

     BOOK NO 3
Auble James M                                                   25
Auble James M                                                   28
Allen Emily I                                                   158
Avery John G                                                    227
Adsit William et al                                             396
Auble Frank et al                                               448
Auble Frank et al                                               459
Allwood Bertha in the matter of adoption                        476
Aikens Martha J. an incompetent person                          531
Aikens Martha J an incompetent person                           535
Aikins Martha J an incompetent person                           536
Aiken Marha/Marsha? J and incompetent person                    538
Ault Lulu Infant                                                539
Ault Charles F  spl. guardian                                   540
Ault Lulu       infant                                          541
Ault Charles F  guardian                                        541
Ault Lulu  infant                                               541
Adriance Albert                                                 573
Adriance Charles E                                              573
Adriance Albert C                                               582
Barber Viana and John  Adams                                    11
Bennett George W as overseer                                    12
Baker Huldah and others                                         18
Baker Huldah and others                                         31
Baskin Lyman J. and others                                      38
Baker Huldah et al                                              42
Beardsley Frank J and others                                    42
Baker Huldah and others                                         44
Baker Zulda? and others                                         48
Baker Hulda et al                                               50
Beardsley Francis S and others                                  55
Baker Huldah et al                                              57
Berry William H                                                 61
Berry Edward and Arthur J                                       61,62,63
Berry William S and others                                      68
Budd Jackson individually as adm                                73
Budd Joseph K                                                   73
Bank Ithaca                                                     73
Bumpus John J and Lucina order of reference                     75
Bronson Algina order of reference                               84
Bamum? Eunice                                                   85
Bigelow James et al                                             86
Burgess Delia et al                                             88
Burgess Delia et all                                            88
Delia Burgess and Hurd  \                                       100
Russell Sutton           \    
Bumpus John J             \                                     105
Lucinda F Bumpus          /
Button Grace M infant                                           113
Button Grace M infant                                           114,115,116
Buell George C                                                  116
Boldwin Julia                                                   142
Burges/Bugee Mabel and infant                                   143
Bubes George et al                                              155
Barber Cyrus and incompetent person                             157
Barber Cyrus  an incompetent person                             157
Bennett Clark   order                                           160
Budd Thomas J and others                                        161
Brown Hattie E infant in the matter of adoption                 166
Brown Mary P infant in the matter of adoption                   167
Barnes Franklin J  as Adm.                                      171
Burd Frank M et al                                              193,196
Boyce John                                                      193
Bond John lunatic                                               205
Brietwise John                                                  211
Battles Robert                                                  261
Bennett Frances M.                                              261
Bond John   a lunatic                                           275,276,282,284,285
Bennett Otis                                                    301
Bennett Otis order                                              314
Baines Theodore  Rosevelt adoption                              321
Bunson Edgar  et al                                             322,334
Bigelow Wood L order to sell                                    338,339,340,348,349
Barnes Bennett and Maria, Adoption                              353
Bartholomew Lorenzo S. Guardian                                 379,380,381,382
             estate Of Ruth  Calvert                            391
Byram/Bryan Leroy A and Eddie E. Infants                        395
Brown Horace B infant                                           396,397
Brown Lana/ Lara s b. ...s. guardian                            396,397
Budd Oliver H guardian                                          399, 400
Brown Horace B infant                                           403
Brown Sara  SB  guardian                                        403
Beard William                                                   412
Babcock Walter and Levi                                         412
Babcock Walter and Levee order                                  432
Boyce Edgar A et al                                             434
Beardsley Emma E et al                                          433,437,442
Ball/Bell Earl and infant adoption                              442
Bolyan Sydney D   inf. Guard                                    444
Bolyan Sydney D   infant Guardian                               445,446,447
Beardslee Emma E et al                                          449,465,466
Baker Richard et al                                             475
Boyce David H  vs. Wallenbeck                                   454
Bulkley Ira P                                                   491
Bentley alma A                                                  492
Brainard N. P.                                                  493
Baker Charlotte Vinnie infant                                   516?
Bond John   incompetent person                                  529,530
Budd John  S as co?---- of courts                               553
Beers Lawrence E infant                                         555
Beers Lawrence E infant                                         556,559
Bett Harriett M                                                 560
Bisen James                                                     580
Board of Trade of Watkins                                       589
Bolt E N. com. of Highways                                      590
Beebe W. M                                                      590
Budd Mary et al                                                 592
Berry Bertha    Seaman infant                                   543,544
Boyce Daniel  et al                                             605
Bradley Clifford                                                609
Bennet M. Otis                                                  612
Boyce David H. et al                                            614
Bradley Catherine                                               617,623
Barkman  Edgar et al                                            618,629
Boyce Thomas et all exec                                        618,629,632
Brown Lyman et al                                               619,624,629
Betts Charles                                                   622
Bradley Catherine                                               623
Ballard Sybil intrude? infant                                   632
Buchen Lena C infant                                            633
Ballard Sybil Gertrude infant                                   636,637,640
Beecher  Lena C infant                                          639,640

