Malon Enoch Charles Williamson 1 1
Mallony Bariajah Abigail Williamson 1 81
McIntire Samuel “ “ 1 81
Moore William “ “ 1 81
Morry/Mony Norman “ “ 1 81
Mackill/Mackile “ “ 1 81
Mugan James “ “ 1 81
Moffat John “ “ 1 81
Miller Samuel “ “ 1 81
Mower John “ “ 1 81
Maddin Timothy “ “ 1 81
Mulinder Isaac “ “ 1 81
McMain? John “ “ 1 81
McKey Hector “ “ 1 81
Mclarty William “ “ 1 81
McDonald Alaxander “ “ 1 81
Mills Samuel “ “ 1 81
MClure William “ “ 1 81
Miller Michael “ “ 1 81
McGill John “ “ 1 81
McGill Henry “ “ 1 81
Morgan Joseph “ “ 1 81
Manwarring Thomas Richard Henderson 1 118
Marsell/Moraett John Jr. Peter Curtines? and others 1 150
Magee John Joel Coykendall 1 206
Mowett John Jr. Marshall 1 150
McReynolds Mathew Catherine Tillinghast 1 255
Marshall major Nathanial Renalston? 1 264
MCleland John Daniel Shamson 1 270
McDowell Andrew Catherine Tillinghast 1 378
Meed Harvey Andrew P Tillman 1 382
Medbury/Meabury Orlow Nicholas Low 1 422
Morris William C Cornelius Cooper 1 445
Morris Edward Y Cornelius Cooper 1 445
Magee John Joel Coykendall 1 452
Martin Sarah Noadiah Sharman 1 483
Marshall James W Henry Baker 1 509
Milliard Judson Geroge Kress 1 552
Mowery Samuel a Joseph Clark 1 561
Mapes Joshua Simson Hisop 1 626
Magnard Cyrus Benjamin Sackett 1 563
Maynard Cyrus William Haase 1 565
Maynard Cyrus Elkanah Watson 1 566
McMullen Catherine Cyrus Maynard 31
McConnell Allen Elkaniah Watson 38
Mead Joel Nicholas Low 60
McConnell James Ezra Whelter 63
Miller Catherine Robert Buckley 64
Momow/Monow Elkhanah Watson 64
Morris Hannah M. Mrs. Exec. of Edward Morris 115
Morris Hannah M. Mrs. William C. Morris Exc 115
Morris Hannah M. Mrs. William P. Morris exc 115
McConnell Asa Nicholas Low 131
Morse Foster Nehemiah Lewis 160
Miller Hampton John Ireland 163
Mann Thomas Esther DePuey?/DePury 210
McMillen Cornelius Noadiah Shanonn 222
McMillion Cornelius Henry Oswald/Osmaes 223
Miller Daniel Albert S. Wison 255
Mapes James 2nd Joshua Mapes 268
Meleary Garrison James Woodruff 273
Martin Clarkson John C. Shannon 276
Martin Clarkson John c. Shannon 277
Mccornell Peter Daniel Shannon 313
McConnell Peter Noadiah Shannon 314
Millard Judson Masterton and others 323
Mawett?John E Sheriff of Steuben Co 325
McMillen Charles Henry Osman 355
Mannly?/Mannley Samuel H Mathaias Valentine 380
McGown George Elkanah Watson 391
Morrow George John Morrow 392
Morrow John George Morrow 398
Merrill Winthrop Masterton Ure and others 410
Mingers Mary Christopher Mill--ner? 444
Murry James B Hunn? C. Beach 451
Markhall Amanas G Jaems J Marshall 480
Marshall Amanas G Thomas Lapham 480
Marshall Amanas G David Wickes 480
Marshall James J Zia Mindham and others 481
Marshall Izia James J. Marshall 482
Marshall Oliver James J Marshall 485
Martin Jane James J Marshall 487
Martin John Pia Potter 499
Meleary W Mason Robert Troup 504
Marshall Ijah Oliver Marshall 537
Morrow Lettitia Josiah Bennett 563
McDowell Mathew John P Stewart 624
Miller Daniel Justus J. Bennett 574
Book NO 3
McConnell Phillip H Peter McConnell 35
McConnell James Peter McConnell 36
McConnell James K Peter McConnell 37
