée des retrouvailles, tous puissent fraterniser, évoquer le passé, se divertir dans la joie et la gaieté en plus d�admirer cette île historique au paysage enchanteur. Que chacun jouisse pleinement de cette belle réunion pour renouer les liens d�autrefois, faire de nouvelles connaissances afin que notre grande famille devienne de plus en plus unie et heureuse.

Tout l�intérêt et le respect que nous manifestions envers nos ancêtres constitue pour le présent un témoignage d�une grande détermination et une force irrésistible pour l�avenir.

Enfin, c�est avec fierté que nous profitons de cette occasion pour rendre un vibrant hommage à nos ancêtres qui ont fait preuve de beaucoup de courage et de vaillance en plus de laisser à notre pays de nombreux descendants.

Rodrigue Turcotte

Word from the Pastor of Ste-Famille

As pastor of Ste-Famille, Ile d'Orleans, the tercentenary of the families' TURCOTTE, "I am pleased to join with the organizers of this festival to praise the work of pioneers and their descendants who have preserved property bequeathed by their ancestors.

We must pay tribute to all those ancestors who have "worked hard" to leave us this legacy that is our glory and wealth.

Congratulations to all the organizers of this wonderful celebration that will remind many memories ... That the descendants of families Turcotte continue the fine work of their predecessors in the ancestral land!

Together, we will thank the Lord for all favors granted during these 300 years and especially this great spirit of faith which characterized our ancestors and their descendants have preserved.

Roland Lord, Priest-Pastor

Word from the Mayor of Ste-Famille

Dear friends,

As part of the tercentenary celebrations, many families have decided to hold extraordinary meetings. It makes me happy, as mayor of the municipality of Sainte-Famille, to join the organizers to wish all the people of this beautiful and Turcotte family a pleasant stay at the Island of Orleans.

This island of incomparable beauty rich in history, a land where your ancestors settled there several generations, has preserved its heritage, with its people who had faith in its agricultural and recreational. These people, known for their hospitality, will facilitate the homecoming of all our visitors.

I hope that you keep a good souvenir of your visit with us, and that this gathering is the cornerstone on which to build a strong and sincere friendship.

Hope to meet you.

Yvon DeBlois

Mayor of Ste-Famille