                          SCHUYLER COUNTY 
                              COURT DECREES
                   Book #2       ***********    Page Number
Aber Marwin Lee in the matter of                                3,4,5
Armitage Mary E. in the matter of                               133
Anthony Erwin   J.                                              219
Ackerman Emmette                                                247,254, 258
Ackerman Cora C. oath                                           247, 258, 262
Ackerman  Cora L  oath                                          247
Allen Eugene  O. inthe matter of                                274
Allen Humas ?                                                   291
Allen Thomas                                                    302
Agreement of court                                              306
Andrews Mary A. court                           ref.            334, 336, 344
Appointment of power of County court                            388, 436
Ackley J.  Corp? and Permilus ?                                 451
Appointment  Tres. of court                                     574
Allen William J. and Mary A.                                    584
Andrews John L. 2nd                                             621
Andrews Homer                                                   621
Brown Lewis                                                     8
Beebe Dwight                                                    11
Barrett Frances  in the matter of                               46,47, 48, 49,242,
Beham James   inthe matter of                                   50
Boorain ?/Borman?Eugene  in the matter of                       51, 53
Budd Mary and others                                            52, 56,72
Burns Ennis J. in the matter of                                 87, 88, 89, 90
Birge Gertrude in the matter of                                 94, 95, 96,                                                                                     132,127,128,131
Birge Benj. E.    in the matter of                              94, 95,96,                                                                                      132,127,128,131
Birge Charles W. in the matter of                               94, 95,                                                                                         96,132,127,131
Birge David W. in the matter of                                 94,127
Bingham Reynolds  M in the matter of                            111
Bailey James   cm                                               114
Budd Jimmima                                                    117
Budd Nancy                                                      117
Booram Alvah                                                    185
Barumne?????? F. Louise infant                                  228,229
Beckwith Henry Lee adopt.                                       244
Bryes?   Mary                                                   253
Budd  Nancy    con.                                             145
Brown Basket in the matter of                                   157
Brown Rachael   in the matter of                                159
Benham Lydia et al.                                             164
Bowen Oliver P.                                                 177, 184, 197
Booram Alvah                                                    185
Bailey Stephen H. ref.                                          190
Bailey Betsey Ann ref..                                         190, 227
Briggs   Henry  L.                                              212, 225,226
Byram Edwin                                                     213, 215
Bryam Leroy                                                     213, 214, 215
Byram Edwin                                                     214, 215
Borrans ? Erva     leins                                        223
Bowers??? Elmer P.                                              263
Bennett Thomas                                                  269
Budd Robert L.                                                  280
Ballard Abram C.                                                281,286
Baker  Edward   pauper                                          296
Bond John a lunatic                                             316
Burrill Waller plff.                                            352
Barid Martha   ref.                                             361,365
Bank First nation of bank                                       374
Banker Jacob and Martin?                                        389
Brietinse ?  John                                               395
Bell Ellen  in matter of                                        420
Bell Ida in matter of                                           420
Bramble Charles aper.                                           421
Beardsely Samuel A. Trudis?                                     423
Baskin Edmond J. and Mary                                       430
Baskin Lucinds and George E.                                    430
Bigelow Wood L.   infant                                        431, 433, 440
Backer Jacob ref.                                               435, 445
Backer George  and others  ref,                                 435
Bell John  infants                                              441
Bell Howard  and others                                         442, 443
Beardsley  Burton M infant                                      446, 447, 450
Beardsley Margaret  Gdn.                                        447
Booram Mary L infant                                            461,462,463,464
Bunn Daniel  L.                                                 491, 494
Broderick Simon T.                                              493
Berry Edith M. infants                                          497, 498
Berry Daniel E.   infant                                        497
Berry Arthur??? J.       infant                                 497
Berry Edward E.  infants                                        498
Berry Edith M. infants                                          498
Berry Austin J.  infants                                        498
Berry Edith  M.  infants                                        498
Berry Edward E.  infants                                        498
Berry Arthur J. infants                                         498
Bond  John Com. of                                              500
Byran Edwin ....infant                                          504
Bryan Leroy  and infant                                         504
Bronan Celinda  E... adm.                                       511
Bronson Sylvester ref Adm                                       511
Bond John estate of                                             521
Bond Julia A.    Ervin Hattie W/M                               521
Bond Myron/Lyman     Charles and Thomas                         521
Bond John estate of                                             524,521
Bond Hattie  Myron Case                                         511
Bond Thomas                                                     521
Board  of Water and sewer  commissioner                         529
Breadsley Burton  M. infant                                     532
Beardsley Burton M.                                             535
Beardsley Burton M infant                                       534
Brown Jane                                                      538
Beardsley Amy?                                                  542
Balcom Richard                                                  546