McConnell Phillip H Peter McConnell 38
Mitchell John b Jr. Mathew McDowell 70
McConnell Phillip H William Tompkins 145
Miller Jediah John Hornby 171
Mapes Rebecca Pultney Estate 173
Morrow John Peter S Lewis 221
Mitchell John B. Jr. William Birdsell 260
Miller Hampter Andrew Brown 272
Morrow John S. Abraham Bennett 279
Miller John B William Webb 281
Miller Andrew J Joshua Brooks 291
McConnell Asa William C. Morris 354
McCoy Jon. P. A Harmon Fields 358
Mitchell George D William Keman 380
Methodist E. Church Orange Joshua Chamberlain 390
Miller James Charles Margeson 399
Mills Jacob Sen. Catherinhe Tillinghurst 411
Miles Jacob Charles Tillinghast 422
McCoy Jon. P. A James Woodruff 448
Merrills John Dandiel B. Hurd 491
Mitchell John Daniel W. Sunderlin 505
McComber Egbert Daneil C. Benson 509
Methodist E. Church Orange Pultney Estate 519
Mead James Joel Hallock 526
Methodist E. church Orange William Diven 537
Mitchell John B Jonathan Wyatt 539
Mitchell John B John F Laseus? 540
Marshall James N John L. Livingston 566
Miller John D Jedidiah Miller 594
Book NO 4
Methodist E church Tyrone Stephen H. Arnold 2
McDonald Mathew Hiram Chrietler? 16
Mitchell John b. Jr. Nathan McDowell 50
Masters James James Pompelly 56
Miller Levi Jedidiah Miller 57
Masters James Gideon Thoamas 76
Millard Dalt? W. M R Culver 82
McConnell Peter Josephn L. Conroy/Covey 86
Meeker Allen Pultneuy Estate 95
Mallory Meridith Greely Davis 137
Mallory Meredith John Dow 138
Maynard Cyrus William Guile 163
Morehouse Ezra Ira A White 164
McConnell James Abel Kendall 170
Mitchell George D harlow Hubell 174
McAlpin John Nicholas Low 207
Mead James John W Roblyer 213
MeConnell Mahlonn Zelotus W. Knapp 351
Mitchell Geoge D John Jessop 352
Miller Johnson Benjamin Priest 362
Marshall James N George W. Milmot? 385
MitchellJhn B Jr. Jacob Hagham/Hoaglan 389
McWhorter Thos. L John Lang 425
Miller John D Jeremiah Miller 456
MeConnell Mahlon William Swarthout 465
Myers Havid V Ebenezer Finch 474
McDowell John Catherine Tillinghaust 476
Miller Jediaiah Charles A Williamson 501
Miller Nathan Barow Moreday?/Morseay guard. 574
Mitchell Geroge Thomas Croft 589
Mitchell George D Franklin Whitney 594
Merriman Hiriam Franklin Whitney 594
Moore Thomas Oliver Phelps 632
Medbury/Medburg Orson Cornelius Low 15
McDowell Mathew Julia Ann Evans and others adm 68
Methodist E Church Wayne Amos C West 94
McClaus/McClane Charles Isaac Jamison 118
Mead James Jacob J Smith 166
Mapes David B Hiram Deming 189
Maynard Pasley Abel Kendall 198
Maltby Erasurs Darius Hewett 226
Miller Levi Coonrad/Conrad Overhiser 303
Meddick Richard Charles Lesurd 324
Meddick Richard William Ferris 324
Maltby Erastus Stephen Borden 330
Mathews David David Culver 347
Mathews David Rochester Hurd 348
Mitchell John B Cornelius Low 375
McKee William Anderson Simpson 386
Maltby Erastus Benoni B Hall 406
mead Evans Mindenwell P Ganger exec. 424
Miller John H. Brother sheriff 443
Mead James David W Farrier 458
McCoy & Abell David Hover 474
McCleary Jon P A Ira A White 516
Marshall James N James Pumpelly 528
