Remember back in the mid 1800's insane, lunatic, crazy, etc. perhaps would have just been the word they placed on someone who may have had Altzheimer's or any other mind altering disease. Some of these cases had not even had a name placed on them yet, so was probably easier to say lunatic, etc.
      1858-1880  BOOK #1
The index listing that follows represents the page number
where the outcome of the proceedings for that particular case
can be found.  Great care has been given to make sure the spelling
of words are the same as originally written. However the abbreviations
that were recorded are not clear in some cases. Much can be gleaned
from these records.
A                                               number of page in book #1 
Annis Mr. J. insane                                              24 
Huble Elizabeth vs. George Redmore?                              65 
Arwin Jane with petition                                         124,125 
Ayers Elias W. in the matter of                                  286,289,252 
Arnold Edwin C. lunacy                                           322,323 
Ayers Victoria Petition                                          353 
Ayers Charles S. petition                                        354 
Ayers James C. deed in the matter of                             359 
Atwater Stephen D. in the matter of                              381 
Alpine Baptist church  in the matter of                          385 
Adams Wm. J. in the matter of                                    395, 396, 397,407 
 Ayers Wm.  Vs. Francis Wigg/Wegg                                467 
Appointment  terms of County court                               469,198 
Banker J.                                                       No # 
Boule  I. S. and H. Fish                                         31 
Broanch M   T. Spreegrnd                                         37 
Brurut  Asahel   E. Nusom                                        46 
Buckley Mewin  agt. Wm. H. Smith                                 81 
Barkman Jacob in app. school dist.                               143 
Benson Phebe in matter of petition                               212 
Benson Harriett A. in matter of                                  212 
Benson Josephine  in matter of                                   212 
Benson  Minnie  in the matter of                                 212 
Benson Mary in the matter of                                     212 
Benson Phebe  and others in the matter of                        217, 218 
Banker J. A. H. Rightuire?  order                                227 
Buchanan George G. in the matter of petition                     263 
Banker J. A. H. Rightuire? order                                 227 
Buchanan George G. in the matter of petition                     263,264,265,266 
Beecher Almon in the matter of Brier ?                           267 
Ball Alanson  G. order substituting  atty.                       269 
Baker Francis     in the matter of                               282 
Barker Laeni C.  William Sickles                                 285 
Bunn Eliazabeth                                                  313,314, 315 
Brink Elizabeth Ann in the matter of                             309,311, 312 
Bower Emma J                                                     334, 335, 336, 337 
Buchannan George J                                               351 
Beers Wm. S special guard.                                       361 
Bettridge Edward H.  vs. Walter Burrell                          364 
Baskin Daniel S.  in the matter of                               387 
Bobbit Fredie C.                                                 390,391, 392 
Bsbcock Levi vs. Eken Loveless                                   401 
Bussey John E. in the matter of                                  403,404 
Bordemeyer ? Charles H. in matter of                             406 
Brown Morrison E and                                             413 
Brown Elmer in the matter of                                     413,414, 415 
Bailey G. D. --G. W. Cass                                        418 
Bennett Lorenzo D.   Saul M. Barker                              427 
Brydeumyer Charles  H.  in the matter of                         432,433 
Blain Amos D. committee                                          449 
Beebe Albert   Trustee                                           480 
Barker Samuel                                                    495 
Buchanan George G.                                               495 
Buchanan Marietta Mae.                                           495 
Bennett Charles                                                  513, 514 
Baines William                                                   523 
Bailey John S.                                                   524 

Cole Ira Rt.  Cole  left                                         2,3,4 
Cass N. Hanna?  by ----Frece? Cass                               7 
Cass Betsey Lunatic                                              14 
Cass Ivan .to order                                              40 
Collins B. vs. W. Kels  est.                                     42 
Cass Samuel  W. A. Cole order.                                   42 
Cole Atty.  Jane Orar? .                                         45 
                                county court minutes 
Cass Samuel M. Cass and Durkee Sec.                              76 
                 county court minutes 
Cass Jane M. .Sec. Co court minutes                              77 
Cass Jane M. to Sass  and Durkee                                 78 
                      see county court minutes 
Cass Samuel M. See county court minutes                          79 
Cronk Ambrose J. vs.   Abram Gilber                              47 
Compton  R. vs. Sam’l  F/Traugh                                  47 
Criddle Eliza vs. James Criddle                                  50 
Clawson James A. Infant                                          76,77 
Crum  Nancy A. and Thomas L. Nichols  exec. 
