
GRANTEE                     GRANTOR                PAGE #
Gordon Elijah H                         Abigal Williamson                       81
Goodwin Daniel                                  “                               81
Gregory Ralph                                   “                               81
Green Epharaim                                  “                               81
Green John                                      “                               81
Gillespie Brown                                 “                               81
Gillespie Guston                                “                               81
Gilman Phillip                                  “                               81
Gordon John                                     “                               81
Gray John                                       “                               81
Gilbert Warner                                  “                               81
Green Joseph                            Samuel Lattin                           199
Gustin Samuel                           Charles Wilkes                          209
Gustin Samuel                           Lewis Simons                            209
Goodwin John                            Out Glass Manufacturing Company         212
Goodwin  John                           Isaac Smith                             214
Guile William                           Benjamin Sackett                        251
Goodwin John                            Nicholas Low                            253
Gournay? George                         Robert Troup                            336
Garrow/Garman? Benjamin                 Elkanah Watson                          415
Gleason Jonathan                        Joseph Fellows                          425
Gilbert Dayton                          Samuel Norris                           447
Gleason  Hiram                          John Starkey                            468
Goss Simeon H                           John L. Cleveland                       484
Goodwin John                            Joshua Tuthill                          490
Goodwin John                            John C. Shannon?                        505

GRANTEE                    GRANTOR                   PAGE #
Gilbert Daniel                          Nathanial Huson                         34
Gardiner David W                        Levi Price                              110
Gleason Hiram                           Isaac Kingsburry                        145
Gilbert Dayton                          Suzan Gamble                            226
Gilbert Dayton                          Edmond W Thompson                       243
Gardner Putman                          David N Gardiner                        264
Galtrey Nathaniel                       Elkanah Watson                          293
Goltry Paul                             Jonathan Freeman                        294
Grant Isaac                             Jacob Blazer                            365
Gabrial Levitt                          Ranson Hurd                             367
Gils Heekiah                            Elkanah Watson                          525
Grant Leving                            Gilbert Hathaway                        526
Gilbert Lydia                           Daniel C. Norris                        582
Gilbert Barter?Barton?                  Daniel C. Norris                        582
Gilbert Mathew                          Daniel c. Norris                        582
Gilbert Smith                           Daniel C. Norris                        582
Gilbert Daton                           Daniel c. Norris                        582
Gilbert Jacob                           Daniel C. Norris                        582
Gilbert Abner                           Daniel C. Norris                        582
Gilbert Polly                           Daniel C. Norris                        582
Gannung Purvis                          Cyrus Cole                              628     

Goldsmith  John D                       Nicholas  Low                           40
Gustin Samuel                           Joshua Brooks                           77
Gasper Elias                            Allen Huntley                           80
Goodrich Sylvester                      John  Brimmer                           189
Gould William P.                        Joshua Brooks                           208
Grant Isaac                             William Ketchem                         218
Gilbert Laura                           Daniel B. Hurd                          455
Gilbert Jonathan E                      Daniel B. Hurd                          455
Granger Francis                         Silas Wright Comptroller                487
Galtry Schuyler                         John Hornby                             517
Gustin Samuel                           Elkanah  Watson                         528
Gould James                             John Dow                                550

GRANTEE                    GRANTOR               PAGE #

Gaylord Alonzo                          Joshua Chanberlain                      31
Giles John                              Pultney Estate                          66
Grasvenis? Godfret J                    Fosgter Moses                           72
Gully Adelphus                          Stephen B.  Davis                       193
Gregory Goodsell                        Eldad  Steele                           203
Gusten Benajah                          George W Wilmat?                        354
Gustin Jesse                            George W Wilmot                         354
Gardiner William                        Aaron South?                            367
Gaylord Alonzo                          Joshua Chamberlain                      450
Goltry Jacob B                          Elisha Harding                          570
Goltry Jacob B                          Cornelius Low                           571
Gustin Samuel                           John Shephard                           596
Griffin Peter W                         George E. Corwin                        628
GRANTEE                    GRANTOR                PAGE #
BOOK NO 5       

Galloway Thomas A                       Pultney Estate                          22
Giles William                           Pultney Estate                          40
Goltry David                            Paul Goltry                             44
Goltry David H                          James Pompelly                          45
Goltry William                          James Pompelly                          45
Gaylord Alonzo                          Wm and Ira H. Hornby                    53
Goodsell Nathaniel                      John LClarkson                          84
Goble Timothy                           Pultney Estate                          160
Goltry John                             Paul Goltry                             191
Goltry William                          Paul Goltry                             191
Goltry David H                          William Goltry                          191
Goltry William                          David H. Goltry                         192
Goltry William                          Schuyler Goltry                         193
Goltry Schuyler                         Paul Goltry                             195
Goltry William                          John Goltry                             194
Gustin Moses                            Samuel Gustin                           195
Green Benjamin                          Eli Sunderlin                           221
Gilbert David                           David Pumpelly                          262
Gilbert Ewa--?                          James Pumpelly                          262
Gray Jonathan G                         James VanDuzen                          285
Gilbert Lyden                           Armstrong Baskin                        312
Gaylord Alonzo                          Lorenzo Webber                          315
Goltry Johial W                         Wm and Jno. H. Hornby                   340
Gannon  Benjamin Jr.                    Benjamin Gannon                         356
Gates Moses                             Aaron Cass                              366
Goodrich Sylvester                      Charles A. Williams                     373
Goodrich Sylvester                      Charles A. Williams                     374
Gilbert Boyten                          Lydia Gilbert                           410
Goltry William                          Paul Goltry                             464
Gould William W                         William P. Gould                        464
Gould William W                         William P. Gould                        479
Gilbert Dayton                          Smith Gilbert                           482
Griffeth Stepehn   exe                  Geroge Kloshles?                        508
Gulick William                          Eli Lunderlin                           514
Gerow Lydia                             Charles  Comstock                       563
Goltry David H                          Pultney Estate                          566
Gustin Samuel                           Solomon C Smith                         569

