rise Barnet Cayuga county NY. Capt. Baker, Col. Okum for 7 1/2 months. Started collecting 4 Sept 1837 to 4 Sept 1838. Notified 5th June 1839. Paid as above from 4 March 1839 to 4 March 1840. Notified 27 Nov. 1840.Born NJ. #S12639
In the month of June 1776 he as apprentice to one Adam Thummer and resided in the town of Amwell in the county of Hunterdon NJ and belonged to the company of Militia Commanded by Capt. Joseph Thatcher. He served his time and about the last of Aug. it came time for Mr. Thummer to serve so he went in his place. Then again Oct. 1777 he again entered as substitute for his master Adam Thummer and again entered as the substitute for his master April 1778
20 Aug 1832 he was filing for pension 74 yrs old.
he was born 1758 in the town of Vingwood county of Hunterdon NJ after the service he continued to live for 8 yrs in his hometown. He then moved to the town of Spingport where he now resides.
22 Oct. 1838
Orange county NY Catherine Crist a resident of the town of Montgomery Orange Co. NY age 74 yrs. since Jan. 8th 1828. She was married to David Crist 13th Dec. 1783. He died 10th of June 1811. She is a widow of David Crist who was a soldier in the militia in the Rev. war. He served at White Plains and other places. She has remained a widow. She signed her name Catherine Crist
Her husband served in the Western frontier in Ulster County and the Hudson River. She stated that she was married to David Crist 7th Dec. 1783 by the Rev. Reynier VanNess pastor of the German Reformed Church in the town of Montgomery Orange Co. NY. David Crist died 10th day June 1811 in town of Montgomery Orange co. NY. Her name was Catherine Bodine. She made her mark.
Orange co.
Adam Bodine on the 13th Nov. 1839 appeared in court when he was 69 yrs old in the month of Sept last past and that he was present at the marriage of David Crist and Catherine Bodine on the 13th Dec. 1783 which was celebrated at his fathers house by the Rev. VanNess. He had been acquainted with David Crist some forty years. He signed his name.
Elbert Crouse Pvt. line NY. Bounty Land Warrant Deed #6973 100 acres issued May 19, 1791
NY Albany Lanny Crouse deceased widow of Leonard Crouse who died in the year 1797of Fulton? in the State of NY who was a private in the Company commanded by Capt. Seffen for 9 months 29 days. Inscribed on the Roll of Albany. Payable to Leonard Crouse only surviving child
County of Montgomery NY Jonas Snell officiating elder of the Reformed Dutch Church of St. Johnsville formally Palantine District certify that such elder I have the custody of the records of said church. He carefully examined records and do not find there in any entry of Marriage. He found the following record of baptism of one of the children of Leonard Krouse and Magdalena Krouse viz. parents Leonard Krouse Von Palatine
Magdalena Krouse geb. Klock on the 11th Mars 1790 infant Leonard, Jhanis Clas , Gertrude Krouse Justes
the above entry is copied word for word and figure for figure.
On the 4th day of March 1843 Personally appeared to certify the above.
Leonard Crouse of Fulton Co. NY Jan. 20th 1845 of the town of St. Johnsville NY aged 54 yrs filed for pension for his mother Lanny Crouse widow of Leonard Crouse or Krous who served in the Rev. war. His father Leonard Crouse resided in the time of the Rev. in the district of Palantine was in the town of Tryon. Lanny Crouse previous to her death and others who believes that the said Leonard Crouse his father served as Sgt. in the year 1778. While two towns were taken from Palantine the said Johnsville in said county. which later town were taken fro the town of Palantine. has resided some other places. He says his mother departed this life on the 6th day of Jan. 1837. The said Leonard Crouse and his wife Lanny had children as follows. the oldest one first child named Anna was born on or about the 2nd day of April 1779. Nina the second child was named Charla. [the rest of the list is missing]
Montgomery Co. NY In the town of Mohawk Abraham A VanHorne of the town of Mohawk aged 54 yrs. gave remarks for said Joseph Crouse asking for pension. he knew him previous to his death a tenant of the almshouse in said County. He departed life 19th Feb. 1839. He left no widow and only one child named Joseph Crouse who is dependant of his application of pension. signed Oct 10th 1844.
He was on the rolls of Albany NY commence 4 March 1831. He died 19 Feb. 1839. Fonda Montgomery Co. NY.
Joseph applied for pension June 7 1832.
He was on the river as a boatman. He lost his brother Jacob from drowning attempting to get from the boat to the shore.
Joseph Crouse of the town of St. Johnsville NY aged 54 was applying to obtain benefits on his fathers service in the Rev. war. He applied on behalf of his mother Lany Crouse now deceased and that his father was Leonard Crouse or Krouse. He states that at the time of the Rev. that his father lived in the district of Palatine in the county of Tryon. He states that he was born in Jan. 1, 1754 according to his recollection as there is no record of his age. When called into the service he resided in the town of Palatine and he lived since there since the Rev. the town of Palatine had two other towns later taken from the town of Palatine. he resided some time in Ann Arbour Mich. temporarily. Joseph made his mark.
Joseph Crouse 1844 Sept 6, appeared being a resident of town of St. Johnsville. aged 60 yrs. states his father Joseph Crouse served in the Rev. war. His father left him surviving no widow and no children except the claimant. Said that his father Joseph Crouse made application and it is on file in the war department.
Joseph Crouse appeared in court 13 Aug. 1838 appealing for pension
now a resident of the town of St. Johnsville aged 84 on the first day of Jan past. On the 15 March 1776 he enlisted as a private. About six years ago he applied pension papers but he left the court without finishing and left to visit his children in Mich. and only recently returned to the county of Montgomery. Now that he is infirmed, almost blind, lame and his friends and neighbors advice him to apply for pension.
He has no record of his age but when he was called into service he resided in the town of Palatine. He lived since the Rev. and the town had two other towns taken off from it since then. Joseph signed his mark.
Joseph Crouse died 19 Feb. 1839. His wife was granted pension 28 Apr. 1845