 and exet of Gardner Crum deceased                               79 
Carr Henry Dana  memo by matter of  Jacob 
  Strader Gurard. in the matter of                               82,83,84 
Compton Peter Elijah N. Goodwin                                  91 
Carroll Patrick  lunatic in the matter of                        91 
Crandall Edward C.                                               95, 99, 100, 101 
Claugherty Alexander  appt. as Crier                             109 
Coats Addie R. and ...  petition                                 122 
Cooper James A in the Petition                                   139,140,141,148 
Carpenter  Ebenezer                                              149 
Crippen George W. in the matter                                  188 
Crippen Mary E. in the matter                                    188 
Crippin Emma A. in the matter of                                 188 
Crippen Susan J. in the matter of                                188 
Crippen George W. in the matter of                               189 
Crippin Mary E.  in the matter of                                189 
Crippen Emma A. in the matter of                                 189 
Crippen Susan J.  in the matter of                               189 
Crippen George W.  in the matter of                              203 
Curtis  Helen A. in the matter of                                205,206 
Cass Samuel W.  in the  matter of                                211 
Cass Jane A.   in the matter of                                  211 
Carr Isalanda                                                    219 
Cooper  Edward  in the matter of                                 233 
Cooper Maria                                                     234 
Cooper Sarah Jane                                                235 
Christina Cooper                                                 237 
Cooper Martha                                                    237 
Courts county  order appt.                                       238 
Carwin/Carman Mordica J. in the mater of                         252,253,254 
Coal Co of Fall Brook vs. John McGee estate                      267 
Case Samuel W.  in the  matter of                                211 
Case Jane M. in the matter of                                    211 
Carr  Lucinda  in the matter of                                  219 
Cooper Edward  in the matter of \                                233 
Cooper Maria    \                                                234 
 Sarah Jane Ceinper ?    \                                       235 
Christina Cooper      in the matter of \                         237 
Martha Cooper   in the matter of           \ all of these names  237 
Courts county ord. appt. appt.  terms of / groped together       238 
Carwan Mordica J.   in the matter of    /                        252 
Coal Co. Fall Brook in the matter of                             267 
Church 1st Pres. Catlin in  the mater of                         302 
Clawson Martha in the matter of an idiot                         303 
Church  Ist Free Will Bap Alpine  name changed to                343 
Crawford Mary E in the matter of                                 344,345,346 
Church St. Paul, Havana in the mater of                          347 
Church M. E.  of watkins in the matter of ..                     360 
Clauharty Cora re in the matter of                               364, 365, 366 
Church Free Will  Baptist Church                                 385 
Cole Harlene  vs. Mumford and Hillerman                          388 
Curtis Helen A. in the matter of                                 390 
Church M. E.  of Watkins in the matter of                        405 
Cronkrite  Melville H. vs.  William  B. Boyd                     430 
Cowell Richard dec’d  vs. Henry A. Crowell 
                                    in matter of                 465 
County Court appointment of Terms                                469 
Count Court appointment of Terms for. 1878                       487 
County Court appointment of terms County                         498 
County court appointment  for 1879                               506 
Clark Frank                                                      514 
Cole Harlen vs. A. G. Campbell                                   522 
Court Appointment terms of                                       525 

Decker Simon Special Guardian of                                 18 
Decker Sidney S. and Sarah M. Decker                             18 
Dixon Elizabeth   insane                                         21 
Decker Caroline  order                                           35 
Demarest Eliza an infant order                                   87 
Demarest Margaret   and infant order                             88 
Demarest Eliza and Margaret infant order                         89,90 
Dodd Joseph  C. in the matter of                                 279, 280 ,281, 282 
Davis  Sarah R. re. petition                                     328 
Davis Sarah R. petition                                          327,328 
Davis Francis H.   petition                                      327,328 
Davis Frederick  J. re: petition                                 327,402 
Davis    Sarah R  petition                                       328,330 
Davis Sarah R petition                                           329, 330 
Davis Frederick re petition                                      328 