Cronkrite Luella B et al                                        3
Cronkrite Luella B et al                                        7,12
County Court of sessions                                        41
Carney Frank applet                                             43
Cramer Michael                                                  59
Catherine Town of Highways                                      66
Carr Orange M   A lunatic                                       73
Chapman William                                                 75
Crowe Jane et al                                                90,93,98,103,107,110,120
Cramer Michael                                                  134
covert Hannah                                                   142
Clagho9rn James M an incompetent                                169
Calvert Ruth an incompetent person                              172
Carpenter William H. by committee                               186,187
Carpenter George for highway in                                 194
Catherine town of                                               194
Claghorn James M                                                201
Culver Prphas et al                                             223
Cooper Edna and Alice infants                                   239,240,241,242
Clark Patrick J                                                 251,256
Court Town of the county                                        279,315,324
Case Orange M an in competent person                            328
company Railroad Lehigh Valley                                  334
Coon Fannie Margaret an infant                                  335
Court order                                                     348
Company Seneca Lake salt                                        355
Chapman Charles , guardian of Many/Nancy Erwin? 362
Court Towns of the county                                       371
Covert Abram P                                                  387
Calvery Ruth an incompetent person                              391
Conklin smith                                                   395/375?
Clauharty Oscar M by adm,.                                      404
Campbell Helen Ira/Fae et al                                    409
Cushaman Daniel J. et al                                        409
Campbell Helen                                                  411,412
Court Tres of the county                                        421
Company Lehigh Valley RR                                        437,442
Station Dragman at Deans Crossing                               442
Church Libbie May  an infant                                    452,453,454
Coddington  Samatha a an infant                                 460
county Schuyler in the matter of a common seal                  461
Coddington Samathan E pension                                   462
Church Libbie May an infant                                     464
Crippen Harrit N                                                470
Compton  Abram                                                  471
Court Term of the county                                        482
Clark Charles                                                   497
Churilli?  Pasquale                                             300
Croskston Frank infant adoption                                 306
Company the farmers                                             526
Church First Presbyterian of Montour Falls NY                   522
Court terms of the county                                       523
Clawson Nelson V committee                                      524,530
Clark Esther J                                                  537
Coddington Samatha  Ins. person                                 545
Chambers Thomas                                                 545
Church, African Union Methodist Protestant                      546
Chase Munite alleged from session                               549
Cramer Mary Christina infant                                    550
Court terms of county for 1907                                  554
Crippen George W                                                559
Court County Stenographer                                       568
Crippen George W                                                565
Catherine town of  highways                                     576
Company Lehigh valley RR                                        576
Carr Samuel W  and infant                                       581
Commissioners water and sewer                                   583,584

