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                        TOWN NOTES PAGE 5

Sept. 1905   Cohocton NY
—Mrs. S. M. Becker visited her people Canaseraga a portion of last week and ended the Stewart reunion that was at that place.
—Chester J. Wise of Fremont, was the guest of friends in town from Friday of week over the Sabbath.
—Miss L. E Campbell of East Springwater, is attending school here and is a member of the Teachers’ Training class. She boards with Mrs. D. Marsh.
—Miss Mabel Conderman is home for a  weeks vacation.
—Mrs. John Ward and son, William spent last week in Bath and Savona.
—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rauber were in Wayland Sunday.
—LeAnna Beecher is spending her fall vacation at home.
—Mrs. Grace Hulbert Clark of New York  is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. W H.  Thomas and family.
—Mrs. Mills of Buffalo, visited her niece, Mrs. Frank Rauber from Friday till Sunday.
—Earnest Dailey has rented the Fred Armstrong house and is working for Mr. McKay.
—Rev. Mr. Hessler will preach in the F. M. church Sunday.
—Miss Lottie Bartholomew is spending some time in Caladonia.
—The W. C. T. U parlor meeting at home of D. D. Cottrell In honor of the school faculty was a success. A good program was rendered by different members  of the union and light refreshments were served. Each guest was presented with a souvenir in the form of a white ribbon.
—Sherman Wheaton and wife are at their cottage (Hazel Dell) for a few days.
—Miss Florence Mililiman visited at her brother’s, A. Miliiman’s last week.
—Abel Stanton is moving in his new home here which he purchased recently of Mrs. Abrams. He has resided in Dansville for some time past.
—Mrs. Martha Stanton and Miss Angle were entertained at H. Briglin’s Sunday.
—R P. Moulton had charge of our Sunday School Sunday, in the absence of the superintendent, C. B. Stoddard and assistant C. B. Gray who were ill,
—Mrs. Viola Mattice and son, Bert stayed Saturday night at F. G. Rex’s.
-Quite a number of Atlanta ladies are attending the W. C. T. U., convention in Buffalo.  Mrs. C. B. Hatch, State Supt. of Non-Alcoholic Medication, Mrs. C. G. Lyon, Mrs. Norman Gibbs, Mrs. Fary B. Beecher, Mrs. L. A. Beecher and Mrs. Mary Arnold.
-The services at the ME, church were well attended both morning and evening. church was appropriately decorated in fruit, grain and vegetables. In the morning,  Mrs. Aaron Wright was baptized; Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wright and Mrs. John Bush were received on probation; John Wetmore was received in full membership.
-Mr. anti Mrs. Edwin Slaight spent  Sunday at the home of T. Hathaway in Rock Stream.
-The many friends of James Huey of Barn’s are you sorry to hear of his continued illness.
-The Wilover hay press hr Pine Grove is in Reading pressing, the. 65 tons of hay,  the product of the A. A. Hicks  farm.
-Reading was well represented  at he extension school in Watkins. Among those attending were Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Howard, John Jennings and wife, Dean Phelps and wife and Clarence Mead and wife.
-The Misses Wood of Watkins were recent guests of their grandmother. Mrs. M. Wood.
-Mrs. Huey of Bellona is a guest at James Finlans.
-Mrs. Lucy Ford is spending a few weeks in Syracuse.
-G L Hurst spent a day last week in Watkins
-Charles Hicks has returned home from Geneva. He also  visited his
friend Charles of Kashong, Seneca.
-Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hillerman attended the  extension school.
-Miss Minnie Hicks has been spending the holidays in Geneva.
 -Miss. May Ellison is convalescing from a recent illness at her home in. Reading.
 -Reading Grange will hold an all day session January 7.
 The book “When Knighthood was in flower”  containing the autograph of  Julia Marlow, is not catalogued in the library and will patrons please note the fact that it may be returned to the library at once.
-W. B. Barrett and son Orville made business trip to Hammondsport recently.
 Levi Brimmer, who has been in town on a 10 day’s furlough, has returned  to New York where he will join his  ship Constellation and sail to Mexico.


-Rev. Mr. Rowley of Geneva will preach at the Methodist church next. Sunday morning in the absence of the pastor.
-Mrs. Minnie Smeltzer and daughter Helen  of Philadelphia visited her brother, Parked Howard last week-.
Lewis LaMoreaux of Sommerville visited his mother. Mrs. John LaMoreaux over New Years.
-Oliver  Sutphen  spent several days last week with his parents
Mrs. Elizabeth Pitts has been ill with  grippe is slowly recovering.
Miss  Anna Chandler returned  last week from East Rochester where she has been living.


