

                SUPREME COURT BOOK 
            SUPREME COUNTY COURT ORDERS AND DECREES 1870-1879        
                        BOOK 2
Ada Hudson?     Mulford Doyd                                            34
Agard Latin J.-  Jean Stoddard                                          265
Auster Arent A.   vs Alon C.                            
Academy Cook codes of release                                           576
Hard to read the first pages
Allen  Samuel                                                           93
Acker  -     and Susan Chapman ?                                        95
Ackley Anson vs. A.....H. Moore                                         133
Andrews Charles vs. Lawrence S. Curtis                                  203
Ackley Anson A. vs   George Simmons                                     244
Ackley Anson a. decree                                                  249
Andrews Sarah O. ....Anmons   and drake                                 253
Allen William J. ...Dan�l  Jones                                        293
Andrews charles and Berry                                               307
Andrews Charles   ref                                                   318
Andrews Charles  decree                                                 319
Andrews Sarah F.  order ref.                                            353,354
Andrews Perry.  and others                                              397,398
Andrews Charles T.   decree ref.                                        404, 417
Ayers Edward  ref and decree                                            571
Aldridge Peter  E. George a. La----                                     
Aggricultional Society Schuyler Co                                       470?, 489
Abbott  William D.   S.         S. W. Speed                             92, 107,140
Abbott E. C. vs. ....S. W.  Speed                                       92, 107
Abbott  William D. vs 2nd Nat�l Bk. Watkins                            140, 141
Abbott E. C.   vs. 2nd Nat�l Bk. Watkins                                141
Armstrong  James  H.  vs. Emily Armstrong                               156
Armstrong James H. vs. Dan�l Hughey                                     164
Armstrong James H. Emily Armstrong                                      254
Ayers Edward 
Ayers Walter 

Barto Henry P Mary Stilwell                                             1
Barto Henry D. Thomas Stilwell                                          1
Barlow Cyrus vs. Joseph M. Astram                                       35
Baker Alfred J. ..Samuel Tail                                           39
Baker Margaret vs. Lemual Trail                                         39
Brand John vs. James Nares                                              54
Banker Jacob  vs. Ephriam Allen                                         56
Backer Eva vs. Daniel Rogers                                            71
Backer Eva vs. Daniel Rogers                                            72
Bauman?/Barnun?  Marcus vs. Edwin Howell                                77
Basau?  Joel and others vs. Abby Lee and all                            77
Bassett mary W. vs. Sarah O Greter                                      84
Baker King E. vs. William Helley                                        93
Baker King E. vs. L.  W. Baker                                          93
Barber Charles s. vs. Alonzo Eotots?                                    96
Barber Abbey vs Alonzo Eleots?                                           96
Barber Charles  G. vs. Alonzo Eolets                                    96
Bachman Jacob vs. Chancey L . Call                                      117
Banker Jonathan a. agreement                                            119
Baldioni Henry D. vs. O. P. Bowen                                       124
Bank 1st Nat�l Watkins vs. J. H. Pope                                   175
Barkneau Elizabeth   ____                                               192
Banks Alonzo Leonard M. Whorter                                         195
Bacon Joel vs. Abbie Kendall                                            195
Bacon Joel  vs. Abbie Kendall decree                                    216
Backer Eva vs. Daniel Rogers                                            218
Backer Eva in the matter of                                             219
Bailey Sarah A. = Maureen Hall                                          226
Bailey James  appt. gdn.  Maureen Hall                                  226
Banker Martin B. evc?                                                   233
Banker Martin B. ad--?                                                  233
Baldwin Horace J. and 
Baldwin Samuel G.                                                       260
Barnes  Charles H. -H. S. Kellogg                                       290
Bank Havana  vs. N. C. Williams                                         294
Backer Samuel D. in the matter of Arbitration                           319
Barnes Charles H. vs. Geo. G. Freer                                       333
Banker Isaac                                                           334
Braithosite Sarah vs. b. L. and C. M. Woodward                          349
Baldwin William H.                                                      352
Bank of Havan receiver of                                               358, 359
Baskin Daniel S. vs. Henry B. Baskins                                   386
Barkman Elizabeth  orders                                               392
Banker Isaac vs. Joel H. Lyman                                          396
Baldwin Horace J. and                   
Baldwin Samuel G. commissioners                                         403
Barton Elipat ref. and decree                                           404
Barker Samuel M. vs. Wat. nat. Bank                                     481
Bennett John M. vs. Referee                                             11
Bennett Asaje; vs Nancy D. Bennett                                       122
Bennett Henry B. vs. Jane Kels                                          133
Benjamin Nathan vs. B. Jacob Banker                                     175
Beebe Mary E. vs. Dwight Beebe                                          195
Bement/Bennett? Asahel vs. Nancy L. Bennett                                      237
Benjamin Eugene vs. Jacob Banker                                        311             
Benjamin Josephine   vs. Jacob Banker                                   311
Bennett Charles  vs. C. F. Terry                                        316
Benjamin Eugene nothing else entered.
Benjamin Nathan vs. B. Jacob Banker                                     349
Banker Samuel M. vs. Wat� Nat. Bank                                     481
Beebe Clara G. and 
Beebe Clara M.     vs. Isaac N. Peck                                    531
Beebe Albert F vs. Cynthia Beebe                                        536
Bitdsall Margaret s. James E. Birdsall                                  8
Brien James  -Phebe Wyckoff                                             229
Bailey Sarah A. and others                                              308
Bickwall Amos J. -E. C. Frost Jr.                                       314
Blaisdell Charles H.                                                    430
Bishop Harriett M.  ref. and Decree                                     572
Baldwin Horace J. nothing else entered
Baldwin Samuel s. orders for case                                       406
Backman Elizabeth Ref.                                                  421
Backman Jacob heirs of ref.                                             421
Backman Jacob heirs decree                                              422
Baldwin Horace J. Confirmation                                          435
Bank of Havana receiver of                                              437
Bank 2nd Nat�l of Watkins  in the matter of                             444
Ballard Lyman                                                           465
Bradley Michael                                                         469
Bank of Havana in the matter of release                                 543
Baldwin Horace J.                                                       561
Baldwin James L.  order pub.                                            562
Bacon Joel                                                              569
Barker Samuel M.                                                        575
Barker Margaret H.                                                      575
Botsyton Mary  vs. Alanson G. Everts                                    96
Broderick Minor  vs. Ads of Saml Bennett                                145
Boyd Henry C. vs. George Thompson                                       181
Bolt Henrietta v. Julia E. Jagwish?                                     205
Board of Supervisors Eva Backer                                         283
Board of Supervisors Eva Backer                                         351
Bowers Jacob admist...                                                  384
Bowen J or Irvin?                                                       384
Broadman Thomas S.    decree                                            401
start with 30078
Bower Oliver P                                                          417
Broadman Thomas S. order case                                           478
Brown Abram                                                             519
Booth  Winthrop E. Adviser of Ref.                                      525
Booth Winthrop E.       ref.                                            527
Booth Winthrop E. Adm of                                                529
Blossburg Coal Company                                                  565
Bronson Louise M                                                        566
Bronson Louisa M   REF.                                                 583
Bronson Louise M. ref                                                   584
Burr Polly estate of                                                    17
Barlew John  order ref.                                                 248
Burlew John decree                                                      249
Buckley Zuba A.  divorce                                                382
Bull Moses v. Charlott Roe                                              476
Bull Moses                                                              494
Bucher Jacob  Overseers of the poor                                     577
Bryant Elias D                                                          484
Bryant  Mary J.                                                         484
Bryant Jeremiah                                                         484