Drake Adell A                                                   17
Dickerson Chas W. lunatic                                       30,31
Durland Lewis H                                                 36
Demott Matilday a et al                                         54,76,77
Dawson James et al                                              58,64,68
Drake Hobart  J                                                 135,138,
Damouth Sarah                                                   142,152
Dean George Ira and others                                      145
Dennis John M et al                                             177
Davison Oscar L                                                 188
Cenis John M                                                    195
Dix town of Change Highway                                      204
Drake James P infant                                            207,208,209,
Dietuch Daniel settling aside exemption                         217     
Deason Frank N   adoption of Era Dell Scott                     218
Decker Simon et al                                              250
Davis Chester F a lunatic                                       256,257,259
Decker Quinn et al                                              265
Decker Simon                                                    291
Deans Charles H                                                 291
Decker James P infant                                           296,297,298,299,300
Davis Chester F a lunatic                               `       326
DeGraw Solomon                                                  330/350
Drake James P infant                                            350,351
Drake Marvin and Eugina Drake                                   356
Dusenbury Joseph R,  Kouffman et all                            360,367,368,370
Doolittle John R                                                399
Dusenbury Joseph R et al                                        406,430,438
Duggeon Richard                                                 413
Drake James P order infant                                      408,409,442
Decker Bella                                                    441
Dix and Reading division of highway                             495,496
Dusenbury Ernest et al                                          547,557
Dibble John a and others                                        549
Defew George                                                    561
Durland Chas. M                                                 561
Darrow William                                                  583
Dietmich/Dietrich Daniel A and wife                             616
Doane Lulu May, Mary and others                                 638,639

Ellis Grant                                                     3,15
Etz Arthur K?                                                   10
Everts George M/W                                               53
Everts Floyd                                                    61,62,63,70
Erway Catherine                                                 73
Ellis William O/I  and Amery                                    146,154
Edgar Alben/Alden  et all                                       159,165
Everts Abram  insane patient                                    234
Egles Leon infant by gdn                                        262,263,264,267
Everts Alice R and infant                                       306,307,308,309,
Everts Charles M. et al                                         310,323,330
Everts Abram Fred?   and incompetent                            316,317,341
Ely Marian and Ralph E ...and F...Heston                        376
Ely Marian and Ralph E infants                                  399,400
Ely Delphine Guardian                                           399,400,402
Elston Sarah et al                                              431
Everts Charles M and alleged incompetent person                 476,480,483,494
Everts Wilber W as committee                                    488,493
Everts Charles M a lunatic                                      488,489,493,494
Ellis Seth                                                      564,578,586
Ellis Mary C et al                                              602
Ely Delphine  spl. gdn.                                         606,607,608
Ely Ralph an infant q                                           606,607,608

Frost Charles S                                                 20
Finch Myron and Alice                                           79
Feltman? Amanda                                                 81
Fox Walter A                                                    117
Fox Walter A and Lena                                           132
Feely Mary A lunatic                                            192
Frank Carrie                                                    210
Ferguson Lilla and James                                        255
Fisk Frank                                                      260
Fairchild John a and Frank M                                    388
Furgeson Lilla and James                                        470
Findely/Friendly Samson J                                       472,480
Fish Eugene                                                     523,526,527
Finton Howard et al                                             525
Finton Howard et al                                             536
Foster W. H. and Pearl  adoption of child                       590
Fletcher Charles W committee                                    609,613

Grant J. C. highway Catherine                                   66
Goodrich Edward T et al                                         160,165
Gillis Andrew                                                   269
Gardner O. F. et al                                             301,304,
Giles John W                                                    366
Goundry Glen W et al                                            375,391
Grant J. C                                                      463
Grant Clarence et al                                            466
Gross John                                                      485
Gardner George W and wife adoption                              533
Grimes Fred and Mary A                                          534,543
Goltry Arthur N as committee                                    535,536,538
Gray Henrietta c and incompetent person                         548,558
Gates Julia Roberts committee                                   597
Grogan John L et al                                             599,611,619
Gray James                                                      610                                                                     
Graham Clayton D infant                                         620,621
Graham Willard B spl. gdn                                       620,621
Graham Hiram H. spl gdn                                         633

