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The following notes are taken from clipping my Gram saved over the years.  The dates are estimated
as to between 1936-39.
due to the fact that these old clippings were scanned and transferred by OCR, it is hard to decipher the words and names because the clippings were destroyed prior to final correction. If you find words that need correction, please feel free to e-mail me.

-Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bronson and son spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Crout.
-Henry and William Valent returned Sunday to Cornell University where they will resume their studies.
-Mr. and Mrs. Chester Crout and family spent Thursday and Friday visiting friends in Pennsylvania.
-Robert Gould and Win. Teed spent the week end at their homes here.
-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams, Miss Alice Castilla, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
Teed and Ethel Teed attended the Dundee fair last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Teed and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Crout and son.
-Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Morehouse and family and Mrs. Frank Morehouse and sons attended Dundee fair Thursday afternoon.


-Daniel O. Hughey spent over the week end with his sister, Mrs. Char. Willis, in Elmira.
-Mrs. Henry Rarrick spent one day last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Ameigh.
-Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Hughey and children were Saturday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Templar.
-Mr. and Mrs. John N. Paris and son Junior were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hughey.
-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haff and daughter of Geneva were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hughey.
-Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hughey have purchased a new Buick car.
-Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Burt have moved to Corning. We will miss them on the hill I am sure.
[not sure of location as was on reverse of a clipping]

 Mrs. Annis Frederick of Hector a patient.
-Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Poklinkow of Odessa are the parents of ‘7 lb 14 oz. son, Roman Andrew, born Aug. 24th.
-Harry Allen returned Sunday his home in Reading Center.

[ca 1937-9]
-Miss Nelle Townsend of Dundee has been spending the past week at the home of Mrs. Delia Goundrey.
-Mr. and Mrs. Lewis McClure entertained on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Inman and family of Gilette, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Inman of Troy, Pa.
-George Salmon is visiting his brother, Dr. L. T. Salmon at New Hope,Pa..
-Mrs. Addle Mundy entertained on Tuesday Mrs. Davenport and daughter of Post Creek, Mrs. Nellie Middaugh of Corning, Mrs. Edward Miller and daughter of Burdett, and Mrs. Blanche Aber of Painted Post.
-Mrs. Emma Mathews of lrelandville is visiting her sister, Mrs. Nellie Ward.
-Mrs. Maria Peelle. Mrs. Olive Fletcher and Miss Kate Bell were in Penn Yan last Wednesday.
-Mrs. George Penney was in Elmira Friday.
-Mrs. Ward Rogers and daughter Helen of Dundee, Mrs. Ray Personins of Millport and Harold Marshall of Detroit. Mich., called on their cousin, Mrs. Daisy Bishop last Thursday afternoon.
-Mrs. Ida Carman of Elmira spent the week end with her daughter Mrs. Earl Leonard and family.
-Miss Minerva Henderson ant Mrs. George Salmon entertained at their home Friday several ladies who were girlhood friends of their cousin, Mrs. Madeline McClure. Mrs. McClure is visiting at “The Maples!’
-Jack Peelle who has been spending the past several months with relatives here and at his family summer home, has returned to his home in Douglaston, L. I.
-Miss Rose Edgerton and niece, Miss Mary Edgerton of Coral Gables, Fla., were callers in town last week and visited at ‘The Maples.”
- Mr. and Mrs. Claude Pierce attended the funeral of Mrs. Willard Stilwell of Elmira Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lind from Massachusetts, have been visiting his sister, Mrs. Alfred Helting and Mr.
Helsing. They all spent Friday in Elmira with relatives.
-Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conley were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kellogg Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. George Hill and family and Mrs. James Wheat spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mott of Spencer.
-Mrs. S. Stevens is visiting relatives in New York City.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas and Mrs. Maude Gibbs of Ithaca visited at the Kellogg home Sunday afternoon.
-James Wheat of Breesport spent the week end at the Hill home. Mrs. Wheat, who has been spending few days with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Hill, returned home with him. They were accompanied by their niece Mrs. Leland Smith, who will visit at the Wheat home.
-Raymond Comfort has been spending a few days with his father. Wm. Comfort and Mrs. Comfort, before entering a CCC camp in Penn- Osylvania..
[ca 1936]
-Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Lambert William Glen, Earl D. Carpenter and Mrs. Merton C. Rose attended the annual American Legion convention in Syracuse last week.
-The Dundee High School opened its 1936-37 school year last week with the largest registration in the last three years. The total present registration is 342, while the figure for 1935 was 324 and for 1934 was 322.
-After being for several years without motion pictures, Dundee is to have a theater opened Friday in the old Beekman Theatre, which has been leased by a Syracuse concern. Western Electric sound equipment is being installed and other alterations and improvements are being made. The theatre will be called the “Strand Theatre"
M.P. Clotnick of Syracuse is supervising the installation.
-William Clary, Jr., who has made arrangements to enter Syracuse University this fall, has been awarded a scholarship from the University of the State of New York of $100 a year for four years. While making arrangements to attend the university, he was advised that Syracuse University would make an additional $100 a year available for him. He was graduated from the Dundee High School last June as valedictorian. At Syracuse, he will study journalism.
-Plans for the 1936 Dundee Fair are being rapidly completed. The dates for the exhibition will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
-September 22, 28 and 24. The grand stands and other buildings are being repaired and improved.  School children will be admitted free of charge on Thursday. Races will be held on Wednesday and  Thursday afternoon. On Wednesday, there will be a 2:20 trot, a 2:22 trot or pace and a 2:18 trot or pace. On Thursday, there will be a 2:18 trot, a 2:20 trot or pace and a 2:10 trot or pace.
-Both the Himrod and Dundee teams of the West Seneca Baseball league were defeated Monday afternoon by the Penn Yan Cubs at Penn Van in an exhibition doable- header. The Himrod team was defeated in the first game by 14 to 7. and the Dundee team by a 6 to 4 score.
-Mrs. Jay MacDougal and children of Water street spent the week end at the home of Mrs. MacDougals parents in Horseheads.
-Mr. and Mrs. Jay McFadden and daughter returned Sunday from a  trip of two weeks to West Virginia.
-Mrs. Helen McFadden, Paul and  Francis McFadden and Edward Carr spent the week end and Labor Day at Kittaning, Pa.
-Attorney Abram R. Harpending of Rochester spent the week end and Monday with his mother. Mrs. Mayme C. Harpending, on Seneca Street.
-Mrs. A. 1W. Cratsley and Miss Mildred M Cratsley of Hollister street spent Monday at Odessa.
-Mr. and Mrs. Luther Stanton and Miss Gladys Emery are attending the State Fair in Syracuse today.
-Rev. OHara returned on Monday from Syracuse where he had been attending the Christian Conference.
-The food sale by the Ladies’ Aid Society at Glenora on Saturday was  a real success. The proceeds were $32.
-Mrs. Charlotte Long spent the week end with her son, Wilson Long and family at Glenora.
-Rev, and Mrs. James Lykes called on Mr. and Mrs. Gerrie on Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Perry Kelsey of Ithaca spent the week end with their daughter, Mrs. Nathaniel Chadwick, and family.
-Ward Chadwick and son, Ward, Jr., of Paterson. N. J., called on friends and relatives in town last week. They spent their vacation of two weeks with Mrs. Ida C. Hayes on Keuka Lake.
-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris have returned from New London, Conn. where they went to see their son, Arthur. They report that he is still seriously ill, but there are hopes for his recovery.
Dr. Gertrude M. Shults who is spending the summer here was called to Middletown last week on account of the death of her grandfather.

-Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Huey are the parents of a son.
-Mrs. Ethel Morton and Miss Bertha McMeans of Schenectady, Mrs. Inez Hoyt of New Jersey, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hall and son, Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. William Peterson, all of Painted Post and Mr. and Mrs. William Henry and son of Rochester called on Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dening Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Henderson and family of Bloomfield, N J, spent the week end with relatives here.
- Mr. Bert Roberts who has been staying with Mr. and Mrs. Merton Wolverton for a year, left for New Jersey last week where he expects to work.
-Miss Mildred Howell left Sunday for Buffalo to enter the State Teacher’s College until January.
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shearer and family of Buffalo visited Mr. and Mrs. Merton Wolverton over Labor Day.
Southwestern Reading
-Miss Bernice Sleeper returned to Schenectady last Saturday.
-Wallace Wasson is re-roofing his barn.
-Mrs. Emma Bakhe of Detroit. is visiting Lulu Smith and Ray Doane.
-Mrs. Leroy carson and two sons Mrs. Theodore Carson and Mrs. Katherine Bain. all of Canandaigua spent last Wednesday at the Sleeper home. Mrs. Bain remained for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Sleeper.
-Town Supt. of Highways Bert Hatfield with his helpers, have recently completed a splendid piece of road improvement from the Mud Lake road north to the upper end of the Jennings road. This is a road that is much traveled and will be appreciated by many besides the local residents.
-W. D. Sleeper and wife, Miss Bernice Sleeper and Mrs. Bain spent last Thursday with Dr and Mrs. G R.Ford and daughter at Endicott.

