

 New *York 1706, the 25th December.
 I Harmanus Rutgers was married to Catharine Meyer by Domanie De Booys. The Lord grant us both a long and blessed life. Amen.
 1708. The 30th of April�Our son Harman Rutgers was born on Friday.
 1709/10. The 27th January,Our daughter Elsie Rutgers was born on Friday.
 1711. The 4th of December We removed from the house of our mother to our place in the Vly and eat our first meal there the 24th December. May the Lords blessing descend on the work of our hands.
 1711/12. The 20th of FebruaryOur son Hendrick Rutgers was born on Wednesday.
 1713/14. The 13th of FebruaryOur daughter Catharine Rutgers born on Saturday.
 1716. The 10th of April Our daughter Marye Rutgers born on Tuesday.
 1718. The 7th of Jany,Our son Anthony Rutgers born on Saturday, and on the 13th of September was taken to the Lord.
 1719. The 29th of August,Our daughter Eva Rutgers born on Saturday.
 1721/22. The 9th of February,Our son Johannis Rutgers born. 1722.
 The 4th of August Our son Johannis Rutgers was taken to the Lord.
 1723. The 14th of October, Our daughter Marye Rutgers was taken to the Lord.
 1736/7. The 29th of February My beloved and estimable housewife Catharine Rutgers was taken to the Lord.
 New York Jan'y the 9th Anno 1732.I Hendrick Rutgers was married to Catharine DePeyster by my uncle Eerwaerde Petrus Vas Minister at Kingston in Esopus.. The Lord grant his blessing thereon. Amen.
  1732, Oct. 2d. Our first daughter Catharine was born on Sunday at about 11 o'clock in the morning and was baptised in the New Church on Sunday the 8th of December by Domanie Gualthery Du Bois Godfather, father Harmanus Rutgers and Godmother, mother Catharine Rutgers.
 1736, Dec.30th.Our second daughter Anna born on Thursday evening at about 11 o'clock, and baptised in the New Church on Sunday the 9th of January 1736/37 by Dominic Hendrikus Boel,Godfather, brother Abraham Boelen and Godmother sister Elisabeth Boelen.
 1738, Oct. 14th. Our second son Harmanus born on Saturday evening at about 11 o'clock and baptised in the New Church on Sunday the 22 of December by Dominie Gualtherus Du Bois Godfather, brother Harmanus Rutgers and Godmother Elsie Marshall.
 1739, Aug. 8th. Our second son Harmanus fell asleep in the Lord. The Lord grant him a happy resurrection. Amen.
 1741/2, ]an. 5th. Our third daughter Elisabeth born on Tuesday evening at about 8 o'clock and baptised in the New Church by Dominic Henricus Boel Godfather, brother Harmanus Rutgers and Godmother sister Elisabeth Rutgers.
 1742, May 24th. Our first son Johannis slept in the Lord on Monday about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The Lord grant him a blessed resurrection. Amen.
 1743. Our third son Harmanus born on Saturday evening about seven o'clock and baptised in the New Church on Sunday the 27th of December by Dominic_____Godfather Harmanus Rutgers and Godmother sister Eva Provoost.
 1745, Oct. 7th. Our fourth son Hendick born on Monday evening about nine o'clock and baptised in the New Church on Sunday the 20th by Dominic Johannis Ritzma Godfather, brother John Marshall and Godmother sister Catharine Van Horn.
 1746, April 22d. Our son Harmanus slept in the Lord on Tuesday about 12o'clock of the day. The Lord vouchsafe to him a happy resurrection. Amen.
 1747. Oct. 26th. Our Maria born on Monday between 6 & 7 o'clock afternoon, and baptised by Dominic Kitzma Godfather John Provoost and Godmother our daughter Catharine Rutgers.
 1749, Sept. 12th. Our son are copied from the family Bible of Daniel Doughty, now in possession Harmanus born on Tuesday morning at 3 o'clock and baptised by Dominic Denboos Godfather William Bedlow and Godmother our daughter Catharine Rutgers housewife of William Bedlow.
