frisco stock
This is a 1923 list of Preferred stock holders in the
I also have two very long lists of the COMMON STOCK holders for 1922 & 1923. These represent more than 6,000 names holding 504,470 shares of Frisco Stock. The addresses of these common stock holders read much the same as the Preferred stock holders below that I copied for you.
I listed only the city/state, and not the street addresses. The number is the amount of stock that person held in 1923.
If you would like more information, e-mail me.
Certified list of holders as of April 7, 1923
Alice Rebecca Abbot, New York City 1
Everett Y Abbott, Brighton, Mass 10
Abraham & Company, New York City 100
William J Acorn, New York City 8
John N Adams Richmond, Cal. 10
Thos. F Adams Newburyport, Mass 3
Charles Albright, New York City 2
Percy Alexander, St. Charles, MO. 10
Francis R Adrlance, New Canaan, Conn 9
Clifford L Anderson, Bristal, PA 28
Howard D. Aldrich, Shortsville, NY 10
Alien Property, New York City 25
Alien Property, New York City 25
Eugene N Allen, Boston, Mass 5
M. Lillian Allen, Brooklyn, NY 7
American Security, Washington, DC 30
Janet H Arkush, Washington, PA 12
Ash Grove Portland Cement, Kansas City, MO 2
Augusta Trust Co., Augusta, MO. 51
Mrs Mary L Ayler, Warren, Ohio 6
J S Bache & Company, New Your City 1,030
Seymour W Backus, International Falls, Minn 13
Seymour Backus, International Falls, Minn 13
Mike Bahor, Detroit, Mich 10
Wm T Baird, New York City 60
Rar Harbor Manking, Bar Harbor, Me 50
George Barmore, Princeton, NJ 5
Charles W Barnes, JR. St Louis, MO 6
William Barnes, New York City 200
Charles D Barney & Co, New York City 900
Florence W Barr, Winchester, VA 5
Rensselser W Bartram, New York City 100
John Baum, Green Bay, Wis 100
Abraham G Becker, Chicago, IL 100
John L Becker, Chicago, IL 10
Edward R Beckwith, Hudson, NY 25
Mary B Beckwith, Hudson, NY 25
Bertha L Belden, Chicago, IL 18
Roy M Bell, New York City 10 & 36
E C benedict & Co, New York City 50
New York Life for James A Benedict, Hew York City 3
J P Bankard & Co., New York City 60
Elizabeth King Bentley, Chicago, IL 29
Percy L Benway, Albany, NY 25
Blanche E Berdan, Detroit, Mich 2
Sarnhard, Schiffer & Co New York City 10
Samuel H Bingham, Chicago, IL 10
Charlotte B Binney, Middletown, Conn 5
Sarah K Birckhand, New York City, 9
Henry M Bixby, Salem, Mass 50
Robert S Black, Zanesville, Ohio 5
William Lee Black, Washburn, MO 2
Blackstone mutual Ins Co Providence, R I 45
J P Huntington, Trustee under will William N Blackstone, Dec. Norwich, Conn 18
Blake Bros Co New York City 25
Mrs Alta E Blakeslee, Buffalo, NY 5
Estate of Geaorge Bliss, N Y C 45
Lillian L Blondell, Baltimore, MD 30
Alfred August Blowski, San Francisco, Cal 10
Gladys Curry Boatwright, N Y C 4
Robert Bogaardus, N Y C 2
Amos H Bombberger, Lititz, PA 5
Harold L Bond, Boston, Mass 10
Boody, McLellan Co N Y C 30
Quentin W Booth, Rochester, NY 25*
M C Souvier Co N Y C 100
J E Bowen Co Boston, Mass 20
Mr Joseph H Bowne, N Y C 1
Lindsay Bradford, N Y C 18
Francis Bradley, Philadelphia, PA 40
Bramley & Smith, N Y C 100
Imogen D Brent, Montclair, NJ 10
D Chauncey Brewer, Boston, Mass 7
Linwood R Brewer, Hartford, Conn 10
Leonard S Briggs, Brooklyn NY 50
Bridgman & Edley, N Y C 20
Miss Jeannette Brill, Newark, NJ 10
Brockton National Bank, Brockton, Mass 50
A Vededer Brower, Boston, Mass 100
Alexander Brown & Sons, Baltimore, MD 10
Brown Bro. Co. N Y C 60
P H & J M Brown Co, Portland, ME 5
Brown & Coosbe, N Y C
Elmer D Buckley, Littleston, Pa 5
Raymond G Buckley, Philadelphia, Pa 8
Edwin M Bulkley, N Y C 18
Lucy Kidder Bulkley, N Y C 18
Dominick F Burns, Hartford, Conn. 5
Ambrose H Burroughs, N Y C 100
Anna Waude Burton, West Lebanon, N H 1
Harvey B Bush, Olyphant, PA 10
Mary Shippen Butler, Marian Farnum Butler& Wm T Murphy, Philadelphia 24
Irving T bush N Y C 15
Wendell T Bush N Y C 15
Butler, Herricck Marshall, N Y C 100
Susan R Caccia, Boston, Mass 1
Gallaway Fish Co N Y C 227
Mrs Mary M Calvert, Hudson, NY 36
Hollis L Cameron, Salem, Mass. 5
Allan Campbell, Detroit, Mich. 1
Robert S Campbell, N Y C 156
Helen W Capen, Jamiaca Plain, Mass. 7
George H Church, N Y C 18
Rosa A Canfield (?)
