THE ELMIRA DAILY ADVERTISER, by Fairman & Caldwell. Published every Morning (Sundays excepted). Terms: Delivered by Carrier, 75 cents a month, or $9.00 per year. By mail, 75 cents per month, $2.00 a quarter, or $8.00 per year.
THE WEEKLY ADVERTISER. Published Every Saturday. Terms: $2.00 per year in advance, or $2.50 for arrears. Corner Baldwin and Carol Streets.
DIED: In the city of Elmira, on Thursday morning, Jan. 10th, 1867, Mrs. Elizabeth Satterlee, aged eighty-four years. Funeral service will be held at her late residence, No. 6 Grey St., on Saturday at 2 o’clock P.M.
In this city, on Saturday, Jan. 5th, Maria, wife of John Mead. Esq. aged 55 years.
Saturday, Jan. 19, 1867
DIED: Jan. 15th, Marcus H. Spaulding, at the residence of his brother, T.S. Spaulding, Esq., of this city.
Saturday, Jan. 26, 1867
In Elmira, on the 21st inst., Emma Goldsmith, adopted daughter of W.B, and Orilla L. Hatch, aged 24 years and 4 months.
In this city, Jan. 23d, 1867,Mrs. Elizabeth Jones, wife of William Ii. Jones, Esq., aged 49 years.
In Eidgebury, Bradford co., Pa., Jan. 21st, William Seely, aged 82 years, 9 months and 15 days.
Saturday, Feb. 2, 186?
In New York City, Jan. 24th, Mrs. Anne, and widow of the late Malcom P. CRAIG. At the Rathbun House, on Sun. morning, Jan. 27th, Norman Blye, aged 5/4 years.
Saturday, Feb. 16, 186?
DIED: In this city, on the 12th inst., Mrs. B.F. Herrick, aged 30 years, 9 months and 28 days.
Saturday, March 9, 186?
DIED: Of his injuries, an old man by the name of James Walling, who had been in the employ of Mijanin Griswold, in Chemung, was run over by a sleigh on Sunday evening while returning home from church. He died in a few hours from the injuries he received. He was caught and dragged for some distance beneath one runner of the sleigh, which Ks being driven by a boy, who was running his horse.
MURDERED: Amasa Mulock — known as the “old tree doctor — body found 16 March, 1865 by soldiers from Barracks #3 — 12th Regulars — (A long article about the trial of Henry F. Gardiner, murderer, and his execution — the first for murder in Chemung County.
Saturday, March 9, 1867
March 2d, 1867, William Maxwell, only son of Jesse L. and Mary A. Cooley aged 13 years and 3 months. Funeral will be from the home on Lake St., north of Washington Ave., Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock.
Saturday, March 16, 1867
At the residence of her son, A. Robertson, Fifth Ward, Wed., March 15th, Mrs. Elizabeth Robertson, in her 81st year.
In this city, on Thurs. morning, Frank Abt.
Saturday, March 23, 1867
In this city, Wed. morning~ March 20th, Sylvanus Van Buren, nephew of C.B. Hanyan, aged 11 years and 5 months.
In Jackson, Tioga, Pa., March 13th, 1867, Clark R., oldest son of Albert and Mary Mitchell, aged 13 years and 7 months. Wellsboro papers please copy.
On Sun., at 5 o’clock, AJ. Mary Anna, daughter of Joseph and Catharine Thro, aged 10 years, 3 months and seventeen days.
Saturday, March 30, 1867
At sea, on the 21st inst., Christopher Slater, of this city, in the 30th year of his age, on board the steamship “Rising Star, from Aspinwall for New York. Buried at sea.
At Milan, Bradford co, Pa., on Tues. March 19th, 1867, Guy Tracy aged 61 years.
Bradford county papers please copy.
In the Town of Elmira, Thurs., April 4th, 1867,’of croup, Barry W., infant son of William and Nary A. Lawman, aged 1 year and 6 months.
On Wed, morning, Mrs. Emma B., wife of John Robb and daughter of Welcome and Lydia Johnson.
