


                                       DEATHS PAGE 7

                                   SECTION A  1830-1832

                                    SECTION TWO 1832-1834

THE ELMIRA GAZETTE published every Saturday by J. A. Smith, Elmira, Tioga County, New York. Terms; $2.0O per annum, $1.75 if paid in advance.

Bound copies in the Chemung County historical Society Library, Vol. II, No.101, July 17, 1830 to July 28, 1832.

MARRIAGES and DEATHS  — as communicated to the publisher. This was before New York State law required marriage, birth and death records be filed officially

Saturday, August 7, 1830
In New York, on the 18th ult. Mrs. Ann Healey consort of Mr. Peter Healy, of this place, aged 27 years.

At Catawissa, Columbia co., Pa.9 on Wednesday the 21st ult. Mr. James Covell aged about 25 years,  Formally of W Wilkes Barre, Pa.

Saturday, August 21, 1830
In Elmira, on the 16th inst., John H., son of Mr. John Suffern, Jr.  aged 2 years and 9 months.

Saturday, September 11, 1830
in Post—Town, on Sunday, the 12th inst., Mrs. Brown, wife of Mr. Daniel Brown, and daughter of Jacob Lowman, Esq.& of Chemung.

At Angelica, on the 9th inst., John Cook, Esq., District Attorney for the county of Allegany aged about 43 years.

In Auburn, on the 12th  inst., Rt. Rev, John Henry Hobart, Bishop of the diocese of New York, aged 838.

Saturday, October 9, 1830
In Southport the 2d inst., Mrs. Stull at the advanced  age of 90.(Sarah, wife of Jacob Stull. b. Nov. 2, 1741.)

ELMIRA GAZETTE Published every Saturday by J.A.Smith, Elmira, Tioga Co,  Saturday, November 6, 1830

In the town of Big—Flatt, on the 27th inst. Dr. John Reynolds, aged 30 years, In Oxford, Chenango Co. on the l4th ult., Mr. Daniel Mach, Editor of the Chenango Republican aged 29 years.

Saturday, January 29 1831
Mr.  Smith will please insert the death of Mr. Mitchell in his pager as a correction of the former insertion, The verdict of the Jury of Inquest, held over the body, was as follows: “That he came to his death by falling into the fire and burning to death.”
Henry Wells, Foreman of the Jury.

In Buffalo on the 16th inst., Mrs. Amanda Rochester, consort of the Hon. William B Rochester.

Saturday, February 12, 1831
In. Southport, on the 7th inst., Mrs. Mary Ann Durham, consort of Mr. John

In this village, Catharine Matilda, infant daughter of Mr. Lewis Kelly, aged 7 mo.

Saturday, February 26, 1831
At the Eagle Tavern, in this village, on the 3d inst., George W. Hurt , of the city of Albany. He had arrived about two weeks previous in a very feeble state of health, and sank gradually to the grave. He was about 35 years of age, and left a wife residing in the city of Albany.

In the town of Big Flatt, on the 18th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth Winans, consort of Clark Winans, aged 74 years.

Saturday, March 5, 1831
In this village, on Sunday last, William Henry, son of Mr. Ward Dudley, aged one year.

At Ithaca, on the 11th ult, Mrs. Eliza Terry aged 26 years, wife of Mr. Jacob Terry, and sister of Ward and Benjamin F Dudley of this village.

Saturday, April 2, 1831
The subscriber has formed a partnership in the publication of this  paper with Mr. Briton Paine The GAZETTE will therefore, commencing with this number, be published by Paine & Smith, to whom. in all communications, relating to said publication will in future be addressed.
Elmira, March 28, 1831 J. A. Smith

Saturday, April 10, 1831

MURDERED: We stop the press to announce that we are informed by the Sheriff of this county, that the body of an Irishman, by the name of Patrick De Lancey, was found yesterday near the late residence of Abm Bennett, Esq. in the town of Big—Flatt, and near the Feeder of the Chemung Canal, under such circumstances as to leave no doubt of his being murdered, The deceased had been but a few days in the place, and is said to have had a considerable sum of money in gold and bank bills, besides a certificate of deposit. in one of the New York banks for 1000 dollars. Forty one dollars in bills were found near the body. Circumstance lead to the conclusion that the murder must have been committed two weeks ago last Sunday, many marks of violence. Throat cut. Six or eight stab wounds in the breast and abdomen and one of his shoulders and one of his cheekbones were broken. The suspected murderers left the place shortly after the supposed time of his murder, and we trust that no effort will be spared to apprehend them.

