
                                  JOHN BOWMAN-New Jersey
NJ 2nd Bat. Captain  Wm. Falkners  Co.
2nd Regiment of NJ troupes commandant by Col. Wm. Maxwell from Oct. 31, 1775 to Jan.  17, 1776.
Commissioned Nov. 11, 1775 [Lt.]
Commissioned Sept. 11, 1777 Capt.
Commissioned Feb. 11, 1783 Major.
 Places served Hutts Morriston NJ
Dobbs Ferry, Jersey Camp, Mammouth County
Newark march 26, 1779 Easton, Wyoming, Eastown.

Brother to Nathaniel Bowman, Major in the Centennial Army NJ line.
John Peter was lawyer for John Bowman
He was issued 400 acres May 16, 1803
Halifax Co. Va. gave brother John the land entitled while Major  NJ line.
also Money owed from John Turner[Jr?] Merchant of NY also Israel Hellen merchant New Ark [Newark] N J.
gave a suit for genteel mourning for Mr. John Hicks his lady and son  which he gave to each.
Appointed friend John Hicks and brother John Bowman Executor.