


                            TOWN NOTES
                                    PAGE 6

TOWNSEND.[jan 1914]
-Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Chapman left Thursday for Norfolk, Va.
-Julan Kent and wife of Reading visited their parents, Charles Andrews and wife, last Tuesday.
-Mrs. Lulu Drake and son and Miss Nettle Drake of Hirnrods visited Mrs. Bert Barker last Tuesday.
-George Raplee and wife entertained at dinner .Mr. Edgar Waugh and wife of Sugar Hill,. W. L. Frost and family and Dr. and Mrs. Chapman Wednesday last.
-Dr. Clark and Jerry Dee of Beaver Dams made a business trip to this place Friday.
-D. S. Barker has returned home ofter spending two weeks near New York.
-Leon Mapes is confined to the house with a severe attack of grippe.
-Henry Chapman is preparing to build barn in place of lost by fire last fall.
- Ezra Robinson and wife were in Watkins one day last week. -
-Mot Miller will occupy and work the George Lockwood farm the coming season.
-The Altay people will play Under’ the Laurels at Grange Hall Thursday evening. It is a good play and shou]rl call a full house.
-Mr. and Mrs. Bert L. Hughey and family spent Sunday in Moreland.
-Mrs. Ledo Stamp and son spent a few days in Watkins last week.
-Mott Smith is drawing basket timber to Watkins for Don Cole.
-A. Barker of Corning is visiting relatives’ here.
-W. L. Frost has a valuable colt at Cornell being treated for cancer, of which they hold small hope of success.
-Mr and Mrs. Willis Frost are entertaing Dr and Mrs. I. L.. Chapman and little son.
-Mrs Seymour, Ellison of Reading and Mrs. Ned Hicks of Painted Post. spent Friday with Mrs. Alice Barker.
-Mrs S B Cole entertained Thursday  Mr and Mrs. Duane Anthony and Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Roloson of Beaver Dams.
-Miss Daisy Andrew has been spending several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gardner of Wedgwood.
-Dr. and Mrs. I. I.. Chapman spent Friday evening with Mr and  Mrs. S. W. Love.
-Miss Anna  Sayre of Monterey will spend some time with, Miss Betsie Hedden.
-Rev, and Mrs. K. M. Walker and Miss Miss  Moore spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs- S. B. Cole and family.
-Mrs Perry of Corning is visiting at  the home of  her daugher Mrs. Cory.
 flaring. .
  - Miss Moore of Syracuse ha, been:  spending nearly two weeks with Mrs. S. B. Cole.
-Twe sleigh loads from  this place attended the installation of officcrs in  the grange at Beaver Dams Saturday evening and reported a  fine time.
-The Baptist Sunday School will I elect officers next  morning. A large attendance is desired.
-Baptist prayer meeting  at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Eveleth  Thursday evening of this work.
-On Wednesday evening a progressive party was held at Schuyler Grange No. 30, and a most enjoyable time was spent.. . Each lady brought a box supper which was sold highest gentleman bidder. Miss Katharine O’Dea and Hamilton Stewart were . awarded first prizes and Don Hatfield and: Mott Hatfield  were consoled  their scientiflc praying.
-Mr and Mrs. Robert Thompson  entertained  Mr.  and Mrs. E. P. Yable  Sunday evening.
-Stewart  Wasson has been spending the past week with his sister, Mrs Frank Gardner of Moreland.
- Mr Stephen Fennell spent Thursday in Moreland with her son Mike Fennell.
Mr. and Mrs Claude Green spent a f4’w:days with Mr. and Mrs. G. P.Ellis.
-Miss Batty is spending a few days withher sister  Mr and Mrs Hine.
- Mr. and Mrs. Kendall have moved into the tenat house of Joseph Wangh.
--Mr. and Mrs. Fremont Waason spent sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mathhew Wasson.
-.Harvey Griswold is working for Clayton Graham who sustained an injury to his knee last week.
Miss. Cynthia Waason who has been ill. is much improved.
- Maude Roberts of lrelandville spent  Monday evening with Miss Louise  O'Dea.
-Mr and Mrs. Rob Thompson spent one evening last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gill Bixby.
Miss May Drummond spent one evening last week at Miss Ester MIlls.
Frank Bartholomew and Mott Hatfield attended what a girl can do at the Opera House Friday.
Stewart an Lester Owen spent Wed. at JOhn Stewarts.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Green are to make their home in our vicinity.
[Ca. 1914]