 Oct. 9th, 1755, Gualtherus Du Bois slept in the Lord on Wednesday about 5 o'clock in the afternoon of old age.
 NOTES OF The DOUGHTY FAMILY IN WEST JERSEY.The following entries of his descendant, Barclay White, of Mt. Holly, Burlington County, N. J.:
 "Jacob Doughty was born ye 14th of 12 mo., 1671.
 Amme Doughty,wife of Jacob Doughty, was born ye 17 of 6 mo., 1679.
 Jacob Doughty,son of Jacob and Amme Doughty,was born ye 27 of 10 mo., 169
  Abigail Doughty was born ye 15th of 2 mo. 1697.
 Mary Doughty was born ye 17th of 2 mo., 1699.
 Sarah Doughty was born ye 19th of 11 mo. 1701.
 SCHUYLER FAMILY RECORDS. By JOHN SCHUYLER, or N. Y.-Extract from : the family Bible on the inside cover of which is written :
 [Desen Bible is verseert By Myn Vader Barent H. Ten Eyck aen syn soon
 Hendrk H. Ten Eyck. Published by Jacoben Hendrick Keur, at Dordrecht, in 1741.] Then follows a number of records of the Ten Eyck family in Dutch. (Then in English the following):
 HELEN SCHIRYLER, died, aged 72 yrs., 8 mo., 20d.May 22, 1818,
 Dec. 14, 1820, STEPHEN J. SCHUYLER, died, aged 83 yrs.,4 m.,2d. Nov.18, 1804,
 PHIILLIP SCHUYLER,died,aged 71 yrs.,1m., 2d.
 Nov. 26, 1793, JOHN S. SCHUYLER.
 The 21st of Oct. was born our 1st child,
 JOHN CARPENTER SCHUYLER. (On the last leaves of the same is the following)
  _____________STEPHEN J. SCHUYLER Stephen Van Renssalaer, god-father. born 12 Aug., 1737, Cataline Cuyler, god-mother.
 _____________LENA TEN EYCK, born 2 Sept., 1745, Matilda Rozeboom, godmother.Tobias Ryckrnan, godfather
 ______________1763, 27th Ap., at Albany, Stephen J. Schuyler m. Lena Ten Eyck.
 1764, Jan. 5, born 1st child,JOHANIS.
 1766, Nov. 27, born 2d child, TOBIAS.
 1768, Jany.24, born 3d child, PHILIP.
 1770, May 20, born 4th child, TOBIAS.
 1772, Dec. 30, born 5th child, HENRY TEN EYCK.
 1775, July 30, born 6th child, PHILIP VAN COARLAND.
 1777, Nov. 30, born 7th child, CORNELIA.
 1780, Ap.12,born 8th child, BARRENT.
 1784, Oct. 3, born 9th child,STEPHEN VAN RENSSALAER.
 1786, Aug. 31, born 10th child, COARTLAND.
 1770, TOBIAS SCHUYLER, died 4 Feb:
 1769, PHILIP SCHUYLER, died 26 Dec.
 1781, CORNELIA SCHUYLER, died - July.
 1804, TOBIAS R. SCHUYLER, died 2 July, age 39.
 1812, HENRY TEN EYCK SCHUYLER, died 25 Sept., age 39.
 1832, STEPHEN VAN RENSSALAER SCHUYLER,died 18 July, age 46.
 1833, BARENT SCHUYLER, died 11 Feb., age 53.
 1834, JOHN SCHUYLER, died 11 Nov., age 70.
 (Tile following in pencil.)
 PHILIP VAN CORTLANDT SCHUYLER departed this life 1 May, 1846, age
 TEN BROOK, DUMONT.- The following marriages, births, and deaths are copied out of an old Bible, printed by Mathew Carey, of Philadelphia, in 1811.