McLee Uriah Joshua Hatfield 538
Medaich Richard Henry S Williams 548
Marshall James N John Roberts 583
Miller John D Gehial W Goltny 5
McDowell Andrew J Andrew McDowell 9
Martin Eliza Miles D Cass 59
Martin/Mastan Emanuel Coryell 77
Murry John K Charles J Wolverton 79
Maltby Erastus Sarah B Bordon 120
Maltby Curtis Erastus Maltby 121
Maltby Erastus John Silsbee 122
Miller Jedidiah Alonzo Gaylord 128
Miller Jedidiah Joshua Chamberlain 129
Maltby Erastus Jedidiah Miller 141
Munson Jesse John C Cammeron 151
Merriman Hiram John C Cammeron 151
Merrit Sarah David H. Low 154
Miller Joel Isaac D Leake 160
Meeker Lewis Jacob Gunderson 163
Mathews David Jr. james B. Randall 199
Mathews William Charles A Williamson 206
McConnell John Robert Campbell J 211
Mead Joel Samuel Mead 228
Mead Samuel Joel Mead 229
Munson Rufus Delos W Jordan 239
Morse Stephen Pultney Estate 278
McClaus/McClans Michael H-Charles McClanie? 280
Mead Enos John Parks 297
Miller Hampton Joshua G Hatfield 310
Miller Hampton Carpenter Ellis 311
McCeland Michael Pultney Estate 321
Merrit Sarah David H. Low 441
Mathews Charles W David Mathews Jr. 480
Munson Rufus Comfort Beebe 495
Miller David R Levi Miller 500
McCoy Jon. P A M W. Barrett 501
Miller Levi George Weller 513
Miller David R George Webber 513
Miller John B John L Smith 524
Murry John K Charles J Wolverton 560
Mitchell John B Pultney Estate 4
McMaster Myron Samuel Watkins 37
McDougald Barret Harry R Barnes 52
Mead Zalminum Zeri W Hoyt 54
Miller Charles William P Lee 73
Munson Jesse John K Muney 74
Merriman Hiram John K Murray 74
Mitchell John B Margaret Williams 76
Miller Jedidiah Chas A Williamson 77
Mitchell John Alvah Hutchinson 95
Mitchell Samuel Alvah Hutchinson 95
Miller Hampton Anthony Lamb 108
Marshall Jefferson Samuel Gaston 109
Marshall Jefferson Daniel C Sweezy 110
Marshall Madison David C. Sweezy 110
Monterey Lodge No 309 Marwin Byingtont (lean?) 122
Morris Harriett Charles Miller 126
Mathews David Jr. Charles W Mathews 127
Mathews David I John Wyckoff 138
Marshall Madison Jesse Morton 141
Mitchell William Jonathan Lockwood 168
McDowell Andrew Andrew J McDowell 182
Mithcell John B Mortimer Dnl. Hathaway 190
Miller Charles Isaac I Leake 199
Marring Andrew Elizabeth Dustin 205
Marring Andrew Moses Gustin 206
Marring Andrew Jacob Sharp 213
Misner Benjamin H Pultney Estate 241
Mills Robert Augustus Wetman 246
Mason Sanford Isaac Smally 309
McDowekk Ann E George Young 312
Moore Martin William Sample Jr 326
Moore Martin Eben Wood 327
Moore Henry William Hornby 328
Yea E Church Meads Creek Jedidiah Miller 372
Mitchell Samuel William Hornby 404
Mitchell John William Hornby 405
Mosher John Andrew E Tyler 413
Mathews George C Alexander Ross 445
Munson Rufus Benjamin Morris 447
Mitchell John B Jacob Teeple 459
Mathews William Emealing Lyon 462
Mathews William Alonzo Gaylord 463
Munson Jesse Peter Gordon 501
Merriman Hiram Peter Gordon 501
Myers James H Robert Miles asst. 522
McDonald Lawrence James Ryan 562
Morrison? Cary G David J. Bennett 8
Mathews Whitman S William B Ireland 13
Morris Harriet Charles Miller 17