GRANTEE                    GRANTOR                PAGE #

Gilbert John                            Caleb Hallock                           14
Grunderman Jacob                        Pultney Estate                          34
Gilbert Abner                           James M Secor                           80
Griffith Geo. W. L                      Charles Williams                        100
Goltry Schuyler                         David H. Goltry                         105
Gilbert Baxter                          Dayton Gilbert                          159
Gray Jon.a. G                           Mindwell P. Granger exec.               190
Gaylord Alonzo                          Charles A. Williamson                   195
Green Charles                           Wendall Phillips                        232
Green George W                          Wendall Phillips                        232
Gaylor Alonzo   exec                    Charles A. Williamson                   000
Gaylord Alonzo                          Jehial W. Goltry                        238
Goltry William                          Andrew Eggleston                        267
Green John                              Samuel Gustin                           299
Gray Bennett                            Henry Wisner                            341
Gray Bennett                            Asabel L Rogers                         342
Gilbert Abner                           Smith Gilbert                           368
Gulick James                            William J Wolverton                     371
Gaylord Alonzo                          Joshua Chamberlain                      377
Gilbert Smith                           Rufus Henderson                         381
Green Timothy                           Lyman Force                             416
Gaylord Alonzo                          Joshua Chamberlain                      430
German Henry                            Cornelius  Low                          445
Goltry Paul W                           Pultney Estate                          447
Gulick William                          George W. Misphagen?/Milhagen   452
Gulick James                            William Gulick                          492
Gilbert John                            Sylvia Mapes                            497
Gilbert Eunaw?                          Amanda Nichols                          498
Gilbert David                           Amaza Nichols                           498
Gile William                            Joshua Chamberlain                      536
Goodwin Finnan                          Samuel Watkins                          598
Gaylord Alonzo                          William Parkenson                       569
Gastin Moses                            Samuel Gustin                           575
GRANTEE                    GRANTOR                PAGE #


Griswold Jabez W                        Andrew P. Tillman                       12
Gaylord Alonzo                          Hiram Potter Sheriff                    17
Gilbert Abner                           Lydia Guilbert                          24
Goreen Peter                            Joseph W Lord                           41
Griswold Jabez w                        E. Howell Mast and Chauncey             48
Galo/Gals Thomas                        Charlot C Harper Forst---t?             51
Goltry Schuyler                         Joshua Cross                            114
Goodrich Sylvester                      George Ogdan                            124
Goodrich Sylvester                      Alonzo Gaylord                          125
Green Phebe                             James Parker                            128
Gustin Samuel                           Otis R. Corbit                          128
Gustin Samuel                           Cyrus P. Hulett                         132
Gray Jonathan                           Enos    Meade                           146
German Henry                            David Brown                             150
Griffin Sarah                           Moses Gustin                            159
Goltry William                          Charles Weller                          184
Goodrich Sylvester                      Samuel Hartsock                         233
Gaylord Alonzo                          William Hornby                          244
Gaylord Alonzo                          H. Wager/Mager sheriff                  245
Groes? John                             Pultney Estate                          294?/290
Gray Jon a G.                           Cornelius Low                           316
Gray Jon a G.                           Edward Smith                            317
Gregory Harmore/Harmon L                Aaron Johnson                           324
Gardner Henry B                         Phileneome Shedd                        341
Gabrial John B                          John Jamison                            350
Gabriel Elizabeth                       John Jamison                            351
Griswold Jebez                          Levi Moore                              454
Goltry Schuyler                         Cornelius Lord                          468
Griswold Jabez W                        Heman Holden                            510
Gregory Harmon                          Abel Kendall                            528
Gregory Harman L                        Elijah Gregory                          529     
Gilbert Abner                           Baxter Gilbert                          531
Gaylord Alonzo                          Norman M Andrews                        560
Gaylord Alonzo                          Joseph Place                            561

GRANTEE                    GRANTOR                PAGE #


Gulick James                            Oliver C.Smith                          29
Gaylord Alonzo                          James H. Woods  exec                    50
Gaylord Alonzo                          Andrew Putman                           85
Gable Salmon                            Hiram Christten?/Christler              134
Gulick William                          James Gulick                            135
Gaylord Alonzo                          Samuel Hartsock                         161
Gaylord  Alonzo                         Erastus Mattby                          161
Gregory Elijah L                        Goodsell Gregory                        184
Gilbert David                           Harmon Pumpelly                         219
Gaylord Alonzo                          Stilenmaker ?  Rogers                   230
Goodrich Sylevester                     Wm N. Nichols                           241
Goltry David H                          Timothy Whiting                         289
Gilbert David                           John Gilbert                            334
Gibbs William H                         Elvira Evarts? guard                    346
Goltry William                          Abraham Forshee                         378
Gabriel Elizabeth                       Luther Cleveland                        400
Gabriel Elizabeth                       John L Culver                           401
Ganhim?  Patrick                        Abraham Fleet                           410
Goltry William                          Henry Smith                             419
Gilbert John                            William H. Youngs                       437
Gilbert Ennoes?                         Williams H. Youngs                      438
Goltry Schuyler                         Hiram Newcomb                           439
Gorghin? Patrick                        Abraham Fleet                           456
Goodrich Sylvester                      Wilson Kels                             490
Griswold Jabez W                        Bryant R. Huna                          493
Gregory Harman L                        Isaac S Sutfin                          496
Gregory Harman L                        Rosewell Shepard                        498
Gaylord Alonzo                          George Ogden                            499
Griffith  George W L                    Jacob Teeple                            575
Griffith Geo W. L                       Joseph N Crans                          576
Gakey Lewis                             John Balch/Bailch                       552