H T Carey Co N Y C 100
Carlisle Wellick Co, N Y C 1,126
A H Humphry, Boston, Mass 10
Carreau & Snedeker, N Y C 25
Miss Henrietta M Carter, N Y C 14
Carter & Company N Y C 227
Central Trust & Geo W Davison, N Y C 13,871
Central Trust of Rock Island, Rock Island, IL 51
Boston Save Trust, Anna G Chamberlain, Boston, Mass. 1
George B Champlin, Providence, RI 50
S B Chapin & Co N Y C 883
Fred F Chapman, Wilmington, Del. 20
Mary S chapman, New London, Conn. 32
Chapman National Bank, Portland, ME 6
Mrs C Will Chappell, Oneida, NY 9
Chemung Canal Trust, Elmira, NY 1
Chiaholm & Chapman, N Y C 40
La Venis P Christian, Brooklin, NY 1
Richard N L Church, N Y C 3
Citizens Natl Bk, Stephens Point, WIS. 6
Mr. W Claggett, St. Louis, MO 1
Mr Charles H Clark, N Y C 3
Clark, Childa & Co N Y C 242
Daniel R Clark, Rochester, NY 25
Clark, Dodge & Co., N Y C 242
Emory W Clark, Detroit, Mich. 20
Jane E Clark, Decd. Kingston, N Y 25
Lyman O Clark, Boston, Mass. 1
Myron N Clark, Norfolk, Conn. 1
Elfrida Clarke, N Y C 25
George W Clarkson, St. Louis, MO 25
Cleveland Trust, Cleveland, Ohio 4
Henry Clews & Co, N Y C 300
Walter F Cobb, Santa Barbara, Cal. 300
Langdon Coffin, Newton, Mass. 10
Rachel J Coffin, % Natl Cap Bk, Washington, DC 5
Coggeshall & Hicks, N Y C 100
Guerney H Cole, Wilkinsburg, PA 10
Jas. B Colgate & Co N Y C 135
Colonial Trust. Reading, PA 25
Frank P Comstock, Providence, R I 150
Congregational Home Miss. Soc. Of N Y C 9
Connecticut Humane Soc, Hartford, Conn. 3
Alphonse J Conroy, Milwaukee, Wis. 10
Continental Trust Co., Pittsburgh, PS 35
Mr James H Cooke, Hartford, Conn. 25
Joseph S Cordingley, South Boston, Mass. 40
Hortense F Cowan, Wellesley Hills, Mass. 6
Mary L Cox, Altoona, Pa. 50
Albert Crawford, N Y C 10
David D Cressman, Sellersville, OA. 100
Dcaniel G Cromer, Flora, IND. 10
Trustee for Miriam Searrs Crompton & others, Boston, Mass. 5
Ida Hamilton Crook, N Y C 5
Charles E Crosby, Cohoeton, NY 10
Henry A Crosby, % Milwaukee, Wis. 5
Pearrie E Crowl, Baltimore, MD. 16
Florence H Crowely, Adams, Mass. 20
Timathy J Crowley, Roslindale, 5
Hugh Curran, N Y C 4
William A Curry, N Y C 11
Curtis & Sanger, Boston, Mass. 200
Arthur L Cushman, Brockton, Mass. 10
Charles Cyphers, Washington, N.J. 6
Samuel S Dale, Boston, Mass. 5
Edward F Dames, Joliet, IL 20
Wm H Darnell Jr., Richmond, MO 5
Miss Mary E Davidson, Newark, N.J. 50
Bancroft G Davis, N Y C 3
Charles E Davis, Great Falls, Mont. 10
J W Davis & Company, N Y C 410
Joseph E Davis, N Y C 3
Joseph T Davis, St Louis, MO 30
Mrs Josephine H Davis, Hartford, Conn. 2
Richard E Davis, Pasadena, Cal. 100
Dean, Onativia & Co., N Y C 60
De Coppett & Deremus, N Y C 759
William More Decker, Buggalo, NY 51
Lavinia G Deery, Arlington, NJ. 500
De Haven & Townsend, N Y C 135
Estate of Rodney Dennis, Hardford, Conn. 1
Edith C Derbyshire, Lesington, VA 3
Bessie Deasez, Washington,, DC 5
Edouard Deville, Ottawa, Can. 15
Lillian De Wolfe, N Y C 12
Albert B Dick, Chicago, IL 52
Fred J Dick, N Y C 10
Estate of Henry C Diehl, Buffalo, NY 30
