
[ca 1914]
-John Hungerford, a former resident died at his home in Horseheads February 5 aged 52 years, of typhoid fever.
-Mr and Mrs. George Riley made two business trips to Corning last week.
-Edgar Barkman has been appointed administrator of the estate of Eliza E.Sears. -
-A large number of the friends of Mrs. Nancy Westerfleld made her a birthday party last Saturday, at which a fine dinner was served, and she re­ceived apdropriate presents.
-Guy Mathews dwelling and contents was destroyed by fire last Saturday. Insurance was for $450.
-Peter Westerfield of Beaver Dams attended his mothers birthday party Saturday.
-Thomas  Boyes sold and delivered at Watkins station Saturday $240 worth of cows.
-Joseph O’Brien and Jesse Button were in Watkins Saturday.
-Mrs. P. Kels went to Horseheads recently to help care for her son-in- law. John Hungerford.
-Nelson Rosco has recently purchas­ed a fast pacing mare.
-Lorenzo Smith attended the fnneral of his brother at Post Creek last week.
-Charles Touhey visited his brother, John Touhey last Saturday.
-The Ladies Aid Society of the Bap­tist Church will meet with Mrs.
Nancy Westerfield for dinner Thurs­lay, Feb. 19. All are cordially invited.
-The Gospel Workers class of the Baptist church will meet with Mrs.
T. S. Baker Wednesday. Feb. 11. The Gospel Workers will give a dipping social at the parsonage Friday, Feb.13,  are invittd to attend.
-Mrs. Jane Clark has returned from Halls.
-Arthur Potter had the misfortune to break a finger last week.
O.F. Wolcott an insurance agent of Corning, was here to adjust the loss by to the Rusco house.
-William Tichnor visited friends in Montour last Monday and Tuesday
-The Rnseo House caught fire last week Wednesday but was extinguished before it had much headway.
-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller,received an invitation from Governor and Mrs.Martin Glynn to attend the receptlon given at the executive-mansion at Al­bany January 27 l914.
-Mr. and Mrs Arthur Potter attended the funeral of her brother, Jesse Richardson at Elmira last week.
-Silas Travis of Milo has been visiting at L. Decker’s the past week.
-There wili be a dance at Bell’s Hall  this week Friday night.
-The case of Depew against Fish is to be tried Saturday, January 1, 1914 before E. Barkman., A. J. Wright is attorney for plaintiff and A. Eveland is for defendant.
-Raymond Johns, aged .16 years died at the home of his parents on the O’Shay farm January 24, 1914 after a short illness with pleurisy. The funeral was held from his home January 27.Burial in the Bell Mount cemetery.
[ca 2-1914]
-James Allen, who has been very is slowly improving.
-Miss Ethel Hatt who has been sick at the  home of  Clyde Nivison, was able to return home yesterday.
Mr.  and Mrs. Wesley Tunnison have been visiting relatives  in Syracuse and Ithaca the past week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith are spending the month of February visiting in Massachusetts and Vermont.
-The young men’s Bible class of Searsburg will give an entertainment in the Grange hall on the evening at March 4. Admission is 10 cents.
-Purdy Ball will move on his farm which he purchased near Covert last fall. He at will  take possesion this spring,
-Charles Uhl moves to Trumanshurg in the Rogher house on Main street
Mr. and Mrs D D Wakeman are rejoicing over the birth of a grandson.
[Jan 1914]
-Mrs. A S. Mosher and daughter, Mrs. L. H. Tunnison are visiting Mrs. Emma King in Syracuse.
-The Ladies Aid report  a very enjoyable time at Clyde Nivison 's. The next to meeting will be at Frank Welchs’.
-The new  teacher in the Steamburg district Miss Beardsley was incapaciated last week by illness -We hope speedy recovery and sucess in her venture with us.
-Mrs. Carr Colgrove of Newfield is at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pierson for a few days
- Frank Lovell is visiting in Rochester.
-Miss Savercool  who teaches in Guinea distrist school is ill with grippe.
-Peter McCombs, who is ill with pneumonia is a very sick man, as is Gilbert  Welch, who was kicked by a horse last week.
-We continue to hear encouraging. reports from Fred Sirrine, who is in the Ithaca hospital.
-James Dean, our veteran road builder is installing a phone which will be s great convenience to himself and the road gang under him, and at the same  time be the means of saving money to the taxpayers.
-Mrs. Sarah Proper has, on account of ill health, and at the stigati of ames Allen, gone to hoard with Mrs. Fred Davis.
-Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Tunnison are in attendance at the state grange at Poughkeepsie this week. -Mr. Tunnison on expects to meet the good roads cornnsission at Albany,
-Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Smith expect  take in the state grange and visit relatives in Vermont
HECTOR CA 1913-14
-Mrs. Dell Ely and Miss Marian Ely are spending several days in Elmira.
-Miss. Adeline Clock is visiting her aunte, Mrs. Eli Berry in Monteur Falls.
-Miss Helen Erway was called home recently to care for her mother, who has been ill with bronchitis. Mrs. Erway is much imporved.
-Paul  Wager of Elmira was at the house of his parents last Sunday. George Cassidy has purchased a fine  farm team.
-Harvey Reed has moved from C. S. Wickham’s tenant house onto a farm which he has bought in Northern Hector.
-Hiram Yaw will. move into the house made vacant by Mr. Reed’s removal and will work for Mr. Wickham.
-Mr. and Mrs. Paul Parragraff are  the happy parents of a little  daughter born Jan. 11. She will be called Mary.
-Mrs. Louise Jaquish is visiting friends near Dundee.
 -Albert Budd spent last week friends in Ithaca.
-The many friends of Ruth. the 11 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs Grant Nichols are pleased to find that she is recovering from an attack of pneumonia which it was feared would prove fatal.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Huston and daughter of Buffalo were guests of his parents last week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Huston were in Rochester last week.
-Mr. and Mrs.J D. Mallory of Burdett spent last Friday at Leroy Huston’s. .
Mrs. Clemma Foster of Scranton  was a guest last week of her pareats Mr, and Mrs. O. H. Budd. Clifford and Carrie Bailey of near Smith Valley were guests last Sunday at Eugene Erway’s.
Miss Mary Birge is spending several days at the home of her brother. Charles Birge.
Mr. and Mrs. Bardford were Sunday guests at  B. J  Budd
- Ruth Budd is attending school in Watkins.
VALOIS CA 1914-15
-Mrs. J. W.Chandler is visiting in Rochester.
-E. H. Egbert of Montour Falls is spending some time at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Egbert.
-The social of the King’s Daughters held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sutphen Wednesday night was well attended.
-Mrs. D. L. Smith is ill with pneumonia at the home of her daughter.
-Mrs. Alvah Updike at Logan.
-Oliver Sutphen  was taken ill with pendicitis last week at Seneca Fa1ls.
He was to have had an operation Sundy but did not and was brought home on Monday his  condition is somewhat  improved.
-Charles H. Hager is holding a sale from the 15th to the 31st.
-Miss Carson who has been visiting at the home of Rev, and Mrs. A. E. Estal has returned to her home in Ireland.
-Mrs. Lynn Hathaway and daughter Hilda have returned to their home in Oriskany Falls.
-Mrs. Mary Snyder of Syracuse is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lucy Hawes.
-Frank Smith was in Watkins Friday.
-Rev. C. D.. Purdy gave a stereopticon lecture on Panoma at Townsendville Thursday night.
-Rev. William Tower of Oneida has been called to the Baptist church in this village. Both his father and uncle have been pastors of this church In in years gone by.
-Partially by the surplus money raised for the Sunday School piano and partially through the generosity of Lynn Hathaway of Oriskany Falls the Methodist church has supplied every book rack with new copies of the hymnal—thirty copies being added last Sunday,
-There will be s social at the home of J.W. Hunsinger Tuesday night.Jan. 27 for the benefit of the Citizens Military Band. Supper 15 cents. Music by the band.
-Miss- Edna WanLoon, taught the primary room part of last week during the sickness of Miss Pendorf.
The Citizen’s Military Band received a donation last week in the shape of a ten dollar bill from John Gurnett of Watkins. The band wishes to express their gratitude.
- N. Egbert spent the week end in Binghamton.
-Mrs Carl Quick of Pine Valley has been visIting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Porter.
-Charles Jennings of Trumansburg High School spent the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Jennings.
- Mrs. Lizzie Pitts who has been ill for some time, is much improved.
- Thomas Bond while at Watkins last Wednesday fell unconscious  In the street with heart failure. He was removed to a house nearby and did not recover consciousness until late that night. He is now on the road to recovery.
-Mrs. S. J. Gnderman was in Watkins Friday and Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hager and sons Earl  and Harold went to Oriskany Falls last Saturday to attend the funeral of Hilda Hathaway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hathaway.