Hungerford Charles S et al                                      1
Hector the town of                                              1
Hunterson/Henderson Samuel F et al                              13,24
Hicks Albert                                                    17
Huson Mary E                                                    24
Hill Frank H and Waldo H. infants                               25,26,27
Hector the town of                                              34
Hansner Jacob et al                                             56,59
Highway of town Catherine                                       66
Hurd Warren and others                                          79
Hight John N?                                                   79
Henderson Samuel T et al                                        112
Henderson Samuel F et al                                        129,132
Horton Daniel et al                                             136
Hicks Silas                                                     147
Haring Jane M et al                                             170
Hathaway Charles W et al                                        182,274
Haring Jane et al                                               184,185,
Haring Henry S com.                                             187
Hawes P. H. Reunion?  Revision?                                 188
Houck Eva et al                                                 199
Hurd Warren et al                                               200
Hopping Frances Jane                                            291
Highway town of Reading                                         319
Hamilton Henry and Ellen                                        333
Henyan John  infant                                             337
Hopping Francis et al                                           352
Hoffins/Hoppin Francis and Jane Hopping                         354
Howell Saidee infant, Dewitt C. Howell                          354,356,357,358,359
Hedden Anna                                                     363
Harvey George W. et al                                          372,378
Hutchinson William et al                                        388
Huston Ralph E and Francis                                      370/376
Harvey George W et al                                           393
Hutchenson William et al                                        405
Hungerford Bonnie m. an infant                                  418,419,420,421
Hanly Elizabeth an infant                                       433
Hanly James  et al                                              478
Hagadorn Mary J and Wilbur S                                    486
Hildeman/Hilderman? George D et al                              491
Harvey Mary E et al                                             499
Hatfield Warren/Warner                                          500
Hendeson Mary et al                                             501,502
Hall Lloyd F by gdn.                                            502
Hall William f gdn                                              502
Hillenman George D et al                                        505
Henderson Mary et al                                            509
Harvey Mary E et al                                             512,514
Hannon Frank et al                                              516,528
Harvey George W et al                                           520,521,524
Hagadorn Mary J                                                 529
Hagadorn WIlbur s                                               529
Hanley James et al                                              532
Hathaway Charles W et ail                                       534,538,544
Harvey George et al                                             537
Howard Abner L  et al                                           558
Hammer/Hammer Fred                                              566
Highway town of Catherine                                       576
Hurd Orlando  Spl. Gdn.                                         581
Highways commissioner of                                        590
Hadley William heirs of q                                       592
Harvey Timothy Inf. guardian                                    532

I nothing recorded

Johnston Charlotte m and Frank H and William W. infants 45
Johnston John R                                                 45,46
Johnston Charlotte M and Frank H and William W infants          46,47
Johnston charlotte and others  infants                          47,54
Jackson Martha and others                                       67
Jacoby Adelaide                                                 142
Jones Miner T et al                                             146
Jurors additional                                               281
Jury                                                            385
Jury grand drawing of                                           575
Johnson Lewis D infant                                          633
Johnson Bessie G                                                633,634,635
Johnson Ruth M                                                  633,634,635
Johnson Lewis D infant                                          634,635

Kels George and others                                          66,100
Ketchum Eliza                                                   87
Kellinger Emma A?                                               94
Knighthart John a                                               96
Kurshman Frank and others                                       97
Kennedy Elizabeth H   \\\\
            Thompson Robert----------->                         104,106
Knighthart John A ///////////////
Kels Olive E                                                    111
Kelty Olive E                                                   127
Kennedy Elizabeth                                               127
Kusman Cyrus J        Frank J.                                  142
Kusman Frank J as adm.                                          142
Kearn/Keasin Martin                                             143
Kinsman Alice  poor person                                      198
Kleckler George Et al                                           199
Knox Sarah E                                                    287,288
Kingsbury Olive c                                               292
Kress Alice R et al                                             394,407
Keep Herman et all                                              464,471,475
Kingsbury Helen A et al                                         512
Kelly Lewis E et all                                            528
Kuhn Carrie                                                     625