Crafts Walter H.                        Joseph M Weed                   4
Crafts Walter H.                        Joseph M Weed                   9
Crafts Walter H.                        Joseph M Weed                   10
Crafts Walter L.                        James F. S?E ? tmith.           10
Crafts Walter H.                                H. T. Weeds             15
Crafts walter H.                                H. T. Weeds             16
Crafts Walter H.                                J. M. Weed              18
Crafts Walter                           H. T. Weed                      23
Curry ?George                           vs.   nothing listed            32
Clark John                              The People                      35
Carpenter Mary vs.                      Peter Cronk                     46
Carpenter Mary                          Peter Cronk                     58
Catlin Phineas vs.                      Fred Mallory                    99
Chapman Leander S                       vs. Horace Bronson              102
Chapman Leander S.                      vs. Horace Bronson              102
Catlin Phineas vs.                      Ford Mallory by  D?             118
Clawson John R                          George A. Ringer                123
Chapman Leander                         vs. Orra Sherman                127
Clark Frank     M                       vs. Com. highway of Reading     132
Chapman Leander S                       vs Horace Bronson               161
Chapman Leander S                       vs. Horace Bronson              162
Chapman Leander S                       vs. Horace Bronson              182
Campbell Phineas                        Catlin                          221
Crandall William                        order reference                 241
Crandall William                        decree                          241
Campbell Charles Adam                                                   255
Campbell Cornelia Catlin        and others                              255
Clark Andrew J.                    confirmaiton                         280
Callaghan Thomas  ref.                                                  572
Callaghan Thomas decree                                                 573
Clayton William W                                                       588
Clayton William W.                                                      589
Carley John                                                             600
Campbell Adam G heirs of decree                                         317
Campbell Adam G. heirs of                                               318
Carpenter Anna H.                                                       322
Clayton William W. vs.                  Melvin A. Clayton               340
Chase Luke B. publication  ?Summons                                     352
Carpenter Ann H  ref                                                    366
Carpenter Anna H.  decree                                               367
Catlin Phineas  apt. guardian                                           373
Cass Samuel W.                                                          383
Carpenter George                                                        384
Chase Luke  B. ref and decree                                           399
Chapman Morgan                                                          418
Chase Luke B                                                            465
Cass Samuel W. in the matter of                                         472
Cass Andrew J.                                                          480
Clayton William W?                                                      487
Chase Luke B. ref and decree                                            490,491
Chase Luke B.  order cem                                                516
Catlin Phineas                                                          519
Catlin Henry B.                                                         552
College the People Elbert  W. Cook                                      2
College The Peoples Elbert W. Cook                                      2
Coleman Bridgetin                       Daniel Brown                    6
Conover Peter                           H. O Sherman                    18
Cook Elbert W.                                                          26
Cook Elisha H.                          James D. ----ses?               54
Company Petition Coastal RR                                             59
Company Northern  Central RR                                            59
Company Northern Central RR                                             59
Crow?  William Jr.                              James L. Ledge/Lodge    65
Corso Frank  matter of                                                  87
Cook Elbert                     vs.           Grace Benett              94
Cook Elbert W. vs                       Green Bennett                   116
Cook Elbert W.                          M. M. Cass                      121
Cross Ralph E. vs.                      James d. Nares                  143
Company Mutual Life of Con. vs          D. M. Mattison  Watkins         165
Company Mutual Life of Con. vs.         D M. Mattison                   172 
Company Erie RR                         Chauncey C. Coggens             173
Cowden William                                                          233
Collins Eleazer W.  summons                                             228
Company NYC                             Hudson River RR                 232
Company NYC                             Hudson River RR                 232
Cook Elbert W.                          St. Pauls Church                234
Company NCRR                                                             242
Company Watkins                         Havana St. RR                   252
Company Watkins                         Havana St. RR                   255
Compton Andrew J.                                                       266
Company London and Liverpool Globe Inn                                  277
Company London and Liverpool Globe Inn                                  278
Company Watkins  and Havana RR                                          279
Cook Elbert W                           (Skellinger)                    280
Compton Andrew J        REf.                                            284
Compton Andrew J                                                        284
Company Watkins  and Havana St. R.Way                                   296
Company NCRR                                                            302
Cook EW                                 B. G. H Harthaway               303
Company The Syracuse and Geneva CRR                                     322
Company the Syracuse and Geneva                                         337
Cross Ralph E                                                           341
Cole David and order cem                                                354
Company The SG and C. Railway                                           355
Company Northern Central  Railway and Augor?                            356
Collins Eleazer   vs.                   Haring Adsut                    364
Cole  John L vs.                                Catherine E. Cole       368
Company Hollanhursh Inc.                                                383
Company Watkins and Havana St. Railway                                  389
Conkrite Melvill H. vs.                         Boyd                    403
Corbett Charles M.     way com                                          405
Company Lycoming Tire Inc Co and Kanus?                                 436
Company Rutter? Colling?                                                466
Company Liverpool Londaon and Glas Ins.                                 470,490
Culver Caplas?                          Livinia Culver                  45
Coffman John W                          Frederick Salsberry             82
Cutler Mary E. apt.                     Guardian                        137
Church St Pauls Havana                  E. W. Cook                      142
Church 1st ME Mechlenburgh              Stillwill                       208
Church 1st ME of Mechlenburgh           Stillwell                       239
Curry Robert                                                            242
Church 1st ME  of Mechlenburg                                           253
Church 1st ME of Meck                                                   253,269
Curry Robert                            referee                         304
Curry Robert                            decree                          305
Church Betsey N                                                         331
Culver Enos                                                             356
Culver Enos                                                             370
Culver Enos                                                             411
Clayton William W. Stipulation                                          493
Church Betsey N order Pub.                                              521
Church Betsey N ref.                                                    558
Church Betsey N                 decree                                  558
Cook Seth D.                            defincancy?                     478
Company Holland Purchase  Insurrance                                    517
Cowell Elizabeth Adm.                                                   522
Corbitt Charles M                                                       531
Corbitt M  Mary A.                                                      531
Cook E. P in the matter of release from ?                               543
Company Blosburg Coal                                                   565
Company Holland Purchase                                                575
Cook Academy order release                                              576
Co. Northern Central Ry.                                                578
Company Singer Manf                                                     582
Company F. C Ry                                                         594
Company Singer Mfg.                                                     595
Company NY CRR                                                          598