[ca 1936-39]
-The first meeting of the Montour Falls Parent-Teacher Association will be held next Wednesday evening at 7:30 at the Grammar school. Talks will be given by Headmaster
B. C. Gate of Cook Academy and Mrs. Della D. Williams, Principal of the Grammar School and remarks by the new President, Mr. Sydney Jones. Refreshments will be served. An interesting program for the year has been arranged by the Program Chairman, Mrs. H. H. Hampton and Committee and the support of the community in these meetings is solicited.
-Congressman Sterling W. Cole of Bath, Steuben County, gave a most interesting talk before the MontourWatkins Women’s Republican Club Friday evening, September 4th, 1936, at the Republican Headquarters in Montour Falls.
-Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beach and daughter, Marguerite, spent Saturday in Burlington, Pa., where they  attended the Chamberland reunion. From there they motored to Syracuse where they enjoyed the State Fair over the week end.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Kaiser of 26 College Ave., Upper Montclair,N. J., are the proud parents of a son born September 5th, 1936. Mrs. Kaiser was formally Miss Helen Leeman of Middletown, N. Y.
-Dr. and Mrs. Baker and sons Irwin and Bob, left Sunday for a few days vacation at Atlantic City and Cape May, expecting to return September 18th.
-Fern Chapter, O. E. S., will hold a bake sale Saturday morning, September 12th at the Nu-Way Cleaners.
-Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Van Cise left Wednesday morning for Atlantic City, where they will join the Bakers and journey on to Cape May to spend some time at the Bulkley Cottage.
Myron Weller is in Sayre at the Robert Packer Hospital where he will undergo a goiter operation Friday, September 11th.
-Dr. O. A. Allen of Watkins Glen will be Acting Health Officer in the absence of Dr R. O. Baker.
-Announcement has been received of the marriage of Miss Ruth Manning, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Manning of Catharine Street, to Dr. Earl D. Smith at Ann Arbor, Michigan, September 5th. Mrs. Smith is a graduate of the Watkins Glen High School and the Arnot-Ogden Nurses Training School of Elmira. Since graduation she has been engaged in active practice in and around Elmira. Dr. Smith was graduated from the Corning Northside High School, Denison University, Granville, Ohio, and the Buffalo Medical School. Doctor Smith interned at the Arnot-Ogden Hospital and engaged in general practice following his interneship. He accepted the position of assistant resident in radiology at the University Hospital, Ann Arbor, Mich., on July lst Dr. and Mrs. Earl Smith will make their home at 1224 Washington Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
-Mrs. Leonard Mahan has been in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Elmira for the past week for observation and treatment.
-William Eggersdorf and wife of Frankfort, N.Y., are moving back to their home on Catharine Street.
-There will be a picnic Luncheon at the Episeopal Parish House on Sunday, September 13th, at noon, in honor of Bishop Ferris.
-Mr and Mrs. Harold Barnard and on have returned to their home in Franklin, N. Y., after visiting relaives in town for the pest ten days.
-Mr. and Mrs. Roy Saunders visited in Honesdale, Pa., over the week end.
-Wayne Fitch and wife are in Syracuse attending the State Fair, there he was entestd in the Horseshoe Pitching contest, representing Schuyler County.
-Joyce and Marjorie Palmer have been ill for a few days, Joyce is able to resume her school, while Marjorie is much better.
-Mrs. Sarah Stotenbur, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stotenbur and son have  been camping on Keuka lake, have returned to their respective homes.
-Ralph Hern of Charleston, N. C., is home for two weeks. Mrs. Alice Hern will return with him to Chareston for the winter.
-Edgar Terwilliger of Elmira spent Labor Day with Mrs. Carrie Rigby.
-Eleanor Smith is home from Boston, after a year’s work with the Women’s Educational and Industrial Union as a dietician. For her outstanding work, she has been elected a membership to the American Dietetic Association.
-Stanford Mickel, George Habbershaw, Art Saunders, Ted and Fred Saunders, Glen Rumsey and Ernest Randall. returned Labor Day from Griffith, Hamilton County, in the Adirondacks. where they have been on a fishing trip.
-Miss Dorothea Brown returned to Oxford Monday to resume her position as Physical Training Teacher.
-Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mosher and daughter Ruth attended the Cotton family reunion at the summer home of Mrs. Samuel Cotton, in Elmira.
-The Loyal Daughters Class of the M.E. Church will hold a picnic supper at the home of Mrs. Isabelle, Walker Friday evening, September 11th.
-Mrs. Ernest Randall spent the week end with a cousin at Oneida Lake.
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Redner and son, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Humphrey and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Smith and daughter Eleanor, motored to Westfield, Pa., through the mountains and various points of interest.
-Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stotenbur and son have returned to their home in Jackson Heights.
-Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Stoddard visited in Wellsboro over the week end, also taking in the Harrison State Park of Pennsylvania.
-Mrs. Frank B. Hughey of Waterloo has returned to her home after visiting a few days with Mrs. Coral Meeks and friends in town.
-Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morris of Croton and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Johnson spent Labor Day at Keuka Lake with friends near Gibson.
-Milton and Harold Lynch, Orly Peppard, Jasper Pelham, and other band boys had a great time at the Syracuse Fair over the week end
-Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Horn, daughter, Shirley. and friend of Wellsville,  N. Y., visited Mrs. Jennie Messig Sunday.
-The Past Noble Grands of the Schuyler District will entertain at a luncheon at one o’clock Friday, September 11th, at the Montour Falls I.0. 0. F. Hall in honor of Mrs.Bertha Persons of East Aurora, N.Y., president of the Rebekah State Assembly, Mrs. Florence Fields,District Deputy President, and Mrs. Helen Gates, Deputy Marshall of Watkins Glen.
-Mr. and Mrs. Norman Unwin. Elsie Schlick and two girl friends enjoyed the week end over Labor Day at the Crawford Cottage at Valois.
-Mrs. Caroline Denson is ill at her home on Henry Street with artharitis.
-Mrs. S.H. Hand has been enertaining her brother and wife, Mr.
and Mrs. Baxter from Ohio.
-Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Livings have returned from their cottage on Seneca Lake for the winter.
-Sonny Aber was a fortunate lad when he luckily escaped injury- Monday. The front wheel of his bicycle was struck by a car throwing him in the line of traffic at the corner of Main and Genesee streets: Cars were thick, fast and furious in all directions, and how he escaped is a miracle.
-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frost spent Sunday at Willard with relatives.
-Mr. and Mrs Cook and daughter Genevieve of Elmira spent Labor Day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gustin.
-Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith Saturday motored to Albany. Howes Caverns, and through the Catskills spending the week end at the Syracuse State Fair.
-Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kuttner and daughter Mary Lucille, motored to Niagara Falls, and Toronto over the week end, visiting many points of interest, Fort Niagara, Toronto Fair  and enjoying the Firemen’s Convention in Niagara Falls.
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pelletier and daughter of Binghamton, Miss Barbara Pelletier and Mr. and Mrs. John Carley spent the week end at  their cottage on Waneta Lake.
-Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kuttner  and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Vickio spent the week end in Rochester and at the Syracuse State Fair.
-Miss Lena Kendall is spending sometime at her home, having resigned her position in Watkins Glen on account of her health.
-Mrs. Donald Misner is home from the Shepard Hospital very much improved in health.
-Stuart Smith returned from Chicago Saturday. On his way home he was able to stop at the Cleveland Exposition, and Sunday returned to Bucknell.
-Mrs. Roland Van Dusen has been spending several days with her mother in Chemung.
-Friends and acquaintances of Mrs. Jennie Herriman of Newfield will  mourn to hear of her death in Newfield Saturday. Mrs. Herriman was the only surviving sister of Mrs. Charles Meeks, mother of Mrs. Robert Westlake and Mrs. Leolah Towne.
-Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marsh of Fredonia were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Knight at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Shick, over the week end.
-Miss Alice Stone has returned to her school in Delevan.
-Miss Helen Messig was able to be home over the week end from Madison.
-Mr. and Mrs. Albert Getman and Charles Lattin were home for over Labor Day. Stuart Smith was able to ride back with them as far as Lewisburg, or Bucknell.
-Charles Lattin, Sr., of Toledo, O. was home for over the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wiggins spent the week end at Selkirk Shore near Pulaski. Robert Wiggins returned to Clarkston School of Technology. Bob Wood, Gordon Gagnon and Mack Maxwell attended the state air Monday.
-Paula and Dorothy Wagner, nieces of Mrs. Fred Poppleston,returned to their home in Brooklyn, after spending some time visittng Mr. and Mrs. Fred Poppleston. returned to the house on Genesee street, occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Clust, is getting a new coat of paint. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Brown spent he week end with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Vedder at the Vedder cottage at Hector Falls, on Seneca lake.
-The Fortnightly Club will meet vith Miss Mary Stoddard Thursday evening, September 10th.
-James Benson and Miss Winifred Bucher of Corning Sunday visited Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Clust.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Shick and Mrs. Annie Clust? motored to Saratoga Springs, where they spent the week end and Labor Day.
-Charles Benson, who has been ill in the Shepard Hospital for the past three weeks, has returned to his home.
-Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harmon of Williamsport were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clust.
-Mr. and Mrs. S. A. McAteer,Miss Maude Carlock and Ben Miller of Wallington, N. J., were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Clust.
-Assemblyman- Meeks will introduce the main speaker at the Republican rally in Burdett Monday night.
-The Misses Jean Stotenbur, Marjorie Clark, Barbara Lowman, Jean Towart. Virginia Wood, Catherine Hibbard, -and the Messers Willet Lowrnan, Sverre Fasting, John Barton, Lewis Brown, Bob Hern and Jack Riley enjoyed a picnic at Newfield Labor Day. -
-Miss Jane Myers visited in Syracuse over the week end.
-The Schuyler County W. C. T. U. will serve a silver tea at the M. E. church parlors promptly at three o’clock Saturday.
-Frank Kinney of Pittsburg formerly with the Shepard Electric Crane & Hoist Company, was in town Tuesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Prosper Clust and Mrs. Clust’s cousin of Brooklyn visited their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clust, over the week end and Labor Day.
Miss Margaret Swarthout spent the week in Elmira at the home of her relatives Mr. and Mrs. Don Haines.
-Miss Virginia Williams with Mr. and Mrs Andrew Williams have returned from Youngstown, Ohio. where they have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Argetsinger en- route they also attended the Cleveland Exposition.
-Fred Frost is shingling the Old Gramma Messig home on Ares street.
- Mrs. Emma Carpenter and Miss Mary Ann Birdsall spent Labor Day with Miss Lena Kendall of Catharme street.
- Miss Genevieve Cook of Elmira spent the week end with Dorothy Gustin
-Mr. and Mrs. A. Buccanning of Port Jarvis spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Buccanning.
-Joe McKeg and his mother, Mrs. Ella McKeg spent the week end in Athens. They are enjoying their new Packard.
-Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barnard and son have returned to their home in Clinton, N, Y., after visiting relatives in town for the past ten days.
-Mr. and Mrs. Roy Saunders visited in Honesdale, Pa., over the week end.
-Wayne Fitch and wife are in Syracuse attending the State Fair, where he was entered in the Horseshoe Pitching contest, representing Schuyler County.
Joyce and Marjorie Palmer have been ill for a few days, Joyce is able to resume her school, while Marjorie is much better.