Ballard Alva vs.  In fo...                                      547
Baker Richard                                                   548
Batty Olda M.                                                   551
Bunn Daniel  et al                                              552
Bunham George L.  Hattie L.                                     552
Benham  Marcia H.                                               553
Bronson Calista?  E.  and Charles                               555
Bronson Permelia H.                                             553
Bronson Mary Ella                                               553
Bunn Daniel  H.                                                 555, 556
Bunn Charlotte, Losey                                           556
Bunn Albert,  Alphia?                                           556589
Bunn Ora, Sally, Leroy                                          556,589
Batty Ida M.                                                    560
Bunn Daniel, Charlotte W.                                       572
Bunn Losey, Albert                                              575
Barber William and                                              585
Barber Franna?   and John E.                                    585
Bunn Daniel M.                                                  589
Bunn Losey                                                      589
Broderick Clinton L.                                            592
Broderick Minnie M.                                             592
Boyle Thomas and Harry                                          593
Breman Hannah  Gar.                                             593
Brown Hattie, Albert and Charles                                600
Burton Daniel  M. et al.                                        600
Baptist First Free Church                                       612
Burk charles as supervisor of the town of Chemung?              621
Bacon Henry L.                                                  625
Bentley Frank  L.                                               625
Carley Nellie                                                   1
Coats Fred in the matter of                                     20
Chapman Frances O. in the matter of                             23
Chapman James                                                   26
Court Ferris for Schuyler Co.                                   29
Coger Henry                                                     30, 33,35, 39
Coats Howard in the matter of                                   41,42,43
Cook Elbert W. referee                                          44
Corbitt Charles  M.                                             45
Cook Elbert W.   cem?                                           47
Cure matie D. afft. of Gdn.                                     52
Court Terms of                                                  54
Cole Samuel                                                     71, 72
Canfield  Jonas  in the matter of                               79
Couts Howard  in the matter of                                  98
Couts Florence/Lawrence  in the matter of                       98
Cooley Rowland P. ref.                                          115, 116
Counts/Covert?  Elizabeth                                       117
Campbell P. Cattin?                                             249, 250
Campbell P. C. in the matter of                                 284
Castierline Eri.  D.                                            235
Cronk William                                                   287,
Casterline Eri D.                                               288
Chandler Jonathan c.    lunatic                                 290, 293
Carson Rebecca                                                  295, 307
Campbell P. C. Lunette                                          299
Cronk William Mary  A.  order care                              303
County Court Trust of                                           307
Case George  M   referee                                        311
Collins George  and wife                                        333
Conroy Patrick and Mary                                         328
Coleman Clarence B.                                             345
Coburn William et al.                                           356
Campbell P. C.  in the matter of  ----re                        358
Chase L. H. insolant debtor                                     359, 360
Campbell P. C. in the matter of sale                            362
Conroy Edward J.  and  ElizabethC. his  wife                    483, 485
Culver Phebe E. Lunatic                                         486
Catherines in the matter of highways                            490
County Court appointment Asst  Ter.                             491
County Court  terms of                                          503
Christjohn George d.                                            507, 508, 548, 570
County Court Feb. term 1892                                     510
Chase M. Adelia                                                 517
Carry Orange M.  lunacy                                         518, 520
Commissioners board of Watkins                                  529
Crippin Ermma A. lunatic                                        542
Chase M. Adelia                                                 555
Chamberlain Harriet G. or S.                                    556
Cox  Emeline M or W.                                            556
Culver Phebe E. com of                                          563
Collins James John William ref.                                 570
County Court Terms of                                           574
Collins James .A..  John ? confirm                              579
Carr Orange M. by Corn                                          586
Coats Howard  in the matter of                                  41,42
Coats Florence B in the matter of                               41,42,43
Cook Elbert W. as referee                                       44
Corbitt Charles M.                                              45, 47
Cure? Matie  D. aff. of gdn.                                    52
Court Terms of                                                  54
Cole Samuel                                                     71, 72
Canfield  Jonas in the matter of                                79
Coats Florence B. in the matter of                              98
Cooley Rowland P. ref.                                          115, 116, 118
Covert Elizabeth                                                117
Culver Janett                                                   144
Culver Clifton  W.                                              144, 145
Cole  Harlow/Harlin                                             152
Crier of Court affidavit                                        155, 159
Church Baptist Reading                                          162
Cook Alida S.                                                   163
Clark Andrew J.                                                 163
Cook Elbert W.                                                  178
Cook Elbert P.                                                  178, 179, 184, 196
Covert Lewis  B.                                                206, 211
Coolbaugh Major A.                                              214, 224
Coolbaugh Susan                                                 224
Coon William C. ref.                                            237
County Court  Estes?  James                                     238
Chrisjohn George                                                246?