-George DeWitt of Ithaca is visiting his brother. N. F. DeWitt.
-Harold and Fred Estabrook were home from Cornell over Sunday.
The Young People’s society mee the home of William Jones this Wednesday evening.
-Mr. and Mrs. Grover Bradley of. Caywood visited at Mr. and Mrs. D.L. Brown’s last week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cleaver entertained 14 friends Monday night at  euchre.
-The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. Church will meet with Mrs. John Hodges Friday of this week.
-Miss Elizabeth Burgess spent Sunday with her parents in Elmira.

BEAVER DAMS  FEB. 25, 1914
-Mr and Mrs. Geo. Drake entertained  the latters mother Mrs. W. D smith  and an Aunt Mrs. rosalie Keech of Gold, Pa.
-A son was born to Mr.  and Mrs. Bert Decker a couple of weeks ago.
-Miss Edna Pheips, and. Miss Bertha Rood closed the village school from Wednesdsy until Monday of this week to observe Lincoln’s birthday on Thursday’
-Miss Edna’ Phelps spent  the latter part of the week with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith at Montour.
-Miss Bertha Rood is the guest of her parests. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rood of Corning.
-Arthur Arnot and Miss Mildred Weller  returned from corning Thursday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rockwell are pending some time with their son and family at Dresden.
-Mr. and Mrs. James Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Will Harwood and Miss Emily Lee attended the parly of Miss Susan Roloson in. honor, of her birthday at be home of Mr and Mrs. Frank Ganung  of Morleand Monday evening  last week.
-Miss Susan Roloson of near Millport pent Sunday with her friend, Miss Emily Lee.
-Mrs. Peter Moon was in Corning on Yesterday.
-Will Dimon of Elmira is spending a few days with friends here Mr. Dimon was formerly a
-Mr  and Mrs. Wm. Saylor. Miss Martha  DeVall and Mr. and Mrs. Wim Pierce of  Moreland. Lloyd Evans of Wedgwood, Miss Bertha Rogers of  Hornby, Miss Allie Louke of Dundee and Will Dimon of Elmira attended the men’s oyster supper in the church .
-Mjss Bertba Rogers of Hornby was a guest of her  cousin, Mrs. James  Moore on Wednesday.and Thursday  with her friend  Bessie Anthony.
FREE PRESS. Odessa  [1912]

-Mr. Keech and family from Montour Falls, have moved into Harvey Couch’s house and will work  for him the coming ycar.
-Mrs. Solo Dooilttle the guest of her nephew, Adrian Drake, and it is reported that she will move here from Interlaken into Dr. Smiths house on Merchant Ave.
-Wm. Lunger will begin April 1, carry the mail. Ephriam  Mallett resigned.
-Sam Winton having resigned the  mail route will soon move from MontourFalls to his farm in the south part of town
-Mr. Dunham and family have move from the Dr. Smith home to the Todd house, further south on Merchant Ave.
-Mr. Ambrose Vangorder has moved to Maple Ave. Elmira and Mr.  Sanorcool of Alpine will move into the house  vacated  by the Vongorder’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Love an ddaughter Marian Winifred are spending a few days in Rochester.
-Guy richards of Penn Yan is spending some time at the home of P O'dea.
-Gearge Yales spent his Christmas vacation with the former's parents.
_Kathryn O'Dea spent Wed. in Reading.
-Thomas Love  and wife of jamestown sepnt the pat two weeks at the om eof Andrew Love. Jr.
-Nelson Stamp and children  spent New years at the home of Mr. harvey May Barker was a pleasant caller at Nelson Stamps Friday.