Arthur L Dillon, N Y C 20
Lillian Dillon, N Y C 20
Mrs Susan J Dillon, Chicago, IL 12
The Dime Bank of Lansford, Lansford, PA 25
Don Francis Dodge, Hollywood, Cal. 50
Fred H Doellner, Winona, IL 10
Fred C Doeschner, Pittsburgh, PA 10
Dominick & Dominick, N Y C 225
C P Dow & Co., Boston, Mass. 15
Downer & Co., Boston, Mass. 1
Estate of A C Downing, N Y C 100
William C Drummond, St Louis, IL 13
Catherine H Drury, Rhinebeck NY> 1
Martha Duffy, Chicago, IL 5
Miss Ozite Duffy, St. Louis, MO 5
Walter M Dumph, St Louis, MO. 3
Duncannon Natl Bk., Duncannon, PA 15
Miss Harriet A Durfee, Fall River, Mass. 4
H C DuVal & Co., N Y C 50
Charles Q Eaton, N Y C 10
Emma C Edwarde, Buffalo, NY 10
Emanuel Einstain, N Y C 30
Walter S Einstein, N Y C 14
Mrs Florence G. Elliott, Middleboro, Mass. 25
Carlos B Ellis, Springfield, Mass. 25
J Norman Ellison, Minot, N>D> 12
Chas N Endres, N Y C 5
Burton Etherington, Germantown, Phila., Pa. 100
Ellas Evans, Ripon, Wis., 5
Louise Everett, Boston, Mass. 4
Robert M Fair, Chicago, IL 210
Mrs Catherine B Fairchild, Glen Ridge, N J 15
Mr John B Faisant, Depew, NY 5
Mary E Fardwall, St Louis, MO 10
Farmers Bank, Georgetown, Del. 25
Farmers & Merchant, Bridgeton, NJ 25
Farmers & Merchants Bank, Logansport, Ind. 10
Clara Farnham, Concord, NH. 3
Farnum, Winter & Co., N Y C 400
Miss Elizabeth M W Fay, Wellesley, Mass. 2
Thornton O M Fay, Wellesley, Mass. 3
Josiah E Fernald, Concord, NH 20
Feuchtwanger & Co., N Y C 36
First National Bank, Branchville, N J 25
First Natl Bank, Coledale, PA 15
First Natl Bank, Confluence, PA 10
First Naatl Bank, Fasthampton, Mass. 24
Rirst Natl Bank, Johnstown, PA 229
First Natl Bk, Lansford, PA. 25
First Natl Bank, Lebanon, PA 51
First Natl Bank, Mc Kees Rock, PA. 24
Frist Natl Bank, Mercersburg, Pa. 10
First Natl Bank, Middletown, NY 55
First Natl Bank, Newport, PA. 15
First Natl Bank, O'Fallon, IL 25
First Natl Bank, Philadelphia, Pa. 20
First Natl Bank, Somerset, PA. 14
First State Bank Brownton, Minn. 9
First Trust, Mishawaka, Ind. 51
Edmund S Fitzgerald, Brooklyn, NY 20
Ernest A Fleischer, Brooklyn, NY 10
Mrs Mary E Foley, Washington, DC 20
Fort Plain Natl Bank, Fort Plain, NY 50
Frank H Foster, Claremont, NY 3
Mary Catherine Fowler, Summit, NJ 2
J D Frankel & Co., N Y C 25
Franklin county Bk., Washington, MO 10
John C Fraser, Putnam, Conn., 20
Thos. C Fraser, St. Louis, MO 37
Harry E Freshie, Philadelphia, PA 5
Frank E Freese, Boston, Mass. 6
Charles W French, Newtonville, Mass. 10
Mrs Elizabeth L French, Fall River, Mass. 9
Mrs Ella L Fridley, Minneapolis, Minn. 25
John P Fridley, Minneapolis, Minn. 75
Salome A Frost, Roxbury, Mass 4
Howard N Fuller, Albany NY 11
Maria Fummi, % Providence, RI 4
S Edward Gable, Lancaster, Pa. 100
Raymond N Gage Jr., Wenonah, NJ. 50
Henry J Gahagan, Chicago, IL 10
Edgar O Galloway, Hillsdale, Mich 25
Lizzie Galloway, Hillsdale, Mich 25
Miss Henrietta Gardiner, % Hartford, Conn 2
Horace A Gardner, Monett, MO 1
Miss Mary A Gardner, Fall River, Mass. 9