In the Town of Southport, Mon. afternoon, April 1st, Mrs. Sally Baldwin, in the seventy— second year of her age.
April 1st, Harriet Pooley aged 86 years.
OBITUARY: Died in Southport, N.Y., on Tuesday, April 3d, Jehiel Ayers aged 65 years. Mr. Ayers removed from New Jersey to Wells, Pa. about 30 years ago... remains were deposited in Woodlawn on Thursday, the funeral being held at his home. His former Pastor, Rev. Joel Jewel gave an appropriate address.
April 20, 1867
OBITUARY: Another comrade has fallen from the ranks, and gone away from us. Sergeant Lauren T. Reeder, late of the 107th N.Y.Vols, departed this life at the house of his parents in this city, on Saturday, April 15, 1867... a private in C: pt. L. Baldwin’s Co. (B) of the 107th N.Y.Vols... promoted to corporal, then to sergeant...
Saturday, May 11, 1867
LOCAL AFFAIRS: Gen. G.G Hathaway, the father of the late Cal. Hathaway,of this city, died a few days since, at Solon, Cortland county. The old family residence, we believe, for over half a century.... had reached an advanced and honorable old age.
Floods: Lower east side, Seeley Creek, Buttonwoods.
Saturday, May 18, 1867
In Dix, Schuyler Co., N.Y. April 24th, and Rev. E.A.Hadley, in the fifty—eighth year of his age. Wellsboro papers please copy.
Saturday, June 15, 1867
In this city on Mon., the 10th inst., Amariah Harris, aged 10 years.
“Death plucks the loveliest blossoms.”
Saturday, June 20, 1867
At Cooperstown, Otsego cc., N.Y., June 27th, at 4 o’clock P.1. Mrs. Harvey Luce aged 70 years.
Saturday, July 6th, 1867
LOCAL NEWS: The sudden death of Mrs. Harvey Luce, at Cooperstown, whither she had gone on a visit with her son—in—law, Ben. Wm. T. Post, will cause the deepest regret throughout this city, where she has been so long esteemed and beloved... Mr. Luce lying ill Mrs. Luce expired about 4 o’clock Thursday afternoon.
In Ithaca, at the residence of her father, on Sunday night, June 30th, after many months of severe illness, Mr. Hannah A. St.John, in her 44th year, wife of Edgar St. John, of this city. a filial, dutiful daughter, and a faithful, loving wife... consistent and active Christian,
In this city, on 3rd July inst., William Trapp, aged 64 years. (Note by compiler: gravestone in Second St. Cemetery shows age “in his 64th year.”)
In this city, on Wed, morning, July 3d, 1867, Major S.B.Lenton aged 64 years.
In Horseheads, of consumption, July 2d, Ebenezer Mather.
Saturday, July 12, 1867
Died in this city, on the evening of the 7th inst, of hemorrhage
at the lungs, Miss Virginia A. Watts, daughter of the late Deacon John
Watts, aged twenty—nine years. (A long obituary follows.)
In this city, on the 8th July, Mr. Stephen Gilbert aged 67 years.
At the residence of her sister in New York City, June 12th, Mrs. Aaron C Ackerman, formerly of this place, in the 20th year of her age. “Her troubles on earth were great, but now are o’er.”
Friday, July 20, 1867
On Monday evening, July 15th, Almond Cook, in the 58th year of his age.
Saturday, July 27, 1867
On Wed., July 17th, at the residence of her father, A.J.Wynkoop, Chemung, N.Y., Mary, wife of Charles M. Young of New York City.
Saturday, August 3, 1867
FOUND DEAD: Richard Evans was found dead about 4 o'clock Saturday morning, at the back part of a lot near the end of Lake Street Bridge, Fifth Ward. About thirty—three years of age... subject to epileptic fits of intemperance... father lived up the Plank Road... Coroner’s verdict — he died in an epileptic fit to which he was subject, and caused by the presence of a growing tumor on the head.
In this city, July 13th, at 4 o’clock A.N., Mrs. Phoebe, wife of John Rayment, in the 32nd year of her age.
July 29th, Flora Weed, youngest daughter of N.R. and M.A. Norton, aged 8 months and 26 days.