-The G. A. R. has decided to hold their meetings on the first Saturday of each month at 3 pm. The change from evening to day time seems advisable.
-Mr. and Mrs. Eli Beary were called to Odessa last week by the death of their daughter. Mrs. George Carey.
-Stanley Unwin was badly bruised and cut in a coasting accident last week. The sled struck the bridge on Steuben street and be was thrown over the bank into the bed of the stream.
-Ansel Roberts is a patient at Bath sanitarium.
-E. A. Shulman is receiving the tax for Mr. Roberts, the collector, who is ill.
-E G. Cronk is making a trip to Pacific coast in the interest of the firm. He  will canvas California, Ore. and Washington.
-A representative of the state has been in town collecting from the the men  have been harvesting ice  a sum of  $25 per acre.
-Mrs. John B. Farr and  Mrs. Clute of Elmira were guests Thursday of Mrs. Marietta Beardsley.
-Mrs. Fox of Brooklyn is visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Layton.
-Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mulford of Greenwieh. Conn., are in town on accont of the illness of his
Mother Mrs. John Mulford.

 Montour Falls.
-Mr. A. L. Barnes returned home Monday from a business trip to St. Louis where be attended a convention of the NationaI Advertising Agency.
-Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sliter and daughter Mildred of Elmira spent Sunday at the home of Mr. md Mrs. Fred Saunders.
-~Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Blair and son Whittemore and Miss A. Whittemorc left Monday to attend the commencement at Wellsley College when Miss Eleanor Blair will be graduated.
-Miss Helen Lattin of Corning has accepted  a position as clerk in the Pennsylvania  depot here.
Beaver Dams ca 1901
Aug. 31 at the home of Mr. and mrs. d H allen of Beaver Damsn the marriage of their daughter Bessie to Mr. Grant L. Jones of Breesport. Miss Josie Carpenter an Mr. Fred Carpenter were wittnesses. Afther the cremoney the guests  went to b?rothers Allens summer resort "Sans Souci, cottaqge whre the wedding banquet was attended by many guests.
-Mr and Mrs. David Beardsley are visiting his sister Mrs. flora Egan of Bennettsburg for a few dayS
-Mrs. Henry Fero was called to Niagara by the serious illness of her mother. Mrs.  Corwin.
-Mr and Mrs. Bert Personius of Livonia are guests of mr. and Mrs. Richard Rogers.
-Fred O Goundrey has gone to work in Charles Smith blacksmiht shop in this place. [Townsend]
-Mr. Personius of Reading and William Scott of Hornby attendd the party at he home of Miss Haring.
-Burr Vandeventer and wife of Cattarargus county are visiting relatives and friends in this place.
-Miss Ruth Pangborn is spending a few days at the home of her parents.
-W E Goundrey and brother Mark went ona business trip to Steuben and Ontario.
-Reuben Oldfield visited our village one day last week.
-Thomas Jennings of Naples Ontario county is viisiting his niece. Mrs.S E Johnson and family at his place.
-Henry Tracy of Oneonta is viisting relatives in this place for a few days.

Peach Orchard
there wil be a social at the residnece of Leroy Huston on this Thursday evening.

           NOTICE: Is hereby given that a special Town meeting for the Town of Southport,
           will be held, at the house of R.T.Jones, in said town, on the Tuesday next preceding the first Monday in May next, for the purpose of determining by ballot whether Licences for the sale of Intoxicating Liquors in Southport shall or  shall not be granted.
           Dated March 29th, 1847                  F.A.Webb, Jno. Baldwin,Jr.,
                                                   H.W. Atkins Justices.

