
  New York "Knickerbocker" Families; Origin and Settlement NEW YORK "KNICKERBOCKER" FAMILIES; ORIGIN AND SETTLEMENT. By JOEL N. ENO, A.M.
  Though Verrezzani in 1524 probably entered the lower bay, Henry Hudson, captain in the employ of the Dutch East India Company, in Sept., 1609, guided the first ship, the Half Moon, past Manhattan, and up the Hudson river nearly to Albany. The company began a trading post, called Mannahatta (Manhattan) in 1614; and in 1615 another at Fort Orange (now Albany). In 1624, the Dutch West India Company made a permanent settle�ment on Manhattan; it sent Peter Minuits as governor, who arrived 1625 with a company who settled Breukelen (Brooklyn). In 1629, the West India Company inaugurated a system of settlement by what are now called manors, somewhat like the plantation system of Virginia, with Wouter Van Twiller as agent, to buy tracts from the Indians, and then to grant to the leaders of colonies, who were called patroons, each a manor with 16 miles front on the rivers, and extending back as far as needed. Minuits was recalled in 1633, and led a Swedish colony to Delaware in 1638; Van Twiller governed till 1638, Wm. Kieft from 1638 till 1647, and Peter Stuyvesant from 1647 till 1664, when the Dutch surrendered their claims to the Duke of York. Col. Nichols governed till �667; Lovelace, from 1667 till 1674, succeeded in Oct., �674, by Sir Edmund Andros; he by Cal. Thomas Donan, 1683; he in 1688 by Francis Nicholson, who in 1689 was imprisoned by Jacob Leisler till March, 1691, when Col. Sloughter, the new royal governor, arrived; Fletcher succeeded in 1692; the Earl of Bellamont in 1698, and so on, a succession of royal governors till the Revolution. The Dutch settlements were mostly confined to the Hudson valley below Troy, and western Long Island, with a few in northeastern New Jersey, for the early immigration was not nearly as large nor as widely distributed as that to Massa�chusetts, though drawn from the whole south coast of the North Sea. The settlers belonged mainly to the Dutch Reformed church, Presbyterian in organization, but there was general toleration of religious beliefs. Barheit, Jeronimus Hanse, in. at Albany, 1684. Barkeloockefloo, Borkelo), Wyllein Jansen van; his family originally Bor(c)keloe, a community near Zutphen in Gelderland; he came to New Amsterdam before 1662; settled at Flatlands, L. I., 1683. Beeckman, Martin Hendricksen, from Hamelwaard in the Duchy of Bremen, 1638, to serve the patroon Van Rensselaer at Rensselaerwyck near Albany; 3 sons and 3 daus. Beekman, Wilhelmus, from Hasselt in Overyssel, Holland, settled at New Amsterdam, 1647. Benson, Dirck, from Groningen to New Am�sterdam, 1648; to Beverwyck (Albany), 1654. Bergen, Hans Hansen van (alias H. H. van Bergen in Noorwegen, and H. H. Noorman=H. H. v. B. of Norway, or H. H. the Norseman), via Holland to New Amsterdam, 1633. Bergen, Martin Gerretsenvan, from Holland to Beverwyck, 1630; descendants on the Hud�son, above the Highlands. Bleecker, Jan Janse, 1658 from Mep�pci in Overyuel to Beverwyck. Bogardus, Everardus, 1633 in New Amsterdam. Bogart, Cornelis van der, from Schoender�woert, near Leerdam, Holland, before 1640 to Rensselaerwyck; children in Albany. His brother, Gysbert, was in New Amsterdam,1640; in Catskill before 1661; four sons. Boerum, Remsen (van) (son of Renimert Jansen Vanderbeek), in. Brooklyn, 1647. Bontecon, (Du. Bontekoe, brindled cow), Pierre, va France and England to New York, 1689. Brevoort, Hendrick J., 1650 at New Amersfoort, Id. I. Brokaw= Broucard, Bourger (Huguenot), from Mannheim in the Rhine Palatinate to Bushwick, L. I., 1684. Brower=Brouwer Kerckhoven, Adam, 1647 in Brooklyn. Buskirk, see Van Buskirk.
  Conover=Couwenhoven, Woifert Gerretsen van, from Amers�foort in Utrecht province to Rensselaerwyck, 1630; orig. from Couwenhoven or Kauwenhoven, a village 9 miles southwest of Amersfoort. Cortelyou=Corteljau, Jacques (Hug), to New Ut�recht, N. Y,; at Flatbush, L. I, 1684. Cuyler, Hendrick, 1664, Albany.