Jennie, infant daughter of Adelbert and Carrie L. Hudson, aged one month and nine days.
Saturday, August 10, 1867
In Wellsburg, on the morning of the 4th inst., H.G. Northrup aged 48 years. West Bill, Elmira, Aug. 3d, 1867, Edgar Smith, son of George N. Smith, aged 1 year.
In Elmira, on Tuesday, Aug. 6th, of consumption, Henry C, Dudley aged 36 years.
At her home in Decatur, Mich., on the 24th day of July, 1867, Magie Trumbley, wife of John Van Pelt, in the 37th year of her age.
In this city, on Tuesday night, the 6th inst., Alice, daughter of John and Bridget Daley, aged seventeen months.
LOCAL NEWS: Rev. William Reese has resigned the pastorship of the
Central Baptist Church and the resignation has teen accepted, to take effect
October 1st. 1867
Saturday, August 17, 1867
LOCAL NEWS: N.A. Elmer, an honored and respected citizen of Waverly and Vice President of the Waverly National Bank, who died on Thursday, was buried in that village on Saturday.
7Saturday, August 17, 186
DILL: In this city on Tuesday, Aug. 19th, 1867, Miss Mary Emma Peters aged 21 years.
In this city on Mon. evening, Aug. 12th, Charles Henry, youngest son of the late Mr. Samuel Hillman, in the 78th year of his age.
In this city, at the residence of D.S.Redfield, Miss ii, Alida Stowell, on the morning of the 9th inst., in her 32d year.
In Elmira, Aug. 14th, Charles Ulrich aged 32 years, 9 months and
6 days.
Saturday, August 2L, 1867
LOCAL NEWS: Dead, Mr. R.H. Lawrence, who for some years past has been afflicted with disease frequently fatal, diabetes, expired about four o’clock yesterday morning, at the Konkle old family mansion on High Street. He was the son—in—law of Mrs. Aaron Konkle. Be had resided in Elmira for some years past, and after removed here from Geneva. He first engaged in the insurance business and after the death of his father—in—law, assumed the management of his estate. Funeral will take place this afternoon... attended by Masonic Fraternity, friends of the family... no Konkle descendants.
A TERRIBLE ACCIDENT: The funeral of a daughter of Thomas Sloan, fatally injured by Northern Central cars on Saturday... about twelve years old. Only a short time ago, another daughter died from eating some poisonous plant while cut berrying.
A MAN KILLED: In the midst of the tempest of hail, thunder and lightening, the canal boat “Edward C. Miles”, Capt. Gee. 5ayles, about a mile and a half north of Horseheads was coming towards this city. The steersman, Jackson Hodge, standing at the stern of the boat, holding the rudder handle. was instantly struck dead. Left a wife and two children residing near Samuel Halls, above the canal basin.
DIED: At his residence in Southport, after a brief illness, John Valerius, aged 48 years and 5 months.
On the 18th Aug., Mrs. Eliza Fitch, wife of O, H.Fitch, aged 50 years,9 months.
Thursday, Aug. 15th, Agnes Josephine Stobo aged 1 week and 1 day.
At Georgetown, D• C, Aug. 15th, 1867, Mrs. L.W.Bingham, aged 24 years.
1n this city, on Sun. morning, Aug. 18th, 1867, Richard B. Lawrence, aged 54- years.
A MAN FOUND IN The RIVER: Coroner’s verdict— William Williams came to his death by falling through the Main Street Bridge, while in a state of intoxication.
IN MEMORIAM: Died in the early morning of the 20th inst., Miss Thuie M. Baldwin, daughter of F. H.Baldwin, Esq., Waverly, in the 23d year of her age ... graduated 1864 Elmira Female College ... funeral attended by Rev, Dr. Cowles, President of the Elmira Female Colleges ... services by the Rev. Dr. Knox of Athens.
DIED: In Greenwood, N.Y., May 30th, 1867, Mrs. Huldah Osborne, wife of Sheldon Osborne, deceased, aged 79 years, 5 months, 20 days... sister Osborne was an amiable woman, kind and affectionate mother and an endeared friend
Saturday, Sept. 7, 1867
DIED: At Burdett, Sat., Aug. 31st, H. H.German aged 27 years.