Dudley Charles H. in the matter o f                              367, 368,  369 
Davis Frederick J.  in the matter of                             402 
Davis F. J. vs. Demarest                                         437 
Davis  Isaac L. appt. vs. W. T. Broderick  receipt               465 
Dean William  order to make return                               465 
Drake Alice D.  in the matter of petition                        474, 475, 476, 477, 478 
Duvale Albert  stay proceedings                                  488,489 
Dents Jane in the matter of                                      493 
Dents Mary Jane in the matter of                                 494 
Everts vs. Lockwood   and                                        1 
Ennis Wm. I. insane                                              24 
Ely Hector-  J. Gilman                                           33,34, 35 
Ellis Thomas by David Perry Guardian                             61,62, 63 
Evans Francis A. in the matter of                                105, 106, 107, 108 
Evans Frannie A                                                  105 
Evans Wm S                                                       105 
Eventh Charles D. Jesse B. Eventh 
   infants to sell real estate                                   114, 115, 116 
Elliott Mary E. in matter of                                     223,224, 225 
Ennis Joseph vs. Edward W. Cotton                                260 
Emma Leroy vs. in the matter of                                  300 
Edgett Lovina in the matter of                                   306,307,308, 309 
Eveleth Rachel A. appt. of Guard ..                              340 
Ellis Benjamin F. in the mater of Aset.                          376 
Eveleth Rachel A. in the matter of                               376 
Everts Charles H. in matter of                                   442, 445 
Ely Myron H. in the matter of                                    497, 498 
Everts Eunice the matter of                                516 
Follett Sophronia in the matter of                               109, 111 
Foot Nancy   in the matter of                                    248,249,250 
Fish Silas H. in the matter of                                   401 
Fowler Hiram S. in the matter of                                 438 
Fero Henry Wooters in the matter of                              449, 450,451 
Fowler Hiram S. in the matter of                                 454 
Frost Horton  B.  in the matter of                               485 
Fero John B. in the matter of                                    499,500 
Freer Elizabeth N.  heirs                                        515 
Fordham Eunice                                                   516 
Fletcher Kirtland                                                524 
Freer Elisabeth H.                                               525 
Freer George G. estate of                                        525 
Goodno ? Catherine lunatic                                       28? 
Green  Jeremiah S or Sr.  insanity  (2 acres?)                   41 
Goltry  William  (order in lunacy)                               43 
Goble S. A. vs. Harvey Philips                                   48 
Graham John  vs. John J. VanAllen Assignee                       78 
Giles Joseph appoint.  Peter M. Fulkerson rights                 80,95 
Goodrich Frederica in the matter of                              144,145,146 
Goodwin Alfred in the matter of  infant                          459,460,461 
Goodwin John M                                                   257, 258, 259 
Gilbert Mary E. &. Polly in matter of                            462,466 
Gilbert William H. in the matter of                              468 
Gilbert Jessie in the matter of                                  471 
Gilbert Emma in the matter of                                    474,471 
Gilbert Mary E. in the matter of                                 478 
Gilbert William H. in the matter of                              480 
Gilbert Martha A. order of Ref.                                  519 
Hura and Cass?  vs. Free Cass? and Ebden ?  (Or)                 7 
Hopkins Ellen infant order sale of real estate                   15 
Hurd  and Cass  (order)                                          26,27, 40 
Hurd  Carolina M  estate S.S. Co. Court                          76 
Horton  Isaac   vs.  Wm Havens                                   48 
Hurd Caroline Mary in the matter of                              92, 94 
Hubbell William S. an infant                                     96, 97,98 
Hanley Elizabeth vs. Lewis Roberts                               147 
Hamner Philena  and others ordered infants  3 orders             160 
Hicks Charles E. infants                                         160 
Hicks Alberts  infants                                           160 
Hicks Cordelia infants                                           160 
Hicks Mary  infant                                               160 
Hager Hiram S.  in the matter of                                 184 
Hager Myron D. int he matter of                                  184 
Hager Hiram S. in the matter of                                  186 
Hager Myron D. in the matter of                                  186 
Hager Hiram  in the matter of                                    209 
Hager Myron  in the matter of                                    204 