Saturday, May 7, 1831
 In this village on the 2d inst., after a lingering illness, Mrs. Catherine Davis, consort of William Davis, aged about 42 years.

Saturday, May 11, 1831
In this village, on Tuesday evening, 10th inst., Harriett Briggs, daughter of Mr. E. Briggs, aged 12 years, 1 month, 21 days.

In Athens, Pa., on the 6th inst., Daniel McDuffee, in the 80th year of his age. He was a native of Ireland, and one of the first settlers in the county(country?)  and in whose house the unfortunate Col. Erwin was shot in the year 1790.

In Big Flatt, en the Aug 17th inst, Mm. Thomas Schofield, aged 75 years.

Saturday, September 27, 1831 (so dated — probably should have been Sept.

On Monday, the 29th inst (ultimo? — i.e. last month, August 29th), at his residence in the town of Big Fiatt, Mr. John Winans aged about 36 years. (long obit follows.)

Saturday, September 10, 1831
James Sloan in the 8th inst., in the 83rd year.  Member of congress from New Jersey. (Note, buried in Ware cemetery, Pennsylvania Ave, &. Mountain View drive Pine City, NY. A Revolutionary War Veteran.

In this village, or Thursday, 8th inst., Mrs. Eliza Wisner, wife of Mr. John W. Wisner, aged about 31 years.

In this town, on Tuesday, 6th inst., Mr. Solomon Reynolds, aged 67 years.

In Southport, on Mon. 5th inst., Mrs. Diantha Judsen, wife of Mr. Silas B.
Judson, aged about 52 years, (note: wife of Revolutionary Soldier, born Sept.
1, 1776, so 55 years of age.)

Saturday, September 17, 1831
In the village of Jefferson, on the 12th inst., Hr. John B. Osborn, aged about 35, a merchant of that place.

In this village  on the 2d inst., John A. Royal, son of Timothy Royal, aged 7 years and 5 months.

Nnov 19, 1831
In Big Flatt, on Friday night last, Mr. Clark Winan, aged about 75 years and one of the first settlers of this county.

Saturday, November 26 1831
In this village on Tuesday evening last, an infant child of Mr. Lutz, aged 1 year and 8 months. Its death caused by inhaling the steam of a boiling teakettle.

Saturday, March 3, 1832
In this village on the 28th ult., Mr. Ebenezer Merwin, aged about 46 years.

Published every Saturday by Smith and Paine. J.A.Smith, Proprietor.
Saturday, April 28, 1832
In Southport, on the ------ inst., Mr. Ebenezer Oviatt, a Revolutionary pensioner, aged 70 years

Saturday, May 5, 1832
In Jackson, Bradford Co., Pa., on Wednesday, April 25th, Mrs. Booth, wife of Elder John Booth. She had been a worthy professor of the Christian religion. , Left a husband with eight children to mourn their loss.

In Big Flatt, Tuesday 1st inst. Mr, Roswell Goff, aged ------years.

In Elmira, on Wednesday the 2d inst., Elijah Jackson, second son of John Jackson, Esq.  aged 16 years.  He came to his death by the measles.
Found life is like a summer’s day,
With storms and. winds o’er spread;
Life flits on easy wings away —
We’re born, we live, we’re dead.
Saturday, May 12, 1832
In this village, on Friday morning, and 11th inst., Charles D. Infant son of Major Isaac Baldwin, aged 10 months.

Saturday, June 2, 1832
In Rochester, on the 13th ult., after a short illness of four days, Miss Hannah McClure Lawrence, daughter of the late Robert Lawrence, Esq. Aged about 17 years.
Saturday, June 23, 1832
In Canton, Bradford Co., Pa., Mrs. Louise, wife of Jonathan R. Pratt, leaving a disconsolate husband and eight children to mourn the loss of a faithful and affectionate wife and mother. In her death a numerous circle of relatives and acquaintances lament the loss of a kin- and obliging friend and neighbor... an exemplary Christian. Canton, June 9, 1832.