Dates Lydis                             vs. Horace A. Dates             57
Davis Frederick Jr.                     JJ Swinck                       75
Davis Sarah vs.                                 JJ Swink?               75
Drake Clinena?                          James Drake                     118
Damouth John and other S   Wilson                                       125
Davis Frederick vs.                     James Dermont                   189
Danmonth William                                                        191,197,206,207,214
Drake James A.                          Cornelius VanAllen              230
Drake S Foster                          Discont......?                  242
Danow Charles W vs. Ref                                                 297
Darrow Charles W.                                                       312
Drake Francis                           LB Wakely                       332
Davis Frederick J                       J. Davenport                    440
Davis Frederick                         J. Davenport                    487
Davenport James in the matter of                                        501,503,504,505,
Davis Reuben ref.       and decree                                      561
Davis Frederick J                                                       567
Decker Amnazi  vs.                                                      26
Depew William           vs     Wm. and Smith Estate                     63
Dean William others vs.                         John F Andrews          114,115
Devitt Robert  in the matter of                                         128
Dean Harvey N                   et al.                                  371,412,413
Denson Joseph                           Over seerers                    577
Dickens Hiram                                                           129
Dickens Arthur appointment  exec.                                       236,237,238
Doherty Patrick                                                         29
Downs John                              Katy Tinsby/Finsby              239
Doolittle John                          EW Cook                         277
Downs John   discontinnum                                               325
Doolittle John                          EW Cook                         424
Doolittle Luther                                                        519
Dutton Rufus                            WH Balawire?                    443,467
Demming William B. Ref and decree                                       583,584
Dunlap Clament? J.                                                      598
Dykenman Elsie                                                          356
Dickens Arthur                                                          356
Dkenman Elsie                                                           390,411

Estabrook Herman L. et al                                               137,193,292,447
Elwell Mary A                                                           495,496
Eveland Andrew                                                          514,515
Edwards Lunian?                                                         546
Edwards Rachel                                                          546
Evans Celia                                                             589
Evans Solomon B                                                         599,600
Everts Charles H                                                        228
Eddy Edward  awards to                                                  337
Everts Alfred  dis con mat?                                             386
Estabrook Hiram L                                                       447
Ensley Benjamin heirs of                                                520,574
Stiell Eugene B ref and decree  (belongs in this place?)                599,600
Eddy Daniel                     Charlotte Broderick                     351
Eddy Daniel     Charlotte Broderick  discontinuance                     315
Elvy Sylvanus                                                           566


Franklin Johnson                                Josiah D. Payne         5
Franklin John                           Phebe E. Smith                  16
Fanton Hull vs                          Peter C. Hager                  176,224,227
Fanton Hull -           order Reference                                 246
Fanton Hull                             Hager                           247
Fanton Hull                             P C. Hagor                      251,252,308
Farrington James B                                                      329
Fanton Hull                                                             341
Fanton Hull                             PC Hager                        415,422
Farrington James B                                                      491
Freer George C `                vs. Caroline E Lipdike                  202
Fletcher Harriett A                     Geo. N. Button                  211
Fletcher Lizzie                         George N. Button                211,217,218
Fletcher Adelia G                       decree                          221,235,242
Fleming Joseph J.                       ref.                            259
Fleming J. Alonzo by decree                                             259,260
Ferris Jonathan                                                         291
Freer George T.                 trustee in the matter of                343
Freer Mathew D. and in the matter of                                    343
Freer Robert B                                                          344
Freer Jane in the matter of     new trustees                            346,347
Freer George G                  in the matter of                        383
Freer Jane M in the matter of                                           470
Freer Elizabeth H. grd and                                              581,590
Freer George C  estate of                                               590
Flint Rosa vs                   Charles J. Flint                        350
Fowler J. P. adm                                                        17
Frost Arzella vs                        George Frost   adm.             43
Frost Mary            vs.               Benjamin R Frost                62
Freer George O?         Fletcher Heold esal?                            76
Frost Eli C.                   vs. William Neusman                      88
Frost Arzilla           vs              George Frost q                  89
Frost Eli C                     Wm Newman                               119,120,125
Foley JOhn                      Abby Conroy                             176
Frost Eli c                     Manly P Thompson                        188,190
Frost Eli  C                    Madson Freeman                          190
Frost Eli C                     John J. Lytte                           255
Frost Eli C                     order confirmation                      277
Frost Eli C                     CS Frost ref.                           278
Frost Eli C                     CS Frost  decree                        279
Frost Eli C.   and ST RR Co                                             279
Ford Libbeus                             ref.   decree                  301, 302
Frost Charles S  discontinuance                                         352
Foster Rosa E in the matter of                                          423
Frost Charles S.  & George    Dayton machine Co                         430 
Forrest Caldon B.                                                       452,453,537
Fowle Eunice H  ref. and decree                                         479,480
Frost Charles and George Frost                                          563,501,492,564,586
Force David  ref. and decree                                            582


Gray Peter W                            Elliott Burk                    7
Gray Alonzo  W                          Isaac L. Putman                 33
Grace John W.                           Lewis V Honch/Kouch?            34
Graham John                  vs.                Sarah C. Graham         41
Graham John vs.                 Israel Horton                           46
Graham John vs.                         Sarah C. Graham                 59
Gulick Egbert                           First Nt Bank Watk.             79
Gulick Louis A                                  first nat. bank Wat.    80,81
Graham John     vs                      Sarah Graham                    84,103
Grace John                              Lewis Houck                     106
Gates Emma L                            Alonzo Sellen?                  353
Gray Thomas M                   Harriett Gray                           451,455,456
Graham Albert                                                           589
Graham Nelson                                                           590,608
Gleason Edward   et all                         James Quiggley          295
Green Peter                                                             352
Gretsinger Jacob L                                                      440
Gillispie Wyatt C                       MM Mead                         193,153,155,161,
Gillispie Mary E in the matter of                                       351
Gilbert Charles 
Gilbert Smith K                                 or the people           366
Gillingham Edward E                                                     507,508,511,512
Gilbert Mary E in the matter of                                         547,548,579
Gilbert Martha ref.                                                     580,581
Graham John vs.                 Sarah C. Graham                         79
Groom  Vincent ref              and decree                              550,551
Goble Solmon A                                                          565
Gulick Egbert              the first nat. bank                          90,91
Gulick Louisa A                         bank of Watkins                 90,91
Gulick Egbert vs. BW   and EM Woodward                                  390