-Mr and Mrs. Earle Corwin of Montour Fails and Mr. and Mrs. Minor Wickham of Odessa were guests of Mr and Mrs. F.O.Goundrey on a recent Sunday.
-Mrs Thomas Phelps, Levi Herrington, Wilmer Herrington and Levi Herrington, Jr. spent Sunday with friends in Corning.
-Mrs. Mary Cardiff of Beaumont, Tex., Miss Dena Cardiff and Mrs. A. G. Price of Providence, R. I., were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Russell
-The Quarter Century Club were most delightfully entertained last Thursday at the home of Rev, and Mrs. E. P. Van Deventer. The officers elected for the ensuing year are: President, Mrs. Alice Kellogg.Vice-Pres., Mrs. Jane Whitehead; Sec., Mrs. Gertrude Meade.
-Miss Bertha Kendall was  a guest of Misses Olive and Helen Meade at Reading Center a few days of last week.
-The Woman’s Missionary Society will meet Thursday of this week at the home of Mrs. E. P. Vandeventer.
[ca. 1937-39]
-Mr. and Mrs Frank Cady and Mr. and Mrs. Arch Cady and family and Herbert Oliver and family attended the Miller Reunion Sunday in the home of John Broadbent.
-Everyone who came to the ice cream social at the Church last Thursday night seemed to enjoy the occasion, as there was a very interesting musical program given by Rev. H. B. Malick and family and Don Lewis and his sister of Horseheads.
-Marleath, Dorothy and Betty Oliver have been away visiting relatives.
-School starts Tuesday in this district, which is district 17.
-Miss Thelma Litteer of Buffalo called on Mrs. Alton Webb one day last week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Fremont Keeker and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Shannon took a trip to the Adirondack Mountains. They went to the Saratoga Battlefield, Ticonderoga Battlefield, Albany and returned home by way of Howe Caverns. It was very interesting for all.

-Mrs. Charles Button was Calling on Mrs. Emma Scott Wednesday afternoon.
-Ernest Eldridge who has been working at J. Ralston’s has left to spend some time with John Westerfield.
-Mr. ard Mrs. James Eldridge are entertaining his brother from Rochester the week end.
-Mr. tnd Mrs. Dana Burt and Mrs. Nellie Thomas attended the dance at Tyrone Friday evening.
-J. A. Wildman and B. Rusco made a business trip to Roek Stream Friday.
-Francis Goltry of Rochester spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Goltry.
-Miss Dorothy Johnson of Auburn spent Sunday with her father, Clarles Johnson.
-Mr. and Mrs. James Cunningham of Lake Champlain are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.Lewis Lockwood.
-Mrs. Ed Clark was a caller at the home of Mrs. Harry Clark Monday.
-Mrs. Frances Cornell is visiting friends at Himrod.
-Bernard Ganung of Morelarnd spent friday with his aunte, Mrs. Nellie Thomas.
-Charles D. Bond was through this place Tuesday, electioneering for sheriff.
The mens prayer bard met at the home of Wayland Button Tuesday evening.
-Donald Newkirk had the misfortune to have an iron slip smash his toe while working on the bridge in Vasent Hollow Monday.
- ?  terdo Decker of Penn Yan was calling on old friends and neighbors here Wednesday.
- J.B Rice is building a new concrete porch on his dwelling house.
-The farm barn on the old Westerfield place burned to the ground Wednesday forenoon, due to some unknown origin.

-Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Gustites and son William of Fort Bragg, N. C.. Mrs. John M. Scott of Pittsburgh. Pa,, and Mrs. L E. Catlin of Odessa were recent guests of Mrs. Julia Arnold.
-At a meeting held recently in the Grange hall the Mecklenburg Improvement Society was organized. Dr. J. W. Burton was elected president; W.M. Wood, treasurer; Carl Havens, secretary. The next meeting will be held in the Grange hall on October 8 at 8 o’clock.
-Mrs. Alfred Rumph of Perry City was a Wednesday guest of Mrs. John Cernohorsky.
-Mr. and Mrs. Roger McDaniels and daughter Marian of Syracuse were receint callers at the home of George Stilwell.
-A class of 35 candidates from lthaca, Etna and Mecklenburg were intiated by the Maccabees at Maccabee Hall, Mecklenburg, Monday evening. A chicken supper was served at 6:30 in the Grange hall.
-Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stoughton and Clarence Stoughton were recent callers of Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Wright.
-The Willing Workers Bible Class meeting was held on Wednesday. October 7th at the home of Mrs. Homer Chappel.
-Sylvia. Eris and Howard Ayers were recent guests at the home of Charles Koellner.
[ca 1838-9]  ODESSA

-Mrs. Florella Green of Van Etten spent the week end with Rev. and Mrs. J S French and  attended the quartly meeting.
-The following have entered Cornell University: Seymour Bulkley, for his senior year; Steven Hubbell for his junior year; Robert Halpin, Lucile Durfay and Jane Hall is freshmen.
-Miss Vera Davis of Elmira College and Miss Mary Jones of Ithaca Physical Training Schmil were home the week end.
-Dr. and Mrs. George Cronk of Rochester were Thursday guests of his mother, Mrs. Florence Cronk.
 -Mrs. Ralph Stanley spent last Wednesday with Mrs. George Drake.
 -The Past Grands Will meet wtth Mrs. Florence Savercool Thursday.
-The Philathea Class will meet Thursday evening with Mrs. Sara Smith in The Carpenter farm.
-Miss  Julia Vaughn spent  Sunday with Mrs. Stella Brown.
-Miss Marguerite Dimmick of Albany is attending the Odessa High School.
-Rev. Dutton S. Peterson attended the Albany convention.
-The eighth grade of the school was organized with Norma VanLone, president.
-Miss Noi Rhodes was home from the  Binghamton Bible School the weekend.
-Frank B. Allen of Alpine and Miss Clara J. Howard of Southport were married Saturday at 9 o’clock a.m. by the Rev. Charles F. Eddy at the home of the groom’s father. They were married in the presence of immediate relatives. They were attended by Miss Eleanor Cahill and Frank Fredelio. They received  many useful  gifts. The groom is an employee of Cotton & Hanlon.
-Mr. and Mrs. Louis  Catlin were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Howell of Catharine.
 -Rev, and Mrs. J. S. French spent the first of the week at the home of her son, Charles Gibson of Chambers.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eddy of Rochester were at the home of his father,  the Rev. Charles F. Eddy, Sunday.
-Major Thomas Hanlon, assistant superintendent of Elmira Reformnatory gave a very interesting talk with pictures from the Elmira Reformatory Sunday evening at the M. clurch.
-Mrs. Sara Washburn of Etna and Mrs. Etta Washburn of Montour Falls have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Washburn.
-Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dimmick of Albany were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Ward.
-Mrs. Sadie Carpenter and daughters, Dorothy and Ruth, were at Trumansburg Saturday.
-Mrs. Emma Durfey was able to attend church Sunday.
-Harold Carpenter who works at Mr. Kirby’s, near Mecklenburg, was home the week end.
-Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hausner will leave  Thursday to visit for one week to visit their sons, Harold of Mohawk and Kenneth of Port Henry.
-Mrs. Jesse Locke and son Ronald were at the home of her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. Chas. F. Eddy. while her husband was at Albany.
-Miss Kathryn Baker was a dinner guest at the home of Rev. and Mrs.
J.S. French Sunday.
-Louis Dean and Wilson Dean were Dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Williams.
[ca 1936-39]
-Mr. Doneghy and son of Franklyn Square, Long Island, were here over Labor Day. His daughter, Miss Jean, has been spending the summer at the home of Tracy Wood. They left for home Tuesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brown and daughter Barbara of Ferry are guests of her mother, Mrs. Luella Pelham.
-Mrs. Sadie Carpenter and daughter Dorothy and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Beebe are attending the Syracuse Fair this week.
-Mr. and Mrs. George Heineck and son Duane of Long Island, are guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Brown.
-Rev, and Mrs. Edwin Dunbar who were guests of Mrs. Homer Lattin the past week have returned to their home at Nyack on the Hudson.
-Miss Winnefred Strite of Union $prings, called on Mrs. Florence Cronk Sunday.
-Rev. William Adams of Alton? called on Rev, and Mrs. Charles F. Eddy Friday.
-Lawrence Hanlon of Willard was here at his brothers, Howard Hanlon’s, the week end.
-Mr. and Mrs. Max Edgett were here Sunday for Roger and William Gould who returned to Dover, N. J.
-Lewis Ervay and son Howard spent some time at the State Fair.
-The teachers of Schuyler County met at the Montour Grammar School building Friday for a conference under the supervision of Miss Eleanor Burge, School Superintendent. Mrs. Della Williams, gave a paper on ‘New Horizons of Education.
-Mr. and Mrs. Earle Wood and daughter Arline who were on a trip through the New England states and at Hartford. Conn., with her people returned home Saturday night.
-The mail carriers enjoyed a banquet at Burdett recently.
-Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Wintermute and children of Horseheads were at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Prince Monday.
-Mr and Mrs. George Burghardt and children, Florence and Harold, of New York are visiting their mother Mrs Anna Burghardt.
-Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mott and children of Gillett, Pa., were at the home of Andrew Nordquist Sunday. They brought Miss Ahava home who had been there two weeks visiting.
-Jesse Eddy of Rochester is a guest of his nephew, Rev. Charles F. Eddy, this weeknd.
-Miss Anna Jones of Avoca was home the week end.
-Miss Margaret Cane of Adams, who teaches Homemaking arrived Sunday at the home of Mrs. S. F. Jones.
-Mr. and Mrs Ralph Eddy of Rochester are at the home of his parents, Rev and Mrs. Charles F. Eddy.
-Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hubbell had as guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. George Burghardt and children, Florence and Harold, of New York City and Mrs. Anna Burghardt.
-Horace Webster and Mr. Lourie and sister Mabel of Williamsport. were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nordquist.
-Mrs. Della Tompkins spent Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Martha Ward.
-Sidney Slater of Hazel Park, Mich. near Detroit who has a Sunday School of 1,300. is a guest at the home of Edward Rhodes of Oak Hill, also David Parish of Ferndale, Mich.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Lincoln and children of Englewood, N. J., were in town last week
-Miss Noi Rhodes who has been in school at Detroit. Mich~, has returned to her home.
-Edward Dolan spent Sunday at Pyke where he taught last year.
-Mrs. Gertrude Ganung who has, been visiting her daughter Edith at Ithaca, has returned home.
-Mrs. Ada Nathan is home from Sparta, Mich.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Drake of Ithaca were recent guests of Mrs. DelIa Tompkins.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Eddy and son Charles of Willard were at the home of his parents, Rev, and Mrs. Charles F. Eddy, Thursday.
-Ralph Ward and wife, with Miss Marguerite Dimmick spent over
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dimmick of Albany.
-Miss Evalyn Hausner attended the Chemung County Fair and was a guest over right at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strouse of Pine City.
-Rev, and Mrs. Kresge of Ithaca were recent guests of Mrs Della• Tompkins.
-Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Eartly of Elmira were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Utter Sunday and attended services at the Wesleyan Church in the evening.
-Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burnham of Cayuta were callers at the Wesleyan Parsonage Sunday morning.
-Rev, and Mrs. J. S. French were at Van Etten Friday to visit Mrs. Plorella Green.
-The Bible Study of the Wesleyan Church will iteet at the Parsonage Friday night.
-Mr. and Mrs. Max Edgett of Dover N. J. were dinner guests Monday of Mr and Mrs. Lavern Williams.
-Dr. C. S. Williams of Lafayette was a recent over night guest of his brother, Lavern Williams.
-Ruth Carpenter is a guest of Ruby Rhodes part of this week.
-Joyce Jackson of Montour visited her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Catlin, the first of the week.
-Mrs. Della Tompkins spent Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Martha Ward.
-Sidney Slater of Hazel Parx. Mich.. near Detroit, who has a Sunday School of 1,300, is a guest at the home of Edward Rhodes of Oak Hill, also David Parish of Ferndale, Mich.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Lincoln and children of Eaglewood, N. J., were in town last week
-Miss Noi Rhodes who has been in school at Detroit. Michk, has returned to her home.
-Edward Dolan spent Sunday at Pyke where he taught last year.
-Mrs. Gertrude Ganung who has been visiting her daughter Edith at Ithaca, has returned home.
-Mrs. Ada Nathan is home from Sparta, Mich.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Drake of Ithaca were recent guests of Mrs. Del]a Tompkirs.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Eddy and son Charles of Willard were at the home of his parents. Rev, and Mrs. Charles F. Eddy, Thursday.
-Ralph Ward and wife, with Miss Marguerite Dirnmick spent over
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dimmick of Albany.
-Miss Evalyn Hausner attended the Chemung County Fair and was a guest over right at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strouse of Pine City.
-Rev, and Mrs. Kresge of Ithaca were recent guests of Mrs Della Tompkins.
-Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Eartly of Elmira were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Utter Sunday and attended services at the Wesleyan Church in the evening.
-Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burnham of Cayuta were callers at the Wesleyan Parsonage Sunday morning.
-Rev, and Mrs. J. S. French were at Van Etten Friday to Visit Mrs. Florella Green.
-The Bible Study of the Wesleyan Church will meet at the Parsonage Friday night.
-Mr. and Mrs. Max Edgett of Dover N. J, were dinner guests Monday of Mr and Mrs. Lavern Wilhams.
-Dr. C. S. Williams of Lafayette was a recent over night guest of his brother Lavern Williams.
-Ruth Carpenter is a guest of Ruby Rhodes part of this week.
-Joyce Jackson of Montour visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Catlin. the first of the week.
Niles Valley, Pa. ca 1944
-The Manning reunion was held Aug. 20 at Ole Bull Castle, Potter Co. there was an attendance of 70. Mr. and mrs. Mark Bailey and children of Lindley.
- Francis and Bennie Laughlin of Watkins Glenn were guests of mr. and Mrs. Jesse manning Sat.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Kirkpatrick and Andrew Wedge called on Mrs. Arvilla Stratton, who is a patient at Boardacres near Wellsboro.
-Mrs. Rose Bailey has returned to her home in Lindley after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Manning.
-Mr. and mrs. B J Musante and dau.  of Fredericksburg, Va. are guests of Mr. and mrs. Harry Sutton.
-Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Glennon of LosVagus, Nevada, Mrs. Mary Glennon of Wellsboro called their cousin Mrs. Harry Sutton and husband Wed.
COUNTY LINE  [ca 1936-39]
-Miss Mary Ann Whalen is enjoying her vacation.
-Mrs. Daniel Clark and daughter of New York City spent the past week with her aunt, Mrs. O M Hatfield.
-Mrs. John Wasson entertained her daughter and husband of Binghamton Monday.
-Mrs. Smith Frary and Adaire Marshall  are visiting  relatives in Rochester.
-Mrs. O M . Hatfield and Mrs. D Clark and daughter called on relatives in Townsend Friday.
-Mr and Mrs. Stewart Wasson and daughter of Rochester were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Asa C Wasson.
[ca 1936-39]
-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bauer of Syracuse were week end guests at the home of G. A. Bauer
-Milton Coykendall and a friend of Ithaca were dinner guests at the home of Charles Coykendall Sunday.
-Dr. Frank Stamp and family of Cumberland, Md., are visiting at the home of Charles Stamp.
-Mrs. Lela Brink of Rochester and Mrs. Minnie Huey of Townsend are spending a few days at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coykendall.
-The many friends of Mrs. Myron Fenno will be sorry to hear of her serious illness at her home in Rock Stream.
-Mr. and Mrs. William Armstrong of Milo and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Meade of Dundee were guests at the home of C. N. Meade Sunday.
-Former teachers and pupils of the Hall Corners school and residents of the vicinity will hold a picnic at the school house Saturday, Sept. 12. Come and meet old friends and make new ones. Bring dishes and sandwiches for self and food for the table.
-The losing side in the recent attendance contest of Reading Grange No. 50 served dinner to 80 patrons at the hall Wednesday night.
-Miss Elizabeth Hall and David Love of Bu.rdett were calling in town Wednesday afternoon.
-Mrs. Laura Leslie was a recent guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Phelps.
-Rev and Mrs. Chauncey Ellison and sons Donald and Eugene of Virginia visited Mrs. Laura Ellison Labor Day.
[ca 1936]
-John Kress and Miss Alice Sherwood of Rochester and Miss. Fred Stoughton and children of Raduor, Pa., spent the week end with Jay Sherwood.
-The Home Bureau members were entertained at the home of Mrs. Bert Andrews in Trumansburg Oct. 21st. Lesson on “Tailored Finishes” was given by Mrs. Theresa Murphy.

