Huron County Sunday School Union Program
*Note: This contains little historical information. The reason I include this in the site is to give an idea of how churches ran their programs


Quarterly meeting will be held in the U. B. Church, Hartland, Thursday, October 23d, 1879.


10:00   Devotional exercises.
10:30   Reading Minutes and Reports
10:45   Bible Reading in the Home, Hon. E. Bogardus
11:00   How shall we cultivate in our pupils a love for the study of the Bible.
      Rev. G. A. Reader, North Fairfield
11:20   How to teach so as to lead the children to Christ, Mrs. Kate Christian.
11:30   Conversion of Children, Rev. C. C. Creegan.
11:50   Discussion.
12:00   Recess


1:30   Devotional Exercises.
1:40   Culture of the Conscience, Rev. E.W. Wells
2:00   The Teacher�s Work. How to do it, Rev. J. W. Cowan.
2:20:   What is Gospel Temperance? How shall we teach it to our S. S. scholars, Mrs. Corwin.
2:30   Discussion
3:00   Twelve practical questions previously assigned to persons from different parts of the County to be answered in 5 minutes addresses or essays.
4:00   Closing Exercises.

M S. MILES, D. E. CHAFFEE, J. J. OVERMYER, Comm. of arrangements.

  All pastors and lay workers in the Sunday School field in our own or enjoining counties, are cordially invited to be present and participate in the discussion of the above questions.

D. E. COLE, Cor. Sec�y.
C. E. NEWMAN, President.

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