Hause  Joseph  in the matter of                                  207 
Hause Joseph  in the matter o f                                  207,208,209 
Hurd Caroline M. in the matter o f                               211 
Huey Joseph vs. Peter Conover                                    251 
Harrison Dell .M.  and others in the matter of petition          261,262,263 
Hadey ? Elizabeth  order of court                                268 
Hanmer Sarah In the matter of                                    271 
Hoyt Maggie E. in the matter of                                  271, 272, 273, 274 
Henry John Hager                                                 275, 276,277 
Hurd Huldah E                                                    299 
House Joseph                                                     301, 302 
Harney Edward                                                    326 
Henry Isaac W. vs. Ora Sherman                                   369 
Hall Thurston G. vs. William Gamble                              386 
Hayes Plymy/Pluiy? H. in matter of releasing bondsman            409 
Hall Andrew M. the matter of                             410,411,412 
Harrington Nelson vs. David b. Salmon ?                          432 
Hays Pliney Ha and Amelis c. in the matter of assignees          437 
Hanley Elizabeth  a lunatic in the latter of                     449 
Horton  Mary H in the matter of infant                           463, 464 
Hastings William                                                 496 
Haring Charles assignee                                          503, 504 
Hatfield  Joshua G or Ref. Decree .in foreclosure                517 
Hinckley Eliel  M. over of reference                             520 
Hinckley Elier M. confirmation                                   521 
Hill George   G. and C.                                          523 

NO "I" 

Jones Kate in the mater of                                       212 
Johnson Rufus W. vs. Eli G. Dean                                 278? 
Jail Limits  in the  matter o f                                  318 
Jones Charles vc.                                                362 
Jennison Isabell vc. In the matter of                            381,382,383 
Kimble Infant  Leann ?  to magt..?                               5,9 
Kimble David and others                                          55 
Kennedy Gilbert vs. Hilton Smith                                 114, 135 
Keefe Mary  in the matter of                                     187, 195, 196,197 
Kelly  Jonathan vs. Dellabar Hanes?                              270 
Kells Wilson  vs.  Eliza Vandeventer                             ? 
Kendall Edward                                                   481 
Kendall Merrick vs. T. C. Beecher                                481 
Kane John in the matter of  fine                                 501 
Kelly Simeon  C.  in the matter of                               518 
Knapp Susan E. in the matter o f                                 521
Lockwood vs Everts                                                             1 
Lunatic John D. Washburn                                         12 
Lunatic Betsey Call                                              14 
Lockerby L. Res.  Iabez?  Swanen?  resp.                         29 
Lane Hester M. Estate by C. B. McKeel O Gem?                     61 
Lockwood Clark                                                   175 
Lockwood Elizabeth in the matter of                              175 
Lockwood Ester A. in the matter of                               175 
Lockwood  Jane in the matter o f                                 175,176 
Lyon/Lym ?Stephen W. in the matter o f                           242 
Lyon Alice J in the matter of                                    242 
Lyon Stephen H.  in the matter of                                243 
Lyon Alice J. in the matter of                                   244 
Lee John W. in matter of drunkenness                             266 
Lee Daniel in the matter of lunatic                              326 
Lyon Fred W. in the matter o f                                   370, 371, 372, 373,374 
Longcoy Byron in the matter o f                                  440, 441, 442 
Lewis Eunica ?  M. in the matter of                              449, 500 
Laraby William in the matter of assit...                         508 
Mathews Nathan on the  Spec. guard                               19 
Matthews George C.  heirs of dec/heirs of                        19 
Monroe Janett  in the matter of lunacy                           31 
Mellen Thomas  in the matter of lunacy                           78 
Mead Wm in the matter of Clara Mead                              81 
Manning Mary M. in the matter of                                 102 
Manning Olive  in the matter of                                  102 
Manning Susanna  in the matter of                                102 
Manning David in the matter o f                                  102 
Manning Sarah A.  in the matter of                               102 
Manning Mary M. in the matter of                                 103, 104 
Manning Catherine J. in the matter of                            172 
Manning Sarah A. in the matter of                                172, 173, 174 
Mills Henry vs. Adam Brink Receipt.                              227 
Mallory/Mallery Georgiana G. in the matter of                    239, 240, 241 