Cowwin Rebecca                                                  295, 307
Campbell P. C. Lunatic                                          299
Cronk William  and Mary A.  order care                          303
County court terms of                                           307
Case George  M.  reference                                      311
Collins George and wife                                         323
Conroy Patrick and Mary                                         328
Coleman Clarence B.                                             328
Corburn William et. al.                                         356, 363
Campbell P. C. in the latter of  sale                           358, 362
Chase L .H. insolinut?  debtor                                  359, 360
Champlin Sarah and William                                      365
Court County appointment of                                     388, 391, 392
Champman George                                                 405
Clark Edwin in the matter of                                    420, 441
Clark Ahridnian?                                                420
Church M. E. of Catherine                                       423
Court  Terms of County                                          436
Canfield Jonas Infant                                           436, 437, 439,                                                                          441,442,443
Culver Phebe E. lunatic                                         459,465,                                                                                        467,470,471,473
Clark Stephen  lunatic                                          476
Christjohn George D.                                            508
Court Fib. term                                                 510
Chase M. Adelia                                                 517
Carr Orange M. lunacy                                           518
Commissioners Board of Watkins                                  520
Crippen Ermina/Erma/Erwina  A.  Lunatic                         542
Christjohn George D.                                            548
Chase M. Adelina?  W.                                           555
Chamerlain  Harriett J.                                         556
Cox Emeline W.                                                  556, 589
Culver Phebe E. Com. of                                         563
Collins James John and William ref.                             570, 574
Christjohn George d. final                                      570
County Court Terms of                                           574
Carr Orange M.  by com.                                         587, 588, 636
Chamberlin Harriett Ida                                         589
Cushing Herman George                                           594,590
Church Presbyterian of Hector                                   596
Catherine Highway  in town                                      594
Clark Mary A.                                                   607
Crippen Ermma A. lunatic                                        610, 613
Church First Free Baptist Catherine                             612
Cronkrite Lyman                                                 621
Conkright Coran?/Cora an  infant                                624
Coon John A.                                                    635
Carr Orange Lunatic                                             636
Devlin Owen                                                     1
Decker James                                                    25
Decker James vs. John Conklin?                                  50
Dewitt H. G.                                                    57
Dalrymple Irma/Anna?  B.  in the matter of                      67,68, 69,70
Dean Richard                                                    85
Decker Hiram for ref.                                           107
Dean Addie F. in the matter of                                  128,130
Dean William L. in the matter of                                128, 129,130,153,154
Dean Bertie C. in the matter of                                 128, 129,130, 136,
Dean    Adeline F. in the matter of                             129, 130, 131,                                                                          153,154
Dickens James L. in the matter of                               136
Demmund Sarah                                                   152
Darling Hiram   T?                                              172,174,177,180
Dickens James C.                                                174
Dikeman Daniel                                                  238
Davis Catharine Lunatic                                         187,191,380
Dykeman Georgiana                                               198
Dykeman James                                                   198
Doolittle John et. all.                                         207
Dean Anna E. in the matter of                                   216,217,222,244
Doolittle Jehiel                                                220
Decker Truman                                                   308
Decker Loranie?  ref.                                           313
Davis Frederick Jr.                                             401,366, 376
Dickinson Charles W. lun.                                       423, 424, 425
Darling Rosanna                                                 519
Dalrymple Caroline N?                                           567,568, 569
Dalrymple Margaretta A. infant                                  567,568,569
Dickens James L.                                                223,583
Dean William H.                                                 603
Detrick Daniel Appl.                                            606
Dailey Walter L.                                                625
Decker Fred infant                                              627
Decker Stewart infant                                           627,628, 629
Decker Fred, and Stewart in the matter of infants               628
Decker Myron in the matter of  infant                           628
Decker Fred. in the matter of  infant                           629
Dean George Ira                                                 635
Ellis Thomas                                                    21
Ellis Florence H.                                               21
Ennis Myron                                                     25
Ellis Thomas  it al                                             34
Ellis S. Mott in the matter of                                  102,103, 104, 105,                                                                                              110
Ellis Grant P. in the matter of                                 102, 103, 104, 105
Ellis Agnes E. in the matter of                                 102, 103, 105, 110
Ellis Clarence in the matter of                                 102, 103, 104, 105,                                                                                     110
Ellis Joseph  H.  in the matter of                              111
Ellis Estella in the matter of                                  111
Everts Martha                                                   121, 124, 125
Egleston Clark                                                  163
Egleston Sarah                                                  163
Ellis Aldridge et. al                                           163 ,203, 226
Ellis Arron M.                                                  203
Ellis anna M.                                                   226
Eveland Margaret                                                227
Everts Alanson G.                                               230, 235
Everts Anthus? M.                                               260
Ellis Sidney                                                    266
Ely Richard                                                     280
Everts? Alanson G. and others                                   303,343
Everts Charles H. and others                                    303, 378, 230