Saturday, July 7, 1832
In this town on the 30th  ult.  Jul8a Ellen Maxwell, daughter of the Hon. Thomas Maxwell. Aged 16 years and 3 months.

June 23, 1832
In the town of Southport, on the 2nd inst., of a lingering and fatal cssea .e which he bore with calm and patient resignation to the will of God, George Hyde, Esq, aged 49 years. left a wife and four children. Immigrated to this country in early life from Franklin, New London Co.  Conn.

In Chemung, on the 4th inst Anna, and on the 5th inst., Martha, daughters of Isaac and Deborah Shepard. The former aged 6 years and 5 months and the latter 1 year and 9 months. Both eases of short and severe illness.

Saturday, July 14, 1832
In this village  on the 11th inst., Jane Ann, daughter of Ransom Birsdall, aged 6 months wanting one day.

Saturday, July 28, 1832
In the city of New York, on the 11th inst., Dr. George Hibbard, of the town of Catherine, aged 46 years.

DEATHS 1832-1834
Section Two
ELMIRA REPUBLICAN, Edited by Ransom Birdsall, Published weekly by Birdsall and Elias S. Huntley. Printers, Book—binders, and Book Sellers.

Terms: To Village subscribers $2.50 cents a year. To those living out of the village who call at the office, and those who reserve the paper by mail, $2.00. No paper discontinued without payment of arrearages. All letters, communications, and advertizemerts must come postage free, or they will not be attended to.  Advertizements inserted at the usual rates. A liberal deduction to those who advertize by the year.  Books, Pamphlets, Handbills, Cards, Blanks etc., and all kinds of printing, executed at the shortest notice and lowest prices.

April 7, 1832
In this village, on the 2d inst., Francis, son of Mr. William Murphy, aged 6 months and 13 days.

May 10, ,l832
At Lansingville, on the 11th inst., Mrs. Anna Baker, aged 64 years, consort of Samuel Baker, Esq., leaving a large number of children and an extensive acquaintance to lament her death. She and her husband, with few exceptions, the first settlers of the Town of Milton.

In Phelps, on the 6th inst., Mrs. Sylvia, wife of Levi Hayward Age 30.

In Waterloo, on the 6th, Mrs. Sarah, wife of Ira Johnson.

In Hopewell, on the 8th, Mrs. Mercy, wife of George Brundage, aged 55.

In Seneca, on the 12th inst., Abraham H. Welsh, aged 38 years.

In Buffalo, the 8th Inst., Mrs. Catharine Thompson, aged 39 — wife of Capt. Sheldon Thompson and daughter of Maj. Benj. Barton of Lewiston.

In New York, the 8th inst., Nathaniel H.  Perry, Esq., Purser of the U.S.Navy.

In Hartford, Conn., on the 12th tilt., Mr. John I. Wells, aged 63, inventor of Well’s Patent Lever Press. Mr. Wells was a minister of the Society of Friends

In Marion, Wayne Co., on the 4th inst., in the 47th year of her age, Mrs. Pamelia Hall, wife of Mr. Amasa Hall, and mother of Mr. S.R. Hall of Geneva.

May 12, 1832

In this village, on the 11th inst., Charles, son of Mr. Isaac Baldwin, aged 10 months and 2 days.

In Tioga village, Pa., 1st inst., Christine, infant daughter of J.B. Shurtleff, aged 2 months.

At Washington City, on the 27th ultimo, Joseph Sherrill, Esq., of the General Post office late of Ithaca.

At Augusta, Georgia, on the 21st ult., in the 52d year of his age, William Slosson, Esq., a distinguished member of the New York bar., He was on his way to New Orleans, whither he had been for the benefit of his health.

Sat June 9, 1832
DROWNED: The Havana Observer states that a boy named Joseph Davis was drowned in the Inlet of Seneca Lake. He was alone in a boat and probably fell out.

June 23, 1832
At Reading, on Sunday the 10th inst., after a lingering illness, Joseph Hiester, formerly Gov. of Penna.

At his residence at South Mount, S.C., on the 1st inst., General Sumpter, a Revolutionary Soldier.

July 7, 1832
In the city of New York, on the 11th inst., Dr. George Hibbard, of the town of Catharine, aged 46 years. (Notice also appeared in the Elmira Gazette.)