GRANTEE                    GRANTOR                PAGE #
BOOK NO 9                       

Goundry Ralph                           Willow Kels                             4
Gaylord Alonzo                          Nelson Russo                            64
Gibbs William H                         Myron McMaster                          104
Gordon John                             James Carrie                            115
Griffith Henry P                        Josiah B. Conklin                       141
Gaylord Alonzo                          Samuels Frangle?                        154
Gulick Samuel                           James Gulick                            212
Gilbert Eunice                          Alonzo Simmons                          215
Gilbert Samuel  H                       Joseph Fellows                          245
Gilbert Abner                           Jacob Gilbert                           260
Gaylord Alonzo                          William Hornby                          271
Gilbert Abner                           Jacob Gilbert                           305
Gilbert Daton                           Benjamin Cooper                         307


GRANTEE                  GRANTOR                    PAGE #      

Harrison Nicholas                       Thomas Morris                           4
Hammond Dudley                          Lebeus Hammond                          6
Hazard Griffen B                        Enoch Malew                             24
Hornby William                          Charles Williamson                      50
Hurd Timothy                            Jonathan Lawrence?                      79
Hayes Falick                            Abigail Williamson                      81
Hayes Patrick                                   “                               81
Howell Nathanial W                              “                               81
Henderson Richard                               “                               81
Hampheus? Oliver                                “                               81
Humpheus Charles                                “                               81
Hathaway Gilbert                                “                               81
Hallett Jacob                                   “                               81
Hallett  Jacob                                  “                               81
Holt Aarn                                       “                               81
Hooker Samuel                                   “                               81
Hopkins Timothy                                 “                               81
Holt/Hall Aaroon                                “                               81
Hamilton Thomas                                 “                               81
Hamilton Joseph                                 “                               81
Hayden Jonathan                                 “                               81
Horsefield Joseph                               “                               81
Hall David                                      “                               81
Hart Epenetus?                                  “                               81
Holloway John                                   “                               81
Hoffman Martin                                  “                               81
Hunt Aaron                                      “                               81
Henderson James                                 “                               81
Havens  Darling                                 “                               81
Hines Joseph                                    “                               81
Haskins Squires                                 “                               81
Harris William                                  “                               81
Henshaw William                                 “                               81
Hannah William                                  “                               81
Hopkins Catherine                       Denis O’Connor                          93
Hopkins Catherine                       John Townsend                           96
Hopkins David                           Charles Wilkinson                       111
Hopkins David                           Lewis Simmond                           111
Hart Ephraim                            Sarah Teepld  sheriff                   118
Hasly John                              Elisha Benedient                        120
Hendrge?   John                         Henry Switzer                           133
Hall Joseph                             Simeon Potter                           140
Hazard Alice                            William Potter                          148
Hall John                               J. L. Johnson                           159
Hall John                               Simeon Potter                           164
Hause William                           Nicholas Low                            166
Hause William                           Elkanah Watson                          166
Hornby John                             Donald Cammeron                         176
Haight Samuel S/L                       John Swarthout                          212
Haight Samuel S/L                       Anthony Swarthout                       212
Hawkins David                           James Pumpelly                          217
Hall Henry F                            Elkhanah Watson                         230
Hall William Jr                         Nicholas Low                            231
Hoagland Jacob                          John Swarthout                          245
Hoadland Jacob                          John Swarthout                          246
Hazard Griffin B                        John L Johnson                          255
Harpending Samuel                       Richard Henderson                       275
House Robert                            George Brown                            279
Hill Ezra                               Elkanah Watson                          307
Howard John                             John Hornby                             316
Hause Joseph                            Elijah Bonhanut                         317
Hause Joseph                            Elkanah Watson                          320
Hopper David                            Elkanah Watson                          322
Henderson Reuben                        James Norton                            343
Henderson Reuben                        Charles Wickes                          347
Hemnderson Reuben                       Lewis Simond                            347
Henderson Reuben                        G. Hunter                               367
Hendry John                             J. Sanford                              367             
Huston William                          Ira Bronson                             381
Hazard Griffin B                        Isaac Stark                             386
Hazard James P                          Griffin B. Hazard                       389
Hazard Patrica?                         Griffin b. Hazard                       390
Hall Nathan                             Catherine Tillinghast                   392
Hause Joseph                            Elkanah Watson                          396
Howard Daniel                           Eliah Boudinat                          397
Hurd Timothy                            Barnardis VanZandt                      403
Harpending Samuel                       Joshua  Wyckoff                         419
Haynes Frederick                        Joseph Coykendall                       432
Hayes Frederick                         James Ennis                             433
Haight Daniel                           Irvin Anderson                          458
Haynes Robert                           William Potter                          464
Hazard Griffin                          Jonathan Corwin                         466
Hazard Griffin B                        Elisha Clark                            467
Harpending Samuel                       Nicholas Low                            504
Haight Samuel S                         Georgeg McCl---? sheriff                515
Hulse Hugh                              Amos Ellis                              529
Hackett Jacob                           Abrahm Updike                           530
Hazard Griffin B                        John Bruce                              549
Haight Daniel                           Chester Kellogg                         556
Hoover Abraham                          Elkanah Watson                          570     
Harrison Richard                        Nicholas Low                            582
Hutchinson William                      Ezekiel Hubbard                         590
Hurd Timothy                            Geo. Mc Clure sheriff                   603
Huston Nathanial                        John Shoemaker                          628
Huson Nathanial                         Masterton  and others                   629