Everts Josiah B. and others                                     303
Ellis Mary a supposed lunatic                                   306,309
Ellison Andrew                                                  318
Edmer Robert five infants gdn.                                  333
Everts Gideon b. and Wallim                                     368
Everts Emma A. et all.                                          368
Eldred Frank C. ..admt.                                         393
Eldred Clara                                                    393
Everts Aron W  heirs  it al                                     393, 401, 403,
Ellis Helen and Nettie gdn.                                     403
Ellis Albert  estate of                                         403,111
Ellis Matilda El et al.                                         404
Ellis Sydney and Catherine                                      405
Ellis Albert estate of care                                     406
Ets ?  Arthur K. infant                                         452,453,455
Ets/Etz?  Arthur infant                                         453, 455
Earle Leonard                                                   479
Eddy John M.                                                    519,571
Evans Edward b. and Andrew N.                                   564
Evans Jessica                                                   564
Frost Charles S. referaee                                       106
Freer Elizabeth H. as adm.                                      111
Freer George G.   by adm.                                       111
Fowler James S.                                                 111
Fowler Charles  W.                                              111
Freer Mary M. app. gdn.                                         115
Foster Caroline Elizabeth                                       117
Frost Livingston                                                138
Frost Thomas  S. ref.                                           161, 169
Fenaughty Boyer/Roger?                                          164
Field Alice E.                                                  180
Field William P.                                                180
Field Clara E. confirmation                                     186, 188
Fletcher Jannie E. ref.                                         193, 206
Fletcher James? E. ref.                                         194
Ford Hattie F?/T                                                209, 210, 220
Ford Mary C.                                                    209
Ford Jean?  C.                                                  220
Fitzgerald Eugene                                               227
Flood  Edward  matter of gdn.                                   271
Freer Elizabeth  H.                                             302
Farrington  Will B. infant                                      313, 316
Fitzgerald E. and Annie Minors                                  339, 340
Feeby?Mary Ann lunatic                                          351, 353
Fish Hannah M.  in the matter of                                372, 373, 377, 384, 390,                                                                                395,396,564
Feeby? Mary A.  in the matter of                                414
Fossett Newton P.                                               564
Freeby Mary A. a lunatic                                        590
Goodwin Orra ref. and decree                                    77
Goodwin Orra confirmation                                       80
Garrison Saarah idiot                                           136
Golty Charlotte A.                                              146
Gilbert Jessie                                                  147, 169
Gilbert Emma                                                    169
Guile Sarah J. lunatic                                          315,319
Graham Ettie infant                                             320,322, 323
Gray M. Henry in the matter of ?burglary                        469?
Gannon ? John S                                                 479
Grunnon? John S conf.                                           489
Gruining Paul C                                                 492, 493
Green Helvina/Levina?           arm benfi.                      538
Gray Mulford and E?                                             556
Grant Chas.  W. and Maggie                                      559
Gray Mary E.                                                    575
Gray Mulford                                                    589
Gray Mary E.                                                    589
Gray Emily                                                      589
Hoyt Mary matter of                                            2
Hallick Jay M. in the matter of                                9, 10,18
Hatfield Joshua G.                                             14
Hayes John                                                     20, 22
Hayes Julia   ref.                                             20, 22
Hatfield George L.  ref.                                       21,26
Hinkley Elieh M.                                               26
Hoyt Mary J. in the matter of                                  28
Howell Fred S. in the matter of                                36
Howell Cora M. in the matter of                                36,
Howell Gerogie  O. in the matter of                            37,122
Hayes Ulyses D.                                                147
Hays Mary C.                                                   147
Hayes Schuyler                                                 147
Hayes Caleb L                                                  147
Hagadorne Carrie A. in the matter of                           151
Hill David B.                                                  157
Hintumater?  John H.                                           158
Howell John G                                                  163, 170
Hoyt Mary J  in the matter of                                  171, 173
Haring Sarah A. ?   petition                                    79
Hurd George E.  in the matter of                                82,86, 93
Hollenback David                                                180
Heath Sarah H.                                                  181
Haines George W.                                                181, 182
Henley Elizabeth  in the matter of                              188, 189
Hodgskins Abel                                                  111
Hoyt Louisa                                                     114
Hull Abigail e.                                                 117
Howell Fred S. in thematter of                                  122
Howell Cora M. in the matter of                                 122
Howell Georgie O. in the matter of                              122
Haslett Mary Elizabeth                                          199
Haslett Cyrus                                                   199, 204
Haughey M. B. in the matter of                                  201,202,
Haslett Isabella in the matter of                               204, 205
Hoyt Mary J. in the matter of                                   205
Hoover Clara  afft.                                             221
Hazlett James                                                   224, 239
Huey Clarissa                                                   237
Hughey George                                                   240,241
Hall Jerome M. adopt of                                         244
Hoyt Elizabeth                                                  278
Hibbetts Harriett                                               292
Henyan William settlement of                                    305
Hughey George                                                   343
Houseworth Monroe  con.                                         364
Harvey Joseph F. appell.                                        367
Hill Clarance F.  and C. infants                                368, 369,370, 398
Haas William T for cem.                                         376
