On this 24th day of August 1848 personally appeared before the undersigned justice of the peace in and for the county aforesaid Eleanor Wiley a resident of the town of Camden in Canada West aged Eighty years, who being first duly sworn, according to law, doth on her oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefits of the provisions made by the act of Congress, passed on the second day of February 1848 granting provisions to widows of persons who served during the Revolutionary war. That she is the widow of Matthew Wiley.
That her first husband whom name is David Crouch was a private in the army of the Revolution and served in the Connecticut Continental Line, for whose services she was pensioned under the acts of June 7, 1838, March 3, 1843 and June 17th, 1844 at the rate of Eighty dollars per annum which pension she has received up to the 4th September 1847 and has this day executed a power of attorney to obtain her pension from that date to the 4th March 1848. She further declares that she is still a widow.
On the first day of age as first above written Eleanor Wiley the above named affirmed to me known appeared before me to whom I distantly since the forgoing affidavit and to which she subscribed her name and makes solemn oath to its truth.
(this is very hard to read)
County of Lanoh Addington, Canada. Personally appeared before me this day Eleanor Wiley
(looks like s s with a slash than dau. Stepdaughter?)
of the late Mathew or Martha Wiley? Who was my last husband and my first husband David Crouch to whom I was married by Elder Hicks as stated in my declaration for a pension now on file in the pension office. HI had a record of my marriage but it lost and also of my children, ages but it is lost. I had 15 children by David Crouch, 3 boys and 11 girls and that I was in my 41 year when my youngest child was born.
Subscribed and sworn before me at Camden Ninth day of October.
X her mark
Signed Jacob Pennbough J. P.
County of ?Lennon, Adelington Canada West.
To Whit
Personally appeared before me this day Barbary Anngding Millican younger 9 daughter to the above...[looks like Hannah? ] Hannah Elder Wiley and being duly sworn doth depose and say that the is now about 35 years old and that she had the bible when ever the family removed was in but when they moved the bible was forgotten on a shelf and when they sent after it it could not be got.
Described and sworn before me at Camdon this 6 day of October 1845, Jacob Pombough JP.
Her mark X Barbary Angeling Milligan
Comptrollers Office Hartford County 2 Aug. 1844
In application for widow of the service of David Crouch in the way of the Revolution, I have examined the document remaining in the office relating to that past and firmed under the head of Entitlement with the
1st Connecticut Regiment John Durkee Esq. Col. and for the year 1781 this entry,
Named, ranked, commencement of pay, examination of pay, term.
David Crouch private-January 1, 1781--December 31, 1781-12 monthly” And certify the above to be a true extract form the 2nd vol. of records of settlement made with the Connecticut Line of the Continental Army.
A Carrington, comptroller
I hereby certify that Mrs. Eleanor Wiley who has this day appeared before me and made solemn oath to the forgoing declaration is a
consequently of the infirmities of age unable to attend in open court to make her declaration and that N. Manual Butterfield and Nathan when they over were first ______ and then under David Crouch, David first attained.
Signed G C. Shermanl? Judge Jeff. County Courts clerk
State of New York
Jefferson County
On this 11th day of September 1844 personally appeared before this in designed a judge of Jefferson county court and first being duly sworn according to the law deposes Mathew Canfield and says that he is well acquainted with Eleanor Wiley than forgoing claimant and that she is the widow of Matthew Wiley,
Sworn this day and year four above written before me.
X his mark, Matthew D. Canfield
J. C. Shermand Judge Jefferson Counts commander.
On the third day of July 1855 law to administer oaths, Eleanor Wiley aged 89 years, a resident of Camden Canada West., who being duly sworn according to law, declares that she is the widow of Matthew
Wiley, and formerly of David Crouch deceased, who was a private in the Company commanded by Capt. (all these blanks were never filled in) of the Revolution, that he said husband David Crouch on or about commenced the Revolution Several years and was honorable discharged at close of war.
She first has stated that her age and memory do not allow her to be any more particular.
That she received pension of eighty dollars per annum as the widow of David Crouch a soldier of the Revolutionary and that she refers to her pension papers on file for recorded service and for that said service and for proof of monies doth say that further that that she has continued to receive her pension remains at Albany New York left to present time.
She makes this declaration for ht purpose of obtain the bounty Land to which she may be entitled under the act approved March 3d, 1855, and she hereby appoints Ad--- Ely of Watertown, Jefferson county NY. To prosecute her claim and receive a warrant therefore and firth that she has not received a warrant for bounty under this or any other act of congress nor before made application.
Her mark X Eleanor Wiley.
We Matthew D Canfield an Alfred Keech residents of Camdon Canada West declare the forgoing declaration was signed and acknowledged by Eleanor Wiley in our presence and that we believe from the appearance and statements of the applicant that she is the identical person she represents herself to be. Mathew D. Canfield and Alfred Keech.
H., B. Hayes justice of the peace.
M J. Connelly Deputy
On this 11th day of September 1844 personally appeared before the Hon. George C. Sherman one of the judges of Jefferson county Courts, Eleanor Wiley widow of Matthew Wiley aged Seventy five year and upwards a resident of Canada East in Canada west. Who being first duly sworn according to law doth in her and make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefits of the provisions made by the several acts of Congress of July 7, 1838, August 23, 1842, March 3, 1843 and June 17, 1844. That she was the widow of David Crouch who was a private in the army of the revolution war filed in the state of New York and received as I believe the great portion of the war in the continental line of the army. As in Connecticut and New York line of the army. She further declares that her maiden name was Eleanor McKee and that she was married in Pittstown Rensellear County New Your to the said David Crouch by Elder Hicks of the Baptist church on the fifteenth day of January one thousand seventeen eighty five. (Dec. 15,1785)
That her husband the aforesaid David Crouch died in the town of Wytown?, State of New York on the 15tjh day of July 1818 and that she continued to be the widow of the said David Crouch until the 12th day of March 1830 at which time she was married to Matthew Wiley and further that the said Matthew Wiley died on the 10th day of March, One thousand Eight hundred forty two. (1842) And that she has not inter married but is not the widow of said Matthew Wiley. She further declares that she was not married to the first husband the said service and she further declares that her husband then said David Crouch signed his name to a power of attorney dated march 5, 1793 to obtain the pay due him from Connecticut which paper I have in my possession and send herewith as widow of said partner of his services. She further says that in 1818 she that she with her husband the said David Crouch in Western New York he the said David Crouch employed on Esq. Rudd set out to get him a pension in Land or both, and gave the said the discharge papers for that purpose. That after the death of her husband the said _______ the said Rudd told him this claimant told him this claimant that he had sent the discharge to the dept of government. She then forgets that an exam written may be had of the file of the pension office for that declaration of the service of the said David. Supplied to have him made with a view to obtain a pension made the law o f1818. She cannot tell the amount of service performed of her husband but knows that the clarinet there was a large quantity of land due him and that the saved pretty much through the war. She therefore relies upon that proof so she may be able obtain to statement of said service.
Sworn and subscribe on this day and year first above written before me in Pittstown?,
X her mark Eleanor Wiley.