  De Forest, Henry and Isaac (sons of Jan), from Amsterdam, to Harlem, N. Y., 1636. Delamater (de la Maitre), Claude, from Artois, France, via Amsterdam, to Flatbush, L. I. Delancey= Etienne de Land, Caen, Normandy, 1686, to N. Y. Dc Peyster, Johannes, from Haarlem, Holland, to New Amsterdam about 1645. Devoe=De Veaux, Frederick, in N. Y., 1675. Dewees, Cornelius, Lewis and Willem, three sons of Gerrett Hendrickse, De Wees (the orphan), born at Leeuwarden, Friesland; they were in Germantown1 Pa., in 1690. Douw, Volckert Janszen, from Leenwarden to Beverwyck, 1638. Duyckinck=Duyckingh, Evert, Holland, to New Netherland.
  Flagler=Fleigler, -, from Westheim in Franconia, 1711, to Holland; 1735 to Dutchess Co., N. Y. Flypsen, Frederick, 1647 Bolswaert, Friesland, to Ne Amsterdam, ancestor of Philipse family. Frelinghuysen, Rev. Theodorus Jacobus, from Friesland
  Gansevoort, -, from Groningen, Holland, to Albany. Girard, Stephen, born near Bordeaux, France; to N. Y., 1774; Phila�delphia, 1776. Goelette, Francois, from France to New York City, 1676. Groesbeck, Claes, Rotterdam to Beverwyck, 1624; Y. City, 1696. Gouverneur, Nic. Pierre, 1663, New Amster�dam. Gulick, Hendrik, Netherlands to New Netherland, 1653.
  Hardenbergh, Gerrit Janse, 1667 at Albany; of Hardenbergtown, Overyssel. Hasbrouck, Isaac, from France (orig. Haze�brouck, in dept. Nord=Flemish Haesebroek), to Ulster Co., N. Y., 1673. Haughwout (Hoogwood or Hauwert, village near Hoorn in N. Holland), Pieters�n van, to N. Y. Hegeman, Adriaan, from Amsterdam to Flatbush, L. I.,1650 or 1651. Hoaglaad= Hoogland, Cornelis Dircksen, Holland to New Amsterdam before 1645; Hoogland =Hoogland, Cornelis Dircksen, Holland, Cornelius Hoogland before 1645; Hooglant, Dirck Janse m. NY 1662(orig. from Hoogland, a village near Amersfoort). Hoffman, Martin H., born in Esthonia; 1657 New Netherland. Houghtaling=Du. Hoogteling, Mathys, 1676 Albany=high begetting. Hun. Har�menT., 1661, Beverwyck, from Amersfoort, Hol.
  Kip=Kype, Henry de, Amsterdam to New Amsterdam, 1635. Knickerbocker=Knickerbacker, Herman Jansen, from Friesland to New Amsterdam, before 1700. Koeynians, Barent Pieterse, 1636 from Utrecht to Coeymans.
  Lansing, Gerret, from Hasselt in Overyssel, to New Amster�dam before 1640, with 3 sons and 3 daus., thence to Rensselaerwyck 1650. Lawrence Wm, from Mass. To Flushington L.I. 1644. Le Conte, Guillaume (Hug.), from France to New Rochelle, N. Y., 1698. Lefferts, from a son of Leffert Pietersen van Haughwout; see also Haughwout. Livingston, Robert, born at Ancrum in Roxburghshire, Scotland; in Charlestown, Mass., 1673; thence to Albany, N. Y. Lockermans, Govert, 1633, Jacob and 1642, Pieter, in New Netherlands, brothers, from Turnhout, Holland. Lott, Pieter, from Reynerwout village an Drenthe province, Holland, to Flatbush, L. L. 1652-3.
  Metselaer, Tennis Teunisse, Holland to Beverwyck, 1641.
  Poihemius. Theodorns, Holland to New Amsterdam before 1680. Provoost, Willem, Amsterdam to New Netherland, 1624.
  Quackenbos(ch), Pieter van, from Oostgeest, Holland to New Amsterdam about 1670; thence to Albany before 1688,
  Rapaije, Joris Jansen (Hug.), Ft. Orange, 1623; New Amster�dam, 1626. Remsen, from a son of Rem(mert) Jansen Vander beeck, from Holland to Beverwyck, 1642. Roosevelt=Rozenvelt, Klaas Martensen van, from Holland to New Amsterdam, 1649. Rutgers, Capt. Harmen, Holland to New Netherland, 1642-45. Ryerson=Reyerse(n), Ryerse, from Amsterdam; m. at New Am�sterdam, 1663. Schenck, Roelof Martense, from Amersfoort, Holland, to New Amsterdam 1650. Schermerhorn, Jacob Janse, from Waterland, Holland, to Beverwyck, 1636. Schoonmaker, Henry, Germany to Ulster Co., N. Y.. before 1653. Schuyler, Philip Pieterse, from Holland; his first m. in Beverwyck, Dec. 12, 1650; wife Marz. van Schlechtenhorst. Stoothoff, Elbert Elbertse, from Nieukerken in N. Brabant to New Amsterdam about 1632, Stuyvesant, Pieter, from Friesland to New Amsterdam, 1647. Stryker, Jan, from Ruinen in Drenthe province to Flatbush, L. I., 1652. Snydatn, Hen�drick Reycke, from Suytdam or Zuytdam, Holland, to N. Y., 1663. Swartwout. Roelof. and Thomas. Holland to New Netherland, 1651;
  Tappan=Tappen, Jurian Teunisse, Holland to Beverwyck, 1662; another Tappan=Eng. Toppan or Tapping, in Milford, Conn., 1639; settled at Southampton, L. I.