Hemlet?  Palmer  B.                                             378
Haas William T.                                                 380, 444
Hill Clarance F. and c. infant                                  397, 398,449
Hall Waldo t. and Frank H.                                      449
Hall Maude in the matter of adopt.                              456
Hoaglan Wm. A. and Marshall A. infant adp.                      456
Hoyt Harry E. in the matter of adoption                         459
Hendericks Mary G. or O.                                        458
Highmay discontinuance                                          458, 461
Hynes John R.  apl.                                             482
Harris Kenny? Henry? N. adp of infant                           487
Highway in Catherine matter of                                  490
Hill Jennie H. infant                                           500, 501, 502
Hibbitts Harriett lunatic                                       509
Hosie Alice J. Wilbur E. infants                                512
Hosir Harriett W. and Mary  infants                             512
Hosie Harrison W. Mary E. infants                               513, 514
Hosie Harrison W. Alice W                                       514
Hungryford Charles S. estate                                    554
Hamley? H. Posamond  Com.                                       563
Hatfield George                                                 564
Harthaway Charles H. apply.                                     581
Hector Presbyterian church.                                     591
Horning Mary and Millie                                         593
Highway in town of Catherine                                    594
Hurd Hulda                                                      595
Hury William V. order for cem.                                  621
Hungerford Charles S.                                           621
Hungerford Chester D.                                           621
Hill Clar
Ink Willard et al.                                               393, 405
Jessop Cora e. in the matter of                                 135,137,142, 153,                                                                                       234
Johnston Maggie                                                 279,286, 300
Jayne Timothy  ref.                                             312
Jurors in the matter of                                         400
Jaynes Sollie  infants                                          452,455,469
Jaynes Adelbert D.  spl gdn.                                    452
Jurors additional                                               496
Jobbitt Andrew and Hattie                                       544
Jackson Hulda B.                                                582, 596
Jurors                                                          592
Kniffin Lewis                                                    56
Knight John                                                      111
Kimball Melissa  a lunatic                                       134, 143,156, 160
Kelly Isaac  discharge                                           183
Kleckler George F.                                               253
Kerst Claude W infant                                            347, 348, 349, 350
King George W and Lzzie  infants                                 382
Kefens ? Lizzie                                                  387
Kaefer?  Lizzie and confirm.                                     390
King George H. and Lizzie                                        394
King George H. et al                                             400
Kennedy Emmilie         infants                                  427, 428, 429, 430
Kelly Sarish?                                                    478
Karr Jacob W.                                                    515
Kelley Polly                                                     516, 527, 531
Karon Jacob W.                                                   528
Kellroy Polly                                                    541
Kimble Eslet ?  ref.                                             561
Kimble Estelle   care                                            572
Kelley Smith                                                     603
Kels Frank                                                       621
Kels Geroge                                                      621
Karn Jacob                                                       538
Lee  Susan Jane                                                  27, 52
Lee Esther                                                       27, 52
Love Robert                                                      38, 53
Lee Susan J.                                                     58, 60
Love William U                                                   111
Lyon  Fred W.  ref.                                              113
Lewis Theordore  confirmation                                    114
Love Anna  E  in the matter of                                   123, 124, 125, 126
Love Samuel W. in the matter of                                  123, 124, 126
Lambert Wesley M.  in the matter of                              163
Lambert Abigail                                                  163
Lybolt Henry                                                     176
Lewis Robert H.                                                  246
Lewis Peter                                                      246
Lake Teressa                                                     325
Luce Pearl Irene adoption                                        355
Loomis George H. Mary D.                                         390 or 391
Love John W. and Adams                                           406
L. Horneldier? Creek                                             488
Lamphear Sherman                                                 516, 527, 531
Lamphear Silas M.                                                527, 531
Lewis Thomas  and Leon H.                                        527, 543
Lamphear Sherman                                                 541
Letier Carrie  infant                                            552
Loomis George                                                    554
Leittier Carrie  B.                                              556
Lord?  William H.                                                563
Lemuel R. and Joseph b. Lor?                                     565
Lott Samuel  in the matter of                                    566
Lord William H.  henry                                           572,581
Lettier Carrie B.                                                589
Lockerby Lemuel H.                                               627,637
Love John W. and exe.                                            637
Lockerby Lemuel H.                                               637
Manning Dora  in the matter of                                   14,15,16
More Martin in the matter of                                     54
Miller Nathan  in the matter of                                  60
Miller Salina   in the matter of                                 64,62,63,92
Mathews George W.   in the matter of                             85
Magee George J.                                                  111
Mills James D                                                    111
Miller Mary                                                      121,124,125
Miller John C release                                            155
Marshall Bessie K. infant                                        160, 161, 167
Mead Ferris L.  e?--rs                                           185,223
Mullony Sarah  in the matter of                                  191,194
Malloy James D. in the matter of                                 191,194
Mereno Helen                                                     232, 248
Merrill Charles                                                  235
Merrill Arthur ?                                                 235, 236
Merrill Clarence                                                 236/336?