GRANTEE                    GRANTOR                PAGE #
Huff  John                              Jacob Hackett                           3
Havens John F                           Andrew  Roblyson                        10
Harpening Samuel                        John Starkey                            18
Harpening Samuel                        Clayton Simmons                         18
Huson/Hason Nathaniel                   Oliver Phelps                           22
Humphrey George                         Elkanah Watson                          69
Hall Henry Fq                           Elkanah Watson                          70
Hazard Brentore W                       George Brown                            74
Hurd Timothy                            George S. Shedmire?                     78
Hurd Timothy                            Harry Clark                             78
Hazard Jonathan J.                      John Walton                             79
Hause Joseph                            Elkanah Watson                          88
Hause Joseph                            Elkanah Watson                          89
Hinkles John                            Elkanah Watson                          99
Haight Samuel S                         Daniel Starkweather                     109
Hause Mathew                            Joseph Hause                            117
Hause Samuel                            Joseph Hause                            117
Hause Samuel                            John Hause                              118
Hause Samuel                            William E. Harris                       118
Hause Samuel                            Lemual Nolan                            118
Hause Mathew                            Elkanah Watson                          129
Hause Mathew                            Joseph Hause                            136
Hause Mathew                            William E. Harris                       136
Hause Mathew                            Lemuel Nolan                            136
Hathaway Gilbert                        Nathanial Pendleton                     137
Harpending Samuel                       Masterdon and others                    150
Huson Nathanial                         Daniel Gilbert                          172
Hyatt James                             Robert Buckley                          190
Harris william  E                       Josepeh Hause                           191
Hause Joseph                            Henry Broorman                          197
Hazard? Griffin B                       John Walllow                            211
Hag David                               Charles wilkes                          212
Hag Davis                               Lewis Simmond                           212
Hag David                               Charles Wilkes                          213
Hag David                               Lewis Simmond                           213
Hawkins DAvid                           Silas Wickes                            214
Harrison Andrew                         Timothy Hurd                            228
Humphey George                          Elizabeth Eastlick                      233
Hause William                           Joseph Hause                            241
Hurd Timothy                            Caleb Smith                             242
Hurd Timothy                            Samuel Tuthill                          245
Halse/Hulse Hugh                        Robert Hard/Hare                        247
Hulse Hugh                              John Starkey                            248
Hag John                                John S. LIvingston                      253
Hag Ephram                              John S Livingston                       280
Harring Garrit                          James D Livingston                      287
Hurd Ransom                             Charles Wilkes                          297
Hurd Ransom                             Lewis Simond                            297
Harpending Samuel                       Benjamin Ros                            303
Hoagland Christopher                    Jacob Hoagland                          333
Hoagland William V                      Jacob Hoagland                          335
Harpending Peter                        Nicholas Low                            381
Hacket Jacob                            Masterdon and others                    384     
Hull Joseph                             James Hyatt                             400
Harvey Nathan                           Jacob Bartles                           429
Howard Mary   interest                  Jacob Wood                              435
Haven James   by atty                   Jacob Wood                              435
Hurd Timothy                            Sheriff of Steuben  Co.                 441
Harring Garrit                          John S Livingston                       453
Hathaway Gilbert                        James D. Livingston                     501
Hawkins James                           John S Livingston                       502
Hurd Walter                             John c. Hornby                          510
Henry Josiah                            Robert Logan                            540
Henry Calvin                            Burgess Townsdall?                      541
Hurd Thadius                            James Pompelly                          547     
Haus Joseph                             John Arnold                             551
Hause Joseph                            Elkanah Watson                          552
Hall Henry F                            George Humphrey                         554
Hall Henry F                            Nathanial Goltry                        556
Hollock Oliver                          Increase Cooley                         564
Hedden Ebenezer                         Hiram Coon                              565
Hill Ezra                               Elkanah Watston                         572
Hall Augustus                           Jacob Hoagland                          593
Hallock  Oliver                         Nicholas Low                            597
Howell Isaac                            Cyrus Cole                              601
Hollenbeck John                         Nathan Harvey                           610
Howell John                             Cyrus Cole                              621
Hause Joseph                            John Howell                             630
Hause Joseph                            Purvis Ganong                           630
Hause Joseph                            Isaac Howell                            632
Holden Rosewell                         John Holden                             635
Hause Esther                            Aaron Swarthout                         638