ca 1907

~Mrs. Walter Henry and Blanche and Mrs Knapp, of Trumansbnrg, visited at   Frank Dcnson Friday.
-Sue Sirrine, visiting Marwin Stilwell at Lestershire.
 -Mildred and Ilah Evans returned from George Empsons Friday.
-Clarence Merrick and family, of Interlaken have been v1sit1ng at  Levi Babcocks and Davis Conover’s and while here gave several  ride  in his automobile.
-John Denson and wlfe of Cortland,are visiting his brotbers,Frank Denson
-Charles Boyd  and Anna Peroy were in Elmira Sunday.
-Will Boyd of Ithace is home for a few days.
-Sherman Kelly lost a cow Monday night.
      Reading and Dix.
-H. H. Graham and family, of BeaverDams  and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Love of Dix spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Graham of Townsend.
- Mrs. Waiter Wasson and children of Schenectady, are visiting at David W Wassson's of Dix.
-Miss Belle Johnson left on Tuesday for a week with friends at Silver Lake.
-Charles  Wasson and son Claire of Schenectqdy are visiting friends here.
-John Ellison, and Mr. and Mrs. W E Seiders spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Thompson.
-Byron Bissell, wife and daughter of Limestone, N.Y. and Mrs. Ken-- of Ithaca,  are visiting at E.R.Bissell’s.
-Misses Gergianna and Clara Neal of Lodi, are visiting at Charles VanVleet’s.
-E.H.Bissell, of Watkins, is spending his vacation in town, -
-Miss Margie Van Vleet returned  Friday from a four week's visit in Seneca Co.
-George Baker and wile, of New Albany, are visiting at Isaac Baker’s,
-Edward Tracy preached in the M. E.Church Sunday night.
-N.E.Frost, of Chicago, is visiting his mother, Mrs. E Frost.
-Jacob J. Seybolt, a prominent citizen of Tyrons died at his home Sunday after a long illness. He was in his 74th year and always took an active Interest in politics,  having held office of justice of the peace for nearly l4 years. Heis survived by a
widow, two brother and three sisters. Edgar, of Savona, Alfred of Dundee, Mrs. Mary Ludlum, of Rocbuter, Mrs. Daniel Barclay, of Coopers, and Mars.  Charles Mattoon, of Wayne, and three son. and one daughter. Stephen,of Logan, William of Syracuse and Oscar W. and Mrs.Lewis Green of Tyrone.
Miss Bessid Backer was attended  the picnic at Watkins  Sat.
-Charles Wasson and son of Schenectady sepnt some time visiting his mother sunday.
 Reading Oenter
-One of the pleasent events of the season was the party given Mrs. mary jane Gilbert,
at home in  Reading by  her neighbors and friends Monday afternoon to celebrate the 75th mile stone in her lifes journey.
Lyman Baker and granddaughter of Dushore Pa. are the guests of his son and daughter Ira and Bernice Baker.
-Dr. Mary Robingson of Elmira was the guest of her parents  Rev. James and Mrs Robinson last week.
Benjamin Hodges wife and daughter were the guests of his sister Mrs. Harvey/Harry/Henry     guests parted wishing their hostess  Baskins, last Sunday.
-Miss Taft of Long Island is the guest of Rev. Jams and Mrs. Robinson.
-Mrs. Joshua Raplee and daughter Loretta visited releatives in Elmira last weeks.