Minier Henry John Cramer 52
Mitchell John William Mitchell 56
Munson Rufus Hiram Christten 80
Maltby Curtis Cornelius Harring 147
Masters James Jason W Peck 159
Mitchell William John Mitchell 174
Mamase? Cary G William W Nichols 176
Marwin Ezra James Robinson 178
Maltby Curtis William Hornby 180
Mapes Joshua John Noyes 197
McMaster Myron Samuel H. Stafford 256
Munson Rufus John P Tripp 276
Miller Sergant Luther Cleveland 302
Miller Mattison Richard Hill 364
Miller Mathew John B Clarkson 365
Manangham Anthony Patrick Fanham 409
Mallory Mary Jane James W Jordan 472
Maring Andrew Peter W Griffin 475
Monrowe Carry G Moses Raffe/Rolfe 527
Marshall John Isaac H. Hill 15
Marhsall Hannah Isaac H Hill 15
Miller David R John Mitchell 42
Miller David R Samuel Mitchell 43
Merrill Mary M Alexander M Beebe 44
Merrill Henrietta L Alexander M Beebe 44
Maltly Erastus Joseph F Babbitt 45
McAlpine John L Hector L Lea 53
McMaster M James Myron McMaster 104
Marshall Jefferons Abraham Lawrence 107
Margeson Thomas Joseph N Crane 121
Marhsall Jefferson John V Woodard 156
Miller Jedediah James H Woods 191
Malory Joseph Iasiah Rappleye 208
McConnell John Charles Clarke 216
Mcconnnell John Franklin Holden 217
Mead Phebe Nathan Miller 227
MapesJonathan F John Benson 228
Mapes Jonathan F John Benson 229
McConnell Alfred Asa McConnell 230
McConnell John John Marshall 254
McConnell John Hannah Marshall 254
Mathews Nelson George C Mathews 296
Nelson Robert Abigail Williamson 81
Newman Salomon “ 81
Nichols Isaac “ 81
Nelson William “ 81
Niblack John “ 81
Nichols George Jonathan Botsford 232
Nichols Jacob Jonathan Botsford 232
Newton Henry Timothy Hurd 243
Nash Asa John Hornby 272
Norris Samuel Catherine Tillinghast 362
Norris David C Catherine Tillinghast 363
Newton Henry Catherine Tillinghast 373
Norton James Nathaniel Rundles 394
Norris William and others Benjamin Hall 526
Norton Frederick N Heman Norton 49
Norton James George S Shelman 61
Norton James Harry Clark 61
Norton Frederick S & others William H. Adams 49
Newcomb Buel Enos Barnes 160
Newcomb Buel William Smith 165
Newcomb Buel James Norton 167
Newton Isaac S Edward Durfee 176
Newcomb Hiram Buel Newcomb 237
Nichols Warren Stephen Reder 240
Neal Darius Daniel Miller 250
Neal Darius Samuel Harpender 258
Norris Daniel C William B Ireland 349
Nichols Maner Noadish Shannon 374
Norton James Austin Cross 408
Nichols Thomas L Samuel Watkins 468
Newman Abijah Catherine Tillinghast 532
Newman Abijah Bedals Smith 539
Norris Daniel C Andrew Brown/Broman 607
Norris Daniel C Andrews Brewer 609
Nash Levi John Hornby 22
Newman Abijah Charles Wikes/Wilkes 48
Nash Azor W Azor Nash 66
Nichols Amasa Wm B. Ireland 97
Nichols Amasa Wm B. Ireland 99
Nash Arza Azra Nash Jr. 138
Norris Daneil C Andrew Brown 241
Norton Jesse Dodo Benson 266
Norton Wylly W Dodo Benson 266
Nicholas Amasa Jacob Sharp 313
Northrup Stephen Chas. A Williamson 391
Norris Daniel c Thomas Powell 568
Nash Azra Samuel S Ellsworth 311
Norris Daniel C Robert Swarthout 332
Norris Daniel C Samuel S Beebe 333
Norris Burlock W Samuel Lawrence 335
Nichols Amaza John L Ireland 346