GRANTEE                    GRANTOR                PAGE #
BOOK NO 3       

Huntington James                        David S. Wickes                         1
Hillerman William                       Charles Wickes                          7
Hurley John                             John Wickes                             21
Hopkins Samuel                          Howell Isaac                            29
Hause Jospeh                            Samuel Hopkins                          30
Hause Samuel                            Peter McConnell                         33
Hedden Daniel                           John D   Goldsmith                      41
Hurley Thomas I                         John Hurley                             65
Holden John                             Joshua Brooks                           71
Holden Heman                            John Holden                             73
Huntley Allen                           Joshua Brooks                           78
Hallock Jonathan                        Cornelius Low                           94
Hollett John M                          Richard J. Beebe                        95
Hale Samuel                             Jesse Whitcomb                          121
Hale Sameule                            Phillip H. McConnell                    122
Holden Rosewell                         John Brooks                             136
Harpending Samuel                       Peter Harpending                        154
Harpending Peter Jr.                    Peter harpending                        154
Harpending Samuel                       Peter Harpending                        164
Harpending Samuel                       Peter Harpending                        165
Harpending Samuel                       Peter Harpending Jr.                    165
Hedge Nathan                            Cornelius Low                           186
Harpending Samuel                       Andrew Harpending                       211
Holden Heman                            Joseph Cross                            217
Hallock Joel                            Oliver Hallock                          250
Hall Jesse                              Samuel Lobdell                          270
Hawkins David                           Samuel W Johnson                        286
Hitchcock Valentine                     Joshua Brooks                           300
Harpending Peter Jr.                    Cornelius Low                           302
Hurd Abner                              John L Livingston                       315
Howell John                             Ira A White                             328
Hale Joseph                             John Lanny                              343
Holden  Rosewell                        William Diven                           355
Holden Heman                            Andrew I Miller                         381
Howell JOhn                             Jarvis N Dean                           396
Howell John                             Isaac Howell                            397
Howell John                             Jonathan Lockwood                       398
Holden Rosewell                         Elias E Boudenost?  as exec             410
Hollock Joel                            Cornelius Low                           434
Hause Esther                            Cornelius Low                           445
Hubbell Harlow                          Joseph Lovett                           449
Hurd Daniel B                           John  Hornby                            450
Harris Wm. E                            Jon. A. Wolverton                       500
Hutchinsno William                      Caleb Falkerson                         513
Hurd Rochester                          John L. Livingston                      520
Hurd Harry/Harvey                       John L. Livingston                      520
Huntley Allen                           Samuel Gaston                           521
Holden Heaman                           Rosewell Holden                         534
Harvey Garrit                           Pultney Estate                          569,571
Hause Jesse                             Esther Bacon                            573
Hurly? William                          Stephen Cook                            600
Hoyt Oliver                             John Dow                                607
Hurd Heman                              E. C. Bondonst?                         619
GRANTEE                    GRANTOR                 PAGE #
Hale Samuel                             Jonathan Lockwood                       33
Hause Joseph                            Jonathan Lockwood                       54
Hause Joseph                            David  Hoover                           55
Hunter George                           John Knapp                              82
Hazlett James                           John Parmenter                          135
Hiest/Hist? Henry                       Michael P. Grangood                     143
Harrison Horace B                       Sylvanus Arnold                         147
Hurd Harry                              William Diven                           161
Holden Harmon                           Valentine Hitchcock                     173
Hause Joseph                            Levi Laughton                           187
Huntley Allen                           Jonathan P. Abell                       195
Huntley Allen                           Abram B. Smith                          196
Hughey Robert                           Peter Smith                             215
Hicks David                             Sanford Richardson                      236
Hurd Richard                            Allen Huntley                           262
hathaway Joel                           Chas. A. Williamson                     264
Hause Joseph                            Betsey  Boorman                         267
Haring Gand    and Adm                  John s Livingston                       274
Haring Gannott   Adm                    John I Marshall                         275
Huntley Allen                           Pineas Thompson                         277
Hodge Asa                               Nathan Hedges                           285
Hedges Samuel R                         Nathan Hedges                           289
Hover David                             Jesse W Wells/Milles                    292
Hause Joseph                            Henry Boorman                           293
Honeywell Enoh                          William Swarthout                       308
Harpending Peter                        Cornelius Low                           315
Hover John Sen.                         Moses S. Little                         317
Hedges Barnebas                         Jonathan Lockwood                       330
Hedges Barnebas                         Gideon  Thomas                          331
Hughes Joseph W                         Harry A. Wisner in?  Channey?           337
Hallock Joel                            Jacob Shephard                          348
Houck Andrew                            David M West                            383
Hallock Joel                            Allin Lewis                             386
Howell Cornelius                        Levi Price                              392
Hurd Abram B                            Wm. and Jno H. Hornbey                  431
Hurd William B                          David Bennett                           459
Hedges Stillman                         Watson Prentiss                         467
Harrison Harmin B                       Henry J? William                        482
Holden Rosewell                         Elizabeth Williams                      493
Holden Rosewell                         Merredith Malloney                      495
Hause Joseph                            Layton Ringer                           505
Hause Joseph                            Hannah Button                           506
Horn? John                              Cornelius Low                           511
Horton Thomas P                         Pultney Estate                          515
Hatfield Joshua G                       Sanford Richardson                      552
Harding Eliaha                          Robert Richardson                       569
Hewitt Chancey                          Wm and Jno H Hornby                     576
Hurd (Hariett?) Darius                  Wm and Jon. H Hornby                    577
Hallock Joel                            Lott Forristal                          580
Hause Lewis                             John Howell                             612
Hoag Hallett                            John Adams                              613
Hall David                              Mathew M. Davis                         623
Hewett Benejamin                        Wm. and Jno. H. Hornby                  638
Holden Rosewell                         William Eastle M or K                   639