-Elmer Sutphen of Sencea Falls has been visiting at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sutphon.
-Mrs. J. E. Chandler spent several days in Watkins and Montour Falls last week.
-The entire community was saddened Friday night over hearing of the death of little Hilda Hathaway. Seldom has a little child so endeared itelf by its pretty winning ways to all who knew it as this baby girl. The genuine sympathy of all is extended to those of the family who have so repeatedly been called to mourn.
- Born, last Friday. to Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Bond. a son.
-Mrs. Clarence Shannon made a bussiness trip to Watkins Thursday.
-Mrs. C. D. Purdy is ill with the grippe at the home of Mrs. Alvah Updyke at Logan.
-Misses Anna Chandler and Francis  Haley spent the week end at Ovid with Mrs. William Winneur.
-Miss E Purdy was taken ill with the grippe at the home of Mrs. Anna  Bond last Friday.
-Mrs. P. A. VanWormer is on the sick list.
-Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Camphell have been spending some time with friends and relatives in Rochester.
-The heaviest snow storm of the  season was on Friday evening and  Saturday. Snow is from two to four feet deep.
- D. LaTourette spent some time in Montnur Falls last week.
-E. H. Eghert has been obliged to close his bakery in Montour Falls temporarily on account of sickness. He is staying with his brother in  Union and is recovering.
-Mrs. Pitts, the postoffice clerk who has been ill for several weeks has so recovered that she resumed her duties at the office Monday.
-G. W. Stone is on a visit with friends in Geneva.
-The Baptist paronage is being papered and painted and put in order for the new pastor Rev. Mr. Tower. They will move here sometime in April.
Mrs.  S. J. Gunderman  is spending the week in Poughkipsie  attending the state grange.
Miss F. Purdy was given the first degreee of grange Saturday.
-H. B. Howell and family spent the last of the week with friends at Big flats.
-Miss Edith Fleming of Cornell  spent over New Years with Edna Beardsley and gave a talk on Domestic Science in the evening at Highland Grange.
-Miss Franc Hall attended the, Corning  Extension School at Watkins the past week.
-Mrs. Cornelia Winton, who has been visiting her son Ralph and family at Geneva. returned to her home last week.
-Miss Edna Beardsley of Cornell who has been spending her holiday vacation at her home, returned to Ithaca Sunday.
-Howard Drake spent New Years with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W Drake.
-Miss Ollie Bryant, who has been pending her vacation at her home in Mansfield, has returned to her school work.
-Mr. and Mrs. Bert Breedlove and children who have been spending a short time at their farm here, have returned to their present home at Clewiston, Pa.
-Miss Gertrude Drake is spending some time in Elmira.
-J. E. Beardsley is on the sick list.
-Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Crout are rejoicing over the arrival of their fourth girl.
-Mrs Anna Beardsley have  returned to her  home in East  Smithfield on Thrusday.
-Rev. J N Bragan is holding a series of  meetings  at the Methodist church.
-Mr and Mrs. Lattin entertained at dinner on Wednesday.
-Mrs Dell  B. Stanley spent the past week at  J E Beardsley.
-Mr. and Mrs. Hackett and son have returned  from Rochester where they had been spending some time.
-Mr. Maude Stanley is spending a few days with friends it Catharine.
Miss Mary Lewis is on the sick list.
- F D  Withiam of Valois was  calling on  an old friendd  in Burdett last week.
-Mr. and Mrs. George Snyder spent the week in Ithaca during "Farmers Week" at Cornell  Unniversity attending many lectures and visiting some of the University buildings.
-Robert Fenton was at his  home on the lake road last week. called there by the death of his father, Mr. Luther Fenton.
-Mrs. Cooper  is spending a week with her daughter. Mrs. Greening.
- Mr  Greening and Mr. Cooper are Syracuse for a week.
-F. 0. Hill and daughter, Miss Mary visited at W. F. Carpenter’s last week
-Mrs. Snaulding, who has been quit ill for the past ten days is convalesting and  it is hoped that she will be entirely well.
 -Fred Johnson is attending school in this  vlllage and boarding with Mrs Anna Bond.
-Mrs. J. K. Warner entertained her son, Edwin G. Warner of Brooklyn last week.
-Mrs. W E . Carpenter and daughtet Miss Isadore spent the week end with relatives in Elmira.
-Miss Pratt visited relatives in Dundee last week.
-Mr. Nichols of Rochester was in town a part of last week.