-Roland Stamp of Throne spent the week end with his father.
-Rev. Charles Emerson of Keuka was in town Wednesday.
-The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. church will hold a social at Grange hall. with Mrs. Elizabeth Hillerman as hostess, Feb. 12. Dinner will he served in the usual way.
-Miss Minnie Hicks left Saturday for Syracuse to enter the hospital of the Good Shepherd. Many friends predict success for her in her chosen profession.
-Mrs. Harry Smith of Geneva spent last week with her father, A, A. Hicks.
-Miss Dorothy Sleeper has been ill the past week.
Mrs. H. Roberts had Ernest Wald of Branchport are guests of I. E. Overton.
-Dr. Kasso has a sick horse.
-Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Shepherd spent last Monday in Watkins.
-Miss Mildred Smith is attending Watkins High School.
-Edwin Slaight has a sick horse.
-George McNemer is spending two weeks in New York city and vicinity.
-Mrs. Eliza Howard was a guest at H. C. Lott’s recently.
-Mr. and Mrs. Bert Finch have been visiting at Leo Northrup in Canandaigua the past week.
-A A. Hicks and daughter Minnie spent part of last week in Elmira.
-Miss Edith Fancher spent the week end with her father in Altay.
-Mrs. Samuel Wixson is it, poor health.
-Mr. and Mrs. E. Brink of Rochester have returned home.
-Albert Miller of Dundee was in town Thursday.
-Mrs. Elizabeth Hillerman is visiting in Catharine for a few days.
-Florence Ellison of Watkins is visiting here.
-Dean Phelps is recovering from his illness.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Jennings are in Poughkeepsie attending the state grange which convenes in that city this week. They go as delegates from Reading Grange.
The program for orchard night was put over to Feb. 4 Marshall Overton  will read an article on the Panama canal.
-Miss Anna Speary was operated on by doctors Quirk of Montour Falls and Kasso Sunday Evening for appendicitis. The operation was successful.
-Miss Minnie Hicks sport the week end in Dundee.
-Mrs. Ezra Gabriel has been ill this past week.
-A. A. Ricks recently shipped 71 tons of hay to New York.
-Ray Clark is suffering from grippe.
Mrs. A. J. Smith entertained the Ladies Aid Society of theM. E. Church Thursday.
-Clayton Shepherd has purchased the Carpenter meat market In Dundee and will move his family here.
-C. A. Philip spent Saturday in Dundee.
-Mrs. Lee Folsome of Geneva spent Last week at the home of her father A. A. Hicks.
-J. H. Horning is seriously ill.
-Clarence Mead is drawing coal from Watkins to customers here.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Randall are arranging to move to Penn Yan in the spring.
-Miss Madge Sanford of Moreland spent last week in Reading.
- Miss Ann Brian is convalescing. Mrs. James Mend has been ill.
-Mrs. Lizzie Quirk of Valois has been  visiting her mother, Mrs. James Mead.
-Miss Bula Howard of Watkins was recently in Reading.
-D.M. Raymond has been ill the past week. -
-Mrs. Clayton Shepherd was in Dundee last week.
-George Northway spent a day- the past week in Vaiois.
-Miss. Avery of Westfield, Mass., who is a noted evangelist and is holding meetings at Odessa, will assist Rev. C. E. Drake.
1910, June

-The men of the M. E. church will hold an oyster supper at the home of A.  Fleet Saturday evening, Dec. 18th. All will be cordially welcomed:
-John Van Duzer and wife are visiting in Corning.
-Invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Myrtle Van Vleet and Harry Utter, to take place Saturday, December 18th,
-Rev. Frank Bissell, of Mauch Chunk, Pa., is visiting his parents and sister in this place.
-Frank Ellison and wife, of Hause Hill, are making preparations to leave January 1st for Los Angeles, Cal., for a visit with his brother Lewis and other friends.
-A. Ballard and wife leave December 20th for an extended visit with their daughter In New York city.
-Mrs. Middleton has been visiting in Corning.
-Mr. and Mrs. Will Boyce are spending a few days in Corning and Canisteo.
-George Allen and L. W. Baker spent a few days in Corning on business last week
-Garfield Townley, of Ludlowvilie, is visiting his cousins, Charles Towniey and Mrs. Henry Williams.
-Married, at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Rebecca Stevens, Wednesday, December 15th, by Rev. J. H, Robinson, Miss May Stevens  and Frank V. Baker, only son of Isaac Baker. They are on a short wedding trip to Buffalo and other places. Congratulations.
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Townley, Mr. md Mrs. Henry Williams and their cousin, Garfield Townley, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Bennett, of Beaver Dams, Last week.
-Will the person who exchanged a four-buckle, snag proof overshoe Dec. 4th; at the Tyrone Orange meeting, please notify John G. Cole, Watkins, R. F. D: 1.
-Some Corning young people enjoyed sleigh ride to the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Robinson Wednesday evening.  At midnight a delicious three course luncheon  was served.
-Rev. George Goodrich of Montezuma returned home Saturday accompanied by Lewis Beardsley.
-Frank Thurston has leased the swamp land to the N. Y C. for 20 years, and  will  drain the land and put in garden truck.
-Mark Beecher is spending a week in Schenectady. Ed Anthony is running. the pump station in his absence.
-Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bucher, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Roloson were
entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A J. Moore last Wednesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Moore entertained Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens and -Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Schuyler last Thursday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Duane Anthony and Mr. and Mrs. M P. Roloson and Mrs. S.  B. Cole of Townsend were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Bennett Thursday.
-Mr. and Mrs. L. Bennett called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles I Bennett of Moreland last Wednesday.
-Miss Nettie Drake of Himrod visited her sister-in-law, Mrs. Lon Drake last week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Duane Anthony spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Butcher.
-Leon Moore spent Monday in Corning.
-Mrs. George Drake and daughter Amelia  have returned from Gold. Pa..
-The Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. Jacob Butcher Friday Jan. 30 Dinner will be served.
Mrs. Peter Moon spent Thursday in  Corning.

 Leyman Booram, Albert Booram, James Muloy and A. P. Littel
accompanied District Deputy Benjamin Littell to Wayne village Monday evening. Watkins Tuesday evening. and Wednesday evening to Dundee to the installation of the officers of the several lodges of the 1. 0. 0. F.
 -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Price of Dundee were in town a few days recently the guests of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. M J  Price, and sister, Mrs. Albert Boorman.
-Miss Emma Arnold was in Dundee recently.
-Mrs. William Brinegar has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Elmer Loss of Dresden this past week.
-Mrs. Albert Booram visited Mrs. Harvey Morse at Himrods recently.
-Roy Orr of Wayne was in town one day  last week.