Lockwood all and others                                         18,29,39,51
Leigh Edward W and others                                       44,52
Lyth Lillie Beatrice adoption of                                57
Langley Edith M                                                 61,62,63
Lockerby Samuel H?                                              80
Lake  Isabella L et al                          `               108,122
Love Nancy committee                                            191
Love Nancy Incompetent Person                                   225
Love Nancy to sell real estate                                  231
Love John W                                                     260
Lewis Orsin O                                                   268
Lambert Charles                                                 270
Levi Edward J/I                                                 287
Love Nancy and incompetent person                               362
Lewis Orrin S                                                   411
Losan/Loran George                                              416
Lounsbury Sarah Infant                                          444,445,446,447
Losan George                                                    474
Lee Hannah Jane                                                 482,487,488,
Lawton John D                                                   500
LeFever Harry J. and others                                     549
Lockwood Alla and others                                        552
Lawrence Augusta                                                557,562
Lyon William E/W         et all                                 571,585,589
Love Emmett R                                                   577
Lee Hiram M et al                                               598,616
Littell Mary O/P  can--- crier?                                 610
Lewis George                                                    624

Mitchell Frances E and Dean                                     9
McKeel Abram V          and order confirmation                  10,28
McCarty Almon et al                                             51
Miller Joshua L                                                 52
Moore Levi and Carrie G in the matter of adoption               57
Morris Wm. alleged lunatic                                      58,64
Martin mark L                                                   72
McCarty John W                                                  78
McKeel a Mott/Matt et al                                        84
McKeel Abram    et all                                          120
Mathews mark and Fay infants                                    123,124,125
Matthews Mark and Fay infants                                   126
Moore Aaron/Anson  et al                                        131
Mccombs Peter                                                   134
Moore Alice                                                     142
Moore Aaron Et al                                               154
McCutcheon  George a poor person                                180
Miller Charles V                                                188
Messing Fred                                                    190
Murray Beulah a et all                                          205
MItchell Frances E                                              222
Montery Methodist church                                        228
Murray Bulah A                                                  234
Matthews George M                                               277
McKeel A Matt et all                                            310
McCarty John W                                                  315,320
Maensery/Maensry Margaret et al                                 365,369
Marson William J                                                373
Moon Catherine and incompetent person                           373
Mach Clara B                                                    374
Messig Walter and George infants                                379-382
Morris Catherine and incompetent person                         383
Moore James B and Florence infants                              385
Moon Arthur J -S guardian                                       385
Moon James B and Florence infants                               389,392,393
Moore/Moon Arthur                                               390,392
Moon Arthur J special guardian                                  393
Miller Garrett s. guardian                                      395
Moore Catherine and incompetent person                          433
McClary Elizabeth adoption of                                   442
McClary Earl M. Bell and infant                                 442
Miller Mathias spl Guardian                                     455,452,453,454
Meeks Edward committee                                          462
Martin Addie E et al                                            486,490,496,497
McCarthy Daniel B                                               526
Mattison Charles                                                535
Mills Charles J. infant                                         550,554,555
Mills Henry F spl guardian                                      550,555,558
Mills Olive/Alice M                                             567,578,580
Menzie Frank et al                                              584,590
Messig Albert                                                   608,610
Maclk Emerson J                                                 623
Morris Vesta Scott adoption                                     627,628
Mathews Addie L infants                                         637,638

Norris Emily a et al                                            5,16,22,37
Northrup Flarius W                                              59
Nighthart John A                                                119
Nye David S       lunatic                                       164,184
Norman George D (water and sewer com)                           583,584

Ogden Mary Helen and infant                                     118,121,122