Harvey Catherine                         vs.    William Newman           5,6
Hollenbeck James                          vs.   Enos Culver              48
Hollenbeck James?                                vs. Enos Culver         73
Harriett L Harrington                      vs. George G. Gregery         87
Harrington Jacob                            vs. George Gregory           87
Hay John                        H. M Hilliman ?                          95
Hause Persis F                          John G williams                  97
Harring William                                                          100
Hall Peleg              vs.             Frank M Clark                    120
Hadley Polly Ann                                          Wm. H. Wait    181
Haring Oscar R                          H. D. Seeaman                    183
Hayes Peing?    H                       Cornelius VanAllen               192,201
Hall Martin D                           Elizabeth Shultons               208
Hagen Mary                              Frances Hagen                    217
Hagen Mary                              Frances Hagen                    219
Hagen Mary                              Frances Hagen                    229
Hayes Plivey? H                         C. VanAllen                      230,243
Harring Charles                         J.W. Knapp                       272
Hathaway B, Bradford   G. H.            E. W. Cook                       303
Hall Munson  Adv.                                                        308
Hammer Ira and Lee                      decree                           315
Hanmer Lewis vs.                        James Pope                       350
Havana Bank of Receiver                                                  358,437
Hager Julia E                           receiver                         437
Hagen Peter C                           order and decree                 438
Haischer Victor                         W. M. Pallet?                    443
Hager Clarissa                          REf.                             448
Hagin Barnard M                 N. M Mead?                               451
Hagen Harlow H.                         Petition                         456
Hayes Brazier                           ref and decree                   488,489
Haughey Elizabeth                       decree                           500
Havana the Bank of   matter of release                                   543
Hausner  Borden J.                      release                          547
Hausner Lewis                           release                          553
Halfield Loretta J.                                                      557
Hall Miller                                                              569
Hausner Borden J.                                                        570,604
Harris George W                                                          585
Henry Isaaac W                          bs.      Cora/Ira Shurman        123
ahenderson Samuel F                              J. J. Smith             271
Henry Isaac W.                                   Thomas d. rEes          316
Hillerman Henry M.                            Charles H.  ?Everts        ?161,187,199
Hillerman Henry M.                      vs.     decree  O. P Brown       284,285
Hill Martha                                                              292
Hill David      and Martha Hill                                          296
Hill George                                                              299
Hintemister John H.               ref. and decree                        300
Hillerman H. M                          decree                           312
Hill Martha                                                              327
Hill Fanny F                                                             433
Hill David       (looks like consent of something)                       537,538
Hinkley Eliel                                                            568
Hill Fanny                                                               578
Holbert Gabriel                  vs              WB Newman               40
Horton David L                   vs              Louisa Brady/Bunday     49
Horton David L in the matter of                                          53
Huock Alice in the matter of                                             166
Hodgkins Gerogeiana                                                      291,342
Hodgkins Abel                       (Barrows)                            291,342
Holland Purchase Co.                                                     383
Hodgkins Georgiana                        in a et al                     395
Hoyt George          order sub atty                                      398
Hoyt George                                                              426
Haunsner Samuel E                                                        497,498
Broderick Marvin F              in the matter of                         543
Hodgkins Abel    as committee                                            584
Horton Thomas P. of                                             603
Hurd Roswell F  appt of crier                                            12
Hughes Mary T    vs.                    Louisa Brundage                  44
Hughes Mary  it al                              Louisa Brundage          61
Hurd  Orlando   T  in the  matter of                                     204
Hunter Harrison                                 Miller S. Aber           225,226
Hurd Orlando          vs.                William Ross                    293
Hurd Orlando F                      T,. Davis Jr.                        330
Hurd George E                            Geo. G Freer                    333
Hurd Orlando                                                             383
Hurd Orlando   supt                              Wm Ross                 443,454
Hurd Rosewell T                          order  and decree               510,511
Hurd Rosewell T.                  confirmation                           532
Hurd Orlando                                                             601
Hyatt Anna and others    and decrees                                     286,288
Hyatt Anna  confirmation                                                 299
Hyatt Anna final order                                                   304
Hayes Brazier Red and decree                                             475

Ives Eunice A                                                            322
Ingersoll Jane      ref  and decree              confirmation            340,341,345
Ives Eunice A. ref. and decree                                           366,367
Insurance Co Mutual Life                         Ira D. Fowler           120
Ins. Co. Connt. Mutual Life     vs.              Diana M. Watkins        165
Ins. co. London and Liverpool Globe                                      277,278,470, 490
Ins. C. Lycomming Fire vs.                       Kanees                  436
Ins. Co. Holland Purchase vs..   L. ? Rogers                             517,575

Jayne Ezra C. and others                 vs.                             51,52
Jacobs John E.      vs. Natl. Bk. of Watkins                             140,141
Jayne Ezra C .             vs. Timothy Jayne                             156
Jayne Ezra C.               vs. Ira b. Jayne                             156
James Morris F                   G.R. Greese                             234
Jackson  Darious D.                                                      234
Jayne George W                   Ref.                                    247
Jayne Geoge W.                   decree                                  248, 250, 256
Jackson Huldah B.                Adver                                   471, 488
Jackson Lyamn M and others ref. and decree                               587,588
Jackson Estate of                                                        587,588
Jermone James H. et al                                                   391, 392
Johnson Bryon L         vs.      A J. McCAll                             45
Jones Lafayette E               vs.              Darius Ballero?         97
Johnston Caroline May  in the matter of                                  204
Jerome James H.                                  Nelson Noble            245
Johnson George                                                           245
Johnson Frank L                  S M Barker                              305
Johnston Caroline May in the matter of                                   330,381
Johnson George and Frank Johnson L.     vs.      ?S M. Barker            388,468
Judge of Schuyler Co.                            Geo. G. Freer           76