-Lewis Morse is working for Frank Kleekler.
-DeForrest VanLiew had the misfortune to lose a good work horse.
-Fred Fleet and family were recent guests of relatives in Monterey.
-J. M. Hallock and wife of Wayne, F. S. VanLiew and wife of Dundee, Ward Crawford and family of Weston and Henry VanLiew and wife of Weston ate a turkey dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. DeForrest Van Liew.
-The Misses Lydia and Carrie Van Liew spent their holiday vacation with their parents.
-A cottage  prayer meeting will be held this (Wednesday) evening at the home of Edson VanLiew.
Miss Mildred Park is confined to the house with pneumonia under the care of a trained nurse.
ca 1901?
-On account of poor health J T Pratt of North Settlement, is leaving his farm. and moving into the Bolyen house. He will work in the store for S D Bolyon.
-Jay Savercool is moving his family to Odessa.
- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lyon will occupy the chas. Farr. house and their son M D Lyon, will have charge of the hotel.
-Mr. and Mrs. Mies/Miles Hetherinhgton, Dr. and Mrs. Swift and Miss Helen Bolyon attended the Military Banquets at Cook Academy Friday night.
- W D Watson of NY city spent the week end at S D Bolyon’s.
-Chas. Hetherington of Cook Academy is spending the Easter vacation at his home in this place.
-Miss Gertrude Wager has finished her course at the Elmira Business Institute and is home for some time.
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker have moved on the Stoughton farm. A surprise party was given for their son and daughter, Sat. Night.
-1912  ODESSA
The Rev. W H M Lotter and family are in attendance at the Ministerial convention and forward movement at Ithaca this week.
-Mr. Kench and family from Montour Falls, have moved into Harvey Couch’s house and will work for him the coming year.
-Mrs. Sate Doolittle is the guest of her nephew, Adrian Drake and it is reported that she will move here from Interlaken in the near future, in to other Dr. Smith house on Merchant Ave.
-Wm. Lunger will begin April 1, to carry the mail. Ephriam Mallett resigned.
-Sam Winton having resigned the mail route will soon move from Montour to his farm in the south part of town.
-Mr. Dunham and family have moved from the Dr. Smith house to the Todd house, further south on Merchant Ave.
- Mr. Ambrose Vangorder has moved to Maple Ave. Elmira and Mr. Savercool of Alpine will move into the house vacated by the Vangorder’s.
-The Rev. Clow a former pastor of the W M church will preach in the
the absence of the pastor.
-Little Heln Loller is gaining slowly from an attack of appendicitis.
-Mr. and Mrs. Hoagan and Mr. Headley of Milton, N J. and Mr. and MRs. Benj. Boyce of Oaklands NJ attended the Headley Gelatt wedding last Thursday. Guests present from Odessa were Mrs. VanHorn, Mr. and Mrs. C F Ault and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. B K Bronson and children and Rev. and mrs. W H. S Loller.
_Mrs. LaMonte Kellogg and her mother, Mrs. Katherine DeWitt, left Monday morning for Mrs. Kellogg’s home in Spokane, Wash. Mrs. DeWitt will make her home with her daughter.
-Misses Josie Rundle and Ruth Shelton were entertained at the home of their Sunday School teacher, Mrs. McLain, on Tuesday of this week.
-A very pretty home wedding was solemnized at the home of John Pelham, Odessa when Miss Bertha Pelham became the wife of Earl Corwin of Montour Falls. The bride’s pastor, Rev. L L Mcclain, officiated. After spending a few weeks in the western part of the state, Mr. and Mrs. Corwin will be at home in Montour Falls.
_Mrs. Kellogg will remain in Odessa and make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Margaret Carey.
-Harry Watson and wife have moved to the Topping farm between Odessa and Burdett which Mrs. Watson has rented.
ALPINE   CA 1914
-We are glad to note Raymond Washburn of Washington. D. C.. has recovered from typhoid fever and that his mother, Mrs. Charles Washburn who has been spending the past month with him, has returned home.
-Miss Minnie Thompson has returned after visiting in Lockwood and Ithaca.
-Mrs. Jay Savercool and daughter Dorothy of Odessa spent Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Denmark.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ted Green and daughter Thora spent the week end in Rochester
-Miss Edith Wager was a week end guest in Elmira.
-Miss Mary Ayers  was in Watkins over Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Burge Aublo of Watkins, Mrs. Taylor Crum of Fargo, N. D., Mr. and Mrs. Judd Pratt and Miss Gertrude Wager of this place wore guests Sunday at the home of S. D. Bolyoen.

..Mrs. Taylor of Montour Falls spent the holidays  at the home of Minor Mallory.
-Dr. F Easton Sayre of Philadelphia was a guest of Miss Helen Bolyen.
-Mr. Witham of  Valoia spent New  Year with Miss Allie Farr.
-Judd Pratt was  appointed mail carrier in place of Charles Ring who resigned  December 1st.
-Mr. and mrs. Mallory entered at bridge New Year’s eve in honor their guests, Mrs. Taylor of Montour Falls.
-Misses  Edith and Gertrude Wager entertained at six o'clock dinner, New Year’s night the following mail carriers and their  wives Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Swartwood. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Hetherington, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ring and Mr. and Mrs. Judd Pratt
-Mrs. Max McColister and daughter of Horseheads have returned home after spending some time with her mother. Mr. Emma Graham.
-Floyd Snyder has returned from a western trip and is spending a few days in town.
-Dr. C. F. Swift accompanied Mrs. Byrd Richards of Cayuta Saturday to the Sayre Hospital where she is receiving medical treatment.

Mrs.  Jack Leshure has from  a visit near Watkins.
Miss Alma Hall of Jamestown has returned had returned to  her school work.
-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Love have returned to their home in Jamestown.
-Don Anthony of Liverpool has purchased a farm of from William  Leshure and will move here March lst.
-Dr. and Mrs. Chapman are visiting at Willis Frost’s of Townsend. We understand the doctor would like to locate here.
-Duane Anthony and M. P. Roloson made a business trip to Watkins last Wednesday.
-Rev. George Goodrich is spending a week in town.
-Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hall was the guest of Perry Gaylord and wife of Moreland last Wednesday.
-Miss Mary Moore of Syracuse was the guest of Duane Anthony and wife Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hail spent Thursday with James Moore and wife.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens returned from Lodi Fridey.
-Mrs. Ed Stevens attended the birthday party of Mrs. Ray Personius of Moreland last week.
-George Drake took a sick horse to the Ithaca hospital last week for an operation  for abscess.