-Miss Alberta Spaulding was in Elmira last week.
-Mrs. Castillo has  spent the week end with Miss Maud  Carpenter,
-Mr. Cratsley has purchased the meat market equipment of Jay Dunham and announces that he will conduct an up to date market in the Same place as Mr Dunham gave such good excellent service.
-Alex Dunham  has rented  Mrs.George  Stuillwells Burtlett residnece  and with his family will ove into it in the spring.
-Miss Carpener spent the week end with her brother’s family at Interlakin.
-Isaac Morris had a positoon wit the Penn Yann telephone company.
-Mr. and Mrs. Irving Everts have  rented the Henry Dunham residence on New street and will move into it soon.
-The Wednesday Afternoon Club met  last week at the home of Mrs. Doud. After too necessary arrangements  were completed for the Friday night  lecture. The program for the afternoon was announced by the president. Papers on The Opium War including  the treaties of Nanking and Teintsion,  and the opium industry were given by Mrs. Argetsinger. The topic, Hong  Kong was given by Miss Mend, Miss E L  Brown gave an excellent talk on the origin and spread of the pneumono plague. After roll call the  meeting adjourned until Feb 4 at Mrs. H. R. Martin’s.
-The young people of Burdett and vicinty enjoyed a dance at Bower’s hall last Thursday night. Music was furnished by Isley’s of Watktns.
-Mr. and Mrs. U W. Argetsintetet­tertained their son Cameron and  his friends. Mr. and Mrs Hershey of tbe Philipines Island. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hershey have been traveling since October 1st, in China,: Indiá,  Egypt, and Europe. They will return to Manilla the latter part of March. This was Mr. Hershey’s second around the world trip.
The many friends of Jonathan Hovey regret to hear that he is seriously ill at his home here.
-Mrs and Mrs. W E Brown spent last week with relatives In Geneva.
-W, H. Mulligan was in Elmits. last week.
-Mrs Peter Martin and Mr and Mrs. Wilson of Ithaca, are in Burtlett this week, called here by the death of their relative, Charles 0. Williams.
-Mrs. John, Holt was in Geneva last week.
-W. E. Brown has purchased a new five passenger Ford automobile.
-Mr.and Mrs. David Bailey have moved on the  Bailey farm near Mecklenburg.
-Miss Kirby of Niagara is visiting friends here.
-Reve Martin of Trumansburg was in town this week:
Jonathan Hovey, Jr.. visited at his home here last week.
-Mrs. Jaynes is visiting her daughter Mrs. Burt in Elmira.
Miss Laura Seward of Sayre visited her sister Miss Steward last week.
-MIllared Carpenter returned to Elmira Sunday after a week at his ome here.
-Miss Marjory Coats of New York city was an over Sunday guest of her parents Mr. Mrs. Lyman Coats.
mF-y are situated in the now hrnno. e farm which tt~ey l~ought of George verts

-Mrs. William Duvall spent Saturday in Corning.
-Mrs. Clarence Meade of Reading enter was a guest of her sister, Mrs.Williain Kendall two days last week.
-Rev. and Mrs. K. M. Walker of Beaver Dams were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Duvall ast Thursday.
-Arthur Miller was in attendance at he regents examinations held at Watkins last week.
-Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Crout were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maine in Friday.
-Aaron Duvall of Elmira spent the weekend with his parents.
-Miss Eva Coe of Montour Falls is a guest of Mrs. A. W. Russell for a few days.

-Misses Carrie Anthony and Edna  Phelps spent Saturday in Corning.
-Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Beard are receivng congratulations on the arrival of a daughter lastSaturday.
-Miss Nelle Beard was surprised by  friends Friday evening. Fine refreshments were served and a delightul evening spent.
-We are sorry to hear of the illness if Elmer Beard, although at this writing he is some better.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Finch spent the weekend in Burdett.
George Northway has a very sick horse.
-Mr. and Mrs E. Brink of Rochester are visiting relatives here. Mrs. Brink wiil be remembered as Miss Lelia Coykendall
-G. W. McNenier is spending a to couple of weeks in New York.
-Rev. G. Moxey has returned from caanojoharie. [Jan]
-Clayton Shepherd of Dundee spent the  week end at his home here.
-Mrs. Charles Emerson of Kcuka, in wife of Rev. Charles Emerson visited here during the week.
- Mrs. E. L. Vangelder entertained the Ladies Aid of the Baptist Church Thursday afternoon.