-A son was born at the Seneca Falls Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Merle
Thompson of Interlaken Oct. 23rd. Mrs. Thompson was formerly Miss Nellie Trowbridge of this place.Congratulations.
-Miss Bernice Fletcher spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Mark Martin of Burdett.
-Mr. and Mrs. Clarice Robinson and Jane Robinson spent Sunday in Ithaca.

-Mrs. Morris Burt of Watkins spent Labor Day with her parents Jake Kelly and family.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Waugh welcomed a little son to their home Saturday evening at the Montour Falls hospital.
-For sale, timber lot at Moreland, mostly maple and bass J.B. Scott.
-Charles Woodard is spending a few days at the home of Wesley Waugh.
-Miss Joyce Beckwith of Watkins Glen was calling on friend here friday.
-Mrs. Earl Button spent Friday with Mrs. Ada Button.
-Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Scott spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs Elmer Mathews at Hector.
-Mrs. Frank Brunson of Corning called on Mrs. Fred Miller Saturday.

-Mr and Mrs Ervin Cornell attended the Chemung county fair Wednesday and Mr and Mrs. William Linderman attended the faie on Thursday
-Mr. and Mrs. Delois VanDine and Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord VanDine and son of Washington, D. C., visited Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Rusco last week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Waugh of Monterey are the parents of an ? lb. 4 oz. son, Robert Earl, born September 5th, at the Shepard Hostpital.
-Mr. and Mrs. Edward West, Mr. and Mrs. .Claud Waugh of Painted Post, Mr. and Mrs. Freemont Keefer of Sugar Hill, Mr. and Mrs Walter Keefer of Corning, Mr. am Mrs. Wesley Waugh, Betty Linderman, Mrs. Glenn Bly were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Waugh the past week..
-Mr. and Mrs.  Fred L.Bloom and three children of Elmira spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bly. Elaine Bly returned home with  the week end with them  alfer spending the past week with friends and relatives in Elmira.
-Mr. and Mrs. Claire Warren and daughter, Alice and Jean of Penn Yan, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Warren and Mr. Mrs. Baxter, Rusco, Sunday.
- Miss Nellie started working Tuesday for Dr. and Mrs. Smith of Corning.
-Vincent Bedient spent the weekend at his grandmother’s Mrs. Ida Whitmer of Belfonte, Pa.
-Mr. and Mrs. George Husted attended old  home day celebration at Painted Post Labor Day.
-Mrs. George Husted and Mrs. Thomas Waugh called on Mrs. Glenn Bly last week.
-Mrs. George Husted entertained at her home Friday evening, Sep.4th  the Gospel Worker Class. Music and singing was enjoyed  by all. The guests were Mrs. Elizabeth Perry of Syracuse; Mr and Mrs. Fred Barker. Mrs. Lillian Switzer, Miss Fannie Barker. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Townsend of Meads Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hotaling and son, Mr. and Mrs Donald Newkirk, Mrs. Mabel Goundry, Miss Curtiss, Mrs. Fannie Miller, Ruth Miller. Inez Cole. Vernard  May and Maynard Hilton of Monterey; Mrs. Arthur Henshaw of Brooklyn; Mrs. George Bly of Coon Hollow; Harold Kelley of Sickles Hollow; Mrs. Frances Cornell of Monterey; Mr. and Mrs Glenn Bly and sons Milton and Harold. Nellie and Onalee Husted. Geo. Husted and the hostess. Mrs. Geo. Husted. The music was fnrnished  by Mrs. Fannie Miller. piano:
Southwestern Reading

-Mrs. Walter Jennings is recovering from a recent illness.
-James O’Neil spent a week with  friends at Buffalo.
-Miss Harriètt Howard recently mtertained friends from Webster intl Rochester.
-Walter and Rudolph Lunick entertained relatives from Chernung over Sunday.
-Miss Bernice Sleeper spent a few days last week with relatives and friends at Lakemont.
-Miss Ellen Thrackmarten of Burdett is visiting Mrs. Martha Austin and family.
-Mrs. Harry Howard and Miss Harriett Howard, Andrew Smith and wife, Mrs. Laura Ellison were recent callers at W. D. Sleepers.
-Mrs. Adeline Simpson and family are moving to Watkins Glen

-Mrs. Elmer Dening, Mrs. George Klecker, Jr., Mrs. Sebring Howell. Misses Caroline and Lydia Van Liew, Mrs. Merton Wolverton. Mrs. Charles Howell and daughter. Mildred, attended the W. F. M. S. tea at Tyrone Friday afternoon.
-Mr and Mrs. Leon Howell and daughter, of Syracuse, visited Mr. and Mrs. Sebring Howell Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. George Baker and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Merle Baker Sunday.
-Vain Henderson of Bloemfield, N. J., is spending the week at George Baker’s.
School begins Sept. 1st with Mrs. Hatfield as teacher.