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Holden Farnklin                         Dan. Arnold                             25
Hughey James                            Pultney Estate                          57
Hill Stukley/Stakley                    John b. Wilder                          60
Hatfield Moses                          Daniel Eddy                             72
Hatfield William                        Daniel Eddy                             72
Hughey Joseph                           Pultney Estate                          79
Hallock Joel                            Jacob J? Smith                          106
Henderson Mathew                        Isaac Q Leake                           111
Hale Samuel P                           John Roberts                            123
Hallock Oliver                          Nancy Compton                           124
Hallock Caleb                           Oliver Hallock                          125
Hals James                              Wm. S Cleveland                         130
Hurd Daniel B                           Wm and Jno. H Hornby                    151
Hurd Abram                              Wm and Jno. H. Hornby                   152
Huey Daniel                             Cornelius Low                           154
Horn Elizabeth  by trust                William D. Bacon                        155
Horn Elizabeth by trust                 Alanson Koon                            156
Horn John Jr.                           Elisha Harding                          203
Harris Nelson by trust                  George Kyner                            210
Harris Isaac by trust                   George Kymer                            210
Harris Wm D. by trust                   George Kyner                            210
Huey John                               M P. Granger Exec.                      217
Hause Joseph                            Josiah Boorman                          220
Hartsock Samuel                         Joshua Chambers                         259
Hoover David                            Jacob Teeple                            263
Hover David                             Lewis Ferris                            264
Hover David                             Ira A White                             265
Holden Fore ?                           Samuel Ross JR                          267
Holden Fore                             Valentine Hitchcock                     268
Hubbard Alfred                          Mathew H Hornby                         278
Hallock Joel                            Davis Mead                              307
Hathaway Joel                           Henry Smith                             314
Hoard?  John                            Henry Smith                             314
Hall Benoni B                           Moses Kimball                           329
Harlsock? Samuel                        Richard Beebe                           349
Hurd Aaron                              Nicholas Damouth                        353
Hawkins Reuben                          David Hawkins                           359
Hewitt Benjamin                         Wm. and Jno. H. Hornby                  362
Hayes Caleb                             Norman Meeks                            381
Hayes Caleb                             David Culver                            382
Hammond Robert                          Valentine Hitchcock                     390
Hazlett David                           Oliver Parker                           403
Hazlett Clarissa                        Chester Corbitt                         404
Huey Robert                             Mindwell P. Granger Exec.               413
Henderson Rufus                         Isaac Q. Leake                          432
Huntley Allen                           William Robert                          438
Huntley Allen                           John Robert                             438
Huntley Allen                           Catherine Robert                        440
Horn Charles                            Samuel G. Prentiss                      448
Huntley Allen                           Hannah Neeley                           471
Hallock Lewis                           Eli Sheldon                             485
Hathaway Joel                           Pulteney Estate                         486
Hasley John                             Wm. and Jno. H. Hornby                  498
Honeywell Enoch                         Cornelius Low                           502
Hathaway Joel                           Aaron Cass                              511
Harris Isaac M                          Nelson Harris                           517
Harris Wm D.                            Jesse W Welles                          517
Harris Nelson                           Exec. Wm. E Harris Decd.                519
Hover David                             Benjamin Smalley                        550
Horn Jeremiah                           Charles S. Clark                        551
Hollett Benjamin                        William Brown                           561
Hover David                             Thomas Craft                            563
Holden Rosewell                         Wm. R. Culver                           567
Hutchinson Alvah                        John D. Miller                          575
Humphrey Wm. C                          Cornelius Low                           578
Huntley Allen                           Cyrus Coykendall                        601
Huntley Allen                           John Faucett                            602
Huntley Sidney S                        Peter Lockwood                          610
Howell Strader                          Alanson E. Pratt                        624