Knapp Jerome W                                  George E. Sparrow       175
Knapp Jason W.                                  Eli C. Frost            202
Krum Daniel                                                             357
Kent Lucy               Adm.                    Miles Kent              9
Kelp Charlotte                                                          19
Kimble Amos?            vs.                     Joseph Salsberry        70
Kent Hector S                                                           248
Kieth Hector S                                                          271, 272
Kenyon Lucretia in the matter of                                        309,310,311
Keith Hector S                                                          334
Kels George     vs.                     John H. Kniffin                 386
Keyser James G                                                          528, 578, 602
Kellogg Stephen                 ref. and decree                         607,608
King Minnie                                     J H Rumson              163
King Minnie                  vs                 John H. Rumsey          165,172
Kniffin Susan                                                           517
Knight Cyrus B                  Bal ref.        decree                  573,574
Krum Daniel                             Ref and decree                  571

Labar Isaac                                                              18
Lane William H                                                           332
Lane William H.                         decree                           233
Lane William H.          order of confirmation                           249
Laraby Mary N                                                            461
Larrison Edna                                                            524
Lawrence Richard                               descrim                   567
Laraby Mary N                                                            569
Lefler William D                                                         32
Lull/Lell Alfred                                                         33
Lefler William                                                           35
Lee Alfred                                                               94
Lee Alfred   vs.                 1st Natl. Bk. Havana                    111
Lee Lester and others                                                    331
Leonard  Eliza A   ref   and decree      confirmation                    460,541
Lefler David D                                                           598
Little Anna C.                   vs.     Caroline E Updike               202, 221
Lybold Henry and others                                                  243
Lyn Jesse   Amso   vs.                           Asa Coe                 41
Laster/Lasker  Sarah W                           S C Graham              84
Leroy Bryon                                      George Thornberry       87
Losey William B                                  Peter Wyckoff           224
Lockerby Guy                                     Munson? Hall            226
Locamotion Works        Schenectady                                      297
Loggie?  Charles A.                      Louisa J. Loggie                306,337
Lovell Elijah                            orders ref.     decree          419,420,462
Lynch Ellen B.           vs. Fall Brook Coal Co.                         212
Lybolt Henry             confirmation                                    280
Lyon Jesse                                       E. Warren               283
Lyon Hobart                                                              328
Lytle John J.                                    E E Elles               467,486, 577

Mallory Russell B.       nothing else recorded
Mallory Fred E                                   John B. Dutton          37
Mallory Russell B.               John B Johnston                         99
Mathews Nathaniel M              Jane  Cronk                             123
Mahan Alexander                  Byon Prnetiss                           168
Martin Oliver W                  Darius Ballow?                          243
McCarthy Mary   nothing else written
McCarthy John                    vs  mary OBrien                         254
Mapes Joseph     discontinuance                                          364
Mackey Joseph                            vs.   ?                         390
Marshall Elmer J                                                         492
Martin Samatha   ref. and decree                                         554
McLafferty Gorham/Gersham D                                              594
McLafferty Frank D                                                       594 
McKeel Abram                             James C. Monk                   123
Meekeel Abram                            Watkins Natl Bank               360
Mericle Hannah                           Frank S Jones                   448
Mekeel/McKeel Abram V                                                    555,563,601
Miller David R                           1st Natl Bk Watkins             8
Mix Sylvester                    referee                                 11
Miller Mary                       referee                                20,21
Miller Mary Louisa                                                       29,30,31
Miller David R                                                           40
Millner Isaac B                          vs      James C Caprow          31
Miller Jonathan                  vs.     Albert Ellis                    224
Miller Gabriella                 In pleaded                              155,178
Millspaugh Lewis P       Ref                                             256,257
Millner Isaac D          publication                                     258
Millner Isaac D            ref   decree                                  285
Millspaugh Lewis                 ref            decree                   301,302
Miller Jane and others                   ref     decree                  303, 306
Miller  Sergent by heirs                 decree                          306,315
Millner Isaac D and Jane Miller          amending                        312
Mills Peter    vs                        Elizabeth Bennett?              431
McIntyre John                                                            470
Millspaugh Lewis P                       L. G Reno                       534,537
McComb Phebe             vs.             Peter Cronk                     46,58
McCoy?  Henry L                                  Sarah C Graham          84
M--- lure   Caleb               vs.      Caldon B. Forrest               100
McCoy Minor B                   vs       Frederick Winfield              104,105
McComb                 vs                Peter Cronk                     131
Moore Lewis W                                                            257,263,264
Moore Lewis W          vs                Bank Havana                     294,296
Moore Alexander               vs             Bank Havana                 304
Moore Augustus N or H.           vs.     Bank Havana                     304
Moore Lewis W                    vs.     Bank Havana                     312,314,329
Moreland Malinda                                                         331
McConnel John                            reference       decree          438,439
Moore Lewis W                            et al                           452,544
Moore Mary T          reference decree                                   460,541
Moore Augustus  H                                                        465,541
Murdock Thomas R                         Elliott A ?Meeks                7
McClure Henry D                                                          521
McDonnell Charles B.                ref          decree                  552,553,565
Moore Lewis W                                                            554

Nares James                            D Almay                           421
Newman Charles       vs.                         Asa P Wood              74
Newman William                                   Cornelius VanAllen      230
NYC  and HRRR Co.                                                        232
Newby Thomas B.                                                          376,369
Nicholas Lavander                                                        236,237,240
Nicholson Fanny S                                                        592,595,596,597
Norton John B                    vs. Russell B. Mallory                  194
N--- Helen L.            B               Caroline E Updike               202,221
Norman Robert L  ref.    decree         order                            272,273,295
Northrup John A                                                          331
Newgent Charles  and others                                              331

Owen Alice R                                                             19,183,210,274
Owen Thomas                   award to                                   337
Owen Gilbert D                   award to                                513,536
Overseers of the Poor of Catlin                                          537,538,577
Osborn Ann                                       Wm. K. Shaw             164