Mereno Helen                                                     248
McClure John   referee                                           269
Merritt Morgan L. ref.                                           270
Marshall Bessie K. infant                                        271, 273
Marshall John S                                                  273
McClure John                                                     276
McCerney?   Cluvert                                              328
Millspaugh Lewis P. et al                                        333,336, 338
Murphy Agustus and Adeliza                                       333
McCreery corbett?  ref.                                          357
McMeans Nancy                                                    347
Mattison Lewis  a supposed lunatic                               371
Malery? /Maloney? Mary  appe. gdn.                               374
Malloy/Maloney Ellen                                             374
Mallory Anna   appr. gdn                                         374
Maloney Ellen  Ind. and as adop.                                 375, 388,395
Maloney Mary et al                                               375
Mattison Lewis A. sup. lun      /a lunatic                       378, 384
McCutchen George  a fon. person                                  407
Miller Maud, May infants                                         408,409,411
Miller Grace  infants                                            408, 409, 410, 411
Mattison  Lewis  a lunatic                                       414
Monroe  St  discontinuance  of                                   466
Montour  Water control                                           488
Michener Amos J.                                                 492, 585
Michner Anna D, ..B..                                            585
Morris William                                                   604
Manning Fred?/Ferd?                                              504, 505
Millspaugh Chauncey   Admis.                                     511,553
Miller Joshua  S. and Ellen P.                                   554
Morris William Lunatic                                           580
Michner Amos J. and                                              585
Morris William                                                   597,604
Manning J. Fred.        (No 4 sup. ct. orders)?                  106
Nares Emma                                                        39, 40
Nichols Silas B. H.  and others                                   71, 72
Nichols Silas B. H.   order c.                                    76
Nisson? John L.                                                   206
Ninson? Diedamia                                                  206
Nichols Harriett                                                  225, 226
Nares James  ref.                                                 225
Nares James   con.                                                232
Newell Charles E.                                                 255, 256, 257
Newell Frederick D                                                255, 256, 257
Newell William  H.                                                255, 257
Newell James B.                                                   256,257
Noyes Eliza                                                       262, 367
Nares James                                                       264
Newcomb Sarah a. Referee                                          374
Newcomb Curris?  C. Cass C.                                       374, 383
Newcomb Marcus B.                                                 374, 383
Norman George D. com                                              380
Newman R. Hogarth et al                                           383, 609, 608
Newman R. Hogarth et al                                           616, 631
O’Daniels Lawrence                                             71
Overhiser Martin and Lucy                                      310
Overhiswer  Martin                                             318
Orr..(nothing else recorded)
Phelps Joel                                                     2
Phillips Reuben                                                 8
Potter Stokes vs. Wm. S. Potter                                 17
Prime Anna Lucinda  in the matter of                            22
Powers Abigail M.                                               30
Perry David and others                                          34
Pellet William M. affet.                                        45
Prince Ann Lucinda  in the matter of                            50, 74
Payne Josiah D.                 as adm.                         111
Pellett William M or W.                                         111
Payne Anna Lucinda              in the matter of                116,139
Potter California C.                                            117, 118
Priest Sherman in the matter of                                 147,148,150
Priest Franklin in the matter of                                147, 149,150
Priest Benjamin in the matter of                                147, 149
Probasco Jamison or James                                       152
Probasco William                                                152
Perry Viners?  release                                          155
Perry Mary in the matter of                                     155,165, 166
Pease Carris com/can                                            221
Prince Anna Lucinda  in the matter of                           222,260
Powell Helen                                                    232,248
Page John                                                       243
Prince Charles  W or N                                          252
Price  Miranda                                                  252,255
Price Charles                                                   255
Payne Edgar S.                                                  265
Powell Nehemiah   ref..                                         270
Prince Ann Lucinda                                              289,331, 416
Platt David  a pauper                                           297, 298, 299
Payne Josiah D. and looks like sons..                           302
Page Jonathan and Samatha                                       332
Peckham Allen                                                   345
Prince Israel et al                                             480, 481
Perry Mrs. Mary aple.                                           488, 510
Prince Israel and others                                        489, 516
Prince Anna Lucinda                                             222,506
Perry Mrs. Mary                                                 510,
Prince Israel  confirmation                                     516
Porter Minnie infant                                            521
Pellet Wm.                                                      553
Pitcher Lottie M.                                               564
Presbyterian Church  burdett                                    564,591, 624
Panborn Matt.                                                   592
Pike Lucinda                                                    625