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Harring Garret                          Simeon Johnson                          17
Harley Thomas J                         Henry J. Triphagen                      26
Hause Edward                            Nathaniel Weed                          35
Hause Alvin C                           Nathaniel Weed                          35
Hause Charles W                         Nathaniel Weed                          35
Hammond Simeon                          William and Jno. Hornby                 38
Hanmer Jabez                            Cornelius Low                           49
Hause Edwin  C ?                        Charels W Hause                         68
Hause Alving C                          Charles W Hause                         68
Hathaway Joel                           Jedidiah Miller                         102
Hurd Byron b.                           Orris Andrews                           127
Hall Benoin b.                          Nancy Kimball                           136
Hall Benomi B.                          Erastus Wealthy                         138
Hall Benoni B                           Moses Kimball                           139
Hall Benoni B                           Nancy Hathaway                          140
Harpending Andrew                       Cornelius Low                           148
Hedge Steillman                         Pasley Maynard                          170
Hallock Lewis                           Eli Sheldon                             173
Harris Nelson                           William D Harris                        189
Harrison Jonas                          Evan F Thomas                           197
Harthaway Joel                          Jason Chamberlin                        222
Hoard ? John                            Jason Chamberlin                        223
Houck Henry                             Pultney Estate                          259
Hurd Bryant R                           Andrew E. Tyler                         261
Hurd Rochester                          Harvey Hurd                             269
Hurd Daniel B                           Samuel S. Ellsworth                     271
Heist Elenor D                          Garret P. Welling                       272
Hammond Simeon                          Joseph Rolfs/Ross?                      273
Hall Jeminia                            John Miller                             289
Hathaway Joel                           Pultney Estate                          307
Haring William                          George A Shepherd                       308
Huntington James                        Hiram Potter sheriff                    323
Hause Edward  exec                      Lewis K Hause                           339
Hause Alvin C                           Lewis K. Hause                          339
Hitchcock Joel I                        Algim-?  S Hitchcock                    340
Hitchcock Ira P                         Alginmin?  S Hitchcock                  346
Hallock Jonathan                        John C.Bodine                           354
Hughey Robert S                         Pultney Estate                          362
Hughey Joseph                           Pultney Estate                          363
Horton Thomas                           Erastus Crandall                        374
Hall Benoni B.                          George W Burge?                         382
Hall Benoni B                           Joshua Chamberlin                       409
Hubbs Gilbert                           John Fero                               410
Hollock Silas                           Charles Hallock                         411
Hitchcock Oliver                        Algimin? S Hitchcock                    423
Harrison Robert                         Oliver Hitchcock                        424
Harrison Robert                         Alonzo Simmons                          425
Harrison Robert                         Alonzo Simmons                          426
Harrison Robert                         William R Culver                        427
Hicks Isaac                             Pultney Estate                          428
Harrison? David                         Oliver  Phelps asst.                    437
Huntley Russell                         James Eddy                              462
Huntley Russell                         Rollin D. Huntley                       463
Harring William                         Riahcrd H. Brown/Bowen                  473
Hughey William                          Cornelius Low                           478
Hicks David                             Ebenezer Buck                           496
Holden Herman                           John S Livingston                       505
Holden Oscar                            Heman Holden                            506
Houck Harvey/Henry                      William Hall                            522
Holley Timothy                          Pultney Estate                          527
Hollett Benjamin                        Asher S. Durkee                         532
Hulett Cyrus S                          Watson Prentiss                         537
Hulett Cyrus  S                         Samuel Gustin                           538
Hulett Cyrus S                          John Root                               539
Harring William                         David Barrett                           551
Harrison William O                      Charles Babbit                          558
Hurd Daniel B                           marvin Byington                         568
Hurd Abram B.                           Daniel B. Hurd                          572
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Hallock Silas                           Charles Simpson                         9
Hebard Silas B                          Pultney Estate                          19
Hicks Paul                              Samuel Watkins                          29
Harrison William O                      Chas. Babbitt                           36
Harris Samuel                           W. R. Humphy  mal. chena?               58
Hurley/Harley John N                    Thomas J. Hurley                        65
Holden Charles M/W                      Hiel K Dilliston                        106
Holden Charles M/W                      David C Diven                           108
Hoard John                              George W. Webber                        114
Hazelett David                          Henry J Wiphagen                        143
Hathaway Mortimer D                     Henry C VanDuyn/VanDuzen                149
Horton Thomas P                         Pultney Estate                          151
Harrison William O                      Joshua Chamberlin                       152
Holden Heman                            John S Livingston                       162
Harris Morrow?                          Nelson Harris                           164
Hoard/Hoara John                        Joel Hathaway                           166
Hubbs Gilbert                           David H. Low                            173
headen Bethuet?                         Margaret Williams                       186
Harmon Polly                            Chester Cady                            187
Harring Cornelius                       Pultney Estate                          214
Hitchcock Algimon?  L                   Joel H Hitchcock                        226
Henderson Rufus                         Samuel Watkins                          235
Hibbett Hariett                         Alonzo Simmons                          238
Hibbets Harriett                        John Jamison                            239
Harring William                         John S Livingston                       240
Height Barclay                          Robert Campbell                         252
Hight John N                            Robert Campbell                         252
Hurd Bryant R                           James Robinson                          264
Hallock Jesse                           Pultney Estate                          266
Hill Isaac H                            Clarkson Boyer                          276
Houck Andrew                            Hiram Byer                              293
Hallock Abel                            William H. Brown                        297
Hover Sarah                             Runyan Compton                          299
Harris Nelson                           Sarah Hoven?/Hover                      302
Haddock James A                         Haslow Atwood                           305
Harpending Anthony C                    Cornelius Low                           313
Hallett Samuel                          Matthew McDowell                        333
Hallock Silas                           Lewis Hallock                           338
Hibbits Harriett                        Alonzo Simmons                          339
Hibbets Harriett                        Daniel Nichols                          363
Hurd Rosewell                           Horace Alderman                         373
Haring Garritt                          Joshua Chamberlin                       376
Hedding Bethuel                         Clark Bradford                          379
Hull John P                             William Newman                          398
Hurd Daniel B                           Alonzo Gaylord                          410
Hurd Daniel B.                          William M.Nichols                       411
Horn William                            John Mosher                             416
Hibbets Harriett                        Alonzo Simmons                          423
Hibbets Harriett                        William Ross                            424
Hurley David                            John Dilliston                          440
Huntley Allen                           George Faucett                          450
Huntley Allen                           Anderson Jones                          451
Huntley Allen                           Thomas Sharp                            452
Huntley Allen                           William Clagstrom                       498
Hammond Rasom R                         Nancy Clark                             498
Hammond Cathereine C                    Nancy Clark                             499
Huntley Russell                         Timothy E Jones                         515
Hurd Bryant                             John S Ensley                           534
Hollett Benjamin B                      John W Leo/Les     exec                 536
Haddock James A                         Samuel Watkins                          558
Hagen Perry                             Joseph S Hagen                          80