Melvin Eugene in the matter of lunacy                            260 
Miller Mary Louisa in the matter o f                             319, 320, 321 
Mead Irah Estelle in the matter of  petition                     331, 332, 333, 334 
M. E. Church Watkins  in the matter of                           360 
Manning Sarah A. in the matter of                                379, 380 
Mitchell Ursula in the matter of                                 393 
Mitchelll Kittie in the matter of                                393 
Mitchell Ursula in the matter of                                 394,395,400 
Mc Connell Alfred in the matter of                               398,399 
Mead Theordore  in  the matter of                                418, 419, 420 
Mandeville Elvin                                                 428                 
Mattison Dianna                                                  436                   
Miller Sargent in the matter of                                  439            
Miller Clay      .                                               439                        
Miller Carrie                                                    439                    
Miller Jane                                                      439                       
Mathews William                                                  439 
Mathews William assignee                                         483 
Mattison Diana                                                   485, 486, 487, 498 
Mattison William                                                 498 
Noble  Silas C. insanity                                         25 
Nichols Thomas  S.  Exec. Nancy A. Crume 
      Exectrix of Gorden Crum deceased                           79 
Noble Chauncey lunatic                                           129, 130 
Noble Chauncy H. lunatic                                         151, 295, 300 
Nichols Mary H. lunatic                                          300 
Newcomb Carrie Louisa  in the matter of                          446, 447, 448 
Nye Ebinzer H. disconten suff proceedings                        489 
Northroop Flavius W. assignment                                  502 
Owen S.. H. com of Highways                                      36 
Owens Wm H.  infants                                             73 
Owen Madison in matter of petition                               292, 293, 294, 295 
O’Niel Hugh Petition                                             355, 356, 357, 358 
Philips Harvey agst S. A.Goble                                   49 
Predmon George  vs. Elizabeth Huble                              63,65 
Palmer John F. a supposed  idiot, in the matter of ..            82 
Pritchard Jane                     \  \ 
Pritchard Susan Ann            \ \  Petition and orders          117,118 
Pritchard Olive Melissia        // 
Paine Mary M infant in petition  \\                              163,164, 165, 166 
Paine Samuel A. infants in petition //                           
Parks Martha  in the matter o f                                  192 
Parks Frank in the matter of                                     192, 193 
Parks James  in the matter of                                    193              
Parks Martha  in the matter of                                   194              
Parks Frank                                                      194                       
Parks James                                                      194                         
Presbyterian 1st church Catlin in the matter of                  302 
Parks Helen in the matter of                                     316, 317,324 
Pike  Samujel N. in the matter of                                325 
Prince Anna Lucinda in the matter of                             456,457, 458, 501 
Parks  David  release                                            505 
Parks David decree                                               506 
Parks David  order con.                                          511 
Payne Josiah D.   exec.                                          515 
Pellet William M. Apper.                                         520 
Prine Anna Lucinda                                               521 

Quigley   Alvah J. vs. infants appointment                       364,365,366 

Rhoais  and Shoemaker in infants                                 6,8 
Rhoais and others W. Kelserver                                   42 
Randall Myron et al Nathanial Keech                              70 
Randall Ira et al vs. Nathanial Keech                            70 
Randall Myron George and Purdy in petition                       71,72 
Reynolds Peter appt. Stephen W. Smith right                      80 
Reed Mary E. in the matter of                                    102, 113 
Raplee Ann in the matter of                                      130 
Raplee Bryon   in the matter of                                  130,131,132, 160 
Roberts Hellen E. in the matter of                               168, 169, 170 
Roberts Mary  in the matter of                                   143,160, 179 
Roberts Margaret in the matter of                                198,199,220,221,222 
Roberts Horace G. in  the matter o f                             228, 229 
Rumsey Samuel L in the matter of                                 237 
Rood M. F. revocation of clerk                                   245 