[ca. 1935-39]
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scaptura of  Binghamton spent part of last weeK with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Wasson.
-Mrs. Margaret Merrick is visiting Mrs. Andrew Wasson.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Bartholomew-and Miss Alice M. Castilla attended Townsend Grange Saturday evenimg where the ladies acted as judges in the canning contest.
- Mr. and Mrs. Beckwith have moved from the VanDyke house to Burdett.
-Mr. and Mrs. F. Whalen, Mrs. W.J. Wasson and Miss Castilla were at Trumansburg fair Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller called at O. M. Hatfield’s Sunday.
-Mrs. Adaline Simpson and son Charles spent part of last week at the home of Mrs. O. M. Hatfield.
-Mr. and Mrs. Phil Stillman have moved into the Wallace J. Wasson house.
-Our community was shocked and saddened at The untimely death of Claude M. Green. He was at one time a resident on the hill.
-Will Wasson of Corning spent the week end at Andrew C. Wasson’s.
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gardner were Sunday guests of her mother, Mrs. Andrew Wasson. being called here by the death of C. M. Green.

-Mrs. Frances Shewman and niece, Mrs. Wakelee of Hamburg were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Corwin and Mrs. Loma Corwin of Townsend.
-Mrs. Jennie Wakelee was a guest Wednesday of her niece, Mrs. Ed Lewis of Wedgwood.
-Miss Olive Perry spent the week end with friends in Elmira.
-Mr. and Mrs. Diven of Elmira called at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perry’s Saturday night.
-Claire Morehouse of Elmira was a guest over Sunday of his mother, Mrs. Frank Morehouse.
-Mrs. Shewman and Mrs. Wakelee visited relatives in Beaver Dams
last week.
BAKER HILL[ca. 1936-38]

-Mr. and Mrs. George Rapalee were recent callers on Mr. and Mrs. Charley Hedden.
-Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hedden spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Crout.
-Mrs. Howard Meeks and daughter Marjorie spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams and son.
-Mr. and Mrs. Arley Ackley and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Starkweather called on Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cront Saturday evening.
-Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Teed called on Mr. and Mrs. Bert Crout Sunday afternoon.
-Mrs. Robert Compton spent last tuesday with her nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smalley of Dundee.
-Friends are extending congratulations to the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Kent. Mr. Kent was a former resident of this vicinity.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Howe and children of Osceola, Pa. called on old  friends and neighbors in this vicinity Sunday.
-Mrs. Ezra Gabriel spent some time last week visiting her daughter, Mrs. Duane Cummings of Dundee.
-Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith spent last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ward Smith are visiting Mr. Smith’s mother ot Sodus.
-Mrs. Robert Compton and children were in Dundee Saturday.
-Mrs. Jesse Hathaway visited at the home of her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Cummings last Monday and Tuesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Speary spent the week end with relatives and friends in Geneva.
-Hunters have been very numerom in this locality and many birds have been bagged. Last Saturday a fawn was seen in the village of Dundee probably driven from the woods by hunters.
-Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dickens and little son were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Frank Davis Thursday.
-William Smith of Reading Center had the misfortune to have his here of cattle escape from the pasture. The animals became so badly frightened by hunters that it was impossibe for a man to approach them and our last information was that they were still at large. We are sure Mr Smith would greatly appreciate in formation concerning them.
-George Davis, Earl Leonard an Ezra Gabriel were on the sick list last week.
-Mrs. Lewis Bates is visiting relatives and friends at Watkins Glen and Sugar Hill.
-Mrs. Marion Smith and daughter Janet, Mrs. Maynard Wilson and Freddie Everts spent some time visiting their aunt and uncle at Haites Corners recently.
-Paul Hetfleld and Ezra Gabriel were in Odessa Sunday.
-Marion Longwell spent the week end with Dorothy Spencer.
-Mrs. Lillian Miller who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ward Smith has returned to her home near Dundee.

-Mr. and Mrs Fred Haff and daughters were week end visitors at the  home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Charles Hughey.
- Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hughey ant Master Alonzo wore in Rochester visiting at the home of Master Alonzos parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O Hughey.
-Samuel J. Hughey, Chester Williams and Mr. Wolverton were at Bradford Sunday.
-Mrs. S. J. Hughey and Mable and Donald Hughey were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Templar Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miles entertained Mr. and Mrs. Miles and children  and Gordon Miles of Rathburn Sunday
-Frank Crowe of Watkins Glen was one of the many hunters of the region.
-Mrs. Elizabeth  Phinney  is ill Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery.
-Mrs. May Whitehead of Corning is a guest of Mr and Mrs. Wim. Conover.
-Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Chase,  Lawrence Chase and Mr. and Mrs. William Whiting of Watkins Glen were Sunday guests at the home of Mr.  and Mrs. Charles Philip.
-Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Swarthout of Geneva called on Mrs. Swartout Sunday afternoon.
-Mr. and Mrs. George McLarcn are spending a week’s vacation with relatives in Pennsylvania.
-Mr. and Mrs. Jay Holley. Charlotte Holley, Mrs. Myrtle Smith and Mrs. Bessie Holley autoed to Auburn Sunday.
-Mrs. Lauren Eaton is a patient in the Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre. Pa.
-Hurd Burgess of Watkins Glen visited relatives in town on Monday.
-Raymond Ellison of Elmira visited his mother, Mrs. Laura Ellison on Saturday.
-Mrs. Frank Jordan entertained 18 friends from Orviston, Pa., last Friday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Archie Edsall and family entertained relatives from Ohio over the week end.
-Mrs. Estelle Philp and Mrs. Clarence Meade were entertained at the home of Mrs. Vertie Wetmore in Watkins Glen Wednesday, September 21.
-Members of Reading Juvenile Grange together with several members of the subordinate grange attended a county-wide meeting at Tyrone Saturday evening.
-Charles Ellis is visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Phiney.
-The Misses Olive and Helen Meade attended a banquet in the Odd Fellows hall in Montour Falls on Monday evening.
-The many friends of E. L. Seager will be glad to know that he is somewhat improved from his recent illness.
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howell of Tyrone were callers at the home of C. N. Meade and family Sunday afternoon.
-A number of friends made E. Gertrude Meade a surprise birthday party Wednesday evening.
-Roger Eaton and Warren Chadwick called on Mrs. Lauren Eaton in Sayre, Saturday.
-Reading grange will meet this week Wednesday evening First and second degree will be conferred
-John Hine and Clara and Martha Spears called on Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Teed and family Sunday afternoon.
-Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hedden were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Gould on Tuesday.
-Robert Teed and Irving Russell attended the 4-H tree reforestation at the Adirondack Mountains last week. Robert Teed won second prize in 4-H wood chopping and tree identification.
-Mrs. Ella Carrigan and Joyce Hughey spent Saturday with Mrs.C. E. Morehouse and family.
-Miss Lydia Wilbur was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wilcox Sunday. She spent the afternoon with friends in Hornby.
-Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Morehouse and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Imp- son of Hornby and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Taft of Moreland called on Mrs. Frank Morehouse and family of Mends Hill on Sunday.
-Mrs. Blanche Teed received a teleram recently of the death of her father at Mason City, Iowa. -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark called  Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Morehouse and family Monday evening. -Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Morehouse called on Mrs. Frank Morehouse Wednesday evening.
-The electric light line is nearly completed on the Moreland-Chambers road.
-W. M. Perrigo is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stillman at Montour Falls.
-Verna Ganung worked for Mrs. Esther Smalley Saturday.
-Miss Mary Watson and her aunt left Friday night for Pasadena, Cal.
-Miss Gladys Edmister and friend and Mrs. John Perrigo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brion at Liberty. Pa.
-Ernest Holly, Wm. Ganung and Arthur Hall spent Tuesday afternoon near Lindley.
-Mrs. Luella Sturdivant spent Monday with Mrs. Nellie Ganung.
-John Perrigo and son Maurice spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ganung and family.
-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Compton entertained his nephew, Robert Jaynes, wife and child and Wm. Jaynes, all of  Troy, Pa., Sunday.
-The friends of Mrs. Loren Eaton will be glad to know that she is im proving nicely after undergoing a major operation at the Robert Pack- Hospital in Sayre, Pa., last Tuesay. Mrs. Eaton’s friends and neighors atendered her a post card shower in honor of her birthday, Sept. 6th.
-Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Smalley spent Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Compton.
-Harry Havens and Homer Orr were in Pennsylvania on business Saturday.
-Mrs. Jesse Hathaway has been seronsly ill the past week. Her condition is somewhat improved at the present writing.
-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Compton and family were in Elmira Saturday.
-Mrs. Ezra Gabriel spent part of last week with her daughter, Mrs. Dean Cummings of Dundee.
-Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Speary and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crans of Dundee. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Smalley and children of Watkins Glen spent Friday evening at the Compton home.
-Mrs. Duane Cummings and son and Mrs. Ezra Gabriel called at the home of Mr and Mrs. Jesse Hathaway Friday evening.
-Mrs. Marion Smith and daughter Janet called on her mother, Mrs. Fred Everts of Lakemont one afternoon last week.
-Lorenzo Martin who has been visiting relatives in Ithaca has returned to the home of his daughter Mrs. Roy Meyers.
-Mrs. Frank Davis and Frederick Stenberg made a business trip to
Elmira Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smalley visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Compton Saturday afternoon. Glen Compton accompanied them home for a week end visit.
-The many friends in this locality of Stewart J. Coats are offering their congratulations at the evidence of his popularity displayed at the recent Primaries. We feel sure Mr. Coats is well fitted by his understanding of human problems and the experience he has already had, to administer to our needy in a most satisfactory manner.
-Robert Mitchell is again able to attend school after having spent a short time in the Shepard Hospital recovering from the result of an automobile accident.
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deery, who have managed the Seneca Chief gas station for the past three years, have sold their business to Peter Beiver and have moved to their former home in Elmira.
-Philo Rhynehart entertained ten guests on Monday evening in honor of Jack Ward Knapp who celebrated his fifthteenth birthday on that date, Those present were Gordon and Milton Tichenor, Budd Adams, Phil Rhynehart, Carl Rhynehart and Jack and Knapp. The Misses Norma amd Lola Crego, Marlea Knapp, Ruberta Slocum,  Jean Adams and Beth Rhynehart. Games and dancing were enjoyed after which a buffet luncheons was served.
-Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mitchell and a son James motored to Lawrenceville, Pa., for over Sunday. They visited Mrs. Mitchell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bement. Mrs. Bement accompanied them home for a visit.
-Mr. and Mrs Stanley Crego accompanied Aruthur Gardner to his home at Troy, Pa on Saturday evening.
Mrs. Arthur Gardner returned home with them to stay fro a few days.
-Mrs. Carl Rhynehnrt and son Carl and daughter Beth visited her daughter. Maxine in Elmira on Saturday.
-Mrs. and Mrs. James Hazlett are, the parents of a son born last Wednesday morning, September 21, at Geneva Hospital. Miss Joyce Ann Michael of Watkins Glen spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. George Tiehenor.
-Mr. and Mrs. William Hooghkirk spent Sunday with their grandson  and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hooghkirk of Canandaigua.
-Mrs. John Wright is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Stupp of Auburn.
-Mrs. Chester Moore spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. Albert Ash of Montour Falls.
-Mr and Mrs Kipp are visiting  in Massachusetts. Mrs. Showman is spending a few days in Pennsylvania.
-Callers on Mrs. Frank Morehouse  Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Impson and son of Hornby, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Taft and two children of Moreland, Mr. and Mrs. CM B.Morehouse and two children of Townsend and the Misses Jennie Scott and Cora Palmer of Watkins Glen.