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Hates Rebrow?                           Jon -a  W. Dennis                       6
Harrison William O                      Abisha Reniff                           7
Huntley Allen                           Thomas Sharp                            20
Hicks Paul                              Samuel Watkins                          28
Hain John                               William T Lozier                        34
Hurd Abram B                            James Osstrander/Oreshesen?             42
Hurd Uri L                              William Bancroft                        42
Hurd Uri L                              William Bancroft                        43
Hurd Abram B                            William Bancroft                        45
Huntley Allen                           Peter Hall                              47
Hicks Samuel                            Paul Hicks                              49
Hicks John                              Paul Hicks                              49
Hubbs Charles H                         Gilbert Hubbs                           61
Hatfield Joshua G                       Anthony Lamb                            68
Hill Isaac H                            Charles Smith                           69
Hurd Aaron                              Nicholas Low                            90
Hill Isaac H                            Ansel W Williams                        93
Horning Nathan                          Richard Rice                            128
Haghey Joseph                           Nicholas Low                            150
Heist Henry                             Luther Cleveland                        162
Hammer Lewis                            Jabez Hammer                            163
Hillerman David C                       James H. Hillerman                      169
Hallott Samuel                          Jacob Dykes                             169
Haring Grant                            Datus? E Allen                          189
Hazard Jon  F                           Nathan Andrews                          194
Hause Alvin C                           Charles W Hurd                          202
Hause Alvin C                           William Hause                           209
Hause Joseph                            William Hause                           204
Hause Joseph                            John Hause                              204
Hause Alvin c                           John Hause                              214
Hause Charles   W                       Joseph Hause                            206
Hause Charles W                         Alvin C. Hause                          207
Hallett William                         Nicholas Houghtaling                    210
Houghtaling Nicholas                    Rebecca Blodget                         212
Haring Cornelius                        William Haring                          213
Harriston? Mark B                       William S Tripp                         241
Henry John                              Daniel Wixson                           251
Haring Garritt                          Stellmark Rogers                        254
Horton James                            Pultney Estate                          268
Hutchinson Alvah                        Levi Miller                             268
Holden Franklin                         William M. Nichols                      281
Hughey Daniel                           John N Stanley                          296
Hurd Deborah                            Alvah I Pangborn                        296
Hitchcock Joel                          Valentine Hitchcock                     303
Honeywell Gilbert                       Heman Allen                             309
Hummer Peter                            Lewis Hammer                            323
Hill Isaac H                            Ansel W Williams                        324
Hurd Abram B                            Barnet I Overhiser                      332
Hughey William L                        Thomas  L Nicholas                      336
Himrod William                          Anthoney B. Ryal                        338
Humaster Harvey                         Michael H Nicholas/Micleain             340
Headly John                             Charles Holden                          341
Holden Oscar                            Jabez W Griswold                        342
Holden Heman                            John L Livingston                       342
Howell Strader                          Hester Ann VanDuzen/VanDuyn             351
Howell Strader                          John Van Duzen/Vanduyn                  352
Heist Henry                             James Allison                           353
Howell Strader                          George I Lozier                         354
Hiest Henry                             Ira Updike                              355
Hills Richard                           Casper Evans                            362
Hall Benoni B                           Eugene B. Mapes                         371
Hicks David                             George G. Freer                         387
Harrison William O                      Charles Babbit                          387
Harrison William   O                    George Vine?/Vieu                       388
Houck Jacob                             Abraham Fleet                           405
Hedden Bottunel?                        Edwin d. Thompkins                      422
Harpending Orlo                         Chustalat----? Sharpe                   424
Hurd Bryant R                           Jabez W. Griswold                       425
Harpending Asbury                       Anthony Haspending                      460
Holmes Lewis P                          Margaret D L Townsend                   487
Holden Heman                            Oscar Holden                            491
Huyghey Daniel H                        Thomas L Nichols                        501
Hayes Rodman                            Lewis Shaw                              506
Hayes Richard                           George Sisson                           507
Hayes Samuel                            George Sisson                           507
Hayes Rodman                            Andrew J. Beckwith                      508
Henderson James                         Bryant R. Hurd                          524
Hurd Bryant R                           Allen Hauytley                          534
Harderson Mathew R                      James H. Woods exec.                    535
Harrington Jacob                        George G. Freer                         574
Hill Isaac H                            Asa D. Garrison                         575
Hill Isaac H                            Lyman F. Noble                          576

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Helton/Hilton John c                    William Hornby                          11
Hazard Jonathan F                       Nathan Andrews                          17
Hazard Jonathan F                       Nathan Andrews                          18
Hazard Jonathan F                       Henry b. Gardner                        19
Harpending Anthony C                    Livingston Compton                      27
Hollack Abel                            Silas Hallock                           36
Higgins Edward M                        Charles Wellover                        80
Hurd Uri L                              Joseph Rolfe                            94
Holden Franklin                         Livingston Compton                      107
Haring William                          William H. Gibbs                        123
Hammon Oliver                           Jabez W Griswold                        124
Hallock Silas                           John Carpenter                          140
Hillerman David C                       Gilbert S Hillerman                     156
Hurd Bryant R                           Nichols Pangborn                        162
Haring William                          Hampton Miller                          164
Hendrick Theodore                       John c. Hilton                          180
Hover Sarah                             William B. Owen                         182
Hanmer Lewis                            Mary Pumpully                           183
Huntley Russell                         Albert Smith                            196
Huntley Russell                         Eliza Smith                             197
Holmes William H                        Hiram W Jackson                         217
Hall Benoni B                           Cyrus Bryant                            243
Hover Sarah                             Aldine? J VanGorden/VanGorder           246

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BOOK NO 10      

Huey Joseph H                           David C Smith                           258
Haring William                          Norman R. Allen                         278
Hicks Samuel                            John Hicks                              281
Hollett Joseph J                        Joseph Tompkins                         288
Hill Isaac H                            Josiah B. Morrow                        291
Hill Hiram                              Gardner C. Sebring                      297
Harrison William O                      Nehemiah Raplee                         299
Harrison William O                      Sylvester Goodrich                      300
Hobbie Stephen                          Alonzo Gaylord                          310