Paige James W                            Celina A. Paige                 332
Palmer Manly                             decree                          334,335, 484
Payne Josiah D   in the matter of trustees                               347
Page James W.                                   Cellina A. Paige         365,426
Palmer Rosa E   in the matter of                                         423
Park Armella J                                                           455
Palmer James D.     decrees                                              484
Palmer James D as overseers                                              494
Parks Amelia J.                                                          495,496
Page James w                                                             507
Palmer Manly    order can                                                520
Paine Silas N                                                            603
Peoples College                          Elbert W. Cook                  2
Pease  Norman                            Minerva C. Ransted              110,198,204,220
Personius Elias                          James C. Trenain                157
Pell Henry H                             Ann Townsend                    173
Pease Callandet                  vs      George Thompson                 181
Perry Eli                                Celestia G Perry                197
Parsall -      decree and ref                                            404
Peck Isaac N                                                             496,510,516
Poples College  in the matter of release                                 576
Pellet ? William M                                                       578
Pike Sanyek                      vs,             James M Armstrong       70
Phillips Reuben H                                order citations         154,323
Pumpelly Sarah A  Jr. in the matter of                                   174
Phillips George W                                                        335
Pike David     award                                                     337
Phinney Martin S  estate of                                              362
Phinney Helen K   owner                                                  362
Phoenix  William       reform   decree                                   372,373
Philips Reuben  H        decree                                          378,405
Powell Stephen                                                           23,24,25
Powell Lydia                                     John T Andrews          205,222
Powell Lydia order ref.  decree                                          215,216
Pope James H                     decree  ref. modifying decree           220,223,258,259,263
Probasco?  James  and William                                            255
Pope Margaret        decree                                              258,259
Potts Caroline D                                                         273
Pope Mary E                      S. S. Decker                            276
Pope James  H                                                            313
Pope Mary E and James Pope H                                             313
Pope Margaret                         SS Decker                          357
Pope James H                                                             358
Pope Mary E.                                                             361
Pumpelly Sarah A in the matter of                                        178,179
Purdy E W                         C. M. Hager                            240
Pumpelly Sarah A Jr in the matter of                                     174,175
Putman Ellis                 award to                                    337
Puff Oliver C                                                            593
Potts Caroline D                                                         471
Potter Orange                                                            515
Powers Thomas                                                            530
Potter Orange          order confirming                                  547


Quinn Annn  by heirs ref     decree confirmation                         286,288,299
Quigley Charles C                                                        607

Randall Nathan   vs                      1st nat�l bank Watkins          79,80,81
Raymond William H   vs                  F Raymond                        132
Ranson Ira G  and Mary E. Ranson                                         166
RR C NY Central                          Henry D. Pelham                 173
RR Co NYC and Hudson River                                               232
Ranson Warren G                  St Pauls Church                         234
RR Co NY Central                                                         242
Railroad of Watkins and Havana Street                                    279
RR Co NY Central  discontinuance                                         302
Railway co Syracuse Geneva                                               322
Raymond John                     Alice A. Raymond                        325
Railway Co SG and Co awards                                              337,355
RR Co NC                         vs. George A. Ringer                    356
RR Co Watkins Havana St                                                  384
Ranson Sherman?   G              Receiver of   Bank                      437
Railrway C, NC                   Jabiel H. Graus                         578
Ranson Aariah                    ref and decree                          585
Rhodes Catherine                 Enos Culver                             73
Reynolds Merritt     vs          Geroge W. Jackson                       85
Reynolds Thoms  vs               George W. Jackson                       85
Reno Griffin     vs              Elizabeth Hayford?                      265
Relyea Geroge  U                 confirmation                            343
Reainer Bank of Havana                                                   358,359
Reno Lawrence G  et al                                                   374
Reynolds George                  ref and decree                          401
Reed John                        reference       decree                  412,413
Reed Edson W                                                             454
Reynolds Smith estate of Petitioner                                      463
Rhodes Mary C                                                            493
Reynolds Emma M and Samuel Reynolds                                      508,509
Reynolds Emma Mm  con and decree                                         544
Redner Seartes?                                                          557
Redner Learties  Ref and decree                                          571
Ruscon Nelson                    vs.             Henry C, Vanduzer       159
Rusco Nelson                     vs.             foreclosure             160
Rich Halsey H                    vs.             Daniel H. Hughey        164
Richardson M.                    vs.             Wilbur S Peck           320,321,331,366
Richardson William                       Geo?   Norman                   386
Roberts Gilbert L                                                        26
Rollinson Hoyt                           R H. Baker                      38,39
Rishing Josheph F                        Wm M Pellett                    53
Rogers Delphene                          Daniel Rogers                   54
Rolf Walter K    by adm                  Eliza Rolf                      55
Rogers Delphine          vs              Dan�l Rogers                    71,72
Rockwell Ebern           vs              Frederick Salsbury              82
Rockwell Henry E      vs         do                   do                 82
Roberts Gilbert L        vs.             Daniel Faiell?                  89
Roberts Ira              vs                      Wm Ross                 92
Roberts Jacob     vs                     do        do                    92
Roberts Gilbert L        vs              Daneil Favill?                  101
Rollinson Hoyt           vs.             Richard K Baker                 109
Robinson Christopher S   vs              A D Fenton                      142
Roberts Lewis            vs              David B. Brosser?               154
Roberts John             vs              Daniel Nichols                  155
Roberts Andrew           vs              Lewis Roberts                   168
Robbyer Garret           vs              Horace D. Seaman                183
Roblyer Garret           vs              H. D. Seaman                    198,210
Robbins Archibald        vs              Harriet Decker                  213
Rogers Delphine           vs             Daniel Rogers                   218
Rogers Delphine           n  the matter of                               219
Roberts Andrew          va               William Ross adm                227,307
Rhodes Mary C                            William Ross adm                307,356
Rood Simeon L            vs              William Ross adm                362
Roberts Samuel           vs              Clara Harrison                  374,375
Rockwell Abram        and Edward as Adminstrator                         380
Rhodes Mary C                                                            390
Robinson Mary        ef and decree                                       402
Rhodes Mary Cq                                                           411
Rogers Lucretia Q and others                                             424
Rogers George W                                                          450
Rogers Bradley W                                                         450
Rogers Hiram heirs of                                                    454
Ross William                             Ref and decree                  454
Roberts John  ref and decree                                             479,480
Rhodes Mary C                                                            514
Roberts John                                     order cem               528
Rosebrook Lorenzo R                                                      532
Roberts Lewis and George Lewis vs        S. B. shearer                   535
Roberts Samuel                 order con                                 540,541
Rhodes Mary Catherine                                                    550
Rush  Philip             vs              James E Birdsall                313
Rush  Philip             vs              Malvinia A. Birdsall            320
Rusco Nelson                                                             497

