

Re: Children received into Peckham Home during 1880 & placements one of the annual reports received from Roy Lumb: From: [email protected]

F.C., aged 10, deserted by both parents. To Mr. W.T.H., Farmer, Thornton, P.O., Ontario. Child adopted. M.McK., aged 12, Father dead; mother suffers from a spinal complaint and unable to support herself. To Mr. T.P., Orono, Ontario; Farmer. To work with family. This is second girl of ours Mr. P., has reared, the first left to be married. J.W., aged 14, mother dead; deserted by father. To. Mr. T.W., Forest, Ontario. Farmer. After the girl had been here about six months the father returned from Australia, found the girl, removed her from Mr. W., and tried to make girl return to England, but she refused, replaced herself at Deer Park, and then wrote me of what had occurred. E.S., aged 10, father dead and step-mother very cruel. To Mrs. L., Farmer, Homer, Ontario. Bound. Mrs. L has had another of our girls. H.P., aged 15, father dead; mother kept by the parish. To Mr. S.B., Port Robinson, Ontario. Girl as servant. Unsuited to place; removed. To Mrs. C., Clifton, Ontario. As servant. H.S., aged 11; father dead; mother married again and husband ill used the child. To Miss T., Bowmanville, Ontario. As little maid. G.W., aged 11; mother in a Lunatic Asylum through drink; father no home and tramps from one beer house to another. To Mr. R.B., Niagara, Ontario. Farmer. Child bound for service. E.P., aged 18; deserted by father; mother a depraved woman. To Rev. E.B., Ingersoll, Ontario. For service. F.T., aged 13. mother dead; father over 70 years of age and very poor. To Rev. E.P.W., Waukesha, Winconsin, U.S. Bound for service. E.B., aged 11. Mother dead; father out of work for serveral months and found with 5 children starving. To. Mr. A.P.; Farmer, Orono, Ontario. Child bound. R.B., aged 10; sister to the above. To Mr. A.P., Farmer, Orono, Ontario. Child bound. K.B., aged 11; mother dead; father has very bad health and was left a widower with 5 young children. To Mr. T.H., Harness Maker, Clarke, Ontario. Child bound. E.B., aged 10, sister to the above. To Mr. H.J.S., Tailor, Clarke, Ontario. The curious fact in the placing of this child was that after she got to her new home it turned out that Mr. S. who adopted her had lived while in England in almost the very same street as the child's father. A.W., aged 13; father dead; mother in delicate health. To Rev. J.F., Chippawa, Ontario. For service. A.W., aged 11; sister to the above. To Mr. C. McK., Schoolmaster, Chippawa, Ontario. For service. E.E., aged 13; father dead; mother paralyzed and in workhouse. To Mr. W.C., Farmer, Hillsboro', Ontario. Girl bound. E.M., aged 13; both parents living but perfectly unable to manage child. To Mr. J. R., Map Publisher, Port Ryerse, Ontario. Girl bound. J.D., aged 11; mother dead; father a confirmed drunkard. To Mr. W.L., Farmer, New Town, Robinson, Ontario. Adopted. E.C., aged 14, mother dead; deserted by father who on leaving her said "he wished some one might push her into the canal". To Mr. W.H., Station Master, Simcoe, Ontario. Girl bound. A.M., aged 15; father dead; deserted by mother. To Mr. H.B., Solicitor, Galt, Ontario. Servant. E.M., aged 16; mother dead. To Rev. S.S., Forest, Ontario. Servant. L.V., aged 14; orphan. To Dr. C., St. Catherines, Ontario, Service. M.A.J., aged 10; deserted by mother; father has been out of work for many months. To Mr. W.W., Farmer, Chatham, Ontario. Adopted. L.T., aged 14; very cruel step-mother; had a black eye when received in this Home from a blow given by her. To Mr. A.T., Farmer, Thedford, Ontario. Adopted. C.L., aged 11; mother dead; father no home but the public house, this poor child was literally covered with vermin when received into the home. To Mr. H.T., Farmer, Thornton, Ontario. Adopted. M.A.L., aged 12; almost blind with opthalmia when admitted into the Home and required six months medical care before she could be sent to Canada. To Mr. J.K., Boot Maker, Hamilton, Ontario.Bound for service. S.W., aged 5; mother dead; father left with large family. To Mr. T.G., Blacksmith, Montreal. Adopted. B.E., aged 14; Girl being brought up by a very bad grandmother. Unmanageable, not sent to Canada, returned to Miss P. who placed her in an