  N. B.�The regular mode of forming family names in the Low Countries or Netherlands (Holland and Belgium), as in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Iceland was patronymic; that is, the Christian-name of the father was the basis of the last name of the son; so Remsen, the son of Rem(mert) Jansen; the ending�sen, the same as son, in English John-son, is varied to -zen, and often shortened to -Se; as in Jan-se=son of Jan (Eng. John); Direk-se, son of Didrik or Dedrick; Teunis-se, son of reunis (Antony); but this mode resulting in many duplicate names, there grew into use, as a temporary expedient for distinguishing between duplicate names, the affixing of the native place of each;
  with the preposition of location, usually van==of; occasionally te, ten, ter=at the; as in the following:
  Ten Broeck, Johannes (=J. at the Marsh), of Holland; had a son born at Albany, 1686. Ten Eyck, Coenradt (=C. at the Oak), Amsterdam to New Amsterdam, 1653. Terhune, Albert Al�bertse (=A. A. at Huinen, a village in Gelderland), at Gravesend, L. I., 1631; another baptized at New Amsterdam, 1651. Ter�williger, - (=at Willige, a parish in Utrecht province); in Schenectady, 1700. Tunison=Teunisen, son of Teunis Nyssen or Duyse, from Binnick or Benneken, village near Arnhem in Gelderland, to New Amsterdam, 1638.
  Updike=Du. op dyk or dijk, (dwelling) upon the dike.
  Van A1len of Allen, parish in Westphalia; Lourena, thence to Beverwyck, 1630? Van Alstyne, see Van Olstine or Huisteyn. Van Amburgh=of Hainburgh; to New Amsterdam. Van Ars�dale=Du. van Arsdalen, Symon Jansen, from Holland, 1653 to Flatsiands, L. I. Van Benschoten=Du. van Bunachoten, a village in Utrecht province; to New Netherland. Van Brunt, Rutger Joosten, Holland to New Utrecht, L. I., *653. Van Buren (Beuren), Hendrick Corneils, orig. of Buren, a town in Gelder�land; to L. I., 1683. Van Buskirk=Du. van Beskerck; Holland to New Netherland. Van Camp=Du. van Campen=of Kampen, a town in Overyssel province, Holland; to New Netherland. Van Cleef, Van Cleeve, bu.=of Cleves, a town in Rhenish Prussia; to New Netherland, 1630. Van Corlear (Carrelaar)=Van Curler, Arendt, Holland to Rensselaerwyck, 1630;Jacobus at Harlem on Manhattan, 1653. Van Cortlandt, Oloff Stevense, Holland to New Netherland, 1638. Van Cott, Claes Cornelise, Holland to New Netherland, 1652. Vandeleur=Du. van de Leur=of Leur, village in N. Brabant. Van der Beek or Vanderbeeck, Rem(mert) Jansen, from Holland to Beverwyck, 1642; orig. from Beek (=brook), a parish in BelgiunL Vanderbilt=van der Bylt, Jan Aertsen, from Holland to Flatbush, L. I., about 1640; in New Amsterdam, 1653; orig. probably from bet Bildt, a bailiwick in Friesland, which certainly gives name to a famed Du. family; but there is a parish, de Bilt, near Utrecht. Van den Bergh (alias van Wesep). Gysbert Cornelisen, Holland to Rensselaerwyck 1645. Van der Burgh, Du.=of the city. Van der Donck, Adriaen, from Belgium to Beverwyck, 1641; orig. from Donck, a parish in Lunburg, Belgium. Vanderlyn=Du van der Lijn=of the rope or flax. Van der Poel, Wynant Gerretse, Holland to Beverwyck, 1647. Van der Veer (Vandever), Cornelis Jansen, from Aick-rnaar, N. Holland, to Flatbush, L. I., 1659: (Ver=ferry). Vander�voort,�from Vandermonde in Vlaenderen. Netherlands; m. at New Amsterdam, 1640. Van Deursen (Deusen, Duursen), Abra�ham, from Holland to New Amsterdam, thence to Fort Orange or Beverwyck, where was Pieter Abrahanisen, in 