In this city, Sept. 1st, Chalmers, infant son of H.B.Smith.
In this city, Sept. 2, Romeo B. Vermilya, son of John N. Vermilya, aged 16 years.
In this city, Aug. 29th, Frederic Ewing Smith, son of E.B. and Percis E. Smith, aged 18 months and 15 days.
Suddenly, in this city, on Sat, evening, Aug. 31st, Mrs. Catharine Walker, wife of Thomas Walker Jr., aged 25 years.
SAD BEREAVEMENT: The Robjohn family, formerly residents of this city, suffered a sad bereavement in the death of Freddy ... Sat, morning, last... typhoid fever ... Congregational Church.
Saturday, Sept. 14, 1867
OBITUARY: Mr. Richard Miles ... born and brought up in Fishkill, Dutchess Co. lived in Elmira seventeen years (date of death not noted), buried in Fishkill.
DIED: on Wed., the 11th inst., Gertie, infant child of W.R. and Gertrude Robinson, aged 10 months.
On the 8th inst., Mr. Richard Mills, in the 67th year of his age.
In Southport, on the 10th inst., Mr. James Moss aged 77 years. Funeral from his late residence on Friday, at 2 o’clock P.M. ... a native of Essex,England a miller ... resided here30 years.
On the 8th, inst., Robert Rennie, son of Robert F. and Josephine B, Stobo.
Saturday, Sept. 21, 1867
SAD INTELLIGENCE: A telegram rec’d Mon. evening ... death of Mrs. E.N. Barbour at the residence of her son, J. Amherst Wisner ... Talbot Co., Maryland she left this city on June 1st, to reside there ... was step—mother to William
H. Wisner and Mrs. John R. Jones of this city, her first husband having been Hon. W.H.Wisner, deceased ... later married E.N. Barbour, also deceased was a native of Cortland county ... was a sister of Mrs. Judge Harris of Albany.
DIED: On Wed., Oct. 28, 1867 at Wellsburg, Mr. Henry Watson aged
68 years.
aturday, Sept. 28, 1867
DIED: In this city, Sept. 24th, Henry H. Moore aged 65 years. Funeral at the late residence, 196 Lake St., this afternoon at 2 o’clock.
In this city, Wed, morning, Sept. 25th, at six o’clock, Louisa Amelia,infant daughter of Charles Henry and Fannie Enck, aged 9 months and 11 days.
Saturday, Oct. 5, 1867
DIED: In this city, on Sun. the 29th inst., John Emory Lyon, aged 80 years, 10 months.
In this city, on the 29th inst., Charles W.M., Only child of Zeno A. and Nary E. Garter aged 1 year, 7 months and 5 days.
Saturday, Oct. 19, 1867
DIED: In this city, on Fri., Oct. 11th, Julia, wife of Philip French,aged 62 years.
In Elmira, Sun. morning, Oct. 13th, Mrs. Mary E. True, aged 23 years, 3 months and 10 days.
In this city, Oct. 14th, at 11A.M. Mrs. P. Hunsdon, mother of T.A. Delano, aged 62 years.
In Binghamton, Oct. 10th at the residence of her son, Claudius B, Pratt, Mrs. Corinthia W. Pratt, wife of Joel B. Pratt, and mother of the Editor of the Corning Journal, aged 73 years.
In this city, Oct. 16th, Harry, infant son of G.A.Gridley
In Kinston, N.C., on the 4th inst., Evangeline, infant daughter of H. and M. F. Edie.
Saturday, Oct. 26, 1867
LOCAL NEWS: James Gulp, long an invalid, from rheumatic pains and deformity, and an old resident of this city, was buried on Sunday.
Mordecai Rickey, of the Town of Horseheads, recently died of dysentery,the result of a fever ... on a visit West ... was born in this Town (formerly Newtown) in 1792 on the farm now owned by James McQueen ... widow and orphan’s friend often elected to office — was a teacher — married Harriet Goble.Seven boys and two girls, lived on his farm where he died, 72 years, contributed to churches, was a Mason.