Montour Falls
-Misses Alice Howell and Helen Frost are guests of Miss Alice Prince.
-Mrs Fred Swick is visiting friends at friends at Rochester.
-Mr. Cronkite and William Aldrich have moved to the Jonathan Cronk house on genesee street.
-B W Topping of Elmira was in town Sudany on his way  to visit his brother on Foots HIll.
-Joe Hibbard who has been confined to his bed for a week is againe able to attend business.
-Mr. and Mrs. E W HIbbard went to Horseheads  on Monday to attend the funeral of jerome boweres.
-Miss Anna Rowland of Pittsburg, Pa. is viisting her aunt Mrs. Rachel S Weed.
-Mrs. Susan Fletcher Brashers and daughter Bessie of Burtonville, Md. and daughter werer guests of Mrs. S J Hoppings              week.
-Mrs.. Milton Plants has been serioulsy ill.
-Mr. and Mrs E W Hibbard went to Horseheads on Monday to attend the funeral of  Jerome Bowers.
-Miss Anna Howland of Pittsbnrg, Pa, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Rachel S.Weed.
-Extensive additions are being made to tbe shops of the Crook k Carrier Co. in factory  rooms.
-Charles A.Sloane was called to Her mothers  on Friday by the sudden death of her    brother-inlaw.
 -Miss Mildred Crippan entertained  unity of young friends in honor of her:eighth birthday. She received a number
          of pretty gifts.
 -Mr. and Mrs. Ira P. Ketchum of Elmira were in town Monday on their way to
attend the funeral of Charles Swartwood at Cayuta.
-Miss Marian and Master George Ketchum of Elmira were guests of Mrs. James A Sheppard.
-Little Margaret Van Gorder had an opperation  lest week for the removal of a    growth from her throat. The operation was performed by Dr. Case of Elmira.
-Miss Jessie Rollinson of Schnectady  who Is spending the summer at Moreland with her grandmother Mrs. Russell.
-Mrs. Jowell Hendrick has returned home after spending some weeks wiht her son, Welland their
summer home on the Hudson river.
-Mrs. Joel Hendrick has returned home after apsending some weeks with her son, Welland Hendick, and family
at their summer home on the Hudswon river.
- Mr. and Mrs. J. Nelson Mitchell are th ehappy parents of a daughter. Mrs. Mitchell is spending the week wiith her mother Mrs. Kate Cooper Of Odessa.
May 6, 1884  paper
The oldest resident in Castile known as the "Woodbury Grange" has been demolished by carpenters to make room for a more modern building. May Jemison better known as the old white woamn occupied a room in the house for a week, and several Indian chiefs frequently stopped here over night.
-Miss ME Gulick of this village is spending the week at Crystal Springs.
-Miss May Ballard is home for the summer vacation from the Normal School at Geneseo.
-Mrs. A B Hurd of Painted Post was the guest of relatives in this village over Sunday last.
-Mrs. F W douglass and daughter of Elizabeth NJ are now guests at the home of her brothers, Mr. F L Keyser of this village.
-Mr. and Mrs. John J. Lytle of Tanghannock Falls, were in Watkisn yesterday in attendance at the Suprem,e court.
-Mr. George F Freer of NY is now in Watkins his former place of residence. He returns to the city Sat. accompanied by his daughter Cassie.
-Miss Alice Wedgwood accompanied by her aunt, Mrs.E W Alger of Brooklyn NY is now visiting at the home of her father, wm. C. Wedgwood of Dix.
-Mr W W Rutherford a student of the Episcopal Theological Seminary of NY,   now has a room at the residence of Mrs. George. G. Freer.
-Mrs. Stanley Holden of Troy Pa. is now visiting at the residence of Mr. O S Holden of this village. Mr. Stanley will arrive in Watkins to remain over sunday.
-Amos Beach of Adrian Mich. is now guest at his sister, Mrs. A J Graham of this village.
-Mr. F M Clarke, now of Dundee but formerly of this county, has recently purchased 681 acres of farm lands in Southern Dakota.
-Wm. H Gibbs of this village returned from a visit with his brothers Dr. E H Gibbs of Elizabeth NJ.editor of Halls Journal of Health. He was accompanied by his brother Jas. S Gibbs of Buffalo.
 -Miss. Lonise Hotaghtsllng of Penn Yan is visiting her grand parents, Mr. and  PeterGibson.
 -Mr. and Mrs. Royal Avery of Black River are guests, of Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Roberts.
-Mrs. Eaton J Agard offers her house and lot on Lee St. for   sale. This is a desirable property and wil ldoubtless find early sale.
-Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Seeley welcomed a fine son  to their home on Tuesday.
-Misses Ida  Rumsey and Mary Powers  returned from a visit to Ithaca were they were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