Julia Gartside, St Louis, MO, 10
Ruth A Garvin / Will Garvin, Sanford, MA. 11
Virgil C Gates, Boston, Mass. 10
Helen Mary Gauslin, Chicago, IL 10
Miss Jane E Gauslin, Chicago, IL 10
Carl Gerdau, N Y C 10
Arthur W Gibby, % East Boston, Mass .1
Arthur Gifford, Hudson, NY 25
Charles, I Gilliatt, Wollaston, Mass. 10
Jennie E Glines, Franklin, PA 5
Glove & Rutgers Ins, N Y C 45
Charles, S Godnick, N Y C 10
Herman Goedel, H Y C 10
Isidor Goldsmith, % N Y C 5
Goodbody & Co., N Y C 180
Francis Goodwin, Hartford, Conn 90
J Benjamin Gould, Hazleton, PA 100
Grange Natl Bank, New Milford, PA 10
William C Graves, % Chicago, IL 10
Miss Alice Gray, Andover, Mass. 20
Anna L Greenleaf, Elkhart, Ind. 85
J Eveleth Griffith, boston, Mass. 10
Kate M Gross, St. Louis, MO. 1
Gruntal Lilienthal Co., N Y C 1835
John L Guiater, Jr., N Y C 2
Haddonfield, Natly bank, Haddonfield, NJ 24
Edith Hallett, Asbury, NJ 3
C D Halsey & Co., N Y C 10
Hambleton & Co., Baltimore, MD 600
James G Hamlen, Portland, ME 6
Arthur F Hanal, % N Y C 100
J Neal Harris, % N Y C 100
Reese H Harris, Sorenton, PA 10
Harris, Winthrop & Co., N Y C 759
Harris & Fuller, N Y C 10
Barbaara / Mary Burton Harrison, dec'c N Y C 10
Virginia Randol ph Harrison, % N Y C 10
Robert L Harrison, N Y C 10
Harrison, Smith & Co., Philadelphia, PA 500
Louis Harth, Oglesby, IL 3
Sydney J Hartman, % Philadelphia, PA 4
Eclizabeth J Hasbrouck, Kingston, NY 25
Gilbert D B Hasbrouck, Kingston, NY 25
John M Hasbrouck, Gainerville, NY 25
Leander A Hestings, Worcester, Mass. 19
Mrs Helen W Hawkins, N Y C 1
Hayen, Stone & Co., N Y C 387
Jenny L Hayes, Rome, NY 20
Hugh Hazeelton, N Y C 4
M Bell Haxen (Will) Brooklyn, NY 33
Simpson C Heald, Wilton NH. 50
Edith B Heitmann, Stanford, Conn. 6
Margaaret Helme, N Y C 18
Hemphill, Noyes & Co., N Y C 310
Elilie J Hetfield, N Y C 25
Laura Hibbard, Cincinnati, Ohio 10
Susan N Hildreth, % N Y C 1
Charles W Hill & Co., N Y C 45
William Hill Nashua, NH 5
Hirach, Lilienthal & Co., N Y C 125
Kate Hodson, N Y C 18
Robert A Irving, Morrillton, Ark. 5
Alice S Irwin, % N Y C 10
Louis H Irwin, N Y C 10
A Iselin & Co., N Y C 57
Wm B Isham, N Y C 6
Jackson & Curtis, Boston, Mass. 200
Jaequelin & De Coppet, N Y C 531
W L Jarvis Co., N Y C 10
Miss Florence, C Jeffrey, Brookline, Mass. 1
Elizabeth L Jenkins, % Baltimore, MD 19
Helen Hartleyy Jenkins, % N Y C 60
Mrs Marion Winston Jenkins, San Francisco, Cal., 10
Jenks, Gaynne & Co., N Y C 175
Mary Brewster Jennings, N Y C 180
Jesup & Lae Mont(?), N Y C 300
Bert Johnson, % Detroit, Mich. 2
Hans G Johnson, Evenston, IL. 5
Jesse L Johnson, Providence, RI. 15
W B Johnson, % St. Louis, MO 18
Walter L Johnson, St Louis, MO 5
Mrs Maude S Johnson, N Y C 2
Paul Johnson, Harrisburg, PA. 100
Robert A Johnson, Harrisburg, PA 100
Josephthal & Co., N Y C 2,300
Benjamin C Jutten, N Y C 712
Harry B Kakas, Boston, Mass 5
Adolp hine Kallwitz, N Y C 5
Kean, Taylor & Co., N Y C 30
F B Keoch & co., N Y C 165
H Nelson Keane, Dedham, Mass. 5
Keene & Ward, N Y C 10
William Keller, N Y C 10