CA 1914
-Mr. and Mrs. Mark Devoe attended the 19th  birthday party of Mrs. Westerfield in Monterey Saturday.
-Frank AnThony spent the week end with Harry Coger in Corning.
-Mr: and Mrs. M. P Roloson left  Saturday to spend a week In Corning. --  -Mr. and Mrs. William Drake of Reading Center and Miss Sanford of Moreland were entertained at Mr. and Mrs. George Drake on Thursday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hall entertained Mr. and Mrs. Seward Schuyler, Mr.
and Mrs. Mark Deyoe. Mr. and Mrs.William Saylor and Mr. and Mrs.
Charlie Doane Wednesday.
-Mrs. Addle Cole of Corning is improving after her serious operation at the Corning hospital.
-Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Roloson, Mr. and Mrs. James Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore, Mr. and  Mrs. Dennis Schuyler and Mr and Mrs. Jacob Butcher were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hall Thursday.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Vosburg spent Monday and Tuesday at the home of their daughter in Corning.
-Mrs. Mark Beecher spent Wednesday with her sister. Mrs. Charles Woodard in the Corning hospital.
-Mrs. Mac Palmer, Mrs. Peter Moon,Mrs. John Brush, Mrs. Dratt, Mr. and
Mrs. George Pangborn were guests of  Mr and Mrs. Dunn Wednesday. -
- Mr. Bruster of Cooper Plain who has been visiting George Pangborn and T. T. Dunn, has returned home.
-Miss Emily Lee spent Saturday in Watkins.
-Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kendall and children spent Sunday in Moreland.
-Mrs. Charles Lee spent Thursday in Corning.
Mrs. Mac Palmer was the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leak Mallory  Tuesday and Wednesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. George Drake returned Sunday with their horse from the Ithaca horse hospital.
-Lloyd Evans of Wedgwood visited Mr and Mrs. George Willover Sunday.
-The men’s oyster supper will be held in the church parlors Friday evening.  The president is O.G Drake; secretary, Ross Stevens; treasurer. Ed Anthony: committee for evening cooks, M. P. Rolosen. Dennis Schuyler, William Leshure, George Drake table, Dr. Clark, J. W. Beecher, W T. Maerey, Charles LeBrantz,: waiters James Moore.. Herman Kunes, Earl Drake, Ross  Stevens, Louis Woolever. Lewis Beardsley, Charles Deane. Byron Butcher, Err Beecher, dish washers, A. J. Moore. K.M. Walker. LeMoyne Bennett, T. H. Dillmore. Leon Hall; reception, O G. Drake. Ross Stevens. Ed Anthony.
-Earl Drake was pleasantly surprised by his friends Saturday evening.  All report a fine time.
-Lloyd Evans of Wedgwood attended the party at Earl Drakes.
-Elmer Evans and wife entertained Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Ed Anthony. -Mr. and Mrs. George Pangborn, Mr. and Mrs. Williamr Leshure and family.
Mrs. Peter Moon. Mrs. Ed Stevens, Mrs. John Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Palmer and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Dunn. A fine dinner was  served.

ca 1915
-Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Roloson are planning to build a fine residence in the Spring on land purchased of Walter Wasson.
-Mrs. Stoddard and son Harry have been spending a week at Lawrenceville.
-Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kendall were  in Watkins Thursday.

Jan. 1914
-The Anthony reunion was held at the home of Ed Anthony New Years day. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coger and two children of Corning, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Anthony of Syracuse, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Anthony and Miss Edna Phelps.
-Miss Lethel Coger of Corning returned home Saturday after visiting  with her cousins Bessie and Carrie Anthony.
-Dr. and Mrs. I. L, Chapman and son are guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Drake.
-Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Anthony of Syracuse spent part of the week with his parents.
-Mrs. Elmer Evans and son Lloyd of Wedgwood visited friends Wednesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Mark Beecher, attended the funeral of his aunt. Mrs. Roxanna  Brown at Cayuta Friday.
-Mrs. Frank Thurston and son,  Mrs. Mark Beecher, Mr. and  Mrs. Jacob Butcher, Miss Edna Phelps, and  Herman Kunes attended grange at Townsend Saturday evening.
-Mrs. Charles Woodward of Corning. Mrs. Frank Lawton of Dundee, Charles Terwilliger and wife were New Year’.s guests at Mr. and Mrs. Mark Becher.
-Mrs. Kate Stevens and son Ross entertained Mrs. Howard of Reading. Mr. and Mrs.  Edgar Pangborn and family of Dundee on New Years.
-Mrs. Merilla Stevens and Ray Personius and wife of Moreland were guests of   Ed Stevens last week.
-Charles Doan took a load to Townsend Friday evening to attend the meeings.
-Rev, K M. Walker took a load Wednesday evening to Townsend to attend the meetings.
-Harold Brush, who cut his knee badly, is slowly gaining, Dr. Bond of Watkins at tending him.
-Mrs. John Brush and Miss Sarah Beebe spent Friday in Corning.
-Mr. and Mrs. James Moore were entertained  by Mr. and Mrs. William Mcreery  Tuesday evening.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stevens of Corning were guests of Mr and Mrs.
James Moore Wednesday and Thursday.
-The many friends of Eugene Brush of Millport are glad to hear that he is improving after a very serious illness.
Mr. and Mrs. James Moore and Mr.  and Mrs. Ralph Stevens were entertained New Years by Mr. and Mrs. Perry Gaylord.
-Misses Florence Beecher, Nellie Beard, Mildred Tinker and Lawrence Dillmore have returned to Watkins High School.
-Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Allen of Hornby were the guests of his parents.
-Dr. Chapman, Leon Moore and Menzo Bowman spent Monday in Corning.
-Mr. Tinker spent Sunday with his family.
-Byron Butcher was surprised Friday evening by 15 of his younger friends. The evening was much enjoyed.
-Over 25 friends of Floyd Ellison surprised him on his birthday Friday evening. Supper was served and an enjoyable evening was spent.