1657; m.. at N. Y., 1666: (Deursen is a hamlet in N. Brabant). Van Devanter=var* Deventer, a town in Overyssel. Vandewater, Jacobus=Du. van de Water=of the water; to New Amsterdam, 1653. Van Dorn= Du. van Doom, a parish near Utrecht. Van Driessen, Revs. Johannes and Petrus (sons of Petrus of Belgium); P. to Albany, 1712; J. later. Van Dyke=van Dyck, Jan Thomasse, at New Utrecht, L. I., 1652; brothers Claes and Hendrick Thomasse (Sons of Thomas Janszen van Dyck), in New Amsterdam before 1662. Van Dyne (Dine, Tine)=Van Duyn, Gerret Cornelise, of Neu�kerck, Zeeland, Netherlands, with his brother-in-law, Jacques Corteljau, to New Amsterdam, 1649; orig. from Duin or Dun, a hamlet in N. Brabant. Van Haughwout, Leffert Pietersen, from Netherlands to Flatbush, L. I., 1660; hence Haughwout and Lefferts families. Van Horn,�e=van Hoorn, a town in N. Hol�land. Van Hulsteyn (Olstine, Alstyne). to New Amsterdam=of Holstein. Van Kirk=van Kerek, Du.=of the church. Van Len�nep=of Lenuep, a town, river and district in Rhenish Prussia. Van Meter=Du. van Meteren. Van Name=Du. van Namen, a Parish in Westpalia. Van Ness, Hendrickk Gerritizen from Emberland, Holland, m. at New Amsterdam, 1654=of Nee, a village in Friesland. Van Nest (Ness), Pieter, Pieterse, Utrecht, Netherlands to New Amsterdam, 1647; Brooklyn. 1687. Van Norden=Du. van Noorden=of the north. Van Nostrand=van Noordstrand (=north strand or shore), Jan Hansen, Holland to Flatbush, L. I., 1639. Van Rensselaer, Kiliaen; was granted a tract, Rensselaerwyck, in Albany Co.; his son Jeremias arrived there 1658. Van Rozenvelt, probably= Rosenfeld in Holstein; see Roosevelt. Van Sandt or Sant, see Van Zandt. Van Schaick, Gozen Gerritse, in Beverwyck about I62. Van Schuyler, see Schuyler. Van Sicklen, Antonie, 1635, New Amsterdam, from Ghent. Van Slyck or Slyke=of Slijk�Ewijk in Gelderland. Van Vecliten (Vecht, Veghte), Clacs Arentse, from Drenthe province to New Amsterdam, 1660; settled in Brooklyn. Van Vechten, Tennis Dirckse, settled at Greenbush, opposite Bever�, 1638-.=of Vechte, river in Oldenburg. Van Vakenburg, �h =ofValkenberg, mountain in S. Holland, and another in Limburg. Van Vleck=of the viek, or market town. Van Vliet(Fleet)=of the channel. Van Voorhies, see VoOrhis. Van Wickle=van Wickelen, Evert, from Holland to New Netherland, 1665; settled at Flatlands. Van Winkle,�to New Netherland= van de Winkel, a parish in N. Holland. Van Woert, shortened from Schoenderwoert. Van Wyck, Cornelis B., at Flatbush, 1659. Van Zandt=of 't Zandt (sand), a parish in Groningen, Holland. Vedder, Harme Al�bertse, Holland to Beverwyck, 1657. Vermilye,�at Kingsbridge, N. Y., 1662. Vet Planck, Abraham Isaacse, in New Amsterdam about 1633. Vinhagen, Jan Dirckse, from Geeman, Holland, to Al�bany, 1669. Viacher, Harmen Bastiaanse, from Hoorn, Holland, to Rensselaerwyck, before 1644; at Albany, i68. Voorhies, Stephen Coerte van (son of Coerte Albertse van V., who resided in front of Hies (voor nies), hamlet near Ruinen in Drenthe orovince). to Flatlands, L. I., 1660; (Voorhees, Voorhis, Voorhes). Vreeland, Jan Jacobsen, in New Amsterdam, 1633; another in N. 3.; from Michael Jansen V. of Brockhuysen, Holland, 1636. Vroom, Cor�nelis Pietersen; oldest son baptized at New Amsterdam, 1645. Wyckoff, Pieter Claesen, Netherlands to Flatlands, L. I., 1636. Wendell, Evert Jansen, of Emden, Hannover, to New Amsterdrn abcut 642. Wynkoop, Pieter, from Holland to New Netherland, 1639.