Mrs Julia F Kemp N Y C 10
Gollin Kemper, N Y C 10
Carlton L Kennedy, Roxbury, Mass. 10
Charles, E Kennel, Lehighton, Pa. 50
Edward J Kerr, Newark, NJ 10
Kerr & Co., N Y C 50
Thos. E Kester, Wrightstown, NJ 4
A M Kidder & Co., N Y C 96
Kidder, Peabody Co., N Y C 123
George C Kimball, Decd, % Grand Rapids, Mich. 9
Ellen A King, %Boston, Mass. 2
Emily H King, Northampton, Mass. 1
Gilbert M King, Providence, RI 6
Kenneth V King, Richmond, Cal. 20
Ralph R Kingsley, Ithaca, NY 10
George V Kirkwood, Los Angeles, Cal. 100
Helena L Knox, N Y C 16
C W Koenig, Monett, MO 15
Miss Louise B Krause, Chicago, IL 4
Mrs Anna D Kreitzer, %N Y C 100
Kutztown Natl bank, Kutztown, PA 10
John Lippitt Ladd, Norwood, Mass 5
Ladenburg, Thalman & Co., N Y C 128
Laidlaw & Co., N Y C 390
The Lancaster Trust, Lancaster, PA. 51
Landis Tool Co., Waynesboro, PA. 25
Carl J. La Rocca, N Y C 2
Amanda F Lauterbachm % N Y C 12
A Hicks Lawrence, N Y C 45
Wm M Lawson, N Y C 25
Les, Higginson & Co., Boston, Mass 125
Lehman Bros. N Y C 100
Frank P Leitzenberger, Woonsocket, RI 50
Therese Le Vino, % Washington, PS 12
Will of Alphons Lewis, N Y C 1
Frederick W Lewis, Swissvale, PA 2
Arthur Lipper & Co., N Y C 100
Daniel F Littlefield, Saco, ME. 50
Walter G Littlefield, Boston, Mass. 50
Livingston & Co., N Y C 113
Lloyd & co., N Y C 200
Julia B Lockwood, Norwalk, Conn 1
Manice de Forest Lockwood, Norwalk, Conn. 18
Logan & Bryan, N Y C 215
Lauchbwim, Minton & Co., N Y C 180
David J Loughlin, Phila. Pa. 10
Myron H Lounsbury, Hudson, NY 5
Hergeert C Low, Brookton, Mass. 10
R M Lowitz, N Y C 201
George E W Luehrmann, St Louis, MO 5
Bert T Lynch, Sorenton, PA 6
Patrick E Lynch, Fall River, Mass 10
Scyrene B McAskill, Boston, Mass. 25
William F Mc Call Jr., Philadelphis, Ps. 10
H F Mc Connell & co., N Y C 15
Mc Clure, Jones & Reed, N Y C 8
William L Mc Clure, Danville, Pa. 52
Leslie M Mc Crum, N Y C 18
Clayton A Mc Donald, Manchester, NY 3
Wm O Mc Donald, N Y C 65
Mc Donnell & Co., N Y C 169
Alice E Mc Fadon, % Quincy, IL 7
H W Mc Gill, %St Louis, MO 6
Margaaret Mc Gurl, Minersville, Pa. 5
Mrs Alberta H Mc Intire, Springfield, Mass. 20
Francis P Mc Intyre, Boston, Mass. 10
Samuel T Mc Kercher, Kinney, Minn. 5
James F Mc Millan, Detroit, Mich. 31
Mabon & Co., N Y C 5
Mac Arthur & Co., N Y C 80
James A Macdonald, N Y C 70
William N Mac Kenzie, % Bridgeport, Conn. 25
David W Mac Nillie, %Chicago, IL 10
Madrid Bank, Madrid, NY 10
Katherine E Mairs, Irvington, NY 7
Mary St. I Mairs, Irvington, NY 1
Edward Nellinckrodt, Jr., %St. Louis, MO. 78
Manchester trust, Manchester, Mass. 14
Thos. L. Manson & Co., N Y C 100
Marks & Graham, N Y C 50
Miss Gedorgia Marsh, N Y C 7
John A Marsh, Jamaic Plain, Mass. 50
George W Martin, N Y C 5
Annette L Marshall / Herny G Marshall, Milford, Conn. 1
George S Marvin, Brooklyn ,NY 25
Mrs Grace C Marvin, N Y C 14
Jesse R Matson, Perry, NY 5
Gharles, D Matthews Jr. Sikeston, MO 28
C Howard, Maynadier, Cambridge, Mass. 1
G Howard, Maynadier, Cambridge, Mass. 4