The W. C. T. U. will have a parlor meeting at Mrs. E. L. Vangeldcr’s  Thursday afternoon Jan. -29. Mrs.Hinton  of Odessa is expected to be present.
-Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mead visited it Will Kendall’s in Moreland during the week.
-Miss Minnie Hicks will enter the hospital of the Good Shepherd in syracuse the first of February to take a regular course in nursing.
-Several from here attended the funeral  of the late James Huey of Barnes last Thursday. The deceased was a son of John Huey who was a pioneer resident of the town of Tyrone. He lived many years on the  Sellcn farm in Western Reading. He is survived by a daughter. Mrs. Claude Kellog and and two grandchildren.
-At a dinner party given by Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Roloson  Wednesday had the following  guests were entertained in a  delightful manner.  Mr. and Mrs. F C. Ganung, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miller Mr.  and Mrs. William Duvall, and Mrs. Oscar Bennett and Mr. and Mrs Loyal Herriek.
-Mrs. Grant Jones who has had charge of the telephone exchange. had the misfortune to fall on- the ice one evening last Week and broke one of  the bones of her arms  between the elbow and.wrist.
-Mrs. John  Rhodes spent part of last week in Elmira.
-Mr and Mrs B. C. Rhodes spent two days last week in Watkins the guests of the Misses Klube and Murgatroyd.

Mrs. Mary Prudy and Mrs. E F  Rhodes spent Friday at Elmira.
January 8, Mr. and Mrs. William Sayler and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doane entertained at dinner Andrew Harwood and Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, the ocassion being the anniversary of the birth of Mr. Harwood and Mrs. Deane.
Miss Millie Sebring of Monteur Falls and Earl Clark of Elmira were entertained Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Byron Clark.
- Saturday, January 3 occurred the  death of Miss Caroline Cornell. She was an old and esteemed resident of  this place. The funeral was conducted at her home the following Monday, a Rev. Mr. Russell of Watkins officiating and interment in the Moreland cemetery.
-Mrs. Sarah Cornell will spend the winter at the home of Mr. and Mrs.  Harry Miller.
-The remains of Mrs. Arilla Bailey [nee Bump] were brought here from corning last Wednesday. funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Walker at the Baptist church. Interment in Moreland cemetery.
-Mr. and Mrs. Byron Rhodes were entertained last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Patchen.
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coykendall and daughter Pearl, of Reading were  guests over Sunday of Mr. ans Mrs. Wm Kendall.
The death of Charley Carmean son of Wm. Carman of this place occurred last Saturday. Charley was about fifteen years old and will be greatly missed boyth at home an din school. We are informed  that typhoid pneumonia was the cause of death. The funeral was held  Jan 29th.

[ca 1914?}
On Friday morning Jan 23, after a long illness occurred the death of Mrs. George Carman.

-On February 16 after an illness of bout two weeks with pneumonia.
 Mary E. Weatherhy died at the home of her son, Smith T. Weatherby. she was the last member  of the family of her father  Squire J. Nobbs.
The funeral was held on Thursday at the home of her son Smith, service conducted by her pastor. Rev.  B. B Corbin  and interment  in family plot at Trainbull Corners. She had been faithful member of the Meeklenburg M E.Church many years.
-EL. Becker arrived from Cortland Friday evening February 13 for an over Sunday visit with his mother. but when the Saturday morning, the amount of snow that had fallen, he felt oblighed to return, to see that the walks were cleared Tracy Becker took him to the one o’clock train at Trumansburg, with a span of mules, but it was a  hard trip for men and team.
-Andrew Darling  took Rev. B. B Corbin and the Methodist choir to the funeral of Mrs. Weatherhy Thursday at one o’clock.
- Mrs. Julia Arnold  who has ben spending several weeks visiting at Ovid and othe rpoints, returned last week.
-Mrs. Fred Dickens was called to Cayutaville last week Friday by th death of her mother, Mrs. Allen Kennedy. The funeral was on Monday afternoon at the home.
Miss Ellen Carman of boston and Mr. and mrs. Lewis Smith of Allegany co. were here to attend the funeral service of Mrs. George Carman last week.
-Miss Frances Fish Andrus of Pa. Ave. Elmira conducted services at the Methodisht Church Sunday morning and evening.
-Hiram Cornish and family have moved from searsburgh an dare occupying rooms in the boyne house. He will drive Kelseys grocery wagon.
Miss mable Warren is home from Trumasnburgh School ill with German measles.