   George  Taylor.
-Luther Staley is employed of the Prenmtic Tool co as an engineer.
-The old Hinman residence on Catharine  street. has been remodeled and is  rented to George Bugenhagen.
-R B    Davis has gone to Michigan. on  business connected with his starch manufaotory.
-James Brennan went to Molocben  N.J .., last week to deliver a horse. to F.E.   Fisher.
- A. B. Palmer baa given up his office in  the .McKeg block; and will conduct his Insurance bussiness at his home on Main street.
- Mr. mud Mr.. F. M. Sheldon. entertained Mr. and Mrs. E E Wilgus of Rochester over Sunday.
- Mrs. Frank Terry received news on Friday of the serious illness of her sister mary In Michigan: With her mother Mrs. Eggersdorf, she left on Friday for for her sisters  home.
- Miss Matie Wells, of Waverly spent Sunday with her relatives,  Miss Belle Day, and on her return brought her little daughter Bernice who has been spending  some weeks with her aunt.
- Mrs. Anna Bradley of Buffalo,after a week with her brother in Brooklyn is spending some weeks wtih her parents.
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis, Miss Lucretia Davis and Joseph Weed of New York  city arrived, here in their antomobile on Monday and will spend some time here and at Kayutah Lake.
- Mrs. Sarah E Price. who is occuping the  Dutcher home daring the absence of Mr and Mrs. Dutchàr at Sparrow Point,Md. is entertainiug his Mrs.  Charles Price and Mrs. Gill of Newark, N. J
- Mr.and Mrs. Joseph Barber entertained Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell of  Elmira, Mr. and Mrs. P. M Rose of Cairo, Mich., Miss Belle Pearsall of Towada, Pa., and Mrs. Jud Wilson of Columbia X Roads on Tuesday.
-The engagement is announced of Miss Elizabeth D. Mathews, teacher of voice culture at Cook and Lester. H. Schlick of Elmira Heights a former resident of this village. The Marriage will take place in August.
-CATLIN Temperence Society, one of hte oldest in the United States. Mr. Bejamin Clark, of Moreland, sends us a  printed copy of the procceedings of “A meeting of the inhabintants of the Town of Catlin., Tioga County, which was hold purmont to previous notice at the School House.  District  No. 5, at Moreland, on Thursday 17th  day of April, l828, to take into consideration the  propriety of forming a Society for the promotion of Temperance.” The sheet was  printed at Geneva. At this meeting, prayer was offered by T. S. Sheardown:  John Crawford Esq., was called to the chair,  and John, P. Cornell, Esq., was chosen Secretory. An address was, delivered by the Chairman; resolutions were adopted ; and the  following oflicers were elected: President, Cladius Townsend;  Vice  President, John  Crawford ; Secretary, Jno. P. Cornell ; board of Directors, Jacob, King, Wm. P. Lee, A. Vanderventer, E. B. Mallory, Peleg Tanner, Amazish Loomis, Sheardown. Jacob Kind Jno. P cornell, A Vanderventer, John c Thayer, John Crawford, Watson cole, Wm. P. Lee, claudius Townsend, Thomas S Sheardown, E B mallory, Luther Cleveland, James Crawford, Edward Beebe, Peter Rosengrants, John N rosegrant, Peleg Tanner, A C Mallory, James S Saxby, Amaziarh Loomis, Carpenter Ellis, Joseph Chase. mr. Clark writes that he is informed Watson cole and Rev. A C. Mallory are the only members of this society who are now living.
      Aug 8, 1907
-Albert Weston of NY city is visiting Charles Lock.
-Mrs. Charles R Watkins accompanied her brother, Charles Tracy to PIttsford where they are guests of Edmund T Tracy.
-Miss Bess Weller is spending his vacation with a party of Horseheads young people at a camp on Keuka Lake.
-Miss Helen Estabrook of Newfield is visiting her aunt Mrs. Tracy Weller.
-Mrs. Thomas Bennet and little child of Canandaigua are visiting her sister Mrs. Cronkrite.
-Mrs. William O'Brien and son of Stamford Ct. are guests of Miss Kathryn O'Brien.
-Mrs. Thomas b Alderman is entertaining Miss Jessie ROwland of Olean.
-Lee Denson of Michigan visited his brother in law Freeman Kniffin recently.
-Mrs. Fannie Sloane of Rochester is here for a fortnight.
-Frank V Oakes and family of Bloomfield NJ are visiting her brother, W J Weed, at Kayutah Lake.
-Mrs. Jane C/O? Agard has sold her house and lot on Lee st to Frank van Duzer for $1,500. and will give possession on Oct. 1st. Mrs. Agard expects to go to seattle Wash. to live with her nephew George K Coryell.
-Miss Alice Prince visted her brother Willis at Auburn over Sunday.
-George Wager and famlly of Elmira were guests of her brother Mr.  Elbcrt Saylor.