In this town on the 30th  ult. Julia Ellen Maxwell daughter of the Hon. Thomas Maxwell aged 16 years  and 8 months. also reported in the Elmira Gazette, of July 7, 1832.

July 21, 1832 In Albany on the 10th inst. of apoplexy, Gen John. H. Wendell aged 80 yrs. an officer of the Revolution.

August 11, 1832
On the 3d inst., at the Cayuta Lake, Richard Lawrence in the 19th year of his age, son of Samuel Lawrence, of Catharine.

In Nichols Tioga co. NY on the 29th ult. Robert infant son of Mr. Charles R. Barstow.

Died in the town of Tioga at the residence of his father,Mr. John S,. boardman, n the 25th year of his age. The primary cause of his death is supposed to have originated in an accidental blow received upon his head from a stick of timber, when in the act of entering  a lock at the Shamokin dam. The deceased resided in this village for the last ten years, in the capacity of clerk to Mr. John Arnot, during which time he had acquired many ardent and affectionate friends.

Nov. 24, 1832
In big Flat of comsumption on the 16th Mre. Hannah Badger aged 24 yrs.

In this village on the 17th inst. Baltus Ransom aged 15 month and twenty five days son of Mr. Orizon Birdsell, later of Poughkeepsie, dutchess Co. NY.

Dec. 1, 1832
On the 21st int. at the Genesee Weslyan  Seminary in Lima, John Kline Roe, in the 25th yrs. of his age.

At his residence in Ovid, on the 19th ult., in the 90th year of his age, the Hon. Silas Halsey.

On Monday evening suddenly, at Brown’s Hotel in Washington City, the Hon. Philip Doddridge, a Representative in Congress from the State of Virginia, aged about sixty years.

December 8, 1832
On the 30th ult., Mrs. Lurinda Ellsworth, consort of Sidney Ellsworth, in the 25th year of her age.

Notice to creditors of Charles C. Adams, late of the town of Catlin, deceased. Dated Catlin, Nov. 29, 1832.

February 9, 1833
In this village, on the 5th inst., an infant son of Mr. William Foster.

In Southport, on the 5th inst;, Doct. A. Gates White, aged 67 years.

February 16, 1833
In this town, on the 11th inst., Mr. Seth Carter, aged 50 years.

February 23, 1833

OBITUARY: Departed this life, after an illness of seven days, Meribeth Bird, wife of Benjamin T. Bird of the town of Southport, Tioga co., aged 49 years, 9 months and 6 days. The deceased was a member of the Methodist E. Church for more than thirty years, during all of which, her walk was irreproachable

March 9, 1833
In the town of Big Flatt, on the 3d inst., Mrs. Evaline N’Nulty, consort of John M’Nulty,(?McNulty) aged about 27 years.

Saturday, March 16, 1833
In Big Flatts, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Joseph Pearsall, of Painted Post, Mr. Shepherd Moody, to Miss Zerua Smith, both of Big~ Flatts.

In Tottenham, England, on the 24th December, the Rev. George Whitfield, the celebrated preacher, aged 79 years.

Saturday, March 30, 1833
In this village on the 25th inst., Miss Jane Barney .

Saturday, March 23, 1833
In this village on the evening of the 9th inst., in the 76th year of her age, Mrs. Gertrude Lewis, wife of George Lewis, formerly Governor of this state, and sister of the late Chancellor Livingston.

In this village, on the 21st inst., Francis Stillman, infant son of Mr. Harry Smith, aged 4 months and 11 days.

In this village, on the 22d inst., Mrs. Mary, consort of Mr. Frederick Granger, aged 55 years, 5 months and 7 days, after a lingering illness of 19 months. The funeral will be attended at the Methodist Chapel today (Saturday) at 1 o‘c1ock P.M.

Elmira Republican, Saturday April 20,1833
In Ithaca, on the 16th inst. John Miller, Esq., formerly the first Judge of this county and resident of this town, aged 72 years.

In Geneva, on the 2d inst., after a short but painful illness, Mr. Moses H. Severance, late of Waterloo, of the firm of R. Robins and Co., booksellers.