Dec. 1914 [area unknown]
Bert Kenyon of Detroit Mich. visited Millard Carpenter last week
-Misses Elizabeth and Frances  Brown  have returned to their school duties at Mt. Vernon.
-Archie Evans of Geneva was in town last week.
- Daton Secor of Geneva called on friends in town last week.
- Sydney Holt has been engaged as one of the telegraphers at the Lehigh station here and with his family will occupy the  Isaac Morris residence.
- Miss Gertrude White returned to her studies in the University of Wisconsin last week.
- We are informed that the engagement of Miss Irene Warner, youngest daughter of Dr. Alton B. Warner of Brooklyn was announced at her home  last month. The fortunate young gentleman is a graduate of Yale University and is  occupying a position in forestry, in the northern part of the state.
- Oakley Allen has returned to his studies in the medical college at Syracuse  University.
 -Willis Holt spent last week with his parents here.
- L. W. Argetsinger has sold the Rumsey sanitarium property to W. E.
Leffingwell, Pres., of the Glen Springs Sanitarium.
- Miss Eva Coats has returned to her school duties at Yonkers.
- Robert Fenton was at home on the lake road during the holiday vacation.
- J . C. Argetsinger was in Sayre one day last week.
- Miss Lu M Williams left Sunday morning to accept a position to teach in one of the schools in  Bloomfield, N.J.
-The Misses Vesta and Hazel Van Leon returned last Sunday from a
visit in New York city.
-Miss Norris who has  been visiting at Rook Stream during the vacation has returned to her work at the Burdett Union school.
-Miss Seward has resumed her work in the school  after a vacation at her home in Sayre.
-Mrs. Maybee is staying for a time at her brother C O William's’ on -
Lake street. -
-Miss Kathleen Miller, teacher of the Bennettsburg schools, was in Elmira and Montour Falls the latter part of the week.
-For the benefit of former Burdettites and others now sojourning or residing under Californian skies, or in other remote places where nature forgets to spread her mantle of white, we may state that Burdett. the town of Hector and Schuyler county now robed and gowned with a sparkling mantle of pure white snow. It lies from four to six inches deep every where, is not blown or drifted, and carefully provided with a resisting crust to prevent the wind from piling it in  fanciful ways. The air is lively with the jingle of bells and the echoes of merry laughter. It is clear and crisp. The temperature is normal,
not cold nor too warn. It is the season that invigorates.

Feb. 25, 1914

-Mrs. T T. Dunn is very ill.
-Lester Vance is spending a couple Weeks with his grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Vance at Gibson.
-Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Drake attended the mail carriers meeting at Watkins Saturday evening.
-Mrs. John White of Dundee and daughter, Mrs. Lockwood of Corning  called at the home of Mr. and Mrs.  Ray Fero Friday.
-Mr. Feagles and niece, Mrs. Hayes  of    Monterey were recent guests of O. G. Drake.
-Miss Bertha Rogers of Hornby  was the guest of Bessie Anthony on Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Evans of Wedgewood spent Saturday with her brother George Pangborn
-Mrs. Thomas Dart spent from Saturday until Monday visiting at  Corning.
A young- deer weighing about 300 pounds was killed by the N. Y train on Friday night near Jacob Butcher's.
-Mrs. W. D. Anthony was in Corning Friday.
-Mrs. Putnam Vosburg has returned home after a few days stay at Pained Post.
-Miss Eva McClusky is spending several days with Mrs. Henry Phelps of Meads Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Phelps of Meads  Hill were the guest  of their  daughter, Mrs. H. Kunes on Monday.
-Reed Stevens of Elmira  spent Monday and Tuesday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Stevens.
-Mrs. Amelia Hardenbrook and son Don, of Albany were guests of friends here  the first of the week.
-Dr. Lane of Corning was the guest his brother Henry on Wednesday. -Dr. George Stilson of Dundee was in town Friday.
-Mrs. Herman of Elmira, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Ray Fiero part of last week.
-John and Ed Stevens are doing carpentry work for Mrs. Burris at Moreland.
Stewart Wasson is visiting his sister. Mrs. Frank Gardner.
- Mr. and Mrs. Claude Green spent Sunday at John Stewart’s.
-Irving Wilbur spent some time In Rochester.
-Mrs. P. O’Dea and daughter Nellie are visiting at Buffalo and Lockport.
-Nelson Stamp attended the funeral af Mr. Wilson at Batavia.
-Mrs. John Denson is visiting her daughter Mrs. Andrew Love.

Dec. 1914

-Mrs. D L Shelton and Mrs. William  Larue have been visiting in Rochester the past week.
-Mr. and Mrs. J R Hodges are entertaining Mrs. Willis of Baltimore.
-Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Brown and daughter Aileen were in Watkins Saturday
-Mrs. E. C. Barkman was shopping in Elmira Saturday.
-Grover and Eletha Carey of Geneva have been spending a few days with their parents.
Fred and Harold Estabrook and Burr Charles have returned to Corenell.
-The Misses Mathews, Yerkes, Parmalee and Burgess have returned to their duties in the high school.
- Burr Hager and wife have returned from a visit to his sister in Waverly.
- The Misses Ethel and Edna Hausner have returned to Syracuse University.
-The sons,  daughters and grandchildren of William Stanley took dinner at his home New Years.