Maary E Mead, Greenwich, Conn. 6
Medomack Nation. Bank, Waldoboro, ME 5
M J Meehan & Co., N Y C 100
Merchants Mutual Fire, Providence, RI 27
Merchnts Natl Bank, Boston, Mass. 133
Margaret B Millar, % N Y C 40
Mrs Cora H Miller, Toledo, OHIO 4
John B Miller, Sligo, Pa. 10
John M Miller , N Y C 50
Henry S Miller, Dorchester, Mass. 15
Miller & Co., N Y C 105
Millers River Natl Bank, Athol, Mass. 50
Millheim Banking Co., Millheim, Pa. 10
Minera Deposit Bank, Lykens, Pa. 10
Lydia P Mitchell, % Providence, RI 21
Henry B Montgomery, N Y C 12
Will of John G Moore, N Y C 45
Moore & Schley, N Y C 10
John Moran, Pine Orchard, Conn. 100
George F Morgan, N Y C 2,500
Reed A Morgan & Co., Phila, Pa. 10
Barbara Warden Morris, Phila, Pa. 12
Copeland Morton, Baltimore, Md. 11
Robert W Morville, Jr. Jamaica Plain, Mass. 24
Asa B Moseley, Princeton, IL 10
F S Moseley & Co., Boston, Mass. 1
Joseph C Moser, Milwaukee, Wis. 20
Frank E Mott, Boston, Mass. 20
Wilson S Moyer, Coopersburg, Pa. 5
John Muir & Co., N Y C 15
Spencer M Mumby N Y C 4
Munds & Winslow, N Y C 500
% Anexander Ector Orr Munsell, Boston, Mass 4
George Nadsan, Woonsocket, RI 100
Natl Bank of Rising Sun, Rising Sun, MD 51
Naatl Bank & investment, Chicago, IL. 23
Natl Fire Ins of Hartford, Hartford, Conn. 210
Freank L Naylor, Berkeley, Cal. 100
Neensh State bank, Neensh, Wis. 10
J L Newborg & Bro. N Y C 250
Katherine H Newall, % Boston, Mass. 1
New York Life Ins. N Y C 36
Niagara co. Natl. Bank, Lockport, NY 77
John G Nichols, % Chicago, IL 10
William W Nolen, Cambridge, Mass 2
Albert A Northrop, % Boston, Mass 10
Noyes & Jackson, N Y C 200
Howland A Nye, N Y C 14
Oberlin College, %Cleveland, Ohio 62
Mrs Mabel Bradford Olds, % Washington, DC 5
Jas H Oliphant & Co., N Y C 60
Emil W Olson, Winthrop, Minn 5
Edward E O'Reilly, Chcigo, IL 1
Wm C Orton & Co., N Y C 4
Orvis Bros & Co., N Y C 200
Oawego Natl Bk, Oswego, NY 24
DeVer O'killiams, Haarpersville, NY 20
Paine, Webber & Co., N Y C 712
Franklin H Palmer, Boston, Mass. 10
John Palmer, Butler, Pa. 100
James Lee Pardee, %Hasleton, Pa 18
John W Paris, % Prairie Du Chien, Wis 26
Parkinson & Burr, Boston, Mass. 10
Frances Parkhurst, Wappingers Falls, NY 5
Parrieh & Co., N Y C 266
Douglass Ewell Parshall, % N Y C 10
Harry W Paull, Wellsburg, W. Va. 50
Will of Henry Pearce, Providence, R I 21
Michael W Pendergast, Hutton, Md. 10
Penna. Natl. Bank, Pottsville, Pa. 51
Mary Penniman, % N Y C 45
Peoples Natl bank, Wayneeboro, Pa. 51
Henry F Perkins, La Grande, Oregon 144
Howard E Perry, Portland, ME. 200
Jennie Perry, Brooklyn, NY 7
Walter A Perry, Boston, Mass. 40
William Peters, % N Y C 5
Gustav A Reuse, Milwaukee, Wis. 10
George Teuter, N Y C 5
Carlton H Reynolds, % N Y C 1
Frank C Rice, Saco, Me. 15
Richardson, Hill & Co., Boston, Mass. 15
Isaac d Richheimer, N Y C 10
Henry Riiedel, % Hannibal, MO 10
Arnold F Rieggar, % N Y C 30
F F Bistine & Co., N Y C 25
Fred H Roberts, Springvale, Me. 10
James B Robertson, Seranton, PA 10
William A Rockefeller, % N Y C 10