Saturday, Oct. 26, 1867
DIED: Oct. 10th, at his residence at Baxter Springs, Kansas, Rev. Judson Aspinwall— wall, formerly a resident of this city, in the 34th year of his age son of fellow citizen, N.P.Aspinwall, Esq.
In New York City, on the 22d inst., Frankie, son of Gabriel and Caroline Leverich, aged 3 years, 3 months and 12 days.
Thurs, morning, Oct. 17th, at his residence in Millport, Oliver Greeno aged 84 years and 2 months.
Saturday, Nov. 2, 1867
DIED: In this city, Oct. 28th, of consumption, Miss Susan Butler, aged 59 years... funeral at her late residence, No. 50 Sullivan St., on Wed, at 2~ o’clock. P.M.
On Non, evening, Oct. 25th, Elon C. Prall, aged 26 years. Funeral at the residence of his parents, 245 Church Street, on Thurs., at 2 P.M friends of family invited to attend.
In this city, on the 27th inst., Hannah W., wife of Dr. Z.F. Chase,
aged 56 years.
Saturday, Nov. 16, 1867
In Southport, Sat., Nov. 9th, Elijah Griswold aged 66 years.
On Saturday evening, Nov. 9th, in the 5th Ward of the city, by accident,George Beecher, youngest son of James and Parthenia I. Hardy, aged two years.
On Thurs. the 31st inst., William, infant son of with, and Gertrude Robinson aged 1 year.
In this city, Sat, morning, Nov. 2d, Ellen N, Theme aged 21 years.
Saturday, Nov. 23, 1867
DIED: In this city, Nov. 19th, Mrs. Mary C, Little, aged 49 years.
In this city, on the 18th inst., Mrs. Rachel Vernooy, in the seventy—first year of her age.
At his residence in Big Flats, Nov. 14th, Judah R. Rowley, in the 62nd year of his age,
In this city, at the residence of her son, T.J.Terry, on the 13th
inst., Christian Terry, aged seventy years and seven months.
Saturday, Nov. 30, 1867
LOCAL NEWS: Intelligence of the death of a well known citizen was conveyed to his friends in this city on Monday morning ... telegram from Ithaca, Byron D, Fitch, a citizen of your city (Elmira) engaged in making coal tar sidewalks, was found dead in his bed this morning ... suicide ... member of the Central Baptist Church, Y.M.C.A. ... left brother (had been at Andersonville, which left him with periods of depression
Saturday, Nov. 30, 1867
DIED: At his residence last evening R. K.Wallace, aged 67 years.
Saturday, Dec. 7, 1867
DIED of disease of the heart, at Canandaigua, N.Y., on the 27th inst.,William,C. Potter, aged 34 years, 10 months and 27 days, Saturday, Dec. 14, 1867
KILLED ON THE RAILROAD: Train #1, on Sat, night, ran over and killed a man John Kelly ... not known. Was a laborer ... buried on Sunday.
Saturday, Dec. 21, 1867
DIED: On Saturday afternoon, Martha L, Badger, only daughter of H.M.Badger. of consumption. On Fri. morning, Nov. 15th, at 25 Jackson Street, Painesville,Ohio, Carrie A., wife of Horace S. Bovier, and daughter of Phillip Wilson,Esq., of Thompson, Ohio aged 25 years.
Saturday, Dec. 28, 1867
DIED: In this city, Dec. 23d, Mrs. Eliza Amberg, in the 31st year of her age.
In this city, on Mon., Dec.23d, Thomas McCaffrey, aged 43 years.
Saturday, Jan. 11, i868
DIED: Suddenly, on the 4th inst., in Whitehall, Mich., Emma son, Esq., aged 25 years.
DIED: In Baltimore, Maryland, Thurs. evening, Jan. 2d, Lucy, wife of W.L. Col— born and daughter of the late Joel Jones, aged 35 years.
Sunday morning, Jan. 5th, 186~, Mrs. Margaret Lathrop, of Otsego
cc., N.Y., widow of Deacon Lathrop, deceased and mother of Mr. D.0.Rice.