Industrial School in England. M.B., aged 7; illegitimate, mother in very bad health. To Mr. R.B., Farmer, Clarke, near Newtonville, Ontario. Child adopted. E.T., 13; deserted by both parents. To Mr. E.H., Farmer, St. Catherines, Ontario. Service. This is the second girl Mrs. H. has taken from us. E.J., aged 17; father dead; mother in prison for stealing girl's clothes. To Mr. R.K., Hardware Mercant, Cummings Ville, Ontario. Servant. E.S., aged 15; father dead; mother a prostitute. To Mr. J.C., General Merchant, Youngstown, U.S. Service. L.M., aged 5; deserted by both parents. To Mr. W.W., Plumber, Montreal. Adopted. G.B., aged 8; father dead; mother in very ill health. To Mr. R.M., Farmer, Chippawa, Ontario. Adopted. G.C., aged 8; mother left a widow with 6 young children. To Rev. D.H., Strathroys, Ontario. Adopted. L.W., aged 5; illegitimate, deserted by mother. To Mr. D., Clarendon, Quebec Province. Adopted. S.S., aged 12; parents living and very poor; family of 12 children, girl herself made application to go to Canada. To Mr. G.W., Farmer, Niagara, Ontario. Service. E.H., aged 9, illegitimate; mother in very bad health. To Mrs. H.W., Farmer, Dunville, Ontario. Adopted. S.B., aged 7; mother dead; father very ill and very poor. To Mr. E.C., Market Garden, Seaton, Ontario. Adopted. A.V., aged 15; orphan, left England because grandmother took all her wages as fast as she earned them. To Mr. D.S., Farmer, Tilbury East, Ontario. As one of family. A.F., aged 12; mother deserted by husband who left her with large young family to provide for. To Mr. C., Hairdresser, Oakville, Ontario. As one of family. E.B., aged 9; deserted by mother; and also the father just out of prison for deserting his family. To Mr. C.W., Farmer, Innisfil, Ontario. Adopted. E.B., aged 6, sister to the above. To Mrs. J.W., Laundress, Toronto, Adopted. L.E., aged 6; mother a terrible drinking woman, left a widow with 7 young children. To Mr. W.T., Welldigger, Peterboro, Ontario. Adopted. M.W., aged 10; father dead; mother has been leading an immoral life, but espresses wish to reform. To Mr. A., Merchant, Thornton, Ontario. As one of family. A.W., aged 8, sister to the above. To Mr. G., Farmer, York, Ontario. Child adopted. E.R., aged 13; deserted by father; mother dead. To Mr. T.F., Hairdresser, Rondeau, Ontario. Adopted. B.W., aged 9; deserted by father; mother a bad character. To Mr. T.H., Farmer, Bradford, Ontario. Adopted. A.W., aged 6, mother dead; father a drinking tramping man, gave the child to Lord G. who sent her to Peckham. To Mr. G.C., Builder, Napannee, Ontario. Adopted. E.C., aged 5; mother dead; deserted by father. To Miss H.N., Farmer, Hemingford, Quebec. Adopted.

E.B., aged 13; mother dead; father a soldier in bad health. To Mr. J.B., Farmer, Fairfield, Ontario. As one of family. R.B., aged 10, sister to the above. To Mr. D., Farmer, Dresden, Ontario. As one of the family. C.R., aged 14; illegitimate. To Mr. J.P., General Store, Yorkville, Ontario. Removed by mother who followed to Canada. J.W., aged 10, father dead; mother living an immoral life; child brought by City Missionary. To Mr. A.M., Farmer., St. Catherines, Ontario. Adopted. I.W., aged 12; mother dead; father in prison for assaulting a little girl. To Mr. J.C., Collector of Custom, Port Dalhousie, Ontario. Service. The second of our girls that Mrs. C. has taken. C.H., aged 9, illegitimate; mother a needlewoman in very bad health. To Mr. C.H., Farmer, Forkes Road, Ontario. Bound. M.J.S., aged 17; deserted by father; mother a very bad character. To Miss T., Farmer, St. Thomas, Ontario. Service. C.E., aged 11; father dead; mother unable to support child. To Mr. T.B., Farmer, Bondhead, Ontario. Child adopted. E.C., aged 15, Orphan. To Rev. Dr. R., Rector, Grimsby, Ontario. Service. The second girl of ours Mrs. R. has had, first left to be married. M.J.J., aged 13; mother dead; father deserted child, left her in the streets. To Mr. M. McC., General Merchant, Oakville, Ontario. Service M.N., aged 14; father dead; mother unable and unwilling to support girl. To Mr. M. McC;, General Merchant, Oakville, Ontario. Service. E.P., aged 10; mother deserted by husband, who left her with several other children. To Mr. J.P.W., Farmer, Schomberg, Ontario. Adopted. J.L. aged 