Margaret S Hoebling, Somerset Co., NJ 36
Washington A Roebling, Trenton, NJ 500
Frank Rodgers,, N Y C 50
Roosevelt & son N Y C 74
Bessie C Rose, Otto W Rose, %St Louis, MO 6
Mrs Irene Roasiter, Claremount, NH 2
Mary St. John Rudd, Norwich, Conn. 3
Russell, Miller & Carey, N Y C 20
St. Louis Union Trust, St Louis, MO 1
Frances A F Saltonetall, % Boston, Mass. 7
Adolf Sands, N Y C 10
Sanford Natl. Bank, Sanford, Me. 41
Sartorius, Smith & Loewi, N Y C 50
Farnk Scheldenbels, Evenston, IL 51
John H Schouter, Grand Rapids, Mich. 10
Schuyler, Chadwick & Burnham, N Y C 42
Joseph H Schwarts, Plymouth, PA 10
John T Scott, Watertown, NY 10
Manara J & W Seligman & Co., N Y C 150
J & W Seligman & Speyer, N Y C 5,265
Stanley M Sells, Columbus, O. 10
John L Seward, East Orange, NJ 15
Frank A Shanley, % N Y C 25
Cardiner Howland Shaw, %Boston, Mass. 5
Gardiner Howland Shaw Ben. Amy S. Warren, % Boston, Mass. 4
Frank J Shen N Y C ,5
Irvin D Sheaffer, Jeddo, Pa. 10
John T Scott, Watertown, NY 10
Mohara J & N Seligman & Co., N Y C 150
J & W Saligman & Peyer & Co as Reorganization Managers under the plan & agreement Nov. 1, 1915,, N Y C 5,265
Stanley N Sells, Comumbus, O. 10
John S De Hart Jr., John L Seward, East Orange, NJ. 15
Frank A Shanley, % N Y C 25
Gaardiner Howland Shaw, % Boston, Mass. 5
E Schier Welch & Francis Shaw, Amy C Warren, % Boston, Mass 4
Frank J Shaw, N Y C 5
Irvin D Sheaffer, Jeldo, Pa. 10
Sheareon, Hammill & Co., N Y C 76
Joseph Atwell & Geroge W Knowlton, Charlotte L Shepard, % Watertown, NY 2
Frederick T Sherman Jr., %N Y C 2
Olyn H Shuey, Piedmont, W. Va. 10
Harry Siegfried, St Louis, MO 200
Mrs Rosmond T Skillin, Easton, Md. 5
Charles M Skinner, St Louis, MO 51
Jessie V Slaughter, Evanston, IL 12
H B Slaybach & Co., N Y C 200
Horace T Snedley, Glassboro, NJ 3
Agnes Smith, Boston, Mass. 6
Edward S Smith & Co., N Y C 20
Jamees C Smith, Eusley, Ala. 10
John N Smith, Philadelphia, Pa. 50
Lon K Smith, %N Y C 25
Malcolm C Smith, Pittsburgh, Pa. 10
Stanley Smith, Philadelphia, Pa. 50
W De Garmo Smith, Poughkeepsie, MY 4
John A Snadon, Pennaboro, MO 3
Mrs Olivia Soehrens, Wallingford, Conn. 7
Somerset trust Co., Somerset, Pa 14
Thomas Sommerville, Chicago, IL 10
John L Spaulding Jr., Dorchester, Mass. 4
Chauncey B Spears, % N Y C 12
Ethel D Spears, % N Y C 12
Samuel M Spedon, % N Y C 4,200
Springs & Co., N Y C 50
Julis Stark, Brooklyn, NY. 19
Frederic W Steadley, Carthage, MO. 15
Charles Steinberg, % Union, NJ. 5
Elizabeth C Stavens, Boston, Mass. 9
James H Stewart, Pittsburg, Pa. 200
Charles F Stickler, South Bend, Ind. 5
Albert Stone, Jr. Boston, Mass. 3
Orra L stone, Boston, Mass 5
Charles O Strahley, N Y C 10
Laawrence W Stratiner, Piedmont, W. Va. 7
John F Street, Pawtucket, RI 9
Strong, Stugis & co., N Y C 300
Helen C H Strouse, Altadena, Ca. 100
Lester L Studley, Boston, Mass. 10
Danial, B Sullivan, New Kensington, Pa. 40
William B Sutton, %Kansas City, MO. 6
Thomas N Synnott, Philadelphia, Pa. 200
Lydia, B Taft, Milton, Mass. 5
Tate & Hays, N Y C 10