Roberts Alice Jane  in the matter of                             296, 297, 298 
Ringer  George  A. applt.                                        347               
Ruddick  Mary  in the matter of                                  348,349,.350 
Runey James  R.                                                  408                
Roberts Mary in the matter o f                                   416          
Roberts William  in the matter of                                416          
Reed Charles  vs. David S. Briggs                                470      
Roberts Horace  G.                                               228             
Rumsey Samuel L.                                                 237 
Rood M F. revocation of clerk                                    245 
Roberts May  in the matter of                                    416 
Reed Charles  vs. David S. Biggs                                 470 
Rosebrook Lorenzo R                                              482 
Reynolds Smith        estate                                     510,515 
Roberts Lewis release from limits                                511, 512 
Ranson Joel                                                      522 

Shoemaker Raymond ?                                              6,8               
Shiener  ?  Sephine >\?                                          11                  
Smith against .  Smith  order                                    49                
Smith James      lunatic                                         70                   
Seaman Norman ?  infant                                          74               
Seaman Norman  infant                                            75               
Simmons Charles et al. and John Van Allen                        78 
Smith William H vs. Merwin Buckley                               81 
Strader Jacob  guard of Henry Danna Carr                         82, 83, 84 
Smith Jacob  guard. in the matter of                             82, 83, 84 
Smith John a supposed lunatic                                    85 
Sirrino   Oscar an infant                                        85 
Secord Susan  gurardian of Lorrino?                              85 
Sorine  Oscar  an infant                                         86 
Secord Susan guardain                                            86,90 
Sirrino Oscar in infant                                          90 
Shelton Burr vs. Minor T. Broderick                              112 
Stilwell Jane and others  Petition                               122 
Smalley Frank ..petition                                         136, 137, 138 
Skellinger Mary F.   petition                                    177 
Skellinger Mary F. in the matter of                              180,190 
Sellen Mary                                                      201, 202, 203 
Stevens Samuel appt. referee?                                    231, 232 
Spaulding Washington   an idiot                                  231, 232 
Swartout  Mary Jane  vs. Henry Wallace                           251 
Stout Levi  in the matter of lunatic                             261 
Stoteubur  John in the matter of                                 341               
Sullivan  Truis Try? app.                                        355                   
Soule Faunah ? A.                                                362                       
Speed Daniel H.  vs. Ida Comstock                                363 
Salsbury Daniel vs James H. Coleman                              387 
Sutton Wilson  D.                                                421, 422, 423 
Salsbury  Daniel in matter of imprisonment                       424 
Skinner Mulford    Abram Monkson                                 428 
Smith Eugene  B.      Charles H. Smith                           429 
Shearer Sylvester B. and assigment  of Daniel Tracey             455 
Stout Amelia in the matter of                                    456,457458 
Sutton Anson M. in the matter of asst. of W. B. Weaver           469 
Saunders Richard amended return                                  482          
Slaght John  a lunatic                                           492                     
Swartwood John S.                                                493                      
Senity Marietta M                                                495                     
Sheppard  Leon  Treasurer                                        502                 
Song Margetta M.                                                 502                     

Tupper   infants Sp    Guard                                     37                  
Traugh Samuel vs. R. Compton                                     47 
Taber William  vs. James C. Taber  et al                         66, 67 
Taber Rasselar  vs. James C. Taber  et al.                       66,67 
Taber Sarah et al. vs. James C. Taber                            66, 67 
Taber Robert vs James C. Taber                                   66, 67 
Taber William vs James C. Tabes et al                            66, 67 
Taber Nancy   vs. James C. Tabes                                 67,68 
Tracy Ida in the  matter of                                      142, 172 
Tracy Sarah Jane  in the matter of                               142, 172 
Tracy Rebecca in the matter of                                   142, 172 
Totten Mary E. in the matter of                                  180, 182, 183, 184 