 On the inside of front cover is written: Garret Ten Broock, his Bible, February 4th in the year of Our Lord 1818," and on a loose slip which is pinned to one of the fly leaves is this entry: "Jin was Born the 26 Day of September, 1820."
 Garret Tinbrook and Margaret Dumont were married on the 26 of March, 1803.
 John Ten Brook & Sarah Ann Fauvote was married Feb. 13th, 1834.
 John Tinbrook was born the 9 of December 1715.
 Catherine Ten-Eicke was Born the 27 of June 1710.
 John Tenbrook was Born the 21 of December 1738.
 Peter Dumont was Born the 11 of November 1725.
 Brachie Vroom was Born the 23 of August 1725.
 Janitte Dumont was Born the 7 of April 1749.
 Jasintie Dumont was Born the 18 of June 1751.
 Peter Dumont was Born the 13 of October 1753.
 Hendrick Dumont was Born the 14 of April 1756.
 John Baptist Dumont was Born the 21 of October 1758.
 Janette Dumont was Born the 1st of May 1761.
 Brachie Dumont was Born the 14 of February 1764.
 Margaret Dumont was Born the 8 of October 1766.
 Mary Dumont was Born the 3d of January 1770.
 John Ten Brook was Born the of August 1767.
 Garret Tenbrook was Born the 26 of October 1769.
 John Tenbrook was Born the 7th of March 1808.
 John Tinbrook Departed this Life the 29 of September 1738,
 Catherine Vroomn departed this Life the 25 of June 1807.
 Peter Dumont Departed this Life the 24 of November 1808.
 Brachie Dumont Departed this Life the 14 of February 1791.
 Janette Dumont Departed this Life the 2d of February 1752.
 Peter Dumont Departed this Life the 18 of March 1807.
 Hendrick Dumont Departed this Life the 19 of May 1775.
 John Tin Brook departed this Life the 10 of Sept 1826.
 Jacinth Dumont, wife of Robard Rosaboorn Departed this Life the 28 Oct 1828.
 Charity Vannest wife of John Tin Brook departed this life 2nd of Jan 1770.
 Margaret Dumont wife of Garret Tenbrook departed this life 29th June 1844 aged 77-8-21.
 Garret Ten Brook departed this life 29th May 1849 aged 79 yrs 7 mo 3 da.
 John Baptist Dumont departed this life June 12th A. D. 1832 aged 73 years 7 months and 21 days.
 Mary Dumont departed this life Nov 22nd A. D.1848 aged 78 years 10 months and 19 days.
 Brachie Dumont departed this life Feb.19th A. D. 1853 aged 89 years and 5 days.
 John Vannest the Grandfather of Garret Tenbrook Departed this life Sept 7th 1788.
 Catharine Vroom wife of Peter Dumont departed this life June 25th A. D. 1807.
 Peter Dumont her Husband Nov 24th 1808.
 William Denning aged 25 years and a months married to Sarah Hawxhurst, and daughter of William Hawxhurst of New York, Merchant. She being aged 24 years and 9 months.
 1st. Lucretia Ann, born 26th May 1766, married at the family residence in Wail Street to Nathaniel Shaler of Middletown Connecticut
 2nd. June 1787.and. Charles, born 21st August 1767, died 8th August 1768.
 3rd. William, born I11th September 1768, married to Catherine Smith, born 13th November 1770, second daughter of Thomas Smith Esq., Counsellor-at-law, 3rd November 1794.
 4th. Sally Hawxshurst Denning, born 22nd January 1770, died 21St November 1770.
 5th. Philip, born 29th July, died 14th August 1773.
 6th. Sarah, born 24th April 1775, married to William Henderson in New York, 11th June 1798.
 Sarah, wife of said William Denning departed this life on Monday the 14th day of October 1776, at one o'clock and ten minutes P. M., aged 35 years, 10 months and 17 days, at the then family dwelling in the Town of New Cornwall, in the county of Orange, a place purchased of James Peters for a retreat for my family during the Revolutionary War and by me named Salisburgh.
