

To Jno Shermand an P Agt. 5 March 1836
See letters 15 April 1837 Penn agent Jno Sheamand, V J Munford.
Letter to Robt. Shemand 26 Dec 1837
do J H Sherward 16 March 1838

Christian Crouse of  Morgan  in the State of Va. who was a pvt. in the company commanded by Capt. [no name] of the regiment commanded by Troupe in the Pa. line for 6 months.

In Included in the roll of Virginia at the rate of 20 dollars-no cents per annum to commence the 4th day of March 1831.

Certificate of Pension  fixed the 22nd day of Apl. 23 and situated Heavy Art. Byrn Berkerly Springs, Va.
Arrears to the 4th of March 1833   40---------
Semi anal allowance ending 4 Sept 1833_______10______
Recorded by Nathaniel Rice clerk, Book E,Vol. 6, Page 4
Length  of service 6 months  Pvt. Capt. George Long Col. Imofee, Pa.
Residence of soldier at enlistment Seventy miles from York, Pa.
Date of application for pension . Feb., 25, 1833
Morgan, Co. Va.
Age at date of application- nearly 80 yrs. born near Lancaster, Pa.
Remarks: Soldiers june was alive in 1833. Soldier died prior  to Dec. 20, 1837.
Draft year before battle of Brandywine.  Pvt., Capt. Long
Field officer was Col. Swoope.
Country through which he marched__Pa., NJ.
Place of abode when he entered the service and agent the present period. Aged nearly 80- York County Pa.
Evidence of which the declaration is supported____Traditionary.

Virginia to wit;
In the record of the proceedings in the county court of Morgan, amongst others is the following to wit. At a court began and held for Morgan county on Monday the 25th  day of February 1833. Present Jonathan Johnes, Henry ?Myese, Samuel Abernathy, Isiah Buck, Gutterman Julius.

State of Virginia county of Morgan.
On t his the 25th day of Feb. 1833 personally appeared in open court now sitting Christian Crouse a resident of the county and the state aforesaid aged nearly eighty years, who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefits of the act of Congress dated June 7th 1832.
That he entered the service of the United States at the town of York in the state of Pennsylvania under Captain George Long and Col. Swope, his given name is not remembered there  was a Col.  in the company named Trexler, marched thense by Lancaster and Philadelphia in Pa. and through Trenton to Princeton to Amboy and Newark  in New Jersey. the greater part of his tour was performed at the two last named place. There the time of his draft was ended he with his company was marched back to York and there discharged. He can not now at his advanced age and very infinite state of mind and body state things minutely. HE has forgotten the name of most of his companions in arms; He knows of no person living to testify to his services, he remembers that his draft was six months and that he fully served it out.

Sustained by the court.
Where and in what year were you born.?
ans. I w as born near Lancaster, Pa. in what year I do not known as I have no record of my age which is authentic. I understand her is one in a _____ testament in my son Josses Josepion?, which would make me about 79. I do not exactly known my age. The court who now see me can testify that I am very old man. I must be near eighty years.
Ques. Where were you living when called into service when have you lived since the REvolutionary war, and where do you now live.
Ans. When called into the service, I lived about 20 miles from York, Pa. in the direction of Baltimore, after the war I lived in my former neighborhood about 20 miles from York, now I live in this county and have so done.(it was formally Berkeley) for about 25 years past.
Ques; How were you called into service? Were you drafted, did you volunteer, or where you a substitute? If a substitute for whom?
Ans. I was drafted for six months.
Ques.  State the names of some of the regular officers who were with the troops? Where you served such continental and militia regiment as you can recollect, and the general circumstances of your service.
Ans; the time I as out in the service was some time before the battle of Brandywine, perhaps a year, we started  from York sometime before Hanover when at Amboy we were grate lost for provisions and 4 of us offered to go home, some eight hours follows and on their promise of better fare we returned. I am illiterate and having never been able by history to refresh my memory and now very deaf, I can not state further particulars.
Ques; 5th- did you ever receive a discharge from the service and if so by whom was it given, what has become of it?
Ans; I never received such a discharge; When we were disbanded at York, the proper officer to sign the discharges was not present, we were told that we could get our discharges at any other time by applying but that they were of no amount; I thought so and never applied for any.
Ques 6: State the names of persons to whom you are known in your present neighborhood and who can testify. to your character for veracity and their belief of your service  as a soldier in the Revolution.
Ans; In this respect I would name my neighbors JOshua Gain, Isaac Bolmer, John Stodler/Stodcker, Peter Stoalar?, Christian Haversmill, Michael Widmeyer, Wm. Holeday, John Dick, Jesse Crouse.  There is no clergyman in my neighborhood who I think knows anything of my service not do I know of any person alive who could testify to my actual services, more than by hearsay.
HE relinquishes any claims whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.
Sworn to and subscribed the day of the year aforesaid.
His mark Christian Crouse
tester J Rinhaw? clerk.