-Mrs. C. E. Kelly and daughter acompanied a friend from Trurnansburg to Dundee Thursday evening.
-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thorp of Oneonta spent Sunday with Mr. at  Mrs. Earl Boyd.
-Miss Elsie Dawson of Trurnansbnrg spent Friday afternoon and evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boyd.
-Mrs. Georgia Boyd spent the week end with Mrs. Mabel Woodworth of Watkins Glen.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Potter spent  the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Potter.
-The M E. Community club will meet at the  home of Jesse Whitehead Thursday evening, August 18. Men of the community are cordially invited.
-The Study Club held its annual sunhrner picnic with Mrs. Alta Gabriel of Odessa Tuesday of this week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm VanDyke of Rochester and Mrs. Leora VanDyke of Himrod were recent guests of Mrs. Minnie VanDyke.
-Elwyn Miller visited at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. George Clark in Dundee last week.
-We regret to report the serious illness of Mrs. Homer Orr who is in a hospital in Elmira and hope she may speedily regain her former health.
-The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Morris is ill with measles.
-Winifred Miller is spending a few days with Mrs. Evans Morgan.
-The Ladies’ Aid wi1l serve supper Thursday, August 11 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George McLaren. Serving to begin at 6 o’clock. Jason Smith is visiting relatives in Hornell.
-There will be no services in the Community church until September 11th. Rev. Beers will be having a  few weeks vacation.
-A. J. VanDusen is driving a new  Chevrolet car.
-G. A. Bauer is recovering from an injury to his hand, caused by running the tines of a pitchfork through it.
-Mr. and Mrs. C. .N. Mead, Olive and Helen are on a motor trip to Washington, D. C.
-Mrs. Wilfred Randall and daughter Geraldine of Penn Yan called on  friends in town Thursday.
-H. N. Callalan, Austin Divin. Dutton and Melvin Moore are building a barn for Floyd Ellison on the Reading road.
-Mrs. Marsh has moved from the Reynolds home to the former roadside stand in the LeBrantz place.
-H. N. Callahan and family, Miss Naomi LeBrantz and Mark Deyoe were in Corning  Saturday night.
-Mr. and Mrs. RN. Stevens and family and Lester Fero are taking an automobile trip to Michigan and points west.
-A. F. C?  who has been assioated the Moody Bible for 48 years has been spending a short time with his brother,  Gaylord of Moreland.

-Mr. and Mrs. Lev Buris of Montour Falls visited Mrs. Frances
Shewman Thursday evening.
-Evelyn Rhynehart has been sick this past week and under the care of Dr. Stewart.
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perry and Mrs. George Burdick of Elmira
Heights entertained at a lawn party Saturday afternoon in honor of their cousin, Mrs. Harriet Hendra of New York City. Their guests included Mrs. Arthur Greengar, Mrs. Ernest Williams and Mrs. Howard Vail.
-Miss Lydia Wilbur of Baker Hill was a dinner guest Sunday of Mrs. Susan Morehouse and family.
-Mr. and Mrs. DeForest Crout and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell of Elmira Heights were dinner guests on Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perry in honor of the former’s birthday.
-Miss Faith Putman, Mrs. Stone and two children of West Haven, Conn., and Margaret Rose and Edd Hill of Freeville spent Tuesday with their uncle and aunt, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wentz.