-MRS. S. M. Neal has been visiting friends in Geneva
and little
-Mrs. Michael Callahan and daughter Marco visited friends in Canandaigua.
-Mrs. Swarthoout  will occupy the rooms vacated by Willis Prince.
-James A. Shepard is about to erect two houses on Henry street according report.
-The Maccabees have elected the following officers: Past Corn.. William Foster; Com., John A. Henry; Lieut., Com.. Minor B. Howell: record keeper,  Albert A. Teetsel : chaplain. Leroy Smith; physician, John M. Quirk: sargent, William Kimball; M. at A., F. Cady; 1st M. of G. , W. Darling: 2d M. of G., George Messig: sentinel, Otis Austin; picket. John Nagle.
-Mrs. George Backman was in town last week for a short time. Mr. Backman is now engaged on some work in Rome and Mrs. Backman is staying in that city.
-Seneca Swarthout is spending some time with his daughter. Mrs. Earl Livings.
-Mr. and Mrs. C. Wayland Beardsley of Canandaigua were in town last week on the way to visit his mother in Catharine.
-Mrs. Mariette Beardsley went to Ithaca this week to attend the Suffrage School.
-Miss Mary Leurs  of Catherine is spending some time with Mrs. Sarah Phillips.
-Rev. F. F. Rice was called to Odessa on Sunday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Margaret Buckley who died after a brief illness. She is survived by one daughter. Mrs. Mamie Cooper, who has been spending some time abroad educating her children, and by four sons, Menzo of Odessa, Henry and Merwin of New York City and Seymour, who is studying music abroad and is now in Rome. Italy.
-Miss Helen Sherwood who has spent some time here while attending school at Cook Academy and Watkins has returned to her home in Westport, Conn.
-A bank examiner from Washington was here last week looking over the situation in regard to the establishment of a National hank in this village. The report on the matter will be given this week. He complimented the Weed bank on the condition of their affairs.
-Dr. C. D. Clawson is recovering from his recent serious illness.
-Mrs. Charles L. Lattin and little  son of Elmira spent Sunday with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Clawaon.
-Schuyler Clawson of New York City was in town last week.
Charles Doolittle has been appointed postmaster at Montour  Falls In place of Fred J. Dunham, removed. Mr. Doolitttle is a man who
has the respect of the community and will community and will doubtless see that the service at the post office is all that can be desired.

Feb. 25 1914
-Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bastian are the happy parents  of a daughter who will be named Gladys Louise.  Mrs. Bastian  was formerly Miss. Aldrich.
-Mrs. Noble  Cleveland  of Hector is at the Bathesdia sanatorium recovering from an operation.
-Ray Twist of Sparrow Point. Md. visited  friends here last week.
-Mrs. S J Crofut  had as guests her nieces,  Miss Helen and Hazel Lattin of Corning.
-The earthquake shock of last week was felt in some parts of this village, some people were considerable frightened and other did not learn  the cause until too late to feel the alarm.
-W A Davenport who recently came here to live has been missing for two weeks. He is 40 years old, weighs 180 pounds and is five feet and eight inches tall. He served in the Spanish American War and received many injuries  before he was absent from home for  sometime and had no remembrances of his movements.
-Mrs. Clara White of Elmira visited her daughter, Mrs. James Towart and was a  guest at the dinner  given by Mrs. Fasting on Saturday evening.
-Mrs. A. B. Covert is recovering from illness which has confined her to the house for recent weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Prince are spending some time with his father, A B Prince.
-Mrs. George Barton went to Ithaca last week to visit her son George, who is student in Cornell University.

Jan., 1914
-MIss Etta Smith is spending some time at the home of her brother
Myron Smith.
-Miss Rhoda Austin and Clarence Blauvelt were married Saturday evening at the M E Parsonage by Rev W P Miller.
-Mr and  Mrs. Lawrence Coon of Elmira attended the funeral of her aunt Miss Bertha Stoddard.
-Mrs. D V Taylor spent the holidays  with Mr. and Mrs. Minor Mallory at Alpine.
-Mr and Mrs. Morgan Mapley, mrs. Knickerbocker an Misses Eva Frost of Elmira, Mrs. james Roberts of Watkins and mr. and Mrs. Victor Pearson of Lodi attended the funeral of Miss Bertha Stoddard.
On Dec. 28 Rev. Francis Rice united in marriage Miss Bertha Kingley and Fred Upkike of Trumansburg.
-Charles S Lattin an attorney of Elmira, has a position with the legal  department of the Willys Overland Co. in Toledo. He will retain his residence in Elmira. His wife is daughter of Dr and Mrs. C. D. Clawson.
-Forest Seely  a former resident meet with an accident at a  Corning shop and suffered a serious injury to his foot.
- Fred Elliott sand at the rally day services at the Odessa Baptist Church.
 -Mr. and Mrs. Charles  M. Weed visited Dr and Mrs. E H. Wakelee of  Big Flats.
- Mrs. Alice English  and daughter Jessie are occupying Mrs. Ray Hendersons house.
 -J Welland  Hendrick of New York  city spent a few days with her mother.
-Mr and Mrs. Myron Smith entrained a party of about 35 friends
on thursday evening in  honor of Mr. Smiths  birthday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Willis Prince went to Rochester to visit relatives. .
-Mrs. Frances Armstrong is entertaining her cousin, Mrs.  Amelia Rowley.
-Mr.  and Mrs.  Albert Bennett recently had a visit from their son Louis Bennett of Syracuse.
-Frank Conde of Searsburg has taken a position as clerk with M. N Weed and Son, he will live in part of the Van Duzen house on Lee street.
-The tax roll is in the hands of the collector, Emory Stoddard.

1914 South Montour

-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Payne of Newfield visited at D. C. VanGorder’s Saturday and Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Winton, spent Friday in Reading Center.
-Mrs. Myrtle Poland and Mrs. W H Chambers of Middletown are visiting here, called here by the serious illness of their brother, C. E. Miller.
-Mr. and Mrs. D. C. VanGorder visited in Elmira two days last week.
-Mrs. Ella LaBarr has returned alter spending some time in Elmira.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Beardsley of Montour spent Sunday with friends here.