Saturday, Jan. 18,1868
DIED: In Southport, on the 15th Jan., Lucy A. Mapes, wife of J.R. Mapes, aged 33 years.
In this city, Mon. morning, Jan. 13th, Mrs. Adelia F. Steele, wife
of Mr. George Steele, in the 52d year of her age.
Saturday, Jan. 25, 1868
DIED: In the Third Ward of this city, Alpheus D, Shaft, on the 16th of Jan, inst., aged 45 years, 10 months and 7 days.
Saturday, Feb. 15, 1868
COMMUNICATION from the Chemung Valley Lodge # 350, Jan. 15, 1868 ... death of Chas. C. McKinney on the 1st of Jan. 1868, aged 54 years.
In this city, Feb. 9th, Mrs. Nellie B, Dore ( wife of Daniel Dore), in the 30th year of her age.
Saturday, Feb. 29, 1868
DIED: On Sat., Feb. 22d, at his residence in Southport, William A, Wiswell, in the 55th year of his age.
On Fri. morning, Jan. 31st, at his residence in Chemung, S.B.Lathrop,of consumption, in the 38th year of his age.
DIED: In this city, Mar 3d, of scarlet fever, George Coke, adopted son of Levi and Elizabeth Coke, aged six years, five months and twenty—seven days.
In this city, Friday afternoon, Feb. 28th, 1868, Ellen, wife of Lawrence Murray, aged 26 years.
In this city, on Thurs. evening, Feb. 27th, William C. Wood, son of Gilbert F. and Almy J. Wood aged eight months and two days,
Saturday, March 14, 1868
DIED: On Tues. Mar, 10, 1:08, at his residence, No. 4 Magee St., in this city, William B, Clark, in the 40th year of his age.
In Waverly, Fri. night, 6th inst., Susie B, infant daughter of SW. and Rose L. Tubbs, aged eighteen months.
At the residence of G. B. Bowman, No. 5 Park Place, Mar. 6th, Mr. Stephen F. Logee aged 27 years and 7 months.
In this city, Mon., at the residence of his mother, at the lower end of John street, Samuel Burchell, aged 13 years, 10 months, 24 days.
Saturday, March 28, 1868
SUDDEN DEATH: An old lady, 77 years of age, the mother of the wife
of John Donahue, who resided near the Catholic Church, on Market Street,
was found dead in her bed Wed, night, She had retired with her daughter,
seeming in her usual health. About eleven o’clock her daughter awoke to
fine her dead.
At her late residence, on Saturday, Mar. 21st, Mrs. Sybil Plaisted, aged 64 years T
In this city, on Sun., 15th inst., Mrs. Sarah Jane Davis, widow of
the late William R. Davis, in the 53rd year of her age.
Saturday, April 4, 1868
DIED: In this city, Mar. 31st, William Odell, aged 75 years (Soldier of the war of 1812, serving as private in Capt. Wallack’s Nil. N.Y. State)
Saturday, April 11, i868
DIED: In this city, on the 4th inst., Mrs. Lucretia Johnson, widow of the late John H, Johnson aged 74 years.
IN >~: Sts. Peter and Paul’s Benevolent Society advised, on April
7, 1868, of the death of Mr. Thomas Cahill.
Saturday, April 18, 1868
Funeral of Mrs. Decker ... Rev. Wm.. Paret D B killed in railroad wreck at Carr’s Rooks.
At 127 Water street on Sat. Apr. 18, Della, wife of Henry Radner, aged 18 years.
Nay 2, 1868
While at the residence of Mr. Greatsinger in the Town of Elmira, on the evening of the 23d of April, 1868, David D. McDowell, aged 49 years,10 months, and 20 days ... deceased was a resident of Waverly, Tioga Co.N.Y., eldest son of the late Hon. J.G. McDowell.
At Big Flats, Apr. 26, 1868, at the residence of her son, N. S. Mundy,Mrs. Hannah Mundy, widow of the late Reuben N. Mundy, aged 75 years.