Northrup Solomon Charles A Williamson 369
Newman Abijah David Culver 402
Northrup Ebenezer Abel Kendall 419
Norris Daniel C Samuel Watkins 477
Nichols Amasa Jacob Sharp 492
Norris Daniel C Samuel Lawrence 517
Nichols Thomas L Samuel Watkins 522
Book NO 5
Norton Mylyo/Mylgs W Joshua Brooks 54
Newcomb Hiram Alanson T Wheeler 73
Nash Alvah Henry A Delawan? 224
Nichols Daniel Samuel B Robbins 269
Nichols Thos L Thomas L Nichols Jr. 293
Nostry Ebenezer Cornelius H Bennett 337
Nichols John H Amasa Nichols 338
Newman Abijah Samuel M Johnson 372
Neman Abijah William Brown 389
Napes Daniel Alfred Wells 622
Nash Ira Levi Nash 329
Norris D Collins Jr. S P. Jermaine 30
Norris Daniel C Samuel Watkins 31
Nichols Philo Samuel Watkins 69
Norris Benjamin John Pratt 75
Northrup Eli Jacob Teeple 99
Norris Daniel C Daniel C Norris Jr. 115
Norris Daniel C Daniel C Norris Jr. 116
Newcomb Hiram Elijah Wallager 181
Nichols Thomas L Samuel Watkins 305
Nichols Thomas L Samuel Watkins 306
Northrup Ebenezer Erwin Hause 326
Nichols Amanda Allen Huntley 344
Nichols John H Amasa Nichols 345
Norris Burlock W Jon S Lawrence 365
Nicholas Harvey AlonZo Nichols 413
Nichols Harvey Daniel Nichols 414
Nobles James H Silas Kendall 467
Noble James H. Abel Kendall 468
Noland Lemuel Abel Kendall 470
Noble Harvey John S Livingston 489
Nichols William W Alonzo Gaylord 499
Nicholas Robert C Pultney estate 573
Book No 7
Nichols Thomas L Silas B. Hebara 20
Nichols Thomas Pultney Estate 21
Nichols Thomas L Cornelius Haring 22
Newman William Samuel Watkins 41
Newman William Isaac Q Leake 43
Norris Daniel C Jr. Sylvanis P Jermisin ? 72
Nichols William W Lorenzo Webber 120
Nicholas William W George W Webber 121
Newcomb Hiram Joseph L Lewis 234
Norton Myllys M William Roberts 284
Nichols Daniel Alonzo Simmons 336
Nichols Daniel Alonzo Simmons 337
Nichols William W Alonzo Gaylord 433
Northrup Solomon Stephen Northrup 460
Northrup Solomon Lorenzo Webber 461
Newcomb Hiram Paul W Galery 469
Nichols John H Moses Buckley 27
Norton James E Eleanor Keeler 157
Nichols Edward O Eleanor Keeler 157
Nichols William W Sylvester Goodrich 172
Nichols William W Alonzo Gaylord 173
Nichols WIlliam W Levi Miller 188
Nichols Amasa George P Welling 191
Noyes John Charles A Williamson 198
Niver/Nives Danson Charles Babbit 230
Nichols Harvey Thomas L Nichols 260
Nichols William W Alonzo Gaylord 286
Nichols Harvey William Phinney 290
Nichols Harvey William W Nichols 291
Nichols Harvey Silas Nichols 292
Newcomb Hiram Joseph Tompkins 404
Newcomb Hiram David I Bennett 412
Newsomb Hiram Hiland G Wolcott 417
Newcomb Algenman Walter L Patchen 418
Newcomb Algenon? Thomas Saggett 458
Newcomb Hiram Harvey R Barns 519
Newcomb Algemon S Jacob Rusco 31
Newcomb Hiram Algemon S Newcomb 32
Nichols Thomas L Isaac Scudder 55
Nichols Harvey Isaac Scudder 61
Newcomb Algeman S Lester B Bennett 110
Nichols William W Algeman S Newcomb 223
Nichols Thomas L Cornelius Harring 223
Nichols Thomas L Chauncey J Haring 223
Nichols Thomas L William Haring 223
Newcomb Louis Jane Cyrus Bryant 242
Nobel Friend Lorenzo Jordan 261