Slaght Abram                             vs      Samuel K Slaght         3
Sayes Sarah R                    vs      James M Sayes                   21
Salsbery Seeley                  vs      Frederick Salsbury              83
Salsberry David          vs      do        do             do             83
Swartwood Ira S                          Adelia S. Swartwood             85
Sanatarium and Watkins                           George J. Magee         85
Sanitarium co Watkins                           Heman? Benson ?          86
Sanford Bela Adm                                W or N eyne? Sanford     95
Saulsbury Frederick             vs              C. W. Brown              114
Sanfoprd Myra                   vs              Bela Sanford             149
Sanford Myra                    vs              Bela Sanford             150,153
Slaght Lewis                                    Isaac W. Hart            157,158
Sanford Myra                    vs              Bela Sanford             160
Salsbury Daniel                         vs      Frederick Salsbury       175
Shanahan Michael                in the matter of                         180
Spaulding John                  order reference                          200
Spaulding John                          decree foreclosure               201/211?
Sanford Bela Adm                                Myra Sanford             219
Slaght Abram                                    Abraham Sanford          234
Spaulding John                          Washington Davis                 237
Slaght Abraham          vs              Hull Fanton                      250
Slaght Abraham          decree                                           250,260
Shanon/Slaven Michael                   confirmation                     260,273
Sanford Bela Adm                        Myron Sanford                    283
Sands Mary E                                                             311
Strader Mulford                         vs   Geroge G Freer              321,342,348
Sands Mary E              vs     Jacob Banker                            349
Salsbury Ann Eliza       vs      Alice Salsbury                          41
Salsbury Frederick       vs. Alice Salsbury                              387
Shanan  Michael          vs  Barris              decree                  419,476
Saunders Randale         W                                               547
Slaman/Shannon?  Michael                                                 563
Swarthout Lorenzo                                                        522
Sanford Myra                                                             541
Sanford Bela   and others                                                541
Sanford Lewis  estate of                                                 541
Swartwood John S                                                         555
Seaman Elvira                                                            568
Secord Joseph          order                                             574
Speed Sarah W   discontinious                                            574
Swartwood John S                                                         583
Slaght Maud Pauline                                                      584
Salmon David  B                                                          593
Swartwood Addias   Adim of                                               602
Slaght Maud Pauline    ref       decree                                  603,604
Seaman Eliza                                                             19
Shelton Burr                     Richard K?  Beattie                     34
Shelton  Everett               Barnabus Miller by exec                   56
Guy Shelton                                   Barnabus Miller by exec    56
Shelton Phineas                         Barnabus Miller by exec          56
Skellenger Mary A                       mary T Skellinger                84
Skellenger Marian P                     Mary T Skellinger                84
Skellenger Helen  and Harriett Skellinger   Mary T, Skellenger           84
Sample James                            vs  H. M Skellenger?             95
Shelton Everett                         George W. Decker                 136
Seaman Norman A                         H. D Seaman                      182
Skellenger Mary A and others                                             245
Schenectady Locamotive Works            Chas Dimmen?                     297
Sonelzer  John M. and others                                             335,336
Selover Asher L                         Mnt of assister?                 372
Speed Sarah W                           J. D Payne                       432
Speed Sarah W                   decree                                   433
Skellenger Mary A and others                                             489
Secord Joseph                                                            520
Strever Frank             order reb                                      562
Seaman Elvira                                                            568
Secord Joseph    order decree                                            574
Speed Sarah W                                                            574
Smith Lydia                                                              12
Smith William                                                            12,14
Smith Justus                    vs       Stephen H. Bailey               59
Skeff Henry R                   vs       Lydia Skeff                     65
Smith George W                                                           100
Smith Rachael O          in the matter of                                101
Smith RachaelO                    vs     Orlando Smith committee         112
Smith Rachael                            lunatic                         125
Smith Rachael O   in the matter of                                       126,127
Smith Rachael O et al           vs       Jevael C Gibbs                  128
Smith Justus                     vs   Stephen Bailey                     137
Sissons Martha                   vs  A V Mckeel                          167,170
Sissons Martha                   order preference                        170
Sissons Justus                   Wm H Voorhes                            174
Sissons Justus                   Charles VanVorhes                       174
Sissons Martha                                                           187
Smith Justus    order confirmation                                       193
Stilwill Ira             David Cole                                      201
Smith Justus                     Wm H. Van Vorhis                        212
Stilwell Thomas                  admit                                   235
Smith Ralph                      order reference         decree          241
Smith Plutarcle?/Phetande/Plutarde J                                     268,269
Smith Amanda                                                             268
Stillwell Morgan                         Adver                           269
Switzer Valorus B                order ref                               282,
Smith John et all                                                        301
Smith John J                                                             334
Smith David C           vs       Eliza Gray                              364
Smith John                                                               367
Smith Isabel and otheres                                                 368
Smith David C                                                            385
Smith Isabel                     Amy Vanduzer                            410
Smith Charles G    order petition                                        416
Smith Rhode  discontinuance                                              425
Smith Isabel             vs      Amh Vanduzer                            461,484
Stilwell Deborah               petition                                  486,518,523
Stilwell Spencer C order                                                 517
Smith Henry T/F         ref                                              524,525
Smith John J.  adm...ref                                                 525,527
Sullivan Timothy        vs              Aug Goodrick                     74
Stout Flora             vs              Levi Stout, Andrew Stout         120
Soule Annamarie/Annare       vs         Israel Pease                     132
Soule Anna                      vs      Isreael Pease                    134,138,145,164,176
Scoville Ella E                 vs                                       134,135
Sproule William c. awards to re                                          337
Scofield Thomas , Nancy Scofield by admst. ref  decree                   345,346
Stoll Andrew vs. Albert Ellis                                            388
Snow Sabrina T  ref     decree                                           447,448
Soule Sarah A   partition                                                463,473
Soule Eli                                                                473
Soule George A                                                           478
Schott Catherine    con                                                  483
Scoville Ella C                         decree  confirmation             484,520
Stoddard Jesse               ref             decree                      524,525
Stoll Frank D                                                            539
Strong Noble                                                             357
Sutfin Isaac L                                                           97
Sutfin Ann                                                               97
Sullivan Timothy                                                         131
Sutfin Isaac L                                                           153
Supervison Board of Havana Trustees of                                   228
Supervisors Borard of Eva Backer                                         283,351
Shutes Samuel E  ref. decree                                             366,367
Shutton Anson M . assigneee                                              377
Sunderlin Marin J  ref. and decree                                       407
Sutton Thomas           decree confirmation                              414,427,428
Sunderland A. W. as Gau of Rose E. Peterson                              423
Shulman Henry  ref      decree  confirmation                             425,426,448,456,482
Stull Eugene  B.                                                         461
Sutton Thomas  confirmation                                              462,428,462
Schuyler Co Agricultural Society                                         470
Sutfin Mary A   con                                                      483
Swarthout Lorenzo                                                        499
Stull Eugene B                                                           599,600
Syracuse Geneva and Corning RR Co.                                       322
Stilwell Ira Estate of partition                                         52?
Stilwell Deborah                                                         423
Smith John J. Advent                                                     527,529
Stilwell Deborah and others                                              524,525,529
Stilwell Ira Estate of petition                                          525
Sickles William   ref and decree                                         539,539,533
Smith Alva                                                               539
Smith James   estate of                                                  539
Smith Isabel                                                             539
Stilwell Deborah and others con.                                         549
Stilwell Ira estate of                                                   543,548
Sitsber? Henry C                                                         551
Smith Richard E  ref and decree                                          558
Smith Lydia  A                                                           558,559
Stilwell Spencer C  order cen                                            560
Smith Isabel                                                             593
Skiff Myron             ref and decree                                   599