Pike Denilo                                                     625
Pike Mary E.                                                    625
Pike James                                                      625
Pike Lorenzo/Alonzo                                             625
Pike Henrietta                                                  625
Pomeroy Horace                                                  625
Pomeroy Samuel  W                                               625
Pike Lucinda  et all                                            631
Potts Carolina L. and David                                     632
Pike Lucinda et al                                              634
Pike Lucinda et all                                             689
Rose Jacob H.                                                   1
Rood Simeon  L.                                                 14
Rose Jacob H.                                                   19
Reynolds Merritt                                                25
royce Amos vs. Jacob Hendricks                                  52
Ramsey Delmont                                                  73,74,77
Ramsey Susan                                                    77
Robbins Archibald  ref.                                         119,132
Ransom Warren  L,.                                              163, 170
Rhodes Mary C. con.                                             180
Rundle Isaac L. ref.                                            192
Rowland Lunke?                                                  218
Rusco Arenath J.                                                249
Roberts Geroge afft. vs. Corbitt                                311
Righter Julia L infant                                          325, 326,327
Richardson William A.                                           353,354
Rusco Nelson                                                    364
Rockwell Henry and Lettitia                                     418
Rarrick Julia Willie                                            527,531
Remington Jonathan and Eliza                                    530
Rarrick Chas. J.                                                541
Ross Edmond  Dor L.or S.  and Lewis                             636
Smith Nettie in the matter of                                   6,7
Swick John L in the matter of                                   11,12,13
Simmons George                                                  56
Stilwell Bertha  in the matter of                               61,62,63
Stilwell Cora in the matter of                                  61,62,63
Stilwell Minnie in the matter of                                61,62,63
Stiwell Milton in the matter of                                 61, 62, 63
Slaght William D.                                               74,75
Sherman Viola A. lunatic                                        81, 83
Swarthout Asa in the matter of                                  91
Stilwell Bertha  in  the matter of                              92
Stilwell Cora in the matter of                                  92
Stilwell Minnie in the matter of                                92
Stilwell Milton in the matter of                                92
Smith Nettie in the matter of                                   93
Swarthout Asa in the matter of                                  96, 97
Smith Daniel K. Ref.                                            107
Swartwood Bernardus                                             108
Smith Daniel K. ref.                                            107
Sherman Elias                                                   111
Swektzer Higb N,                                                111
Sanford Cora in the matter of                                   111,112, 120
Sanford Duane in the  matter of                                 112, 120
Sayre Julia A.                                                  117
Smith Julia A                   ref                             122
Shear Hiram                                                     138
Sayre Julia  A. care                                            145
Sprowl Charls Crier of courts                                   159
Staten? Abram                                                   163
Sherman William in the matter of                                186
Simmons Louise and others                                       188
Storyhton Manning  fo ref.                                      197
Suthtens? Suthlace?  Peter O.                                   236
Smith Abram                                                     239, 243,251
Swarthout Asa  in the matter of                                 246
Smith Abram                                                     251
Sebring Cyrus                                                   252
Stilwell Jacob 2nd                                              254
Sayre Job                                                       266
Simmons Lemiel                                                  268
Simmons George                                                  268
Sickles Helen in the matter of                                  275, 282, 283
Stewart E. Burr in the matter of                                277,278,284,
Stilwell George  H.                                             279,280,281,289
Sickler Helen in the matter of                                  282,283
Stoll Frank B. lunatic                                          301
Stilwell George B. lunatic                                      318
Secor Charles A.  .                                             324,530
Snyder Ellsworth A.                                             335
Shannon Daniel ref.                                             338
Snyder Ellsworth  A.                                            339
Smith Ellsworth B.                                              344
Shannon Daniel et al                                            351,356
Smith Emmet C. et al                                            353
Sherrer Samuel R. in the matter of                              357
Seal County destroyed                                           391
Stilwell Charles by admis.                                      393
Stilwell Cornelius W. etal                                      402
Shannon Mary -Jane Burritt/Burnett                              412
Shannon Mary Jane lunatic                                       413
Sutphen Clara C. etal infant                                    413, 416
Stilwell Benajamin for Ref.                                     417
Stolenbun John A lunatic                                        415,419,495, 496
Strader Louise A.                                               421,444
Sutphen Clara C.                                                422
Smith Andrew H.  order con.                                     434,445
Stilwell Jacob 2nd.  ref.                                       446
Stilwell Morgan                 los. ref.                       446
Shannon  Mary Jane lunatic                                      473, 474, 475
Shannon Ernest R.                                               487
Schuyler Matilda                                                504, 505
Stout  Amelia  infant                                           506