CA 1914
-Mrs.H. V. Twiss has exchanged her farm on east hill with Joe Merrick for
his house and lot on Clinton street.
- Ralph Jeffers. who is in the regular army is now in Manila Philippine Islands. -
-Robert Grant has recovered from his recent injuries so as to be able to leave  the hospital.
-Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Drake were called  to Newfield on Saturday by the death of his mother.
-C. B. Ball of Elmira, Mrs. Albert  Frost and daughters Mary and Bernice of Corning were here for the burial of Mrs. A. G. Ball.
- Mrs. J O. Kilbourn is in Elmira with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Case who is ill.
- Mort W. Hill has been cutting the large trees on the lot on Main street which  bought of Frank Brown. It seemed a pity to cut them.
-Merwin Drake will soon remove to his farm on west hill and his place on L. Hommidieu street will be occupied by Emmet Stanley.
-Mrs. Harriet Howell celebrates her  birthday this weekend  and her family  gathered to congratulate her. Mrs.  Abram Dean and daughter Harriet of Henrietta;  Mrs. Allire Reeves and son Harold Case of Rochester: Mrs. Lottie Lane of Ohio, and Mrs. John Neal of Michigan were here.
-Saturday was the birthday of Mrs. Sarah Van Sickle and three of her  young woman friends invited a party of the older ladies to tea at Mrs. Van Sickles home, thirteen were present and it surely was a lucky number for despite  the surprise at first, the guest  of honor  greatly enjoyed the visit with her warm friends. The committee of three served delicious refreshments and there was a beautiful birthday made by Mrs. Van Sickles young granddaughter, Miss Marjorie Laybourn. The guests brought a handsome bunch of carnations with their good wishes.
-Mr. and Mrs. William Mcssig have have  gone to New York city where Mrs. Messig will remain for a visit of some weeks.
-Dr. C. D. Clawson was serious ill last week. but is recovering.
-The death of Mrs. Eliza Hunter it an advanced age in Ithaca was recorded in the Elmira papers. If not mistaken she formerly lived here. Her daughter being the first wife of Fred Messig.
-An alarm of fire on Friday night roused the people from their beds to find alarm on the place owned by Merwin Drake in the eastern part of the village a mass of flames. There was no chance of saving the building. The origin of the fire was thought to be due to the carelessness of an employee of Mr. Drake
-Mrs. John A. Henry is still confined to her bed.
-Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Ketchum of Elmira  were guests of her parents, Mr and Mrs. E. S. Hinman last week Although much improved, Mr. Ketchum has not entirely recovered from  his illness of last year.
-George Ketchum of Elmira spent Saturday and Sunday with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hinman.
-Minord Canfleld died Tuesday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Bagley  of Elmira, death resulting from a fall on an icy walk. His home was with his daughter. Mrs. Freeman Kniffin of this village. He is survived by three daughters. Mrs. Bagley and Mrs. Morse of Elmira, Mrs. Kniffin of this village, and three sons, Jonas of-------------[rest of clipping missing]

Apr. 3, 1812
[unknown area]
-------------Mr. and Mrs. Chad. Bennett last week.

-Mr. and Mrs. Russell who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Charles.
of this place moved to  their new home the Savory farm at Chambers. Mr. and
Mrs. russell are the  parents of a baby girl born March 23rd. The  little stranger
 was called Amelia Eloise.
-Mrs. M. D. Coykendall and baby daughter have been  visiting her mother live. Mrs. George  Personious in Johnson hollow.
-L. M. Charles is having some improvement  made on  his barn., Eugene Hurd is  doing the work.


-Miss Lucy Rhodes of Cook Academy is spending her vacation  at her home here.
-Miss. Kathleen Miller made a weekend visit t at Watkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Clark of Corning and  Mr and Mrs. George Backer of Elmira were here
to  attend the funeral of Benjamin Clark.
-Mr.. Edd Fox spent several days last week visiting her mother. Mrs. Backer of Elmira.
-Mr.. Frank Filkins of Corning was a guest of Mrs. Frank  Ganung.
-Mrs. Chas. Gano is spending some time with her step daughter, Mrs. Marice Miller.
Miss Susan  Roloson is over the mumps.
-Mrs. Ethel Ganung has returned free Grove Springs and is  at the home of her grandmothers.

-The funeral of Frederick Hammond was held from the M. E. Church Monday Internment in Millport Cemetery.
-Mr. and  Mrs. Fred Plelps spent  Thursday in Elmira.
- Miss Whitney of Stanley, visited at A. J Kinneys Thursday.
-Mr.  and Mrs. E. C. Vary of Newerk, NY  spent Sunday at L E. Page’s
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mosher return Monday from a visit in Wilson and Rochester.
-Miss  Margaret Lewis left Sunday for a week’s visit with her sister, in Albany.
-Mrs. Albert Sterling of Niagara Falls is spending a few days in town.

-Mr and Mrs. Elmer Sherwood; R.  D Horton,.C.W. Hauser. S. F. Jones and Mrs.  Mary Couch were in Ithaca last week..
-A.J Mickel made a business trip to Rochester recently.
-Mrs. Earl Leigh has returned to Syracuse after, a few days visit in town.
Miss Lillian I Mathews is expecting a visit from her mother who will arrived from black river Thursday.
-Mr. and Mrs. R D Horton entertained several of their friends Monday evening.
  C.S. Cooper of Elmira has been in town last week making preparations for moving here.
-Mrs. C D. Lamereaus died at her home near this place Saturday.
-The family and friends of Mrs. Margaret  Bnlkley were called here by her sudden death.
-Mr. Earl Leigh is spending a few days at A. L. Selover’s.Mrs. Leigh will Join her this week.
-Mrs. C. F. Ault and daughter  Charlotte were in Elmira Saturday.
-Miss Ruth Shelton, visited her parents last week.
-Miss Evelyn Jones has been entertaining  a friend from Cornell.
-Miss Esther Couch entertained some friends at a birthday party Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. R L  Cleaver entertained at dinner Saturday night.
-Mason Henry and Miss Clara Wood were united in marriage at the home of George Newton last Tuesday. They will make their home in  Auburn.
-H.B. Goodenaugh of Lodi had  a pleasant caller in town  last week.
-Fred Eatabrook entertained friends  Thursday evening.
-Miss Winnifred Shelton will give a valentine party to her small friend, saturday of this week.