 The following year the said William married to Amy McIntosh widow of Phineas McIntosh, Merchant. She being a younger sister of his first wife and about 7 years younger than himself.
 Issue of this marriage being.
 1st. Amy Amelia, born 6th June 1778 at the said Salisburgh residence, married in New York to James Gillespie, Merchant, on Sunday 20th April 1806.
 In 1898, Miss Cornelia Van Kleeck of Poughkeepsie, gave to the Daughters of the American Revolution of that place a Dutch Bible, printed in 1718, which was placed in the building known as the "Clinton Museum," owned by the State of New York, and occupied by the Daughters of the American Revolution.
 On July 11th, 1898, I copied the family record in this Bible, and now send to the RECORD as a supplement to the material published in July and April last year, as contributed by Mr. Alfred Leroy Becker. I do not recall whether I made a "line upon line" copy, but the names and dates may be relied upon. It will be seen that Mr. Becker was correct in his supposition that Francis Filkin was born in 1703, not '04. "De ouddom van Henry Filkin' de overleden in zin(k)ceders.
  Henry Filken is geboren an et yaer Anno 1651 den 26 Mey.
 Cathruia Filkin is geboren Anno 1670 den, 9 maert
 Jannetic Filkin is geboren Anno 1696 den,3 Sept
 Abraham & Isaac is geboren Anno I701/2 den 9 Feber
 Francis Filkin is geboren Anno 1703 den 24 October
  Cornelius Filkin is geboren Anno 170/ den 14 Mart
 Cathrina Filkin is geboren Anno 1707 den 21 Augt
 Jacob Filkin is geboren Anno 1710 den 29 Mey Joh
 annes Filkin is geboren Anno 1711 den 2o Juni Annatie Ruard geboren Jan(d)ai, r, 1686/7 F. hegeman's vrow.
 De geborten dagen van de kenders van Francis Filkin min erste docter Cathrina is geboren in it yaer Anno 173(?) den 20 dagh van July
  Cathrina Filkin den is geboren anno 1735/6 den 28 december
 Francis Filkin den is geboren Anno 1738 den 3 Juni
 Geesie Filkin den is geboren Anno 25 Mart ano io
 Helena Filkin is geboren anno 1741/2 den 17 Feberd
 octer Francis Filken is geboren anno 1743 de (1?) Novmr Henry Filkin geboren pas Sondagh anno 1745 den 14 April min erste docter is overleden Aug 31 ae 1735 ind begraven in Poghkipse kerk
 min son Francis Filkin is overleden June (den?) 3 dagh ano 1741 is begraven in de kerk hof op poghkepsi an it hovement van schonvader Lewis
  July de II Ano 1747 is min son Henry Filkin overleden begraven in York in de ouwe kerk hof dight by Gun de Layet." Middle page of Bible.
 "January the 27, 1788, then my daughter Cynthia was married. July the( 4 or5 )day 1798 then her first son was born, named Baltus, and August the 26, 1792 her second son was born (named?) Baltis." Following, in another hand.
  "My son Leonard B. Van Kleeck was born April 18,1787.
  "M) daughter Margaret An Kleeck was born Nov 6,1790 Leonard B Van Kleeck and his sister Margaret, (afterward the wife of John Guy Vassar Sr.), were children of Baltus Van Kleeck by his fourth wife Rhoda Dutcher. His third wife was Josyntha Corsa, and they had daughter Cynthia Lewis,who married,second Sept 21, 1733, Francis Filkin.
 This Bible therefore came intro the possession of the VanKleek family by marriage of Francis Filkin to the widow of Peter VanKleek.
 Frans Hegeman and Antjen uwaart Tugaard, his wife appear upon the records of the Dutch church, Poughkeepsie in 1740 and 1742 as witnesses to baptisms.