At St. David’s, Upper Canada, on the 8th inst., Mrs. Jemima Stewart, aged 109 years. - In her younger days Mrs. S. resided on the Susquehanna river, State of New York, and for the last fifty years lived where she died. Her husband departed this life a few years ago at the age of 96. They have children now living at the age of 80, and grand children at 60, and a large number of great grand children.

At Washington, D.C., on the 26th ult., age 68 years, Michael Hogan, Esq., Consul—General of the United States at Chili, and formerly a merchant in the City of New York.

Saturday, May 11, 1833
In this vi1lage on Monday the 6th inst., two infant children (twins) of D. Davis.

On Wednesday evening, Marshall R., son of E.Jones, aged 8 months.

May 4 , 1833, -
In Chemung, on Tuesday last, Mrs. Hiester, consort of Mr. Matthias Heister, aged about 70 years.

May 18, 1833
Of Scarlet Fever, in Southport, on the 17th inst., Cordelia, daughter of Chandler C. and Levina Doud, aged 3 years, 1 month, & 4 days.
“So fades the lovely blooming flower,
Cut down and wither’d in an hour.”
Funeral to be attended today (Saturday) at 1 o’clock P.M. at the home of Mr. Forbes, in Southport.

The Great Freshet— Jesse Carpenter, aged about 18 years, and son of the late Joseph Carpenter, of this town, was drowned on Monday last, while attempting, in company with five others in a canoe to take up a raft (of logs), the canoe was upset:— two succeeded in gaining the shore by swimming, two got upon the raft, and one on the bottom of the canoe. Young Carpenter caught hold of a log floating near him, and kept himself above water for some time, but at length let go his hold and sank — he rose once, and then sank to rise no more. Those on the raft and canoe escaped.

May 25, 1833
In Phelps, on the 10th inst., after a lingering illness, which he endured with christian fortitude, Chauncey Swan, in the 30th year of his age.

June 15, 1833
In this village, yesterday morning, Benjamin, infant son of Mr. Stephen C. Fowler, aged about 1 year.

In Southport, on the 12th inst., Mr. Freeborn Swain, aged 22 years, late of Tunkhannock, Luzerne Co., Pa.

In Owego, on the 12th inst., of consumption, Mr. David Riddle, a young man of much promise, and till his illness prevented, a clerk in the County Clerk’s office.

June 22, 1833
In this town, on Sunday last, of apoplexy, Mr. Samuel R. C. Gee, aged
about 24 years. He was sitting at a table writing, and fell dead upon the floor.

In Chemung, on Saturday last, after an illness of one week, Mr. Hophni Smith,
aged about 43 years.

June 29, 1833
In Cohocton, Steuben county, on the 15th inst., of consumption, Mrs. Adelaide Hubbard in the 27th year of her age, wife of Mr. Salmon Hubbard, Merchant, and daughter of Mr. James Sears, formerly of this village. Brought to this place and funeral attended at the Presbyterian meeting house. An appropriate discourse was delivered by Rev. Mr. Hubbard of Dansville from 1 Cor.7; 29—30.

July 6, 1833
In Lew York, on Saturday last, Elisha Williams, Esq., of Waterloo, Seneca Co., late of Hudson, Columbia Co.

In Covert, Seneca Co., on the 14th ult., the Hon. Levi Wheeler, in the 57th year
of his age.

In Southport, on Tuesday morning last, Mrs. Mary, consort of Mr. John Hobert, aged about 21 years. She was well on Sunday previous and died of fits, supposed to have caused in part by eating cherries.

At Williamsport, on the 6th inst., of a pulmonary disease, Mr. John Ross, formerly a stage proprietor on the mail route from Washington city to Buffalo.

At his residence in Chemung, on the 11th inst., after a lingering illness, Benjamin Wynkoop, aged 64 years.

July 27,1833
On Saturday, the 20th inst., ELiza Ann, daughter of Mr. Richard F. Seabury, aged about four months.

Aug 3, 1833
Died in the town of Tioga, on the 25th ult. after a short illness, Mr. Alvan Pratt, a respectable and valuable citizen of that town, aged 28 yrs.

August 10, 1833
In this village, on Tuesday, the 6th inst, John S. Shockey, son of
Mr. John L. Shockey, aged 1 year. (See the Elmira Gazette Dec. 30, 1841 and
Apr. 30, 1839.)