-Miss Margaret Shires spent a few days recently with Rose Marie and Helen Compton.
-W J Watson, Misses Virginia and Florence and Master Frank Watson of Gault, Ont., Canada, spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Wasson.
-Mrs. George Compton entertained her granddaughter last week.
-Mrs. Alice Batty called on Mr. and Mrs. Jones Hatfield Sunday.
-Fred Wetmore is working for Robert Stewart.
-Mildred McConnell has returned to her studies at Willard State Hospital.
-Budd Powell has moved to his home he recently purchased here.
-Harry Cramner has moved his fainily from the Ellison house to the Simpson house.
-Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wasson and daughter of Rochester called on Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wasson Saturday.
-Gerald Allen spent a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Allen of Painted Post recently.
-Kenneth Doane of Wellsboro spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Palmer.
-Charles Kraus, Jr. and Edwin Wixson are spending the week at Camp Gorton on Waneta Lake.
-Mr. and Mrs. Lobdell of Elmira spent a few days at their home here recently.
-Mr. and Mrs. Harold Soles of Hornell are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Soles.
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Troy of Buffalo spent a few weeks at their summer home here.
-Mrs. Irene Bennett and daughter Marguerite spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Pitcher.
- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kraus entertained company from Buffalo Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. MeGuire of Ithaca spent the week end at the home  of Mrs. McGuire’s parents, Mr. and Mrs Charles DeCamp.
-Minnie Matwejoui spent the week end at the home of her mother, Mrs A.Matwejoui.
-Mildred Green spent the week end at the home of her parent Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Green.
-Mrs. and Mrs. Roy Alderman and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Soles.
-Mr. and Mrs. William Lawrence of Hornell spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Utter.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Allen of Pant ed Post spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Allen.
-Mr. and Mrs. Harry Utter and son George and Mrs. Mary Gordon were the Saturday evening dinner guests of Miss Edith Lawrence at Lake Lamoka
-Many Wells in this vicinity are going dry and water is very low.  Grasshoppers are damaging crops badly.
-Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Bement and family of Painted Post were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McConnell recently.
-L. A. Townsend and Mrs. W. L. McConnell were in Painted Post and Corning Saturday.
-John Wilson and sister of Hedgesville arc spending some time at their sister’s, Mrs. J. B. Stewart and family.
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Worden are spending the week at Lake Lamoka.
-Mrs. W. L. McConnell entertained the Gospel Workers Class of the Monterey Baptist Church Thursday to dinner.
-Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Stewart and family attended the Perry reunion at Lake Keuka on Thursday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Hans Margeson and son were In Corning Saturday evening.
-Miss Ganung of Elmira and Walter Eggersdorf of Watkins Glen spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.W. S. Tinker and family.
-Mrs. Minnie Huey spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coykendall at Reading Center.
-Mr. and Mrs. Jay Evans and their Martha were supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Eveleth on Thursday.
-Richard Tinker, son of R.M. Tinker was at the Shepard Hospital Monday for a tonsil operation.
-Mr and Mrs. Harold Waugh of  Corning were guests of his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Waugh over the weekend.
-Mr and Mrs. Gene Periconi of Binghamton spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Pencoiti,
-Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Waugh of Corning and Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Ganang of Moreland called at S. E. Waughs Sunday afternoon.
-Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Periconi were at Corning Monday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Lerdo Decker of Penn Yan were calling on old friends and neighbors here Saturday.
-G. B. Scott and son Clayton were at Painted Post and Moreland Sunday.
-Mrs. Lottie Scutt of Watkins Glen was a recent guest of her sister. Lucy Lockwood.
-Edd Clark lost one of his work horses one day last week.
-Mrs. Sam Stewart spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Edd Clark.
-Mr. and Mrs. Saul Shockey, Mr. and Mrs. Garnel Greenley and daughter Betty of Chambersburg, Pa. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Dyer.
-Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wasson were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Westerfield.
-Schuyler Goltry and family spent Sunday with his brother Charles and family at Ovid.
-C. J. Hilton and Ed Miller have installed bathrooms in their homes.
[ca. 1936-39]
-Mrs. Gertrude White of Riverside, Cal., Mrs. Carrie Gills, Mrs. Fred Moran and Mrs. Carl Isley of Watkins Glen, were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hughston Boyce.
-Barbara Jean Shannon of Monterey spent over the week end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S.W.Love.
-Mr and Mrs. Ray Hoyt of Ithaca and Mrs. Ada Totten of Watkins Glen were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tubbs.
-Miss Ruth Hall of Watkins Glen and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Spring- stead were dinner guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hughston Boyce.
-Miss Mildred Boyce spent Friday with Mrs. S. W. Love.
-Earl Boyce and Mrs. Mae Church of Wedgwood were callers on Saturday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Hughston Boyce.
-Mr. and Mrs. Eli Eveleth and Leon Mapes and son Billy spent Sunday with Mrs. Eveleth’s sister, Mrs. Minnie Church at Ovid.
Used Feed Bags, Old Batteries, Aluminum Radiators and all Kinds of Junk.
300 Ninth St., Phone 135-M
Watkins Glen, N. Y.
-Mr. and Mrs. ? Howell and son Alan called n Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dening Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howell were in Dundee Friday.
-Mr. and Mrs. George Baker and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Swartz Utter Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Silas Wolverton and children spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Thompson.
-John Trojanowski has returned to Madison Barracks at Watertown after a 30-day furlough with his father, Joseph Trojanowski and family.
[ca 1937-39]
-Miss Esther Coryell and Mill Hamilton, of Rochester spent the weekend and holiday with Claire Bissell.
-Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Sadler of Hanover, N.H., visited at the home of  Mr. Sadler’s uncle William  last week.
-Mr and  and Mrs. William Seybolt of Union  Springs and Mrs. Hattie Green of Dundee spent the last week with Mrs. C. D. Seybolt.
-Mrs. Lelia  Leithauser and son Billy of Elmira have returned at their  home after spending the summer with Mrs. Leithausets father Isaac  Baker.
- Mr. and Mrs. Morris Bennett and daughters Georgia and Helen spent Labor  Day with relatives in Endicott.
-Mr. Raymond Wixson of Rochester spent the week end with his family.
-Mr. and Mrs. Bert Demary and son Peter Demary of Endicott were recent guests of Mrs. Deinary’s sister  Mrs. Johanna Houck.
-Miss Clair Eissell who has bet pending the summer at her home here  has returned to Rochester.
-A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Huey at the Bath Hospital
-Mr. and Mrs. Miner Park visited  relatives at Erin Sunday.
-Mrs. Asa Huey and son Stanley and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Howel son Bobby and daughter Kleda May attended The Price reunion at Naples Labor Day.
-Miss Genevieve Carroll of Brad ford called on Mrs. Ida Pruden Labor Day.
-Rev. and Mrs. Allie Banker are visiting relatives in Binghamton.
Mrs. Ida Pruden visited  friends  in Bath last week.
-Mr. Andrew C. Wasson is ill. He is under the care of Dr. Allen.
-Mr and Mrs Elmer Schwind of Rochester were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs. Frank P. Whalen.
-Mrs Kuhn who is 95 motored from Rochester with Mr. and Mrs Schwind and is spending the week with her daughter Mrs. Libbie End.
-Mr. and Mrs. John T. Wasson entertained their son Franklyn Was- son and friend over Labor Day.
-Mr. Frank Waugh of Corning and Miss Esther Mills of Elmira have returned to their respective homes after spending a week with Mrs. Smith Frary.
-Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harvey spent the week end, with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wasson.
Miss Alice Castilla and Elmer Marsh spent Monday at the State Fair.
-Lawrence Carney was home over the labor day.
-The many  friends of Mrs. Irving Lee Chapman were shocked and grieved by the sudden demise tuesday at the home of the brother Will Donovan, Wellsville NY.
-Mrs. Chapman and son Lee, Jr., of Norfolk, Va., arrived at the home of her sister Mrs. Charles E. Carney on Saturday and attended the Donavon family reunion at their childhood home on Donavan Hill, after which she visited the home of his  nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carney of Odessa.
-Miss Lillian Hollenbeck of Hornby has been visiting at the home of Mrs. Clinton VanFleet.?
-Charles Hall has gone to Emira Heights to spend the winter.
- Mrs. Aubrey Ervay, Mrs. Seybolt and Mrs. Leona Shafer of  Ithaca called on friends in Sunday.
and Mrs. Lee Huey and child Cobleskil visited relatives over the  week end.
-Mrs. William Millhollen returned from Salamanca they attended the funeral of an aunt
-Mr and Mrs. visited Mrs. As--? Huey? visited  Mrs. Edith Salter  in Watkins Glen Sunday.
-William S  Sadler has sold his general store  to Frank LaBar of Of Ithaca.
-Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Graham entertained Thursday evening in honor of the birthdays of Mr. and Mrs. George Wilover and Miss Emily Willover. The following guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dill of Watkins Glen, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carney of Odessa, Mr. and Mrs. William Willover, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Porter and daughter Priscilla Jane, Mary Louise Wilover and Mr and Mrs. Hiram Pitcher and son Kenneth and the guests of honor.
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howell and son VanLiew, the Misses Caroline and Lydia VanLiew were dinner guests of Mr. nd Mrs. Arthur Howell Sunday.
[Not sure of location as it was on the reverse side of a clipping.]
-Mrs. Ella Bowers, Mr. and Mr Herbert Dunham, Mrs. Orville Barrel and daughter, Shirley, visited Mr. Mrs. Carl Misel at Naples Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hauber entrtained guests at a weiner roast Thursday evening at their cottage on Seneca. There were eight tables bridge. The Haubers remained the cottage over the week end.
- Mrs. Catherine Covert has accepte postion with the Shepard Niles co.
- Mrs. Roger Lynch accompanied Mr. Lynch on a business trip for Shepard Niles last week to Bramford Ct.
-Mr. and Mrs. Carl Misel of Naples Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dunham, M, and Mrs. Herbert Dunham, Mr. an Mrs Orville Barrett and daughter Shirley are planning a picnic at Brewer’s Point Sunday with Mrs. Eli. Bowers.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kendall and son, Clyde, and Mrs. Mary Farr were dinner guests of Mrs. William Bake of Chemung Sunday.
- Mrs. John Crawford entertained at a picnic Tuesday eight guests from town at her cottage on Kenka Lake
-Hugh Cronk spent tha weekend with his room mate at Oriskany Falls.
-Mr. and Mrs. Max Clust and daughter, Beverly, have returned to their home in Geneva after a two week vacation.
-Miss E. Louise Ellis of Yonkers and James Kretz of New York City were guests of Mrs. Mabel Mack and daughters at their camp at Valois. Tuesday and Wednesday. They had been visiting friends and relatives in Elmira. Horseheads, Montour Falls, Moreland and Geneva.
- Miss Addle Nye has as guests this week Mrs. Mae Spencer, daughter and  three grand children of Brooklyn.
- Mrs. Mary Crouch of Millport spent Tuesday with Mrs. Ida Bennett.
-Charles Stevens of Phelps recently called on Mr. W. L. Hopkins.
[Not sure of location as was on reverse of a clipping]
-Mrs. Jessie and Mary Towart. Miss Mary Towart is so much improved in health, she is about the house and able to walk a little outside.
-Robert Terry is a guest at the home of Mr and Mrs. Frank Whartor
-Catherine Hibbard has been spending sometime in Horseheads, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ralp Hibbard.
-Miss Ruth Mosher recently entertained her former classmate,  Gertrude Misner of Victor, N. Y.
-Miss June Mack is spending a few days in Houghton, N.Y, with Mr Arlin.
-Mr. Harry Hopkins and wife of Himrod was a recent caller on Mrs.
W. L. Hopkins.
-Miss Dorothy Cate has returned to Schuyler Lake, where she teaches.
[first part of clipping  this missing]
?   ?   ninety-three years of age. Miss Roberts is a great aunt of Mrs. Rowland and a great, great aunt of the three children of Mrs. Rowland.
-Ralph Hern of Charleston, N. C., on his way home for a two week’s
vacation, after which Mrs. Alice Hern  will return with him to Charleston for the winter.
-The W.C.T.U. will meet Thursday, september 10th with Mrs. Albert Ash.
-Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Belarose of Chambers spent Sunday with Mrs. A. H. Smith of Montour Falls.
-The Harold Aber children are confined to their home with mumps.
-Bishop Ferris of the Episcopal Dioscese of Rochester is expected at St. Paul’s Church of Montour Falls and St. John’s Church at Catherine Sunday, September 13th, at which time he will have a confirmation class at each place. St. John’s will entertain the Bishop at a dinner Saturday evening in their Parish House and St. Paul’s will welcome him at a dinner and reception Sunday, after the services, in their Parish_House.
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crowe have returned home after spending several months in the West.
--The Watkins Salt Band will play it the Trumansburg fair this week.
-The third annual planning dinner of the Watkins Glen Presbyterian church Session was held Sunday aternoon at the Kayutah Lake home
Mr. and Mrs. George Barton. The comnittee in charge was Dr. and Mrs. Oakley A. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E Titus, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert  L. Brush
[Not sure of location as on the back of clipping]
-Mrs. Lena Cornish of Sugar Hill is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs M. M. Argus.
-Martin Leonard of Tully, N. Y., was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Argue Over the week end.
-The Past Patrons and Past Patron Club will meet with Mrs. Harr Wright Friday, September 4th.
-There will be a Fire Departmer meeting Monday evening, Sept. 4th.
-Mrs. Sarah Stotenbur and Mr. an Mrs. Herbert Stotenbur are expected home the later part of the week from a camping trip on Keuka Lake fo two weeks.
-Miss Agnes Miehaels of Coopers town, N. Y., will be the new Physics Training Teacher at the Montour Grammar School this year. She will make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huff on Owego St.
-Miss Barbara Lowman will entertain Wednesday evening in honor of Miss Agnes Michaels of Cooperstown Miss Lowman and Miss Michaels were friends at Cortland Normal.
-Miss Margaret Oechler of Tubucubular Hospital in Elmira was a guest Wednesday of Miss Norma Morrill.
-Mr. and Mrs. John McGavern of Salamanca, parents of Rev. C. L. Mc Gavern, were guests of E. W. Hibbard and family Tuesday and Wednesday
-Mr. W. L. Hopkins is proud to announce that he has received an
Ex-Chief Button from the Fire Department of Montour Falls, and as he has always taken a great deal of interest in the Fire Department will wear with pride. In 1891-1892 Mr. Hopkins was elected Fire Chief. A fire  occurred in the south end of the depot, when Clarence Ellis was agent. They ran their hand pumper into the Canal and soon had the fire under control with but very little damage to the depot. Mr. Hopkins helped organize the Havana Protective Engine & Hose Company, of which was a fireman for a number of years.  Later the Giles Hook & Ladder Co. was formed.
-Mr and Mrs Ralph Potter and laughter of Wellsville spent the forepart of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Potter and Mrs. Ida Voorheis.
-Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shilling and family of Ithaca spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dean and family.
-Mrs. Larry Ellis and Mrs. Joseph Dickerson called on Mrs. Georgia Boyd one afternoon this week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boyd entertaind at Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Boyd and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dash of Henrietta and Mrs. Mary Clifford of Rochester.
-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thorp of Oneonta spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boyd. George Boyd and Miss Elsie Dawon called on Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boyd tnd Mrs. Georgia Boyd Sunday afernoon.
-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mahoney and wo children called on Mr. and Mrs. 3ert Singerhoff Sunday afternoon. Mrs. F. F. Soule spent Friday aternoon with Mrs. Clyde Williams of Vatkins Glen.
-Mr. and Mrs Clarence Bell enter.ained guests from Rochester over Sunday.
-Mrs. Ira Earl I Watkins Glen pent Friday with Mrs. Edith Mcare?
-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Francis of Bradford, Pa visied Mrs. Charlotte ,Whitehead over weekend. -Harold Phelps Cornell University spent Sunday with his parents.
-Mr. md Mrs. Ira Phelps,Mr. and Mrs ?ey Goodyear and cousin, Bob Goodyear of Horseheads spent Sunday visiting with Mrs. Edith McLaren
-Mr. and Mrs.Henry Hurlburt and sister  of Montour Falls were Sunday guests of hir brother Gifford and family.
-Miss Lois Wright  and pupils are planning a Halloween party with full masquerade costumes and refreshmenats
-Mr and Mrs.Mclearn and Lawrence were dinner guests  and Lawrence Mclaren  of Mrs.
George of Reading Center
-Mrs. Marion Wilcox of Rock Stream visited her sister, Mrs. Edith Morgan  last Tuesday
-Several large flocks of wild geese  passed over this locality last week, inging their way southward, past over
- Irving Simpson of Wedgwood is visiting his sister, Mrs. Frank Ellison  and husband.
-Mrs. Frank Cady of Sugar Hill Mr. was  very pleasantly surprised on  Sunday by the following guests: Mrs. Lettie  Sawyer of Hornell, Mrs. Helen Ayres and daughter of Greenwood,  Mr. and -Mrs. Joseph Hay and children of Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hathaway and family and Charley  Still and Arch Jones of near Altay. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller of Penn Yan, Mr. and -Mrs. Leland Palmer and son and Mrs. Ann Jones of Dundee, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Skuse and  family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Waugh, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Cady and sons and  Dorothy Austin of Monterey. Everyone enjoyed a bountiful birthday dinner. Mrs. Cady received many lovely and useful presents. At a late hour everyone departed wishing the  honored guest many more happy er birthdays to come.
-Mr. and Mrs. Alton Chaffee and son spent Saturday evening at Ray Meyers.
-Budd Hathaway was a recent caller at Bert Skuse’s.
 -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellison will hold an auction of their personal effects at their farm on Saturday, Oct 21st.
-Alton Chaffee and family spent Sunday at Oliver Watt’s at Wayne.
- Henry Chiaccherini of the Townsend  road has purchased the large barn on the late John Ellison farm and is having it torn down and removed to his farm, to replace his barn which was recently destroyed by fire.
 -Junior Smith and Fred Boyce called on Alton Chaffee Thursday evening.
Southwestern Reading -
 -Mrs. Lottie fine reports the loss  of a ring last Sunday, possibly at  church. Anyone finding a ring will  please communicate with her.
-Dickie Wasson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Wasson fell from a bed and broke his collar bone recently.
-John Jennings is re-roofing the  barn on the former Raymond farm.
R. H. Morris and wife and Mrs.  Harry Brate of Lakemont called at the Sleeper home one evening last week.
-W. D. Sleeper and wife spent  Thursday with relatives at Canannadaigua.
-Mrs. Delia Hanmer recoveriria from a recent acute iliac.
-Ruth and Richard ?pert  a Saturday night at the Spiome's.
Mrs. &.Mrs. Ford and daughter of  Endicott spent Saturday night---- ?
-A card party  will be held at Burdett Grange hall Saturday evening, past Oct. 29th. Playing will start at 11 o'clock sharp. Admission, including refreshments, 10 cents. Benefit Burdett Grange.  -Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Brown spent  Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dilts at Geneva. 
-Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Simpson were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mathews.
-The Mizpah class of the M. E. church held a party for Mr. and Mrs.  Donald Phelps Wednesday evening of last week at the home of Mr. and Mr Mrs. Guy B. Beattie. Fifty were present and a very enjoyable evening was had by all.
 -Mrs. Bertha Secor returned home  Sunday after spending a week at the  home of her daughter and husband,  Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dilts at Geneva.
 -B. J. Morris, Jr. of Treadwell was at the home of his parents Sunday, called here by the illness of his mother.
-Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beattie spent Sunday evening with their daughter md husband, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence  Mulligan at Ithaca. 
-Mr. and Mrs. Roger of Endicott spent the week end with her  parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Phelps.
-Miss Mary Pratt was called to  Buffalo last week by the death of  Bradley Phillips.
-Miss Virginia Arnold is gaining nicely at the Shepard hospital at Montour Fails where she underwent an operation for appendicitis.
-Callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beattie last week were  Rev, and Mrs. Roy Hotchkiss and children of Monroeton, Pa.,
-Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Baker of Freeville and by Mrs. C. H. Beattie and mother, Mrs. Keep of Hector.
-Dr and Mrs George Cronk and daughter Joan of Rochester were Sunday luncheon and dinner guests of his mother, Mrs. Florence Cronk.
-Mrs. Blanche Thatcher had as guests Sunday Mrs. Lavern Darling of Cayutaville.
-Stephen Hubbell who teaches at Sayiohavk? spent the last of the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hubbell.
- Rev. John Maxwell of Montour Falls occupied the Baptist pulpit on Sunday morning.
- The 500 club met at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horton on Kayutah lake Monday night for dinner and cards. Those present were Mr. and  Mrs. Louis Catlin, Dr. and Mrs. W  C. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shelton Jr. and Mrs. Warren Lyon, Mr. and Mrs Alton LaRue, Mr. and Mrs. F. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Keller, Mr. and Mrs. George Smith.-
- Mrs. Sadie Carpenter of Wellsville has been a guest of Mrs. Elizabeth Foster? the past week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Wood and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wood,and  Mrs. Ray Brewer and family and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wood of Rochester were dinner guests Saturday night of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wood of Elmira Heights.
-Mrs. Edith Harvey is a guest of  daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Ganung.
- Miss Florence Bells? and Miss Felin? Warner motored to their homes at Spencer and Van Etten Friday night at 11.
-Mrs. Elva Priest of Syracuse, Miss Marian Priest of Mt Kisco, Mrs. C. L. Clark and two daughters were gucsts Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Neweal Rogers.
- Mrs. Guy Millspaugh is ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Beach.
-Mr. Robert Potter of New York City was a recent guest at the home of a  sister, Mrs. Howard Harmon. recently. 
 -William Ostrander of the Red & White store had the misfortune to have a stone hit and break one of the  plate glass windows in his store which was thrown by a passing auto.
- Mrs. Duane Brown recently entertained the following cousins: Miss Betrace Wood, a missionary to India;Miss Mary Wood of Cato and Miss Beatrice Wood who teaches at DeRuyter.
- In the football game Friday afternoon between Ovid and Odessa the result, 18-13. A good game well  played.
-The sophomore class has elected  Mrs. Ethel Lattin as adivser. They  are planning a party for October 26.
-The W. C. T. U. met at the home a of Mrs. Maude Lattin last week Thursday. The meeting was in  honor of Mrs. Grace Eddy who will  soon go to Florida to spend the winter. On returning they will reside  at Clifton Springs.
-The Rev. Chas. F. Eddy will preach his farewell sermon October 30th.
 -Blanche Thatcher visited Mrs.John Drake of Spencer and Mrs. Elizabeth Ellison of Van Etten last week.
- The Episcopal supper will be held  in the parish house at Catharine Frday night, Oct. 28th. Serving to begin at 5:30 and till all are served. price. 50 cents.
-There will be a farewell reception or the Rev. Charles F. Eddy at the Baptist church Friday night for the members and friends of the Eddy's.
- Junior Flood, son of Mathew Flood had an operation for appendicitis  the Shepard hospital last week. He's getting along nicely..
-Mr. and Mrs. John Eddy and son Charles of Willard and Ralph Eddy of Rochester were guests of Rev, and Mrs. Charles F. Eddy Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fowler and son  were guests of Mr. and Mrs.Mill? Fowler for luncheon.
- Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Catlin were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.John Jackson of Montour Falls. Virgil H. Hussey is attending a state meeting at Syracuse.
-Mrs. Hussey? is staying with her mother, Mrs. Adelaide M. Hopkins.
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers and  daughters of Binghamton were  recent guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Newell Rogers.
-Mr and  Mrs George Eldridge is spending some time in Corning. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barker entertained friends from Elmira Wednesday.
-Winston Beckwith of Corning was guest of his mother, Florence Johnson Monday.
-Mrs. Rose Shannon was calling on friends in Monterey Monday.
-Miss Emma Goltry was a recent guest of her brother, N. H. Goltry and wife.
-Leo Miller and Lawrence Hilton had business in Corning Friday.
-Mrs. Lottie Scott and lady friends of Watkins Glen were recent callers  of her brother, M. D. Lockwood.
-Mr. and Mrs. George B. Scott and two sons, Clayton and Elmer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Uhl at Holcomb.
-Mr. and Mrs. Irving Cornell of Watkins Glen spent Thursday evening with his mother, Mrs. Frances Cornell.
-W. J. Thayler of Penn Yan was selling produce in this place Thursday.
- We had a very profitable meeting of of the grange last Friday evening 
when Rev. Dutton Peterson gave a very consice explanation of the constitutional amendments. The next . meeting will be the election of officers.
-Rev. Hadley of Cortland gave a fine discourse in the Presbyterian church Sn Sunday afternoon.
Next Sunday afternoon at the regular church service the vested choir consisting of twelve young men from Sr the Congregational church of Corning will render special music.
-Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rouse and  family were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gates.
-The many friends of Mrs. Shirley Miller will learn with regret of her  serious illness at her home in Elmira. Mrs. Miller formerly lived in this place.
-Mrs. Charles Jupenlaz and Mrs. Norma Campbell of Elmira were supper guests Saturday evening of Mrs Cornelia Ganung.
-Rev. and Mrs. George Hinman have  been entertaining guests from California.
-Mrs. Pearl Ganung was in Geneva  last Tuesday attending the wedding  of her nephew, Kenneth Patchen.
-Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hall and family have moved into the house formerly owned by Mrs. Meuter.
-Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brush of Montour Falls called at the home  of Mr. and Mrs. William Rend/Kendall? Sunday evening.
-Mrs. Kate Hinman gave a missionary talk at a meeting in Elmira last Thursday evening
-Mrs. Sarah Ely of Painted Post  spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ely.
-Rev. and Mrs. George Hinman were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore in Elmira last Thursday night