1914  ODESSA
Miss Selton  who is attending school at Elmira pent last week at her home here.
-The Rev, and Mrs. J. N. Bragan are entertaining Miss Austin of Fairvile.
-Mrs. Charles Heasley was a guest of friends in Ithaca last week.
-Grover and Elethia Carey were  led home to  Geneva by the death of their mother last week.
-Mr. a nd Mrs. J. T.Prince and Mrs. Ida Miller were  in Watkins on business.
-Miss Evalyn Jones , Miss Ermine Yerkes, William Dudgeon and Eugene Hodges attended a dance at Millport Friday night.
-Miss Kate Randall has been spending a few days in Horseheads.
-Mr. and Mrs. William E Carey were in Elmira Saturday.
-Mrs. E. L. Brown has returned from several days visit in Elmira.
-J L Miller was in Philadelphia last week buying horses.
-Miss Elizabeth Burgess spent the week end at her home in Elmira .
-S F Jones has plans under way for the erection of a barn on the lot
-Britton Dewitt of Puerto Rico W.I is calling on friends and old acquaintances.
Feb. 25, 1914
A H Prince and Charles B Meeks  went to Ithaca last week to attend Farmers’ week at Cornell University.
-Mr. and Mrs. Severe Fasting entertained a party of friends at dinner on Saturday evening. -
-Miss Maude McClure entertained a party of young ladies on Saturday.


It was with much difficulty that the road were opened for the funeral of Mrs. Samuel Wixson last Saturday but the efficient road commissioner brought  his forces to work and made the road in as good condition as possible  for the family and friends, who in their grief must breast the gale in such a sad occasion.
-I. E Overton, and family were guests at the home of Wells Sleeper Last Friday.
-Mrs. Lester Davis of Corning spent a few days in Reading recently.
-Fred Price of Altay has moved into Joseph Caywood’s tenant house in Western Reading
-Guy Beattie has recovered from an attack of grip
-L. H. McIntyre and H. 0. Howard returned from Ithaca last Sunday morning.
-Miss Anna Sperry is recovering from her recent operation for appendicitis.
-E. Allen, mail carrier on route No. 21 from Rock Stream was unable to drive his route last Saturday because of the drifted condition of the roads.
-Lewis Wixson of Rochester spent several days here last week called here by the death of his mother, Mrs. Samuel Wixson.
-Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Overton celebrated their 34th anniversary of their marriage Thursday, and the guests were to be the direct descendants of Neamiah Marshall who was a Lieutenant in the Revolutionary War, but because of the severe weather all were not present. Among the guest were Mr. and Mrs. Mott Honeywell of Dundee and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sproule of Altay.
-A. A. Hicks spent last week in Corning  and Geneva.
-Mrs. Levi Moore and Mrs. Ann Peck have returned home from visiting in Painted Post.
-D. M. Raymond is in poor health and unable to get about in his accustomed way.
-Lewis Wixson of Rochester and George Wixson of Elmira were caller here last week by the death of their mother.
-Mrs. Sterns of Geneva was called to Reading the last of the week her illness and death of her aunt Mrs. Wixson.


-The Baptist Ladies Aid Society will meet at-the home of Mrs. Hughston Boyce next Wednesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Brandt Wixson and Mrs. Heman Lybolt of Watkins spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Eveleth.
-Miss Bessie Hedden is visiting her niece in Moreland.
-Miss Ann Sayra has returned to Monterey.
-Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dates and children are visiting in Geneva.
_Mrs. Ossian Barker has been spending two days in Monterey with her niece, Miss Jennie Worden, who is seriously ill.
-Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kendall and children of Beaver Dams spent Sunday with Eli Eveleth and wife.
-Mrs. Fred Tubbs has been seriously ill, but is some better now.
-A little daughter came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Love Thursday. and will be named Elizabeth Corrine.
-Dr. I L  Chapman and Willis Frost spent Monday and Tuesday in Ithaca.
-Mrs. Lena Worden and daughter Frances of Monterey spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Buck.
-Prayer meeting will be held at Hugston Boyce’a Thursday evening.
-A surprise was given Miss Kate Breitwise Thursday evening, it being her fifteenth birthday.
-Mrs. Carrie Seiders is spending several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Love.
-William Buck and two daughters of Sugar Hill spent Sunday with relatives here.
-Memorial day was observed at the M E church with appropriate exercises.  The pastor, Rev. G. B Goodrich preached a beautiful sermon and spoken to the old solders present. They were as follows: David Hicks, Joseph Knox,  Morgan Backer, J L Buck, Daniel Barker and Henry Chapman. At the close of the sermon. ten children marched in two by two. Two little children, Clifford Barker and Ethel Varn,  led the march. They all carried flags and sang the Star Spangled Banner. When they reached  the chorus. they all waved the flags through that part. The other
The other children were Emma Butts; Tress. Frost, Mabel Varn,  Freda Gladys and Dana Barker Katie Breitwise and Flossie  Robinson. The song is a difficult one even for grown adults to sing.
The Christians Marching Song "America" and "Hail to the flag of the free"
Mrs. S B Cole, Mrs. O R and Mrs. Bert Barker deserve a praise, for trimming the church and Mrs. Bert Barker for training the children