Tracy Willis H.            Charles A. Tracy                              4,7,21
Taylor Sonia?                Sarah c. Galir?                             84
Taylor Sarah Ann?            ref and decree                              477
Taylor Addison J.              ref. and decree                           477
Treman Madison and James C Treman    vs Manley P Thompson                169
Treman Madison               Manley P. Thompson                          188
Thayer Mary O Pursol et all                                              380
Tichenor Joseph          first nat�l Bank Watkins                        3,80
Tichener Joseph  and Henry Dreush?/Darrah                                78
Titcomb Charles                                                          498,468
Tichenor Joseph              ref. and decree                             506
Titchomb Clarisa B.                                                      580,592
Thornton Joseph     Eli  C Frost                                         40
Tompkins Edwin I         J J Smith                                       75
Tompkins Catherine JJ Smith                                              75
Tompkins Ererio ? D              J J Smith                               83
Thompson Daniel                                                          93
Talbert Louisa J                 ref                                     247,248
Tolbert Louisa J                 confirmation                            266?
Townsend Marcia                                                          270
Thomas Lewis J. order and confirmation                                   438
Totten William                                                           607
Trusteees of the village of Watkins                                      187,188
Truesdell Charles E                                                      441
Tresdell Charles  E.                                                     442
Turnecliff William P                                                     463
Turncliff William P                                                      485
Turncliff Joseph                                                         485     

Updike Eleanor D.    vs.   Caroline E,. Updike          decree            2202,221,235

Vantuyl  Andrew J. .                  vs   Sarah Vantuyl                   47
Vanambergh Moses                           Charles Bridge                  54
Van Allen John J.          vs              Edwin Howell                    77
Vantuyle Andrew J.         vs              Sarah VanTuyle                  78,144
Vanlone Christopher        vs.             Eliza Vanlone                   169     
VanAllen John J.           vs              1st Natl Bank Watkins           229
Vantuyle Andrew J.                                                         270
Vanliew Fred                               Clarisia B. Van Lew             333
VanLew Fred        order reference                                         344
VanMartin  and others              O. H. Boothole                          477
Van Liew Fred  divorce decree                                              534
Vanallen John J    in the matter of petition                               545,559
Vance Sarah A  in the mater of petition                                    607
Vescelious Francis M               vs. Peter Wyckoff                       238
Vescelius John L E                 vs Peter Wyckoff                        238,330
Vescelius John L and others                                                335
Vine George    vs. Samuel M Barker.                                        121
Voak Joel                       vs              order publication          365
Voak Joal  et all                                                          385
Voak Joel                  ref.. and decree                                401
Voal Melitta A                             ref and decree                  407

Wagner Samuel L                                                             15
Wait Mary E                     petition                                    55
Wallace David                           vs Byron Fountain                   168
Watkins Village of                                                          187,188
Watkins and Havana Street RR Co                                             252,279,296
Waugh Peter W                   vs. James Decker                            265
Warren Willard                                                              266
Warren Willard                                                              267
Ward George S?                                                              279
Walsh James                             B W Norris                          314
Wakley Leander  B                                                           332
Watkins and Havana St. RR Co                                                389
Warren Willard          vs    E M.. Hewitt                                  393,394,395
Wardner William                 vs. mary E. Brown                           436
Watkins National Bank   in the matter of sale                               444
Wager Emeline                                                               497,498
Washburn John                                                               553
Wheeler Sarah A           vs. Alanson Shoeman                               61
Westerfield Henry B              vs. Stuart Swett?                          99
Westcott Albert and Cynthia A Wescott               decree                  261
Weaver Warrren B.                            decree                         377
Wheeler John A                                                              382
Weaver Warren B.  reference decree driving motion                           396,397,411,413
Webb Thomas                                                                 417
Weaver Warren B confirmation                                                418
Wheeler Amos B. reference       decree                                      439,440,482
Wheeler John A.                         SM Beards   et all                  441,497
Webb Thomas            vs.          O P Bower?                              446,479
Willover Abram in the  matter of                                            12,13,14
White Calvin J.   vs. Henry B. Bennett                                      43
White William E             vs      John N. Beach                           54,67,68
Wilbur Platt                vs      Asa P. Wood                             74
Williams Jacob              vs      Joel H. Autstin                         85
Wright Caleb C.             vs      George A Ringer                         123
Wisner Hector S     vs.     Minnie Wisner                                   290,307
White Myron C.      ref.                                                    326
White Thomas R      ref.            decree                                  326
White Myron C               decree                                          326 
Williams Ansel  and Willis Charles                                          537
Wickes George A                                                             551
Wilson Alanson  W                                                           568
Winton Anna M                                                               569
Wood Newsom P       vs   K---don (Hudson?)P. Wood                           86
Wood  Eunice  vs.  K ----don(Hudson?) P. Wood                               86
Wolverton Martin             vs.  Wm. Ross                                  92
Wood Hudson P       vs Henry Wood                                           109
Woodward Charles  M.        vs.  2nd Natl Bk Watkins                        140,141
Wood Henry                    decree in partition                           159
Woodruff John               John M. Jayco?                                  177
Wood Henry                          Hudson P. Wood                          191
Woodworth Minervia          Lydia A,.Smith                                  199,209,210,222
Wood Marvin/Mareson                   confirmation                          246
Wood Simeon D                                                               312
Wood Henry C                                                                314,329
Woodward Helen E             vs. Dusenburg                                  349
Woodward B. W. Recession  of  Bank in the matter of                         444
Wood Hanah J. partition                                                     463,473
Wood Milton                                                                 473
Woodward Charles M.                   ref. and decree                       490,491
Wm Wood Wm O            appts. of stenographer                              27
Wyckoff Peter.                      order for Judgt.                        336
Wood S. D,.                                                                 544,554
Wood H. C.                                                                  544
Woodward Benjamin W                                                         559
Woodward Nathanial H                                                        578

Young William                                                               270