Taylor, Bates & Co., N Y C
John Taylor, Scranton, Pa 10
Joseph B Taylor, N Y C 10
Julian D Taylor, Waterville, Me. 46
Taft, Halsey & co., N Y C , 100
Mary G Thaxter, % Portsmouth NH. 1
Mrs Bertha L Thomas, Oakland, Cal. 20
J D Thomas, Piedmont, W V. 5
Ralph M Thomas, Brooklyn NY 200
Edger H Thompson, Brockton, Mass. 40
Josiah V Thompson, II, Uniontown, Pa. 5
Ruth F Thompson, New Haven, Conn. 5
Thomson & Mc Kinnon, N Y C 56
Frank Tilford, %N Y C , 129
Daniel A Tobin, Pittsburg, Pa. 100
Tower City Natl Bank, Tower City, Pa. 15
St Louis Union Trust of Willard A Towler, deci. St Louis, MO 32
J J Townsand & Co., Chicago, IL 100
Edward C Trainer, Dorchester, Mass. 5
Spencer track & co., N Y C 329
Adelard Trinque, Woonsocket, RI. 200
Lawrence Trunure & ccCo., N Y C 4
Harry M Tuthill, Bridgeport, Conn. 1
C Colton Tuttle, N Y C . 1
William P Tuttle, Chicago, IL 100
United States Trust Co of NY., N Y C . 169
Union Trust Co of Md., Baltimore, Md. 27
Natl Bank of Comm. A-C Edward Vanderpoel , N Y C 24
Eugene L Vansant, Philadelphia, Pa. 200
Mary Weghte Veeder, Johnstown, NY. 15
Shelley D Vincent, Wilford, Mass. 10
E W Wagner & Co. N Y C 8
Joseph Walker & Sons, N Y C 9
Louise Cobb Walker, % Boston, Mass.105
Gustav Waltere, Vinelandd, NJ 10
Albert E Warburton, Dorchester, Mass. 20
Edward Waarburton, East Braintree, Mass. 15
Wardwell & Adams, N Y C 260
Ware & Tranter, N Y C 5
Warner & Co., N Y C 50
H W Warnken, N Y C 234
Charles B warren, Detroit, Mich. 10
Washington trust Co., Westerly, RI. 125
Arthru J Waterman, %Boston, Mass. 97
Geo J Watson, N Y C 2
T L Watson & Co., N Y C 394
Fred E Wattles, Penacook, NH. 3
John F Welchk, Roxbury, Mass. 5
C E Welles & Co., N Y C 20
Royal S Wentworth, Chelsea, Mass. 50
Clarence B West, Hartford, Conn. 5
Western Tie & Timber Co., St Louis, MO 32
Stanley M Bolster, - Nathaniel O Whitcomb, Roxbury, Mass. 15
Earl H White, Rolfe, Iowa 7
Whitehouse Co., N Y C 5
Albert H Whitin, % Worcester, Mass. 16
H N Whitney & Cons, N Y C 600
St Louis Union Trust of Emily C Wickham, dead. St Louis, MO 9
Percival Wilde, Sharon, Pa. 10
Haarold, S Sillis, % N Y C 5
J R Williston & Co., N Y C 10
Alanson H R Wilson, N Y C 600
William F Wilson, % N Y C 25
Winslow, Lanierr & Co., N Y C 500
Thos F Woodlock, Mt Vernon, NY.50
W J Wollman & co., N Y C 355
Wilson & Chardon, N Y C 10
Wallace B Woodruff, Williamsport, Pa. 10
Theodors J Woodard, Ashland, Wis. 5
Halen H Woolworth, % Watertown, N Y 7
Thomas C Worden, Chicago, IL 100
Wrenn Bros & Co., N Y C 20
John C Wright, Rochester, NY 20
William D Wright, Marblehead, Mass. 10
John F W Wuarth, N Y C 20
Clarence A Young, Oakland, Ca. 100
Clarence B Young Atlantic City, NJ. 100
Clarence B Young, Philadelphia, Pa. 100
Frank J Zach, % Chicago, IL 10
Erich Zaterchler, N Y C 10
This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate list of Stock holders with their holdings of St. Louis San Francisco Railway Co. according to our records at the close of business April 7th, 1923
(signed) J. G. Newbury,
Assistant Secretary