-----Ray? Sorms of Pittsburgh spent a few with his mother Mrs. Charles  Covert.
-Miss Margaret Bowlby has a position with Couch Banking Co. at Odessa.
-George Dewitt, of Ithaca, was in town Saturday.
-Master Donald Grieve, of Perry, is visiting his grandparents Mr. and mrs. W A L Martin.
-Mr. and Mrs. Bert Teetsel and little son Fenton left on sat. to viist Rev. and MRs. A W Fenton at Port Byron.
-Mrs. William Townsend of Middletown. is visiting her sister, Mrs,. Frank Van Vleet and Mrs. George M. Post.
-Miss Minnie Ault and Mrs. Jennie Cole, of Williamsport, were recent guest of Mr.  and Mrs. Minor Howell.
-Arthur Hopkins  of Howard Mills, spent Thursday night witb her brother W L Hopkins.
-John King, of Ithaca, it a patient at Bethesda.
-Sayre Covert bas gone to Ithaca to work for Jay Mitchell.
-John Brink of Emporium, Pa.. Is visiting his  brother, Charles Brink. He
         has not been here since the death of his mother seven year ago.
-Mrs. Edmund K Thompson at. Keuka Park is spending the summer with her
         brother and sister in this vicinity.
-Charles L. Tracy of St. Paul, Minn., and his son Gilbert of New Haven,Conn.,
         are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.  Watkins.
-George Haynes of  Auburn visited his  brother, Jerome C. Haynes, last week,
         and James B. Hayes of Auburn is now  his guest.
- Miss Anna Habberashaw sang at a recital  given by the Weigester Summer  School of Music at Elmira last week..
-Mrs. Fred J. Dunham and Margaret Louise Dunham are at Chautauqua.
-Mrs. Freeman McNall and daughters of Albion are guests of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Spencer Fisher.
-Miss Grace Denson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Donson, was married to
         John Fanton of Horseheads.
 - Prof. L. H. Bailey of Cornell was here on an automobile trip last week.
-Mrs. Margaret Doty has returned from a visit with Miss Ellen Pittman at Elmira.
-Prof. Herbert D. Winter. has decided  to remain at Cook.
- Myron Short has returned train a trip to the great lakes much improved in health.
 -Miss Louise Houghtaling of Penn Yan visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs Peter Gibson.
-Mr. and Mrs. Royal Avery of Black River are guest, of Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Roberts.
-Mrs. Eaton J. Agard offers her house  and lot on Leo street for sale.  This is a
     desirable property.
-Mr.  and Mrs. Forrest Seeley welcomed a find son to their home on Tuesday.
-Misses Ida Rumsey and Mary Powers have returned from a visit to Ithaca  where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor.
-ca Feb 1, 1901?
-A J Erway has moved from his Bath home recently purchesad by him from Otis Fenton on Fifth St.
-Edward J Considine of Wilkesbarre, is spending a few days with his parents in this village.
-Herman B Jackson and Leroy Hawes have moved from Penn Yan to this village and will reside on Steuben St.
-George Batty and wife has returned from a visit in Wisconsisn and Mich.
-Miss Helen W Abby has returned from Baldwin LI and will spend the easter vacation with her parents.
-Clyde Vincent of this village and R Gilmore of Montour Falls contemplate entering the piano repair business. both have had experience in this line.
-The rear of Best's bakery was badly burned in a fire Sunday night. The fire was of mysterious origin and had gained headway before being discovered.Mr. Bests bake over is insured but he thinks the bakery business in this town is a "hoodgo"?  for hima nd will not again enter it.
-Mrs. Walter Wait has been spending a few days with her brother at Interlaken.
-Misses Kate and martha VOak are visiting friends in NY and jersey City.

 With several hundred Schuyler County Fair spectators as guests, Miss Marjorie Bertha Crane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Starkweather of Montour Falls, became the bride of Robert Carl King, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. King of Watkins Glen, Friday afternoon. The ceremony, the closing feature of the annual exhibit, was solemnised by the Rev. H. C. Bears, pastor of he Watkins Glen Methodist Church. Mrs. King became widely known in midsummer when she saved the life of her four-year-old half-brother. Alden Starkweather, fell In a pond at Odessa and the young woman, attracted by the barking of the boy's dog, rescued the unconscious child.
                                    Corning NY Leader, dated Sept 20, 1938 Donated by Gary related to Cecil Starkweather. Thanks Gary.