In Detroit, Mich., on the 13th inst., Mr. Harvey Griswold (brother of Heman
Griswold of Troy, N.Y. and brother of Mr. John Griswold of Troy, Pa.), aged
34 years.

In Moury Co., Tenn., on the 14th ult., Abraham Bocard, being 118 years and -4 days old  born in the state of Maryland.

August 17,1833
In this village, on Sunday the 11th inst, of consumption, Mr. James Coleman, aged 35 years.

August 17, 1833
On Saturday morning last, August 3, at his residence near Jersey Shore, Lycoming co., Pa., William Boyd Smith, Esq.: death caused by an accident in driving a load of hay into his barn; the load being too high, his back came in contact with the beam or girder over the door, by which he received a severe injury, causing a suppression of the spinal marrow, from which he lingered only a few days.

August 24, 1833
In this village, on the 21st inst., Frances Augusta, daughter of Mr. Silas T. Carr, aged 2 months and 22 days (See Elmira Gazette Jul. 11, 1840)

In Southport, on the same day, Loisa, daughter of Elijah Griswold, aged 7 September 14, 1833
At his residence in Burdette, on the 3d inst., Mr. Peter DeMotte, aged 44 years.

In Havana on the 8th inst., after a long and protracted illness, caused by a lumbar abcess, Mr. Hiram Cook, aged 31 years.

September 28, 1833
In Schenectady, on the 15th inst., Dr. F. B. Gillett, late of this village, aged 32 years. Dr. Gi1lett, a young man of much promise, and had just commenced the practice of medicine.

In Chemung, on Wednesday last, Mr. James Stage.
October 5, 1833 12.
In the city of Schenectady, Sept. 15th, 1833, Dr. Fidelio B. Gillett, aged 32. He was confined to his bed 4 weeks and 4 days. Typhus. Inflammation of the brain. Funeral Monday, at 4 P.M. (See Sept. 28 notice.)

October 10, 1833
On the 7th inst., Amelia, infant daughter of Mr. Reuben Lyon.

In this town, on the 16th inst., Mrs. Julia Decker, consort of Mr. Garret Decker., aged 54.

November 2, 1833
In Chemung, on Monday last, Doct. John Goodwin, aged 78 years.

In this village, on the 31st ult., Thomas, son of Mr. Francis Collingwood, aged 2 years and 6 months.

Elmira Republican, November 23, 1833
In this town, on the 9th inst., Col. Selah Mathews, in the 72d year of his age.

In this town, on the 19th inst., suddenly by bleeding at the lungs, Mr. Civilian Loop, aged about 40 years. He was walking about the village the day previous, but had been subject to bleeding of the lungs for some months.

In this village, on the 22d inst., Mrs. Lucy Willard, consort of Asa Willard, aged 43 years.

December 7, 1833
In the town of Chemung, on Tuesday the 28th ult., Mrs. Beidleman, consort of Mr. Samuel Beidleman, after a lingering illness, in the 83d year of her age. She lived respected; died regretted.

December 14, 1833
In this village, on the 12th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth, consort of Mr. Ephriam Wheeler of Veteran, aged 53 years.

Saturday, December 24, 1833
In Southport, on the 17th inst., Mr. George Brown, aged 76 years, one of our Revolutionary fathers, who was a man of worth and merit. He lived as the word of God teaches, rendering good for evil, and died in the triumph of living faith. (Note by compiler: Buried in the Roushy cemetery, Town of Ashland, Chemung county. “Died December 17, 1833, aged 76 years, 7 months, 7 days. A Soldier of the Revolution. ‘My glass is cut. My race is run. My work in Christ completely done.’

Jan 18, 1834
In this village after a protracted illness, on the 16th inst., Mrs. Margery Lyon, consort of Mr. Reuben Lyon, in the 31st year of her age.

January 25, 1834
In this town on the 20th inst., Oliver H. Perry, son of Mr. Frederick Baker, aged 7 months and 8 days.

February 8, 1834
In the town of Erin, on the 5th inst., Mrs. Millicent Tuthill, consort of Col. John Tuthill, in the 72nd year of her age. (See Elmira Gazette, March 6, 1845  Col. Tuthill death.)

The microfilm record of this newspaper ended at this date. Steele Memorial Library, Elmira, New York. Extracts made 1988, Isabel E. Ridall, Elmira, New York.