Tracy Ida in the matter of                                       278                   
Taber William H  vs.  William Tompkins                           289 
Tuthill Clarence C. in the matter of                             290                
Townsend  Horace  vs. C. L. Blanchard                            318 
Tyron Town of in the matter o Boundry                            341 
Trustees M. E. Church Watkins                                    405 
Titcomb Charles  vs.   Marvin Butkley                            430, 431 
Tracy James  in the matter of assignment                         480 
Taylor Addison J.  vs. Charles H. Everts                         481 
Taber James vs. Wm. Taber et al.                                 66, 67 
Taber Marinda vs. Wm. Taber et al.                               66, 67, 68 
Taber James C. vs. Wm. Taber                                     68 
Tracy Daniel in the matter of                                    455 
Thorn Deborah A. in the matter of                                461 
Tucker Alonzo in the matter of                                   483, 484 
Tresurer? of County Court  appointment                           487 
Tucker Alonzo in the matter of Asst.                             507 
Vosburgh Elizabeth   2 orders                                    44 in lunacy 
Vantassel Virgil     2 orders                                    64 in lunacy 
Veazie Thomas  vs. George W. Fearett                             110 
Van Blancium  Mary E. and others                                 120 
Van Blancium  Emander?  and others                               127, 128 
Van Order  Charles vs.  M. N. Weed                               157 
Van Horn John lunatic                                            230                                               
Van Sickler  Addison in the matter of                            304,305, 322  23
Vine George   vs. Samuel M Barker                                359,363 
Vine George Samuel M. Barker                                     389 
Vanderhoff Ellison vs. Jonathan G. Gray                          406 
Vine George vs. Samuel M. Barker                                 408 
Vandeventer Eliza appt. Wilson Kels  re                          444 
Vaughn William J. and Vaughn Edward   M. 
                      in the matter of                           474,475, 476, 477,478 
Vine Monroe                                                      504                              
Vail  John M. Committiee                                         521                  
Van Allen John J. vs. J. Graham Osego?                           478
Washburn  Joshua  D. lunatic                                     12                  
Woodruff Hieziah                                                 48                          
Wyckoff Aurulius   vs. Elizabeth  Rosen auble                    63, 65 
Wickham L. Wood vs.   Elizabeth   Ronwellauble                   133 
Wickham L. Wood  idiot                                           134                      
Wilson  Alfred   infant sale of estate                           151,152,153,154 
West Carry A infant                                              154, 155, 156, 167 
Wickham Mary L. infant                                           213,214, 215, 218,219 
Wickham Martha  R. infant                                        213,214, 215, 218 
Weaver  Davidson/Devilson?  Y.  vs. Milton  Armstrong            216 
Woodward C.  appointment of clerk Sch C                          245 
Willitt Alice E.  in the matter of                               246, 247, 248 
Wager John  in the matter of                                     254,255 
Woodward Mary L. in  the matter of                               268               
Wilson Albert vs. G W. Bronson                                   271                  
Williams Jacob vs.  Joel H. Austin                               330                  
Walsh James App.                                                 347                           
Walker Mary A.  lunatic                                          374                       
Wilkin Hannah J.   et al referee                                 375                    
Wilkin Hannah J. et  Mary E. Ward                                389             
Wisner Hector S.    Ellen Babcock                                392                
Wilson Ella M. and                                               392                           
Wilson Harriett M. in the  matter of                             424, 425 
Westcutt Albert and Westcutt Fernando                            429, 432, 433 
Wolverton James     heirs in the matter of                       443            
Weaver Warren B.  in the matter of Asst./                        467 
Wheeler John A. in the matter of assignment                      482 
Weaver warren B. in the matter of assignment                     483 
Winton Fred in the matter of sale real estate              490 
Wolverton Hannah in the matter of supposed  lunatic              491 
Wheeler John A.                                                  ? 
Westerfield John in the matter of                                506, 507 
Wheeler John A. in the matter of decease?                        509 
Woodward Alfred C. in the matter of the guard.                   516 
Wolverton Hannah in the matter of committee                      520 
Wilson Alanson H. order of reference and confirmation            521