Sutton Susan                                                    517
Shepard Louise and Jessie       infants                         521,535, 536, 537
Secor  Charles a et al                                          530
Stilwell Jacob H.                                               530
Shepard Louis and Jessie infants                                535, 536, 537
Starkweather  Jennie infant                                     539, 540,541
Sproul John B.                                                  545
Smith Margaret lunatice                                         550, 573
Smith Harriet                                                   556, 575, 589
Swish Margaret lunatic                                          573
Smith Harriett                                                  589
Sproul Manly F.                                                 598
Skellenger Elmer                                                602
Sickler Helen                                                   604
Stoddard Jesse                                                  605
Smith Ada B. infant                                             611, 614, 615
Smith Sherman L. gdn.                                           611
Smith Lewis M.                                                  625
Smith Darius  L.                                                625
Smitzer Luella  M.                                              632
Smitzer Genwin? infant                                          632
Smitzer Luella M.                                               640
Tucker Alonzo  and matter of asst.                               3
Terms of county court                                           29
Terry Sylvester in matter of                                    31
Thomas Cordelia in the matter of                                51
Thomas Ella in the matter of gdn.                               51
Terms of court                                                  54
Thomas  Cordelia and others                                     55, 56
Terms of county court                                           85
Thompson Calvin F estate of                                     118
Thompson Seneca D. and C.                                       118, 122
Thomas Henry and others                                         127
Terms of county court                                           155
Toulette baptist church Reading                                 162
Tracy William c. ern                                            261
Tabor Olive E.                                                  273
Terms of county court appointment                               307
Thymne?  Nathaniel  H. et al                                    329, 330,337,361
Thomas Floyd  infant    confirm                                 382,387,390
Thompson Samuel                                                 421
Tyler John E. ref.                                              434
Taylor Susan                                                    458, 478
Thomas Nancy E. et al                                           468
Thompson Allen Lunatic                                          477, 479
Thompson David   discontinuous                                  493
Torrns? and Arthia M.                                           597
Tuttle Adrian  exec.                                            637
Vine John S.                                                    no #
Vine Harriet vs. S. B. Shearers                                 18,19
Vine Monrow  order of arrest                                    40
Vail Joseph estate of                                           72
Vail Henry dec’d. estate of                                     72
VanBuren Sidney adopt infants                                   365
VanAllen John J. apell                                          408
Village of Watkins Monroe St in the                             466
VanGelder Mary A.                                               528
Village of Watkins                                              529
VanValen John K et al                                           550
Weller Newon                                                    31
Williams Elizabeth lunatic                                      32, 33
Ward John A in the matter of                                    64,65,66,67
White Calvin J. et al                                           70
Weller Newton et al                                             70
Wisner Ellen in the matter of                                   81
Williams Elizabeth in the matter of                             101
Williams James B. in the matter of                              102,103,104,105, 110
Williams Clyde H. in the matter of                              102,103, 105
Wyckoff Peter                                                   115
Wait Lillian H. deft?                                           119
Wickham Erastus estate of                                       124
Woodruff George M.                                              134
Wisner Ella J. in the matter of                                 139, 140,141,142
West Carrie A.  in the matter of                                151
Westerfield John                                                218
Westerfield Peter                                               218
Westerfield Hattie                                              218
Williams Eva D.  con.                                           221, 226
Whithead Mary                                                   221
Warren Willard G. ref.                                          230
Whitehead Mary and others ref.                                  231, 238, 239
Warren Willard G.                                               233, 234
Wickham Myren?                                                  241
Warren Willard G.                                               245
Winton Anna M.                                                  303
Winton Sterling L.                                              303
Ward Mary Ann  ref.                                             312
Winfield Albert S.                                              332
Whittenore Ann E.                                               334
Watkins Village of                                              352
Wilson Charles E. appellant                                     401
Whitmore James L. ref.                                          417
Wisner William Jdn.                                             420
Wilson Charles E.                                               422
Williams Llewellyn and Anna infant adp.                         457
Woodworth Maria et al.                                          460, 485
Watkins Monroe St. in the village of                            466
Weller Nebston                                                  479
Weller Newton                                                   489
Willis Charles t. or May Conkrite                               497
Watkins Board of water and sewer com.                           529
Whitney  Lusther and Lizzie                                     542,610
Webb Lee B. com.                                                587,588
William  Maria infant in the matter of                          617,618, 620, 630
Wail William H.                                                 621