- The Ladies’ Aid Society held the yearly meeting Friday afternoon with Mrs. Leon Mapes. The following official  were elected: president, Mrs. A. L. Lewis; vice-president, Mrs. S. M Johnson; secretary, Mrs. S. W. Love, treasurer, Mrs. J. E. Waugh. All present enjoyed a pleasant afternoon
Refreshments were served.
-The Sunday school will hold a box social and Halloween masquerade at  the hall Friday evening of this week, Oct. 28th. There will be an auction  of white elephants and games and of plenty of fun so everyone  be sure to come. Price, 10 cents each.
-Mr. and Mrs. William Besley entertamed relatives Sunday.
-Farms are very busy harvesting  their potatoes these nice days.
-Numerous flocks of wild geese are sailing south. 
Hunters have been plentiful in our community the past week. 
Mrs. L. J. Bates of Rock Stream  spent Thursday with Mrs. D. M. Periconi and Mrs. J. Edgar Waugh.
-Eli Mrs. Minnie Huey is spending a few days at Watkins Glen.
-Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mapes entertained at a variety shower for her brother, Lee Decker and wife Friday evening.
-Mr. and Mrs. Roger Fullagar and Mr. and Mrs. Ames of Penn Yen called on Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Tinker Sunday afternoon.
-Harry Love has secured work at the Coming Glass Works.
-Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Andrews spent Sunday with their daughter and husband in Reading.
-Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Corwin entertained relatives from Corning Sunday.