10; father a drunkard and child deserted by mother. To Mr. M.G., Agent for Lancashire Insurance Co., Toronto. Service. R.L., sister to the above. To Mr. A.H., Farmer, Woodville, Ontario. Adopted. E.W., aged 14; mother dead, father cruel man. To Mrs. L.G., Dressmaker, Springfield, Ontario. Bound. A.F., aged 13, father dead; mother a woman of very immoral character. To Mr. T., Landed Proprietor, Tilsonburg, Ontario. Service. M.P., aged 7; orphan. To Mrs. K., Store Keeper, Chippawa, Ontario. Adopted. A.M., aged 15; parents not been heard of for 7 years. To Mr. J.R., Farmer, St. Catherines, Ontario. Bound for service. M.A.S., aged 7; father dead; mother in bad health. In the home when I left. C.B., aged 7; father dead; and mother gave the child up because she was unable to manage her. To Mr. S.S., Medical Man, Tilsonburg, Ontario. To be a servant eventually. J.E., aged 10; orphan. To Mr. C.B., Farmer, Drummondville, Ontario. Service but to sit at table. E.R., aged 11; father dead; deserted by mother. To Mr. J. McK., Senr., Cabinet Maker, Drummondville, Ontario. Adopted. L.H., aged 8; illegitimate; mother in bad health. To Mr. R.B., Farmer, St. Catherines, Ontario. Adopted. J.P., aged 10; deserted by mother and father given to drink. To Mr. G.B., Blacksmith, Palmyra, Ontario. Adopted. J.S., aged 13; father dead; mother left with 7 children. To Mr. McM.G., Market Garden, Drummondville, Ontario. Bound but to sit at table. E.P., aged 10, father dead; mother very poor, nearly starving. child did not wish to go to Canada so was returned to her mother. J.C., aged 13; both parents living, but in very poor circumstances indeed. To Mrs. M.B., Farmer, Chatham, Ontario. Service. E.S., aged 14; mother dead; and father in a decline. To Mr. W.C., Farmer, New Town, Robinson, Ontario. Service. F.P., aged 4 ; orphan. In the home when I left. E.A., aged 14; orphan. To Mr. W.L., Farmer, New Town, Robinson, Ontario. Bound but to sit at table. A.L., aged 14; orphan. To Mr. R.R., Contractor, Port Hope, Ontario. Service. N.S., aged 15; mother a widow with 7 children. To Mr. E.H., Farmer, Fort Erie, Ontario. Service. Mrs. H., has had another girl of mine who left to be married. E.B., aged 6; mother dead; father a confirmed drunkard. In the home when I left. M.A.B., aged 4, sister to the above. In the Home when I left. E.H., aged 10; deserted by father; mother in the union. To Mr. P.W., Farmer, Niagara, Ontario. Bound. E.J. aged 9, father dead; and mother unable to manage the child. To Mr. S.B., Farmer, Fonthill, Ontario. Adopted. Mrs. B's mother-in-law has had two of our children for years. A.P., aged 9, deserted by mother; the father a cripple. To Mr. J.A., Farmer, Newcastle, Ontario, Adopted. B.P. aged 7, sister to the above. To Mr. J.R., Farmer, Newcastle, Ontario. Adopted. E.B., aged 4, illegitimate. To Mr. P.S., Farmer, Grant, P.O., Ontario. Adopted. H.G., aged 4; illegitimate; the mother in bad health. To Mr. W.R., Clerk, Hamilton, Ontario. Adopted. P.H., aged 5; orphan. To Mr. G.W., Farmer, West Winchester, Ontario. Adopted. O.H., aged 7; orphan. To Mr. G.W., Farmer, West Wincester, Ontario. Adopted. L.B., aged 14; father dead; mother in very ill health. To Mr. W.F., Farmer, St. Catherines, Ontario.For service, but to sit at the table. A.M., aged 14; parents very poor. To Mr. V.W., General Store, York, Ontario. Bound. C.B., aged 7; the father hiding; and mother a woman of most indifferent character. To Mr. T.R., Farmer, Druro, Ontario, Adopted. M.H., aged 7; deserted by father; mother in very bad health. To Mr. J.H., Farmer, Alymer, Ontario. Adopted. A.H., aged 4; sister to the above. To Mr. E.T., Harness Maker, Lundys Lane, Drummondville, Ontario. Adopted. A.H., aged 4; father dead; deserted by mother. To Mr. ___, Farmer, Ottawa, Ontario. Adopted. A.H., aged 15; father dead; step father very unkind to girl. To Mr. D.W., Farmer, Oxford Station. This is the second girl Mrs. W. has had of ours. A.M.G., aged 12, step-sister to the above. To Mr. N.Y., Farmer, Virgil, Ontario. Bound for service but to sit at table. R.F., aged 12; mother dead; father married again and step-mother most unkind to the girl. In the Lond Home now, and just about starting for Canada. (D.V.)


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