In Harrison Township, Licking Co., Ohio, Mrs. Elizabeth Westlake,
wife of Isaac Westlake, aged 76 years and 7 months.
Saturday, May 9, 1868
DIED: Port Jervis, New York, Friday, Nay 8, of injuries received in railroad wreck at Carr’s Rocks, Seymour B. Fairman ... wife, brothers 0.0. and James B. Fairman. Editor of the Elmira Advertizer.
In Horseheads, April 23d, 1868, at the residence of Abram Stryker, Sarah Baker, aged 6c years. 5ister Baker was born in Tompkins Co., N.Y. ... joined the M.E. Church at Southport 42 years ago ... died of cancer.
In Boiling Springs; N.J., May 3d, 1868, at the residence of T. Beckwith,George Beckwith, aged 60 years.
On the 3d inst., at the residence of his father, Charles Wilson, near the Pennsylvania State line, Henry Wilson. (Of the firm Barton & Wilson of this city) aged 33 years, of consumption ... Congregational Church ... Thos. K. Beecher.
In this city, May 4th, 1868, Mrs. 5arah Bozzard aged 71 years.
In this city, on the 3d inst., Cornelia M., wife of Warren Coburn, aged 34 years and 4 months.
Saturday, May 16, 1868
DEATH: Washington Van Zandt died on the 4th inst., at Sing Sing, N.Y., in the 6oth year of his age. Rector at Trinity Church, Elmira about 26 years ago removed the Geneva and Rochester ... became an editor and writer.
The wife of Capt. Henry Tuthill, the former popular Seneca take Commander, expired on Tues, at Watkins, after a lingering illness ... funeral at Watkins on Friday.
Saturday, May 23, 1868
DIED: In the Town of Elmira, Saturday, May 10th, 1868, Josephine (formerly M~55 Roe), wife of Levi M. Georgia, aged 91 years, 3 months, and 23 days.
Saturday, May 30, 1868
: The body of Michael Maroony was found in the Chemung River opposite the place where the canal enters the river ... presumed to have fallen from the Main street Bridge while intoxicated ... left wife and children.
DIED: In Southport, on Tuesday, May 26th 1868, Mr. Charles Miller, in the 63 year of his age.
Saturday, June 6, 1868
THE SOLDIER DEAD: There are at present sleeping in: our cemeteries, the bodies of 2,937 Southern and l29 Northern Soldiers. Brevet Major Gen. Ingalls, Assistant Quarter Master General at New York County, has expressed orders, that suitable fences be erected about the places where they lie buried, the ground decorated and proper headboards to mark the grave of each. John Leavitt will visit New York to ascertain the details of these instructions and attend that they be carried out.
There are & few kind hearts who remembered to deck the graves of our soldiers
DIED: At Athens, Pa., Saturday evening, May 30th, 1868, Betsey, wife of John L.Drake aged 62 years.
In this city, on the~2dinst. at No. 90.Second Street, Daniel, son of
James B. Wilkin, aged 15 years.
DROWNING: The body of Michael Maroony was found in the Chemung river opposite the place where the canal enters the river ... presumed to have fallen from the Main street Bridge while intoxicated ... left wife and children.
DIED: In this city, Mon, morning, June 7 (or 8th?), 1868, Mrs. Elizabeth Out, in the 41st year of her age.
In this city, Sun. morning 7th inst., Frank Hall Cowan, aged 17 years. In this city, on the 7th inst., Rate Weld, infant daughter of the late J. Milton lice, aged 2 years and 9 months.
DIED: Sarah, wife of James P. Hathorn, died Thurs. morning, June 18th, aged 53 years,
In Southport, June 12th, Eliza V., wife of James S. Hall, aged 37 years, after a severe and lingering illness.
At Prairie du Chein, Wisc. on the 10th inst., Lieut. Lewis G. Dudley,formerly of Addison, Steuben County, aged 35 years, 9 months and 27 days.
In this city, June 17th, Mary, wife of Henry Voorhees, aged 55 years.
This ends the bound copies of this newspaper, on file in the Library of the Chemung County Historical Society.
Extracts made December 1987. Isabel B. Ridall.